Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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I've played the game about 8 hours and I absolutely love it.


That song that plays in the Administrative District is sooo bad and annoying. And now it's stuck in my head. There's no way to turn that off is there?


I've played the game about 8 hours and I absolutely love it.


That song that plays in the Administrative District is sooo bad and annoying. And now it's stuck in my head. There's no way to turn that off is there?

uh uh oooooh oooooooooh ooooh oh






That song that plays in the Administrative District is sooo bad and annoying. And now it's stuck in my head. There's no way to turn that off is there?

There are two different songs, one for daytime, another for night. But, no, you can't turn it off.


Lol I have just spoiled myself big time by searching the name of the E3 2013 trailer song. (name itself is not a spoiler, but when it is used is)

Damn wikis.
I beat the story. Game was dope and I want another serving. Cleared it with sixty-something percent survey rate. My character was 100% lightsaber with a Ramjet assault rifle for TP-boosting. Favorite party is L, Nagi, and Irina. Speaking of Nagi, are there any high level longswords that look like his starter nodachi?
How / where can I get more mining and storage probes after Chapter 6? I plan on grinding for a few levels and getting my Skell license. Need more $$$

Cant seem to find Kirsty at her usual location.

The overuse of that one theme is really annoying for me as well. It's a serviceable enough piece on its own, but it gets incredibly grating when it seems to make up a good quarter of the cutscene music. Which can sort of apply to the 'tatsu not food' joke as well...editing was needed.

I wouldnt have minded if they used more of the Barracks music in those scenes. It sounds chill and casual enough.

I've got the full soundtrack on YouTube bookmarked for work listening lol

Night themes for the 5 zones are the best.

Oblivia night theme is GOAT tier. Noctilum is a solid second. The continent themes in general are excellent.

Primordia is like the best first level theme I've heard in a long time. Really does an excellent job of establishing the setting and what the player is in for.


Blah, I haven't seen the Marry Me basic quest pop on the board ever. Any way to get that thing to refresh quickly?

I never actually saw this one until the post-game. I suspect that it depends on not having some other quest active. It showed up for me after I abandoned a bunch of basic missions that I'd had sitting around since the first time I used the board.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
MMMM, sounds tasty. Those crocodile ass monsters hanging around Oblivia are about to get a nice surprise next time I head there.

And yeah, it looks like I have more than enough cash to buy skells for the whole crew.
Grinding for the next chapter begins anew. <3

At night time, there are 3 level 60 creatures just north of the water treatment plant west of new LA. They'll give you 9999 XP each until you're into your 40s. You can take them down pretty easily if you have well equipped level 30 skells.


How / where can I get more mining and storage probes after Chapter 6? I plan on grinding for a few levels and getting my Skell license. Need more $$$

Cant seem to find Kirsty at her usual location.

There's only a couple of storage probes that you can find out in the wild (and one of them is pretty well guarded, to say the least); most of them are tied to story completion and Kirsty's missions.
I sing along every time I fly. EVERY TIME.
Hey that one's actually good unlike the NLA themes!
Oblivia night theme is GOAT tier. Noctilum is a solid second. The continent themes in general are excellent.

Primordia is like the best first level theme I've heard in a long time. Really does an excellent job of establishing the setting and what the player is in for.
spoken like someone who hasn't entered Sylvalum yet :p
There's only a couple of storage probes that you can find out in the wild (and one of them is pretty well guarded, to say the least); most of them are tied to story completion and Kirsty's missions.

Ah ok. I also thought you could purchase them for a hefty fee somewhere.

Hey that one's actually good unlike the NLA themes!

spoken like someone who hasn't entered Sylvalum yet :p

Oops meant Sylvalum. I've been spending a lot of time at Noctilum so its been on my mind lately :p Honestly the rankings change every other day for me since theyre all great. I havent been to Cauldros yet though so I cant speak about that.

But Oblivia night theme is just sooooo good.


What level should I be at before starting Chapter 10?

Pretty much depend if you have level 30 gears.
Chapter 11 is when I almost got stuck, you have to fight on foot to reach the boss, barely made it with level 46, and then I lost one mech in the final fight in Chapter 11.


I wouldnt have minded if they used more of the Barracks music in those scenes. It sounds chill and casual enough.

That reminds me of something else - though Chapter 8 was largely okay with its music choices, playing the
normal barracks theme in the middle of the NLA invasion
- immediately after that set of dramatic cutscenes and before you rush out to the front lines - was horrifically out of place. Maybe the dissonance was deliberate in a "calm before the storm" sort of way, but it wasn't particularly effective.


Sigh. I got a intel thing saying Mia had landed in Cauldros. I try and find her, and can't find her where the intel said. Turns out you need 65% survey. x.x Why even give me the intel!
I've read it plenty of times in this thread but I managed to do it myself. Quit without saving. What did I lose? About an hours worth of progress including some affinity building and getting max BLADE rank. I'm only about 1000 points away so all in all could be worse. Just going to be a disorientating to get back. In a way I regret not doing this on purpose on the
Frye and Phog
affinity mission as I'd have liked to have seen the other side of that mission.

