So I got my Skell earlier today and it's great. I just love jumping around and "skyriming" my way up mountains. Can't wait till I can fly.
I've not long finished Chapter 7 and one level away from starting Chapter 8. I kind of wish the story missions were just a series without having to do "side" stuff like certain affinity missions or survey x% of an area. I want to know more of the story and advance the plot but every mission I need to take an hour or so and do side stuff. I kinda miss how it was in Xenoblade where you just go from point to point. I mean, I understand why it's here I'd just prefer if I could do that stuff when I wanted to and do story when I want to like other Openworld games. I don't need to be forced to do side stuff here.
I really do think this game nails the openworld stuff. There are huge areas to explore and after ~30 hours you get upgraded movement to get around faster which you appreciate after all that time on foot (though you do move very fast on foot when sprinting). There is a lot of variety in the locations and it really feels like a planet. Most openworld games end up feeling samey due to the lack of variation. Fallout games are all wasteland and even though Fallout 4 does mix it up very slightly with one or two other places it's still the one environment. The Witcher 3 looks fantastic but really it's just fields, city, Nordic islands, villages. Here there is desert, plains, jungle, (I assume snow and laval but not got there yet) and they look vastly different from each other and there are even visual differences between different parts of the same zone. Plus the stuff with sidequests. You have the fully voiced Affinity Missions that give more character development, the non-voiced Normal Missions that contain some boring fetch quest stuff but also some really interesting stuff and all the stuff in the world like probe points, salvage thingies, viewpoints/landmarks etc. It even has a pretty good management thingie with the probes and linking them etc. If this was any other dev I'd feel like that would be full of Micro-transactions for better probes.
I'm loving this so far. Not quite as into the story as I was with Xenoblade but I think it's because one of the early twists is just making me question things too much that the game just won't answer. Plus Xenoblade's story was one that had real drive. It started as a revenge story and I loved that and then it just got more and more interesting until right at the end where it became a standard JRPG ending pretty much. Here I just feel like the characters are just waiting around until they get told to go somewhere. Like they aren't being proactive.