So, I've been on the fence about this game for awhile. On one hand a lot of the various systems look interesting and the world looks massive and beautiful. On the other hand, I'm not a fan of a long game just for the sake of a long game. If a game starts to drag out or get repetitive, I'll lose interest quickly, unless the game feel is amazing (as a recent example, see the wingsuiting in Just Cause 3).
I recently read
this review from the AV Club. It seems like the reviewer is coming to the game in a similar way that I would come to it, and he raises some very valid concerns about game bloat which have me worried. I'm all for putting a lot of time into a huge game (see: Fallout 4), but not if a lot of that time is padding.
So I'm curious about what you all think. Is the game bloated, or is everything you're doing so fun that it doesn't even matter. I'm well aware that this is not the best time nor the best thread to get levelheaded opinions, but I'd still imagine that some people will be able to dig through the hype and give me some great insight.