I was certain I had saved before going into a battle where I could possibly lose a Skell. Worst thing it was a fucking normal mission I was doing to get a few pixels of affinity that two characters needed to get 4 hearts to do their second mission (yes I know of a postgame mission and I will just happen to have 3 characters low on affinity). Yeah don't do normal missions :(

I also lost mining probe placement but I kept the 91k miranium storage layout I had made (8 storage, two duplicator and one booster 2). Does anyone know if 100k storage can be reached without using more duplicator and boosters? Btw I was able to find an 120k storage layout that does use those things which seems very much go big or go home.

Btw the storage probe in Sylvalim is in the abyss (try to use visual/auroral cloak lots of tough enemies) that a normal mission for
a missing dog
leads to; not the cave with the red barriers as I thought it was. I'd have never found if it wasn't for that normal mission so maybe do some normal missions but not others :S

Did you guys buy 4 Amdusas at level 50? Wondering if I should just stick to the one I have now and buy cheaper models for the rest of the cast.
I'd buy just one as apparently level 30 skells are fine for beating the game and that then unlocks level 60 Skells...well there is one level 60 Skell you can get before postgame (details of how)
Alexa's second affinity mission gives a blueprint for a level 60 Skell which looks like an incremental boost on the level 50 Heavies and the material cost is really really cheap too.


I know that you can get various bonuses with Overdrive based on the color combo, but I have no idea how.

is there a list of all these combo?

nice. I thought you couldn't see them.

btw, I tried the "affinity cheese" with normal missions but it doesn't work.

I second this question. I looked all over but I can't find a decent overdrive guide. I've been spamming Blood sacrifice to keep it going and using 100 whatever to rack up my counter to some effect, but I'd really love you know what that does and the color combinations. Game doesn't really go in depth. I expected it to be revealed in an epic boss fight like the Monado Arts, but it's pretty much just thrown at you as a mission reward.


OMG! Reached Lv50, bought the Lv50 Amdusias Skell, and when I was editing my Skell gear, I just realized I already have an Intergalactic G-Buster without even realizing it.

dat G-Buster damage, almost 1HKO on most enemies lol
If all those overdrive color combos are too much to memorize then just keep these key takeaways in mind:
  • Combo into/out of green arts to get short time extensions
  • Combo into Blue arts to get large time extensions
  • Length of time extensions are determined by the number in the middle. At Max (100) green gives you 5 seconds and blue gives you 10 seconds.
  • Combo Blue into Green for a small HP recovery if soul voices aren't keeping up well enough.
Edit: Oh and in case of emergencies, you can spend an additional 3000tp to max out your time in overdrive by pressing A on the Overdrive button again.


If all those overdrive color combos are too much to memorize then just keep these key takeaways in mind:
  • Combo into/out of green arts to get short time extensions
  • Combo into Blue arts to get large time extensions
  • Length of time extensions are determined by the number in the middle. At Max (100) green gives you 5 seconds and blue gives you 10 seconds.
  • Combo Blue into Green for a small HP recovery if soul voices aren't keeping up well enough.

That is super helpful. Thanks!!


God this game is great so far(at chapter 4). I just love love exploring the locations. My draw is constantly dropping at the sheer scale of everything and that you can climb that mountain.


If all those overdrive color combos are too much to memorize then just keep these key takeaways in mind:
  • Combo into/out of green arts to get short time extensions
  • Combo into Blue arts to get large time extensions
  • Length of time extensions are determined by the number in the middle. At Max (100) green gives you 5 seconds and blue gives you 10 seconds.
  • Combo Blue into Green for a small HP recovery if soul voices aren't keeping up well enough.
Woe, this it's super useful, thanks dude


If all those overdrive color combos are too much to memorize then just keep these key takeaways in mind:
  • Combo into/out of green arts to get short time extensions
  • Combo into Blue arts to get large time extensions
  • Length of time extensions are determined by the number in the middle. At Max (100) green gives you 5 seconds and blue gives you 10 seconds.
  • Combo Blue into Green for a small HP recovery if soul voices aren't keeping up well enough.
Edit: Oh and in case of emergencies, you can spend an additional 3000tp to max out your time in overdrive by pressing A on the Overdrive button again.

Awesome, thanks a million. Do Orange and Yellow do anything specific?
Argh, being the only one capable of piloting a level 30 skell kinda sucks. Only I and Phog currently have skells (with Phog's just being a hand-me-down of the free level 20 skell you're given initially), and it doesn't seem like level 20 skells are on the market at all. Guess I have no choice but to grind until I can get the party members I actually use to level 30 as well. I just want all 4 of us to body everything.

It's also awkward watching two party members desperately trying to keep up with the other two in skells. They just teleport in and out of existence every couple of steps, lmao.
Awesome, thanks a million. Do Orange and Yellow do anything specific?

Take a look at the pastebin that was just linked. Every combo aside from Orange<->Yellow does something. A double overdrive count bonus makes the art contribute double to the number in the center. So if you have dual guns, you can do Green into ZeroZero, a yellow art that hits 10 times, and it'll add 20 to the number in the center.

Once you've gotten a better idea of the "flow" of Overdrive take a look at the pastebin again and find combos that work well with what you've got. But honestly, as long as you're Maxing out your Count and not dropping out of Overdrive, you can do whatever.


That Rexoskell fight was probably the biggest difficulty fight I have seen for a side quest ever, but I finally managed to beat it. Thanks Lin you goddamn tank !
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