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XCOM 2 |OT| Be Aggressive! Be Be Aggressive!


I swear its a lot harder to get resources and think opening up new regions is annoying especially as limited making contact so when trying to find dark projects its annoying.
I wouldn't mind a separate slider for combat and geoscape difficulty, similar to the Total War games. I could definitely do with more breathing room with the Avatar project and the way difficult missions just seem to stack up.


It's pretty bad that they let you set evac points anywhere on like every mission except those ones. It's one of those things done for difficulty that just isn't consistent with the rest of the game and really stands out.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I swear its a lot harder to get resources and think opening up new regions is annoying especially as limited making contact so when trying to find dark projects its annoying.

thats why building the resistance communication early is so important


Man I am just barely hanging on in My ironman game...just got out a black site with 5 gravely wounded and one captured unit. Crazy stuff. I tried to stealth the whole thing and then it all came down around my ears as my squad sprinted to the evac zone covering each other. Aidan panicked right at the end as everyone else grabbed their rope and got the fuck out. Aidan got knocked out and captured, but maybe I'll find him one day....
I wouldn't mind a separate slider for combat and geoscape difficulty, similar to the Total War games. I could definitely do with more breathing room with the Avatar project and the way difficult missions just seem to stack up.

The two are way too linked to really do that. Having played some Commader difficultly tonight to see how big a difference is between Legend and Commander, it's clear that about 90% of the added challenge in the tactical layer is due to the massive differences in how the strategic layer and it's pressures work out.


Codexes aren't bad when you realize they are cloning themselves everytime they are damaged and splitting their health. So just need to make sure to engage them when you know you can nuke the splits and leave them relatively alone if discovered too late in a turn.

If they are in a group I grenade them, which brings it down to half or less health, which then splits into two which tend to have like 3-4 health and pretty much any soldier can mop them up.

They are also great candidate for fixed damage / accuracy abilities like the early Gremlin and Psi attacks.
I just finished Tomb Raider and was about to get underway. Reading through this thread and the performance thread, am I better served playing something else and waiting for a patch or 2?
The game's getting too easy now. Flash bang/mimic+rangers=op. I don't even try and still slaughter everything. My only issue is too many missions.


Finally got a chance to boot it up yesterday and today after going on a massive character creation spree. When does the tutorial end? I want to switch to Ironman but I haven't got a chance yet. I just finished the first
Terror/Retaliation Mission
Also, I've unlocked an early mission
that they labeled as 'tough' about going to some alien blacksite
Do I need to do that?

So far, it hasn't been too bad. I haven't lost anybody but the first mission
two tutorial guys
but many on my squad have been injured and needed to sit out.


I just finished Tomb Raider and was about to get underway. Reading through this thread and the performance thread, am I better served playing something else and waiting for a patch or 2?

It's a strategy game performance is meaningless. Just turn down some graphics its turn based.
Is it just me, or does the 'doomsday' bar fill up really quickly on Commander difficulty? I lost my first Ironman run because of this, but I'm not sure what I could've really done to prevent it since I had to connect 3 regions to get to the nearest advent facility. I spent like two months trying to get the intel and resources I needed, but there just wasn't enough time.


Finally got a chance to boot it up yesterday and today after going on a massive character creation spree. When does the tutorial end? I want to switch to Ironman but I haven't got a chance yet. I just finished the first
Terror/Retaliation Mission
Also, I've unlocked an early mission
that they labeled as 'tough' about going to some alien blacksite
Do I need to do that?

So far, it hasn't been too bad. I haven't lost anybody but the first mission
two tutorial guys
but many on my squad have been injured and needed to sit out.
You are way past the tutorial. It's pretty much just that first mission with the two forced deaths and the following cutscene.
Is it just me, or does the 'doomsday' bar fill up really quickly on Commander difficulty? I lost my first Ironman run because of this, but I'm not sure what I could've really done to prevent it since I had to connect 3 regions to get to the nearest advent facility. I spent like two months trying to get the intel and resources I needed, but there just wasn't enough time.

AT least on Legend, you have to beeline your way to a advent site on your continent more or less ASAP. You can also use a facility lead research to be able to randomly get access to any existing installation in the world (this allows you to take out sites that you otherwise could not reach).
I have enough resistance slots and resources are manageable. Main problem is intel, always low probably cause I'm spreading like a virus. :p Oh and too many missions, give me a break damn it, just want to have some fun on the strategic layer doing minor things.

