Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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72 hours in, and I'm finally going to get my skell. I should probably stop forcing arbitrary level caps on myself before each chapter. Getting to level 30 for Chapter 6 took way longer than I expected. :B


HI, looking for a little basic assistance:

1. I have a quest objective to get 4 white comatite from FrontierNav. I found a node that can have white comatite and dropped a level 7 mining thing on it and then headed off to do other stuff. After at least 2 hours I haven't gotten any white comatite. What am I doing wrong?

2. The same quest also asked for two parts from a robot enemy. I had one already but had no idea where this enemy was other than "Primordia" in their data entry. I wound up just buying this one item with tickets. Is there any way to find a specific enemy type other than using the Internet?

3. Are you permanently stuck on a story or affinity mission once you pick one up?

Thanks for any help.
Yes, that's why you're advised to save before taking on any affinity missions.

Yeah, the game itself actually recommends this.

Really weird that they didn't just let you abandon them, but it probably causes a lot of worldstate/continuity problems, if I had to guess.


HI, looking for a little basic assistance:

1. I have a quest objective to get 4 white comatite from FrontierNav. I found a node that can have white comatite and dropped a level 7 mining thing on it and then headed off to do other stuff. After at least 2 hours I haven't gotten any white comatite. What am I doing wrong?

2. The same quest also asked for two parts from a robot enemy. I had one already but had no idea where this enemy was other than "Primordia" in their data entry. I wound up just buying this one item with tickets. Is there any way to find a specific enemy type other than using the Internet?

3. Are you permanently stuck on a story or affinity mission once you pick one up?

Thanks for any help.

1: You're not doing anything wrong. Chain together nearby ones for greater effectiveness maybe? I'm convinced that Lin's early mission where you can get stuck on it needing things through FrontierNet is only there so that you never forget to place mining probes on nodes with resources. Later in the game there are several quests that will ask for these materials, and they're used to craft gems/weapons/skell stuff much later on.

2: Nope.

3: Yep.


Can’t stump the diablos
Man that boss during chapter 10 is stupid.

I have four skells, two heavies and I still get overwhelmed. Welp.

Go kill prone in south sylvania. Get an orange G-buster and orange Phoenix for each of your skells.

It will feel as easy as a tutorial battle after that.


You a mediator?

At least until I get like 10 Tickets and then going to move to Mediator for the TP Gain when using Arts.

Just got jumped by a rock turned scorpion thing on a cliffside during chapter 6. Level 40 motherfucker
Ugh, for some reason they always scare me because I always think "Maybe this time is just for bluff, maybe it's just an idol or something..."

The Goat

Decided to snag this off the eShop last night. 20gig download, so I leave my Wii U on to download. Checked it, looked to be downloading fine. Was almost finished after about 2 hours. Fire up the WIi U this morning, the download was paused. So I unpause it in the download management area. I see that it says not connected to the internet, which is weird, because I was able to browse the eShop and use the internet browser. So I go back to download management, says connected, then disconnected. Then connected. Then disconnected. -_-

I'm about to toss the Wii U in the trash. Does the LAN adapter actually work? Or, if anyone has a good fix for this WiFi problem, please, let me know. Reddit and Nintendo's own connection page have proved to be useless. Also, my router is nearby, and the connection strength is 100%. Every other wifi device connects no problem.
I really dislike the "goofy" music that plays during any silly scenes like the Tatsu food bits before each story mission.

Ugh, for some reason they always scare me because I always think "Maybe this time is just for bluff, maybe it's just an idol or something..."

Its camouflaged so well too. When I went back the second time, it just looks like a tree but then it comes to life and one hits you and you're dead. I basically just jumped and jumped and clung on the right side as much as I could and then bolted towards the cave entrance lol. This game is also a survival horror.

I jumped off my seat the first time. Legit scared.


Decided to snag this off the eShop last night. 20gig download, so I leave my Wii U on to download. Checked it, looked to be downloading fine. Was almost finished after about 2 hours. Fire up the WIi U this morning, the download was paused. So I unpause it in the download management area. I see that it says not connected to the internet, which is weird, because I was able to browse the eShop and use the internet browser. So I go back to download management, says connected, then disconnected. Then connected. Then disconnected. -_-

I'm about to toss the Wii U in the trash. Does the LAN adapter actually work? Or, if anyone has a good fix for this WiFi problem, please, let me know. Reddit and Nintendo's own connection page have proved to be useless. Also, my router is nearby, and the connection strength is 100%. Every other wifi device connects no problem.

