Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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What's the best weapon to pair up with a photonic saber?
Currently using a sniper rifle just cause I like the design lol

I like the photon saber moveset even though it's probably not the best weapon in the game but can't find a ranged one that pair up nicely with it :/


Does anyone know where's Yelv's 2nd affinity mission? It's supposed to be in the administrative district, and I already have all requirements, but it's not appearing on my map.

There's one in front of the bounty board, have you done that one?


Finally finished the game. First time with the final boss I got bodied. All my level 30 skells went down. Second time I said screw it and went on foot on my main and infinite overdrived the motherfucker.
I went back to my skell so I can use Phoenix for phase 2/3 the one where you have to fight a lot of those things. I used overdrive again on Lao and he went down fast.

That sequel bait. X2 is coming out next year right?!
I finally took down a Xe-Dom. It took the rest of my team acting as a distraction for the most part (its gravity attack could almost one combo my level 50 Skell but yeah that is gravity for you when you have -80 gravity resist). Of course in 5 attempts I succeeded twice and it didn't drop the item I needed for a quest (also it was getting tedious having to travel back to New LA to get the Skells repaired) so reward tickets it was.

The objective that followed I ended up having the follow ball take me on a tour of most of Cauldros because I didn't know I have the ability to
disable the red barriers now
and only decided to follow ball once I was above the objective.

The quest in mind involves the
Delfinian and Professor B. I picked the tickle option. Wonder what the other option would have done.

In other news I got a load of
killed. Don't ask me these
what is good against this when I one shotted the bloody things with Phoenix

Does anyone know where's Yelv's 2nd affinity mission? It's supposed to be in the administrative district, and I already have all requirements, but it's not appearing on my map.
The one that requires 4 hearts affinity is in the commercial district near where Bozé is.
After over 78 hours and still only finishing chapter 4 I'm finally going to put the game down and finish up the past Xeno games.

I'm level 29, Blade level 9 and maxed out one of the six class branches and am on another one.

Did two heart-to-hearts with Lin and Gwin (who I kept running into), one with Elma, Irina, Yelv, H.B. and Hope. I'm pretty sure Doug's is in the afternoon but I'm not far enough story wise to access it.

Explored all I could of Primordia, Noctilum and Oblivia. I'm missing like three probes in the latter two.

It was super fun going through stuff on foot as opposed to waiting for a Skell. Also running up rocks to avoid detection.

Did the Mia and May normal quests as well as several others. Loved the characters in this game.

Will maybe occasionally put it in to collect squad bonuses and do some Squad missions for tickets. But I probably won't as I'll put something else in my disc drive.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish up in the summer.


Where do I get the pets? I already maxed out my affinity with Elma, Lin and Gwin but I just want to see the extra heart-to-hearts and they need to have pets to trigger the event.


It was super fun going through stuff on foot as opposed to waiting for a Skell. Also running up rocks to avoid detection.

This is what's holding me up from getting a Skell too. I really like seeing how much I can accomplish without a Skell. I know the world's boundaries are going to change a lot so it just feels nice getting as much out of it as I can with these limitations still in place, y'know?

Where do I get the pets? I already maxed out my affinity with Elma, Lin and Gwin but I just want to see the extra heart-to-hearts and they need to have pets to trigger the event.

you need to do the Nine Lives affinity Mission
I got this game as a gift and I've literally never played more than 5 minutes of an RPG in my life. I want to get into it.

Is such a thing even possible or is it too much to learn for someone who has zero experience?


I already did that, even rescued pets on normal missions after that affinity quest, but still they don't appear at the designated spots and time for heart-to-hearts.
oh, hmm, maybe they need to be set as active in the Barracks? not sure

edit: I guess that's it
This is what's holding me up from getting a Skell too. I really like seeing how much I can accomplish without a Skell. I know the world's boundaries are going to change a lot so it just feels nice getting as much out of it as I can with these limitations still in place, y'know?

As long as you're picking up mining points along the way of your quests, you should be able to do a decent amount without them.

From my understanding is that the Skells follow a classic vehicle formula, where the first Skells you get essentially act as a boat and a way of climbing over obstacles, and then the Flight Module is your airship.


I got this game as a gift and I've literally never played more than 5 minutes of an RPG in my life. I want to get into it.

Is such a thing even possible or is it too much to learn for someone who has zero experience.

