Guys I'm pretty confused. I did the first "quest" I believe for BLADE where I
Now I just have a prompt saying "Notice from Blade HQ: To comment a story mission accept it at the BLADE barracks!", but it seems everything in there has requirements I don't yet meet (explore % of Primordia/Level).
At this point, am I just supposed to go do whatever and pick up quests throughout NLA? Explore and install probes? I loved XCX but this all seems so overwhelming.
Also, I am being asked to join a squad every time I start the game up, and just go for the "immersive single-player experience" one. Now I have a "squad mission"on the bottom right of my screen with a timer and apparently members, but I have no idea what that means. Help?
I want to love the game but so far it does not at all have the same charm as XCX. It's really weird to see cars and whatnot in the game. The battle system is top notch though, and the world outside of NLA seems nice.