Well, if they specially made a Lan adapter for the Wi, it should work, no ?

Seems like Westerners are really liking this. Why did the game get such a cold reception in Japan?

It didn't.
Chapter 6:

Yeeeaahhhhh, about time the cat people started showing up. I'm a big fan of the Wrothian's designs from the art book so I'm excited to see them finally show up in the story.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
72 hours in, and I'm finally going to get my skell. I should probably stop forcing arbitrary level caps on myself before each chapter. Getting to level 30 for Chapter 6 took way longer than I expected. :B

Leveling up gets really easy once you have a team of well-equipped skells. The game is kind of broken in that many level 40+ enemies can easily be taken down with a level 30 skell, and the way EXP scales based on your level relative to the enemy's means you get insane EXP.

Presumably you have a lot of cash if you took your time getting your skell license. You should be able to put together a ridiculously powerful skell team.


So any tips for the ground gear Rexoskell fight the cave in the Definian Downfall quest?

Im lvl 60 with a lvl 55 party and I can't even deplete 10% of the boss's healthbar before I get wiped out.


Just got level 50 and am about to start chapter 12. Anyone recommend a level I should be for it? Ive heard it helps to have a level 50 skell. I was about to go buy one of the skells and holy hell are they expensive!! Now i gotta find some way to make a ton of money.


Seems like Westerners are really liking this. Why did the game get such a cold reception in Japan?
well Japan audiences in general have awful taste, but regardless, it didn't. Some people just clung to the few overtly negative ones and let that be their opinion for them instead of actually playing it.


Any tips on beating Vainamo the Bellower for Tobais's quest or just general combat tips? I'm level 43.

I posted this strategy a few pages back:

Man, the third quest for Tobias sure is a wakeup call to anyone thinking they can sleepwalk through Skell combat.

Despite being level 39, the Tyrant can easily rip apart your Skells, even with high evasion, and the ground game just isn't happening period. The strategy that ultimately worked for me was setting up each of the Skells with healing shields on both arms to repair destroyed arms and to offer up more physical resistance, and creating a kind of bind trap to minimize the amount of time he has to attack with the shoulder weapon that has a high chance of staggering if you're being targeted by the enemy. I wound up being the one more often than not doing the binding, and with how quickly the shoulder weapon cools down, I got a good rhythm going and minimized the Tyrant's impact. It seems like breaking his legs is also a good idea, since he'll use his ground pound far less when they're gone.

That being said, I attempted it enough times to be overjoyed that the final hit was my Skell's big rail gun shooting him in the face. Fuck him and fuck Tobias.


Learn to overdrive.

I mean how am I supposed to implement the overdrive here? At best I will be able to use it twice in a row and thats if I am not being targeted because I die too quickly.

Plus overdrive isnt gonna do anything on a fight that I can barely dent the enemy, there's somethimg else that I am doing wrong and its not lack of using overdrive.


I really dislike the "goofy" music that plays during any silly scenes like the Tatsu food bits before each story mission.

The overuse of that one theme is really annoying for me as well. It's a serviceable enough piece on its own, but it gets incredibly grating when it seems to make up a good quarter of the cutscene music. Which can sort of apply to the 'tatsu not food' joke as well...editing was needed.

Yeah, that is one of the major gripes I have with the character designs in the game aside from the creepy real doll faces.

There's absolutely no need for shape shifting aliens that could look like literally anything to wear some sort of bondage outfit designed to show off tits and ass. Same complaint about the female Kilrathi as well as those female Ganglions. Just shitty pandering that makes me think less of the designers (because they think so little of their audience).

Is there a female alien antagonist in the game who isn't dressed like a dominatrix? Even aside from concerns of taste, the fact that every single one had to be a sexy Halloween costume was just kind of boring - it'd have been a lot more effective if those design elements were thought about for a second as anything more than a way to show that they're evil and have tits; or just applied to one character rather than all of them.

