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XCOM 2 |OT| Be Aggressive! Be Be Aggressive!

I see why they recommend not starting on Commander. I've handled the in-battle part fine, but I've made a bunch of missteps on the strategic layer from not being familiar enough with the game.

I love what adding the timer to missions and concealment to the game has done to it. The pace of combat is so much better than XCOM.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Gotta say, I am loving the turn limits.

I was worried, because I like to move slow, turtling, using over watch. I play very defensively.

These turn limits force me to take risks with the soldiers I have grown attached to, makes me think of new tactics, adapt on the fly, makes class abilities much more meaningful, and overall makes for a more tense and fun experience.


Gotta say, I am loving the turn limits.

I was worried, because I like to move slow, turtling, using over watch. I play very defensively.

These turn limits force me to take risks with the soldiers I have grown attached to, makes me think of new tactics, adapt on the fly, makes class abilities much more meaningful, and overall makes for a more tense and fun experience.



The game is imbalanced. It's also buggy as hell. Hopefully they improve on both those as well as the absolutely fucking abysmal performance.


i really don't like starting new relatively complicated games on hard unless i know i can't change difficulty afterwards, especially something like xcom where I know there's a thousand systems i gotta learn how to use.


This is just my observation, but shots in the 80-89 percent range seem to be more reliable this time around. Of course if I find myself in full cover and in a good position, I'll often just let it rip (rather than take the overwatch penalty), and hit a fair number of lower percentage shots. It really does balance out IMO.

Really, the only time I find it funny is when shots are being missed from point blank range on opposite sides of cover. Whoever posted that Naked Gun gif really hit the nail on the head. So good.


Yeah, point blank shots are hilarious in this game.

Though I don't seem to be having as much luck as you. I had, back-to-back, a 97% chance from concealment shot miss and then an 85%. Kinda wrecked that mission.


I did feel like the new rookies still have like 80% hit chance at point blank range or melee, which kinda feels low, but I guess that's why they're rookies. That said I'm the master of missing 90%+ shots and on my first (commander) playthrough I've already resorted to dirty savescumming several times to save me from squad wipes. I'll leave the pure ironman legend run for later once I actually know the game mechanics, and I know a faceless can
jump three stories to the rooftop and whack half my team dead in one hit when he should have absolutely no clue my soldiers are up there.
Overall I feel the AI sometimes in this game and the previous has a bit of a cheat when it comes to magically knowing the positions of all your soldiers so they can move precisely to the best position to counter it in a way no human would. That said I'm incredibly happy XCOM 2 has the new LOS indicator so at least I don't have to guess if I can shoot them or not.

LOS indicator, the way point system and the ability to CLOSE FUCKING doors are such great additions, I can't believe they weren't in EU. If only friendly fire could be implemented somehow...


Is there a way of seeing how far enemy units are able to move? Though I guess it doesn't really matter since you need to be so aggressive


LOS indicator, the way point system and the ability to CLOSE FUCKING doors are such great additions, I can't believe they weren't in EU. If only friendly fire could be implemented somehow...

I suddenly feel stupid for not realizing that closing doors might actually be beneficial.
Do Faceless normally get a free set of moves when they "turn" on the alien's turn? Ran into one for the first time and even though I didn't trigger it on my turn, it changed over and went ham on me without me having any chance to react.

The current early game incarnation of Legend seems much harder than EU 2012 Impossible (which was a hilariously frontloaded difficulty). Don't be fooled by some of the prelrease campaigns going around-Firaxis took off the kid gloves in the release date build. The long wound timers and the added HP maul you for using anyone with an assault rifle, as they simply don't do enough damage and don't have enough range and crit bonuses to work for reliable flank kills.

Once you get a squad size upgrade it eases up quite a bit.
Posting, then bailing for a bit
to avoid spoilers

The GMG discount code still worked. Just bought it an hour ago and am slowly watching it download


Gotta say, I am loving the turn limits.

