Let's get to the point here - in a finely tuned and knife-edge balanced campaign, these small +1 or +2 HP buffs could be the difference between winning or losing. In the absoloute Grenade-powered snowball that is vanilla, these buffs are welcome but entirely overwhelmed by the same thing that made snowballing in pre-release builds just as easy - when you have 100% reliable cover destruction and aoe damage on call for every fight of a mission, you are taking the RNG out of the game. EU Heavies were known for their ability to do this. XCOM 2 Grenadiers are EU Heavies that can move and shoot grenades, shoot grenades twice, get crit damage and all sorts of other buffs to their grenades, and even get all sorts of different flavours of grenades to be useful for every single scenario imaginable.
I'm confident Firaxis are aware of this and, with their new attention to balancing for the top difficulty, will tune Grenadiers accordingly in a way that benefits the game and everyone who plays it. For now, it is simply burying ones head in the sand to act as though some miniscule HP buffs are enough to counteract that. Those buffs were clearly not aimed at fixing Grenadiers or snowballing. They were small tweaks to fine tune Legend for the average player. Acting as though they are relevant in this context or that they would counteract this much snowballing is delusional.
In other words, to repeat what I said in my original reply to you, more or less:
Just having 1 or 2 of your starting 4 suffer grevious wounds because you can't just 0 turn every pod due to more HP and slightly less brain dead sectoid behavior alone can slow down a snowball.
No, because the Sectoids still prioritize reanimate and mindspin before shooting in every situation I've seen bar disorientation, and because +1/2 HP does not stop you from removing the cover of every enemy you meet and then taking simple followup shots on them.
I hope if this discussion continues it can do so with a more amicable tone. It seems many people have a problem with me since X2's release. I'm not sure why.
tl;dr Grenadiers make X2 into a gear check instead of an RNG-focused battle, and implying that miniscule HP buffs change that (or were ever targeted at changing that) is misguided.