Yeah I saved beforw starting Yelv's affinity quest haven't saved yet, but I am supposed to beat these lvl 16-19 monsters with no party members and I started it at 14 had no lvl restriction. Haven't re-started yet cause I already dis 2/3 of the missions which involved lvl 11 stuff, so I am puzzled why they didn't just put a lvl restriction on this one.
You can bring another person with you on Yelv's quest, if the max party limit is 3, then that means you can bring one person with you so you have 2, then Yelv will make 3.
I know people are being pretty down on the soundtrack, and granted it seems like some of the music doesn't fit the situations it's used for (in cutscenes there's been a lot of mismatch, imo), but man that tyrant battle theme is so good.
Depends on the person I guess. I for one love all the music I've heard so far.
And yeah, the Tyrant battle theme has a similar "high point" to Xenoblade's boss monster theme. You know, that part where you will intentionally drag out the fight until the music hits that particular point, then it's okay to end it if you were holding back.