This game has a lot of different gameplay mechanics to know about even by RPG standards and it doesn't do an amazing job of walking you through them. Still, if you read the manual it should be fine and it won't take long, maybe someone has a link to a better guide to explain the basics though.
If any of you plan to idle your game for money, make sure you do it offline, because if you get that disconnect notification, the anti-idle mechanism will activate and you will collect nothing. If that happens, you'll have to make some kind of input before the game can idle again.


I have all the items for May's "Mayhem" quest but whenever I talk to her, nothing happens.

No glitches my ass.
The only thing I can think of is that you've put one of the items you need into the collectopedia. It won't "unmark" the items if you've had the necessary amount collected at one time, but don't anymore.

Try to check in your inventory or (for an alphabetical list) at the online console in the barracks if you really have the required amount.


Still trying to explore Cauldros purely on foot.
Climbed all the way up the big mountain while avoiding all those level 50+ enemies and collecting treasure. Got surrounded by enemies at the peak and lept all the way down towards the ruins only to find a new landmark as well as Tobias for a sidequest.
I fucking love this game.


That's it. I am getting a Wii U. The DC was my fav console, and the Wii U is basically it. What's wrong with me? (Oh yeah I am broke, but I don't care.)

Phew. Feels good to decide that. So many games to look forward to (in addition to my Steam backlog... ugh!) X looks amazing and I need to be in it.


Okay chapter 10 is bogus. Anyone have some good tips regarding the boss?

4 lv30 skells (preferably heavy ones). At least 2 heavy ones I'd say.
Always respond to soul voices (meaning actually leaving one of each art ready, and not using it immediatly).
Augments on your skell.

Edit: Oh, and G-Buster. It helps.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own

God, that is going to take me forever, I haven't even touched the two northern continents and I'm deep into the 60 hours.

At least I'm helping NLA people I guess... except for the Celeste Trio quest. What in the world!? I pray for the people that take that quest without at least a Skell or at least a well geared party.

You a mediator?


Dumb question: Why is my skell randomly switching to a weird first person view that seems to do nothing? (except pissing me off)

I'm now level 40 / 70 hours in, and keep collecting sidekicks, most of them doesn't look very interesting.

Planning to do some more side stuff before going back to the main chapters in Sylvanum.


The only thing I can think of is that you've put one of the items you need into the collectopedia. It won't "unmark" the items if you've had the necessary amount collected at one time, but don't anymore.

Try to check in your inventory or (for an alphabetical list) at the online console in the barracks if you really have the required amount.
OHMIGOSH, that was actually the case!

Thank you SOOO much.


That's it. I am getting a Wii U. The DC was my fav console, and the Wii U is basically it. What's wrong with me? (Oh yeah I am broke, but I don't care.)

Phew. Feels good to decide that. So many games to look forward to (in addition to my Steam backlog... ugh!) X looks amazing and I need to be in it.

Well that's a bad combo, otherwise I would happily sign off on this. Try to be as reasonable as possible^^


Dumb question: Why is my skell randomly switching to a weird first person view that seems to do nothing? (except pissing me off)

I'm now level 40 / 70 hours in, and keep collecting sidekicks, most of them doesn't look very interesting.

Planning to do some more side stuff before going back to the main chapters in Sylvanum.

It's the cockpit view. It's a special scenario that resets all the cooldown of your skell arts plus it makes you invincible during that period. Pretty useful random occurrence.


Dumb question: Why is my skell randomly switching to a weird first person view that seems to do nothing? (except pissing me off)

I'm now level 40 / 70 hours in, and keep collecting sidekicks, most of them doesn't look very interesting.

Planning to do some more side stuff before going back to the main chapters in Sylvanum.

Cockpit time is basically a freebie for Skell combat. You're invincible while it's active (though still susceptible to interruption-based status effects) and all of your arts are immediately recharged for deployment.


Dumb question: Why is my skell randomly switching to a weird first person view that seems to do nothing? (except pissing me off)

You mean when the camera switches to cockpit mode? On occasion, when you stun an enemy, all of your arts for your skell will automatically refresh and you can use them in continuous succession for a short time. The camera change is just for aesthetic purposes, and I think it looks cool.
This is what's holding me up from getting a Skell too. I really like seeing how much I can accomplish without a Skell. I know the world's boundaries are going to change a lot so it just feels nice getting as much out of it as I can with these limitations still in place, y'know?

you need to do the Nine Lives affinity Mission

For the most part it seems from what I remember a lot of stuff looks unreachable but you can actually get their from another path.