I was worried, because I like to move slow, turtling, using over watch. I play very defensively.

These turn limits force me to take risks with the soldiers I have grown attached to, makes me think of new tactics, adapt on the fly, makes class abilities much more meaningful, and overall makes for a more tense and fun experience.

Every time you have no choice, but to run through overwatch to get to the evac point in time, it's like an action movie.


LOS indicator, the way point system and the ability to CLOSE FUCKING doors are such great additions, I can't believe they weren't in EU. If only friendly fire could be implemented somehow...

You can't rocket shoot your teammates anymore?


You can't rocket shoot your teammates anymore?

No rockets. But you can grenade your own just fine. You can even grenade civilians on non-terror missions and the game doesn't care.
Not that I have done it! I mean, I did, but I had to kill a snake and they were on the floor above.
But it's not like I enjoyed it!


GAF's Ed McMahon
Are the story missions maps randomly generated too ? I was watching someone play one of the early VIP rescue missions, and the evac point was just next to it. Not to mention the VIP location was on a van out in the open.

When i did it myself, evac point required 3 full sprints to reach from the VIP location and he was located deep inside a building. I barely made it out alive and had to leave one guy behind.


Game suddenly became more dificulty when
Last mission had two of them plus another new tough enemy plus reinforcements.
That was rough. Three gravely wounded and 1 dead.

I'm enjoying the game, but man... now i need to play something less stressful.
2 Serpents and a Sectoid in a narrow corridor? Game over man, game over. They just snap you in and poison you while the rest of the team just uselessly flails around shooting rounds anywhere and everywhere except the FUCKING TARGETS!



No rockets. But you can grenade your own just fine. You can even grenade civilians on non-terror missions and the game doesn't care.
Not that I have done it! I mean, I did, but I had to kill a snake and they were on the floor above.
But it's not like I enjoyed it!

Oh I see. LOL

Went on a supply raid, went swimmingly until my main ranger got Stunlanced and my secondary ranger missed the killing blow on the dude and then died of poisoning while my heavy got constricted and then my specialist got constricted and now I'm watching my Marksman get constricted to death and it's just like DUDE REALLY.

Total party wipe... gonna have to be strong here.


2 Serpents and a Sectoid in a narrow corridor? Game over man, game over. They just snap you in and poison you while the rest of the team just uselessly flails around shooting rounds anywhere and everywhere except the FUCKING TARGETS!


God created grenades and grenade launchers for these moments.

Fuck aim. Explode all the things.


where do I get alien alloys?

I restarted and rushed to magnetic weapons, but to my surprise I haven't found any alloys. In my previous run I found a big pile by clearing out debris...


Second one bites the dust and boy I did not see that coming, mission was already brutal as hell and then BAM! It turned into a slaughter by one unit but luckily the other three only fall to critically wounded or it would have be much worse.
Just hit a 33% shot I needed to prevent a rookie dying.

It works both ways!

Haha, I just had the Repeater's 5% chance for insta-kill trigger for maybe the 4th time in this campaign
on the Gatekeeper defending the Psionic gate
when it had almost full health and armor. Almost certainly prevented a bunch of casualties on my side. That's XCOM baby.

How do you abort missions that don't have an evac point?

There's an icon on the top right of the screen labeled EVAC that lets you throw a flare (doesn't cost an action) for extraction.


Is anyone running this on the surface book by any chance? My desktop blew up and i am wondering if i should even bother downloading this on the sb.
God created grenades and grenade launchers for these moments.

Fuck aim. Explode all the things.

All the grenades were gone, man. Already used em by that point! It's just a constant game of "Well, I want to hit em this turn, so I'll use my precious grenades."

"Ooop! Looks like there's 3 more waves of enemies, AND THEY ALL HAVE BULLET REPELLING EYES!"


