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Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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I haven't seen any orange armor drop. I have 3 chars in TS: V, and 2 of them have TS:XII helms.

Certain mob types favor certain drop types though, as far as weaponry. Like Lophids are good for shields, Xe-dom's are for drones/xx snipers, Ceto's for G2 Busters.

Ya I knew about the favoring of drops but wasn't sure if something dropped Orange armor or if it only comes from the crafted skells.


Just bought my first two Level 30 Skells. Bought the Inferno one for myself and gave the bulky melee Amdusias one to Elma. Lin is stuck in the Level 20 for now. Might switch me and Elma's around, depending on how it goes.

Going from a couple thousand points of ground damage to doing double 20Ks on a back hit... Well, it's a little weird.

(Chapter 7 is going to be really really easy, isn't it?)
Okay I got my top 3 at level 60

Nagi is a little away from 3 hearts but Blossom dance does not look so hot anymore

I think I am ready for end game when I wake up

what are good Chapter 12 augments?



I honestly do not know if this is a post game thing or if there are any repercussions for abusing the mission, but there is this support mission called Scouting Antropolis which gives 300k credits every run.

The mission probably takes only 3 minutes of defeating some enemies because the level 50 Laliah absolutely wrecks everything. It will also help if you have a lvl 50 G Buster/G2 Buster.


I honestly do not know if this is a post game thing or if there are any repercussions for abusing the mission, but there is this support mission called Scouting Antropolis which gives 300k credits every run.

The mission probably takes only 3 minutes of defeating some enemies because the level 50 Laliah absolutely wrecks everything. It will also help if you have a lvl 50 G Buster/G2 Buster.

Its a post-game thing to make farming easy.
If anyone is nemesis farming, let me know.

I finally made an Ares 90 and it's a real beast against it.

Planning to get a L60 Verus and need tickets for boss materials.


I need to pay more attention to quest rewards I have no idea where I got those halos


Halos that I've found were from salvaging.

If anyone is nemesis farming, let me know.

I finally made an Ares 90 and it's a real beast against it.

Planning to get a L60 Verus and need tickets for boss materials.

I wonder if I was the only one dumb enough to bypass the Ares and just get a 60-Frame starightout.


I'm level 40 right now, with two level 30 skells and the default skell. Am I ready to start Chapter 10? I've heard it's a tougher one.


I just picked a Phoenix for my lvl30 skell. Holy shit it destroys everything!

And flying is so darn fun! Flying at peak then free-falling is a great experience
not in real life though
Halos that I've found were from salvaging.

I wonder if I was the only one dumb enough to bypass the Ares and just get a 60-Frame starightout.

okay thanks

I have seen post of people getting stats better than Ares 90 using lv60 Skells

but to augment one to that level takes even more time and effort to grind right?


I'm level 40 right now, with two level 30 skells and the default skell. Am I ready to start Chapter 10? I've heard it's a tougher one.

I beat chapter 10 at level 40. I think that's around where the game expects you to be - maybe even slightly higher. Or at least I assume based on the levels of enemies in missions.

I had 3 lvl 30 skells (2 heavy, 1 medium), and the starter skell for the fourth character. No special farmed equipment, enhancements, or anything - though I do have (store bought) g-busters on the 3 level 30s.

Beat it first try - my skell was the last one standing and finished off what was left.

Appendage targeting and focus fire commands for your team are the way to go, I think.

You might want a fourth skell for this fight. The lvl 20 one is torn apart pretty fast by stuff at this stage in the game.
Just attempted chapter 8.

Lol, got destroyed. The mission required level 30 but that does not seem to be high enough.

Will load my save and do some more side quests I guess.

Go to the multiplayer console in the barracks and choose support missions. After you beat the story the game unlocks all those. They tell you about it in one of the tutorial message boxes after the credits.

Is nobody reading these things? So many people are asking about this and how to [big ending spoiler]
put Elma in her true form
that I'm getting concerned.


