My biggest complaint so far is having to exit to title to reestablish internet connection. Just a ridiculous and anything process for something that should be automatic. Love the music.
Thanks!a. Apparently you can't, they are just rewards from missions and treasures. However when you cannot loose probes, so when you take one out/replace it you get it back.
b. I would say about ~30 minutes? Seems super long to me, no clue if there is a way to speed this up.
c. Armor shop is right next to where you leave the Blade barracks (or just check the streets around the big tower).
Option > social > trophies at the end of the list.How do you get rid of the party information on the upper left for taking screenshots?
i dont get how weapon / armour stats work? looking at some of the gear there seems to be no reasoning as to why i cant equip a piece of armour / weapons.
Is there a guide on this anywhere?
i dont get how weapon / armour stats work? looking at some of the gear there seems to be no reasoning as to why i cant equip a piece of armour / weapons.
Is there a guide on this anywhere?
Sending you a PM now.
As weird as it sounds the support bonus isn't for you but for other players.By the way, I'm a Mediator and yet not gaining TP using arts despite saying otherwise, something is broken?
This also happens when there is a squad member in the same region as you. The more squad members that are in the region, the higher the occurrence rate of division support will be.
By the way, I'm a Mediator and yet not gaining TP using arts despite saying otherwise, something is broken?
I see, thanks.As weird as it sounds the support bonus isn't for you but for other players.
In other words if you want TP Support you'll need to find a mediator in the field* and to get their division support. Even then it probability based if the effect will occur. The manual also says:
*-"You can meet other avatars at BLADE barracks or base camps and scout them without using the console." So find BLADE barracks and hope there are mediators in the squad instance you're dropped in.
Reading this thread makes me want this game so bad. ALso the aesthetics and character design heavily remind me of PSO which gives me a warm cosy feeling
How much of this game is PSO like? I have been looking for a PSO similar game for a while.
As far as I can tell I have no access to o the map with the map without the Gamepad. Mines empty and I can't find any option for it either.I'm sure it's been asked a million times, but is it worth it to use the gamepad as opposed to the pro controller?
Is there no 5.1 sound in this? Can't hear anything from back two speakers.
Any purchasers of the start guide, is it a good guide?
I bought it and reading through it now, at work. It has detailed description of practically everything in the game as far as I can see. It contains walk-troughs for every chapter of the story and for the affinity missions, description for the basic missions and so on. I haven't started yet the game, so I don't want to read yet through those, but I picked randomly one affinity mission to check and it seems to have a detailed description where you need to go and find things, whom to fight and so on.
I'm sure it's been asked a million times, but is it worth it to use the gamepad as opposed to the pro controller?
So good
Is there any way to stop the camera speed from sucking ass when it's zoomed in, like when I'm in the BLADE barracks? I have all the other camera options turned all the way up, but when it zooms in it's still super slow.
Is there still an active spreadsheet for squads? The link in the OP is expired.
I bought a Wii U for this FEB 2014, and just got back from the store and got it. Congratulate me. CONGRATULATE ME!
The game was built with the gamepad in mind.
what area is that in, I think I need those for a questFinally! After ~250 collectables collected, I got the auroran bone.
RN Gods are assholes.