There is something maddening about how the game instructs you on where you can go. There are paths for where you can and should be going in the game based on the level of the enemies and if they will attack you on sight. Stray from this path and you will be punished if you're not the right level. You can try sneaking past things but ultimately there is always a easier and just less frustrating path. Interesting thing I realized, and I didn't notice this until I got to Noctilum is that when you die and respawn at a landmark it points you in the direction you should be going in. At least that's what it seems like. I don't remember if the Wii game did that or not.
It makes me really appreciate just how linear Xenoblade on the Wii was. You had wide open spaces like here but nothing as punishing as here. I don't mind it at all. I like that I have to be careful about where I go. That there are areas and creatures I have to make a note of to come to an area later in the game when I'm stronger. I like that there appears to be a living ecosystem where certain creatures have picked out their own corner of the landmass and are just there. I wish they actually interacted though. I like that those that would be and should be territorial are like that. There is a section in the north west of Primordia where I was trying to get to a mining node that had bridges you had to cross to get the area. It's completely being protected by these large Grexes. They are level 40s at the bridges. Behind them are a group of 50s. I'm really curious now what else is beyond them. What are they protecting. I can't in that area because.
Like Xenoblade on the Wii you just have these random Tyrants just roaming around. You enemies that re level 12, 15, 20, 21, then a level 95 that is hostile is roaming around minding it's own business.