Are there any FrontierNav quests after the "earn 130,000 credits in a single return" one? I wanna start focusing on putting up storage/mining probes


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Last Boss
Did he have an attack that depletes all skell fuel? Either way, it was an awesome fight because we were all blinking red and I ran to skell to G-buster him in time. Not leveling any arts sucked.
Go to the multiplayer console in the barracks and choose support missions. After you beat the story the game unlocks all those. They tell you about it in one of the tutorial message boxes after the credits.

Is nobody reading these things? So many people are asking about this and how to [big ending spoiler]
put Elma in her true form
that I'm getting concerned.

I hardly read the story text since I play late nights half asleep

speaking of sleep

one question guys

if you make an augment (stat)XX which is like 100% of something

does it stack?

can I put the same gem on a second slot and get even more bonus or does it cap at the one XX augment?

also if I have the augment on the sword weapon does it only work when the sword is in use or as long as it is equipped I get the stat bonus

I should read the mon-well (
Wall-E jk
I hardly read the story text since I play late nights half asleep

speaking of sleep

one question guys

if you make an augment (stat)XX which is like 100% of something

does it stack?

can I put the same gem on a second slot and get even more bonus or does it cap at the one XX augment?

also if I have the augment on the sword weapon does it only work when the sword is in use or as long as it is equipped I get the stat bonus

I should read the mon-well (
Wall-E jk

I believe they all stack yeah. I mean if you use percentage type augments that display your stats going up, those definitely stack, so it would be stupid if it didn't do the same for augments that did not display it (like say weapon damage or something).

And augments work across the board like say, cooldown reduction and such. If it's only for the equipped piece of armor or a weapon, it seems to always say that in the text. For example "this augment increases the HP of the appendage it's attached to" or what was it.

I haven't run the numbers though, so whether there's any diminishing returns or stuff like that is something I don't know. Just merely assuming from the game's logic.
I believe they all stack yeah. I mean if you use percentage type augments that display your stats going up, those definitely stack, so it would be stupid if it didn't do the same for augments that did not display it (like say weapon damage or something).

And augments work across the board like say, cooldown reduction and such. If it's only for the equipped piece of armor or a weapon, it seems to always say that in the text. For example "this augment increases the HP of the appendage it's attached to" or what was it.

I haven't run the numbers though, so whether there's any diminishing returns or stuff like that is something I don't know. Just merely assuming from the game's logic.

thank you

I'm sure someone out there is already running those numbers

it will be good time waster to learn how it works
Took down my first high level tyrant (70) with my level 50 rabbit, and 3 level 30 skells. Feels good!

I was shocked that I got Joker the second attempt he killed me the first time I just went to base pay for my Skell and tried again and got lucky

some tyrants seem to just have thicker defense even at lower level numbers

a number 90 looks scary but if you have the right build you cut it like paper
I honestly do not know if this is a post game thing or if there are any repercussions for abusing the mission, but there is this support mission called Scouting Antropolis which gives 300k credits every run.

The mission probably takes only 3 minutes of defeating some enemies because the level 50 Laliah absolutely wrecks everything. It will also help if you have a lvl 50 G Buster/G2 Buster.

Where can I get the G Buster Weapons? I see no such weapon in the shop.


Wow Noctilum daytime has some of the best "running through the jungle" music i've heard in a game...up there with Tarzan's world theme from Kingdom Hearts 1. Jumping off giant branches through huge flowers with pollen haze and sunrays scattered...whew.
So how do I work my way up to the millions I need for those level 50 skell? Most I've ever had was 1m

I just did other stuff while letting my revenue build up over time. Of course, you need to have a high return on your revenue (~100k or more) in order to make millions in a reasonable amount of time. I also sold a bunch of precious resources in my inventory.
Wow Noctilum daytime has some of the best "running through the jungle" music i've heard in a game...up there with Tarzan's world theme from Kingdom Hearts 1. Jumping off giant branches through huge flowers with pollen haze and sunrays scattered...whew.

This is one of my favourite songs so far. I'm still early, though.