In fact everytime I would reached and area through finding a the certain footholds that allowed me to jump high enough to which it I would explore for a while and events end up in an area I had already been to but just hadn't seen this path. It happened like five times.

Most of the impossible to reach stuff on Noctilum and Oblivia are stuff on high mountains on the coast, especially to the North.

Sylvalum doesn't feel like a place you should explore without a mech. Not only is stuff pretty high leveled but some enemies feel designed for mechs. In fact the first thing one of the guys at the Blade rest area said when I stepped foot on the continent was that Sylvalum is different than past continents and should be explored with a mech.

I mean I still reached Cauldros and could probably explore more but it's definitely more wide open that the prior continents and just felt much more boring just running acres the expanse. Especially as unlike the prior continents I felt a real disadvantage without a mech.

Now I kind of want to go back and see how much I can explore...


Dumb question: Why is my skell randomly switching to a weird first person view that seems to do nothing? (except pissing me off)

I'm now level 40 / 70 hours in, and keep collecting sidekicks, most of them doesn't look very interesting.

Planning to do some more side stuff before going back to the main chapters in Sylvanum.

It doesn't do nothing, it resets all your cooldown and makes you invicible for as long as it lasts. Be happy when it happens.
It's randomly triggered when you use an art.
I got this game as a gift and I've literally never played more than 5 minutes of an RPG in my life. I want to get into it.

Is such a thing even possible or is it too much to learn for someone who has zero experience?

You'll be fine. Just read the ENTIRE digital manual (Home button > Manual) and be sure to ask this thread if you need help. A lot of it will make sense once you're playing, but there's definitely some obscure stuff that everyone gets hung up on when first playing.

Going from 5 to 5095038598340958 is going to be quite a shock.


Well that's a bad combo, otherwise I would happily sign off on this. Try to be as reasonable as possible^^

Nah I am not BROKE broke. Just in the middle of moving (expensive here in Seattle) so I should be a bit more conservative, but the U is cheap enough to count as a side luxury :)


If any of you plan to idle your game for money, make sure you do it offline, because if you get that disconnect notification, the anti-idle mechanism will activate and you will collect nothing. If that happens, you'll have to make some kind of input before the game can idle again.

So you have to be offline from the start to idle? How do you idle in the first place without the anti-idle noticing?


For the most part it seems from what I remember a lot of stuff looks unreachable but you can actually get their from another path.

In fact everytime I would reached and area through finding a the certain footholds that allowed me to jump high enough to which it I would explore for a while and events end up in an area I had already been to but just hadn't seen this path. It happened like five times.

Most of the impossible to reach stuff on Noctilum and Oblivia are stuff on high mountains on the coast, especially to the North.

Sylvalum doesn't feel like a place you should explore without a mech. Not only is stuff pretty high leveled but some enemies feel designed for mechs. In fact the first thing one of the guys at the Blade rest area said when I stepped foot on the continent was that Sylvalum is different than past continents and should be explored with a mech.

I mean I still reached Cauldros and could probably explore more but it's definitely more wide open that the prior continents and just felt much more boring just running acres the expanse. Especially as unlike the prior continents I felt a real disadvantage without a mech.

Now I kind of want to go back and see how much I can explore...

Yeah exactly, I think as much as I'm looking forward to getting Skells, I feel like a lot of the fun of trying to find those paths will immediately be lost.

I still have a lot of sightseeing spots to find in the first three continents too.


Yeah exactly, I think as much as I'm looking forward to getting Skells, I feel like a lot of the fun of trying to find those paths will immediately be lost.

I still have a lot of sightseeing spots to find in the first three continents too.

That was my concern as well, I had way too much fun trying to reach some places, but skell jumping opens up new areas you can't reach on foot, and some require finding a good path to reach them anyway. Be sure to enjoy that before getting the flight module.

It was rather well handled imo, the game gives you enough time before allowing you to fly.


Anyone having connection issues? I keep getting disconnected from the servers which is incredibly annoying. Only started happening a few hours ago, zero problems with the game's online before this, and my internet is fine.


Did you guys buy 4 Amdusas at level 50? Wondering if I should just stick to the one I have now and buy cheaper models for the rest of the cast.
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