Especially in the case of
the Delfinians - as shapeshifters, they had free reign to come up with completely non-human, non-humanoid designs
, and ended up with a brown girl in a thong as the ultimate expression of alien otherness.

Though while I find the Prone's gender dimorphism to be kind of cliche, the female
Tree Clan Prone
designs are pretty good at avoiding this, as well as being less eye-searingly terrible compared to the male ones. Those hands...


HI, looking for a little basic assistance:

1. I have a quest objective to get 4 white comatite from FrontierNav. I found a node that can have white comatite and dropped a level 7 mining thing on it and then headed off to do other stuff. After at least 2 hours I haven't gotten any white comatite. What am I doing wrong?

2. The same quest also asked for two parts from a robot enemy. I had one already but had no idea where this enemy was other than "Primordia" in their data entry. I wound up just buying this one item with tickets. Is there any way to find a specific enemy type other than using the Internet?

3. Are you permanently stuck on a story or affinity mission once you pick one up?

Thanks for any help.

1) Just bad luck, I assume. I got them all really quickly with high level mining probes, but I already had multiple probe locations that can yield white cometite

2) There is an in-game bestiary that's useful for quests like these (under "intel" in the menu). You can sort by enemy type, like "theroid" and "mechanoid" and then look at individual enemies and their characteristics like defenses and item drops.


I'm so stupid. I knew that if you mastered a class tree, you unlock their weapons to use in another class. But I completely dismissed it, because I figured then you wouldn't have access to any of the arts for those weapons anyways if you were using another class.

I didn't know that equipping the weapon from another class lets you use all those weapon's arts from the other class too. They appear in the arts menu once you have the other weapon equipped :(

This changes everything :/


Yeah, I'm running into the point of the game (level 50-ish, Ch.10-ish) where some quests have you go after tyrants you can't do a simple G-Buster move on to deplete half their health, and their attacks can easily deplete a huge chunk of health for your entire party, even in level 50 skells.

Are there any special strategies for the Archaeological Level 5 tyrant in Cauldros? It's level 62 and my party can take off a portion of its health, but it also deals out severe damage that ends up wiping everyone out.

Also, I wish there were a way to preview which arts come with which skell weapons you purchase, because I pretty much have no idea what arts I'm going to have until I go into battle (unless there actually is something in the menus I can look at, and I've just missed it). Sometimes I'll equip what looks like a really cool piece of gear based on its stats, but it'll end up having a pretty useless skell art attached to it.


Also, I wish there were a way to preview which arts come with which skell weapons you purchase, because I pretty much have no idea what arts I'm going to have until I go into battle (unless there actually is something in the menus I can look at, and I've just missed it). Sometimes I'll equip what looks like a really cool piece of gear based on its stats, but it'll end up having a pretty useless skell art attached to it.

There is a button for that, one of the shoulder buttons iirc


I know that you can get various bonuses with Overdrive based on the color combo, but I have no idea how.

is there a list of all these combo?

Press R when phrchasing Skell Weapons to see the arts.
nice. I thought you couldn't see them.

btw, I tried the "affinity cheese" with normal missions but it doesn't work.


Press R when phrchasing Skell Weapons to see the arts.

There is a button for that, one of the shoulder buttons iirc

Thanks! Man, I could have sworn I read the sub-menu controls and didn't see anything for that... well, it'll be useful from this point forward.

Also what are personal patches?

Aren't those one of the division rewards you can claim daily at the barracks terminal that you can use in battle? I saw some for healing your entire party, refueling all your skells by 3000, etc. I think you use them in battle (after you've obtained them) by bringing up the command sub-menu with the + button. Maybe personal patches are for group healing skells? (there's also one for healing your team on the ground too).
Leveling up gets really easy once you have a team of well-equipped skells. The game is kind of broken in that many level 40+ enemies can easily be taken down with a level 30 skell, and the way EXP scales based on your level relative to the enemy's means you get insane EXP.

Presumably you have a lot of cash if you took your time getting your skell license. You should be able to put together a ridiculously powerful skell team.

MMMM, sounds tasty. Those crocodile ass monsters hanging around Oblivia are about to get a nice surprise next time I head there.

And yeah, it looks like I have more than enough cash to buy skells for the whole crew.
Grinding for the next chapter begins anew. <3
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