Never had a problem with the timers instead. 8/12 are more than enough for 99% of the missions. There was a single mission which was literally impossible in 8 turns and had to savescum but that happened only once, probably a badly generated one.
I've started poking around in the XCOM 2 SDK and I've discovered 2 things:
1. This shit is super user unfriendly if you're a novice.
2. I think all the XCOM:EU laser weapon assets are in there, so you can rebuild them and add another tier to the tech tree.


Okay so here are all the bugs I'm experiencing on a ~16 hour save:

-Soldier animations not playing while moving
-Cutscene animations hitching up/not playing
-Destruction animations play maybe a quarter of the time they should
-Doors do not animate
-Enemies can walk through walls on patrol
-Regular enemies can see soldiers who are outside through solid walls
-Attacks that should be bound by geometry clip through walls (viper tongue, etc)
-Enemies can melee through walls without destroying them
-Soldiers will sometimes not be able to perform any actions, have to mash tab to cycle through soldiers until their actions are available again or reload the save
-Soldiers will fall through floors that haven't been destroyed and take damage
-Enemies launch straight up in the air if killed from a higher position (this one is at least hilarious so it can stay)
-Game gets stuck between actions and can take up to 15 seconds to move to the next action

Anyone else getting this stuff? It's becoming ridiculous.

I had a mission where a Berserker made the camera wobble during his enrage animation, but the wobble persisted when I returned to the isometric view. It was really hard to click where I wanted to go after that.


I had a mission where a Berserker made the camera wobble during his enrage animation, but the wobble persisted when I returned to the isometric view. It was really hard to click where I wanted to go after that.
Wait... That's what happened? I had a mission where the camera got drunk, and that was just after killing my first Berseker.

The camera in general is just annoying. It drifts all too much and tries to be way too friendly in showing what it think I want to see. No, I don't want to see the objective. I'm trying to aim a grenade. No... I don't want to move the camera back to my solder, I'm looking over here. Just... don't moe unless I tell you to. Stop helping!


Just lost my first ironman game on legendary after 10 successful missions when all I did was to step one tile to far with one unit and hell broke loose. Only one sniper made it out of this mission and the next one was a Retaliation mission which I had to take rookies on. All died except the one sniper because I evaced him. Now I am out of soldiers and lost funding and the project is more than halfway done...Legendary is so unforgiving.


During a hacking attempt whats the formula to calculate roughly what percentage you'll get (I mean presumably theyre showing the tech stats for a reason). I dont think the percentages they show are your chance, rather just where you need to get to on the bar.


Starting to get in a much better position now after building up more contacts and radio towers, getting better weapons, more engineers, less wounded soldiers, and the AWC (that thing is a life saver!!!)

Only worrying thing is the avatar project is now at 7 blocks cos I've left the story progress for quiet a while, plus I'm low on intel for unlocking missions =/ Best finally get back to cracking the story now!
Alright, I'm slowly realising that Specialists are a must during timed missions. Their high hacking score can give huge benefits that go beyond the encounter--like permanent buffs or global changes. And their remote hacking can change everything during tight encounters. Plus all of the innate utility the class has.
During a hacking attempt whats the formula to calculate roughly what percentage you'll get (I mean presumably theyre showing the tech stats for a reason). I dont think the percentages they show are your chance, rather just where you need to get to on the bar.

I think it's just character's hacking score vs. target's hacking score deciding the weighting, with a random 1-100 roll deciding the result.


I've completed EU&EW couple of times on hardest difficulty/ironman but this game is kicking my ass! I got my ass handed to me in the first mission so I dropped the difficulty to the second one but still I am always losing at least one soldier per mission. I don't know if I forgot the ropes or the game is brutal this time around but I am loving it.


I do wish they had changed things up so exp isn't so tied to who gets the deathblow. Makes leveling utility characters kind of a chore. Psi Operatives are wonderfully freed from this since they rank up in the Psi Lab, but it should've been a consideration across the board given the design of the specialist class.


Just started the game was a few missions in and had a save vip mission. They said that there's another evac zone but the icon from the original was still there and I lost track of the new one because it was off screen. I ran my guys there after a rough firefight forgetting the new one and I couldn't exfil. So by the time I got close to the other evacuation site I ran out of time and lost the mission and my guys. Why would they keep the old icon on screen if it's not avaliable anymore. :(


Oh yeah. Ironman veteran done!