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Do snipers still get the move and shoot perk?
Just had my first holy shit flying by the seat of my pants, white knuckle ride mission. Everything had been going well for the Incendiary Resistance Force - we'd had some wounded soldiers, but nobody had died yet. That was about to change.

I finally finished researching the Skulljack and my team got wind of an Advent supply train we could rob. I thought this would be a good time to take my new equipment for a test drive.

The following file is redacted for possible spoilers - BE ADVISED: only read if your Resistance Force has researched Skulljack capabilities.

Four man team - Ranger, Grenadier, Sharpshooter, Specialist. We advance and come across a lone Advent Soldier and Officer. What? Our mission is to Skulljack an Officer? How fortuitous! My Sharpshooter (Geralt of Rivia) headshots the soldier, leaving his brains splattered across a tree. The officer scampers for cover...directly into the path of my waiting Specialist, who Skulljacks the fuck out of him. She wipes the blade off, information acquired - mission accomplished, right?


As I plan to move forward further past the train, suddenly out of nowhere a fucking alien appears right next to my (previously still concealed) Ranger! Fuck! Suddenly my entire team is flanked by this Codex thing. But it's okay, we can salvage this. The Grenadier blows up its cover and takes a chunk of its health...WHAT IT CLONED ITSELF? FUCK YOU, ALIENS. Things get out of hand. My Ranger takes out the original Codex with a shotgun blast, but Codex #2 disables three of my team's weapons, leaving them out of ammo. But it's okay, we can recover...except another fucking squad of aliens shows up - and this one includes a fucking FORMER THIN MAN ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.

My team manages to hold it together, but barely just. My Ranger says "Ammo? Where I'm going I don't need ammo!" and slashes the fuck out of the Codex #2. Except it clones itself again, but this time so far away the clone is out of the battle for at least a turn. Which my team needs. My heavy uses her auto-reload (thank fuck for that perk) and wipes out Codex #2. My sniper has to get down and reload, unfortunately, but my Specialist is able to take out one of the Advent soldiers. However, she gets royally fucked by the Advent Stun Lancer and is stunned, while the Viper misses its shot. Despite being taken off guard, my team recovers (because they're the resistance, humanity's last hope) and easily takes out the Stun Lancer. Unfortunately, the Viper has great cover, so the sniper has no luck and the Ranger has to move around to get in a better position to Slash. And this is when Codex #3 shows up and tries to mindfuck my Specialist...but no dice. I use my flashbang to disorient the Viper and keep it out of commission while my Specialist puts her assault rifle into the Codex's mouth and blows its brains out at point blank range. Codex finally down - mission actually accomplished.

Now we just have the Viper left. I move my Specialist up the train to try and flank it, while my Ranger gets into position to Slash it. My Sharpshooter takes up a better sniping spot...and then the Viper runs away. Fuck. Scaredy shit. It's okay, I'll just send my Ranger up to follow it...

...to discover its joined a squad of a Sectoid and two more Advent Troopers.


My Specialist is boned. The pod scatters to the wrong side of the train - she's now surrounded and none of the rest of my team can get to her. Even if she retreats, she's going to be able to be flanked. Four against one - not good odds. But she has a high shot chance against the Viper - with a 50% crit chance because of flanking. With a crit, she can kill it and maybe, just maybe, she might walk away from the mission. She hits the Viper...but it doesn't do enough. It still stands. The Specialist bravely fights off a poison cloud from the Viper, but an Advent Trooper rolls up behind her and puts two in her chest, one in her head. My Specialist is gone, despite succeeded in both Skulljacking an officer and killing the Codex herself. On top of that, the Sectoid resurrects another Advent trooper as a zombie, and my Ranger panicks due to watching the Specialist die (she was already Shaken from a previous mission).

In the span of one turn, my team goes from 4 against 1 to 5 against 2. This mission has gone from close success to likely failure.