I was shocked that I got Joker the second attempt he killed me the first time I just went to base pay for my Skell and tried again and got lucky

some tyrants seem to just have thicker defense even at lower level numbers

a number 90 looks scary but if you have the right build you cut it like paper

Which one is joker and where is it?


Where can I get the G Buster Weapons? I see no such weapon in the shop.

Kill mobs for it. I remember finding a level 50 intergalactic G-Buster and Phoenix from Sylvalum FN406. I'll probably go back to finding other weapons on my travels. I should mention to aim for mechanoids in the nearby base.

So how do I work my way up to the millions I need for those level 50 skell? Most I've ever had was 1m

Bump that revenue rate as high as possible. Back when I barely had the probes for it, I got 200k thanks in major part to Oblivia. I'll start up the game and mess around to see if I can come up with something. I'm at 100k storage, 50,000 mining and 180k revenue.

Which one is joker and where is it?

Joker is a Blatta (little bugs) tyrant that dwells inside the giant rafflesia(?) up at the Divine Roost at northern most Noctilum, which requires flight pack. Level 90 and accompanied by level 50 Blattas. You'll want Insectoid Slayer or something like that to make it a quick fight before the evasion buff.
Wow Noctilum daytime has some of the best "running through the jungle" music i've heard in a game...up there with Tarzan's world theme from Kingdom Hearts 1. Jumping off giant branches through huge flowers with pollen haze and sunrays scattered...whew.



Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I really enjoyed exploring the world in this game. I just got a flying Skell, explored a little, and now I think I'm done. I look forward to seeing what this team do next.



I didn't pick up that info but when I saw the outcome, it didn't sit right with me so I went and saved the other two first. THEN they told me about Kepha Holly and I facepalmed. Went back to the save before walking up to the son the second time and hunted a Kepha down.... I'm too weak willed.


I didn't pick up that info but when I saw the outcome, it didn't sit right with me so I went and saved the other two first. THEN they told me about Kepha Holly and I facepalmed. Went back to the save before walking up to the son the second time and hunted a Kepha down.... I'm too weak willed.

Ugh... I did it in the right order, but I misunderstood and thought he had given it to me. >_<

I couldn't redo it at that point, I hadn't saved in a while. :(


Kill mobs for it. I remember finding a level 50 intergalactic G-Buster and Phoenix from Sylvalum FN406. I'll probably go back to finding other weapons on my travels.

Bump that revenue rate as high as possible. Back when I barely had the probes for it, I got 200k thanks in major part to Oblivia. I'll start up the game and mess around to see if I can come up with something. I'm at 100k storage, 50,000 mining and 180k revenue.

Joker is a Blatta (little bugs) tyrant that dwells inside the giant rafflesia(?) up at the Divine Roost at northern most Noctilum, which requires flight pack. Level 90 and accompanied by level 50 Blattas. You'll want Insectoid Slayer or something like that to make it a quick fight before the evasion buff.

Oh, I jumped in there once, lol
I can start chapter 12 later today. shit, I'm probably undergeared or some shit

Make sure you have some aoe arts or skell gear that can take out a large group of enemies. Also if you're not overly reliant on your skell and can fight bosses well on foot you shouldn't have too much trouble. It's a boss gauntlet with no breaks or chances to reclaim skells so just be sure to be ready.
Bump that revenue rate as high as possible. Back when I barely had the probes for it, I got 200k thanks in major part to Oblivia. I'll start up the game and mess around to see if I can come up with something. I'm at 100k storage, 50,000 mining and 180k revenue.

So I copied this Oblivia layout that Qurupeke posted but I'm only earning about 40k atm

I've got a few of the sightseeing locations, will the rest really bump me to over 100k? Also mine doesn't have a 3-link bonus for some reason.


My fuel recovery probe doesn't seem to be refueling my Skell any faster than normal when parked. What's the problem?

The difference isn't very noticeable. Even in a S-rated node for combat support (does that help for fuel?), I would not have noticed the difference if I didn't check the fuel recovery right before and after setting the probe.
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