Last mission was half boring half best moment of the game.
I don't know if I was literally on my last turn, but I was definetly overwhelmed and wouldn't have survived much more.
57% pistol shot saved the earth in the end.
-Game gets stuck between actions and can take up to 15 seconds to move to the next action

Anyone else getting this stuff? It's becoming ridiculous.

I get this one a lot. It, along with the long load times, is making the game really painful to play.

It's unfortunate, because otherwise this is such a massive improvement over XCOM.
Oh yeah. Ironman veteran done!

Last mission was half boring half best moment of the game.
I don't know if I was literally on my last turn, but I was definetly overwhelmed and wouldn't have survived much more.
57% pistol shot saved the earth in the end.

Any tips for normal difficulty?
I do wish they had changed things up so exp isn't so tied to who gets the deathblow. Makes leveling utility characters kind of a chore. Psi Operatives are wonderfully freed from this since they rank up in the Psi Lab, but it should've been a consideration across the board given the design of the specialist class.

Yeah, I'm no expert on this genre but not having the exp be damaged based instead of kill based forces you to make not so great tactical chooses just to insure that a rookie gets a kill, which I wouldn't think the devs would really want to encourage.
Second mission on Commander Ironman. Sectoid gets flashbanged, still manages to crit and kill the grenadier in full cover through a solid wall.



Oh yeah. Ironman veteran done!

Last mission was half boring half best moment of the game.
I don't know if I was literally on my last turn, but I was definetly overwhelmed and wouldn't have survived much more.
57% pistol shot saved the earth in the end.

Awesome, I had a very similar moment in the last game with one guy left :p
Yeah, I'm not expert in this genre but not having the exp be damaged based instead of kill based forces you to make not so good tactical chooses just to insure that a rookie gets a kill, which I wouldn't think the devs would really want to encourage.

Rookies exist to soften enemies and mop things up... or die trying.


Any tips for normal difficulty?

Gunslinger is a killing machine, grenadier on the explosives path is a monster, healing is barely useful early game, but indispensable on endgame, same with hacker, so carry your specialists while they suck.

I have much more wisdom to share, but now I will sleep, this was one of my longest gaming sessions ever. I must have played at least 12 hours today.


Not that he done it alone by any means, but my Gunslinger killed at least two sectopods. The skill where he fires the gun thrice at the same enemy was my "I need that thing dead and I need it now".


Been reading through this thread and it seems like saying there are performance problems is a bit of an understatement.

Anything truly game breaking or is it just a lot of minor problems?

Any adjustments you make to increase performance?
Been reading through this thread and it seems like saying there are performance problems is a bit of an understatement.

Anything truly game breaking or is it just a lot of minor problems?

Any adjustments you make to increase performance?
I made a modded BaseEngine.ini that tweaks UE3's settings so that it streams textures better, better uses multicore shader stuff, and ups the minimum/maximum framerate, plus some MIP things:

It's optimized for a four core CPU and a GPU with 3GB+ VRAM, but there's instructions on how to tweak it for different hardware.




Been reading through this thread and it seems like saying there are performance problems is a bit of an understatement.

Anything truly game breaking or is it just a lot of minor problems?

Any adjustments you make to increase performance?

I'm (temporarily) playing on a laptop with a GPU half of the min requirement and playing just fine, though it's not pretty (or smooth).


Oh man the PSI ability Stasis works on like, anything. I figured it was a percent use thing. Nope, you can lock out a Sectopod for an entire turn.

Had an Alien Facility with two popping up right next to each other. Was a life saver.

So much destruction on that map though that it the facility was half gone in the firefight. Had to "mount" the explosive in mid air.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Mech shows up near the end of a kidnap vip mission, jumps on the roof to bombard my 3 guys inside the building, proceeds to blow up the floor under itself and lose half his health from the drop. My guys only took 3 damage each.

Too bad i proceeded to miss a 92% shredder on the next turn lol. Still killed it with someone else and finished the mission with no deaths


I absolutely love sword Rangers so far but seeing everyone talk about gunslingers makes me think I've messed up. Snipers seem super nerfed now. Can't hit the broadside of a barn.


My Sharpshooter is now north of 60 kills. So they're not nerfed. They kinda aren't great for the first few levels though.

Get them a Spider Suit ASAP.
I absolutely love sword Rangers so far but seeing everyone talk about gunslingers makes me think I've messed up. Snipers seem super nerfed now. Can't hit the broadside of a barn.

I'm only on veteran, maybe mid game? But my all sniper tree sharpshooter is great on base missions with no timer. Throw her up in a tower and she pops people while my grenadiers shred armor.
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