The Grenadier and Sharpshooter team up and take out the zombie - with all their special ammo expended, they have to take the easy kill. And then it goes from bad to worse as the Viper tongues my Grenadier and binds her up. The Advent Trooper on one side of the train goes into Overwatch - the other Advent Trooper takes pot shots at my panicked Ranger, and the Sectoid just scampers around laughing as it looks like the resistance is all but finished. But my team doesn't go down without a fight. First - Geralt, Sharpshooter Extraordinaire, makes a miracle shot from one side of the train to the other - he threads the needle and kills the Viper, freeing my Grenadier. Second - the Grenadier bounces back immediately and delivers a gatling gun strike with extreme prejudice to the overwatch Trooper, blowing him to smithereens. Third - my Ranger recovers from panic and dashes forward, slicing the other Advent Trooper into two halves.

The tables have turned again. It's 3 pissed off resistance soldiers versus one fucked Sectoid.

The Sectoid doesn't go out lightly. It mind controls my Ranger (who was Shaken, and now after panicking and being mind controlled will probably spend the rest of her life gibbering in a mental hospital) and sends her after my Grenadier. She takes the sword slash like a champ, but between her gatling gun and Geralt's rifle, the Sectoid goes down and we're able to save the Ranger from the grip of mind control.

My team came back harried - our first loss, two gravely wounded soldiers...but we won. We beat those alien bastards.

God I love this game.


Oh my no.

That op title within context to this game is triggering.
What're you doing you heathen?!

Too much trauma getting wrecked in EU to rush in like Rambo.

Punkass range tactics keep me alive
Do Faceless normally get a free set of moves when they "turn" on the alien's turn? Ran into one for the first time and even though I didn't trigger it on my turn, it changed over and went ham on me without me having any chance to react.

The current early game incarnation of Legend seems much harder than EU 2012 Impossible (which was a hilariously frontloaded difficulty). Don't be fooled by some of the prelrease campaigns going around-Firaxis took off the kid gloves in the release date build. The long wound timers and the added HP maul you for using anyone with an assault rifle, as they simply don't do enough damage and don't have enough range and crit bonuses to work for reliable flank kills.

Once you get a squad size upgrade it eases up quite a bit.

There is a massive difference in heal time between commander and legend mode. Gravely wounded in legend means around 30days of recovery whereas its 7 days in commander mode. Hell even construction time is increased massively on legend. Also god dam sectoids spam mind control on legend mode but only uses disorient on commander and below.


I'm getting really fed up of cover seemingly doing nothing for me but might as well be a barrier for the AI. I'm not even playing on a hard difficulty.
There is a massive difference in heal time between commander and legend mode. Gravely wounded in legend means around 30days of recovery whereas its 7 days in commander mode. Hell even construction time is increased massively on legend. Also god dam sectoids spam mind control on legend mode but only uses disorient on commander and below.

? Gravely wounded on commander has been 3-4 weeks. Around a week is when my soldiers just get "wounded".
The LOS indicators on the enemies are nice, but there are occasions where I want to move my soldier to a position where I can't see the enemies on the same screen.


Okay, I must suck at this game because I've lost so many of my soldiers at this point. This game is the biggest gut punch, there's no game that's close to it, IMO.


The LOS indicators on the enemies are nice, but there are occasions where I want to move my soldier to a position where I can't see the enemies on the same screen.

They should have red lines that trace back to the enemies assuming you have LOS, that way you don't have to keep looking for enemies to double check.


The LOS indicators on the enemies are nice, but there are occasions where I want to move my soldier to a position where I can't see the enemies on the same screen.
Hold down the middle mouse button/mousewheel to zoom out temporarily. Very useful for situations like this.


Avatar progress question:

Should I be concerned if the aliens have four points on the Avatar progress bar, and I haven't even done the first blacksite mission yet?


Avatar progress question:

Should I be concerned if the aliens have four points on the Avatar progress bar, and I haven't even done the first blacksite mission yet?

you'll have chances to knock it down a peg or two. Certain story points and Alien Facilities.
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