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Xbox One Launching 9/4 in Japan


I agree. Remember when Tales of Vesperia was being announced as a 360 exclusive & that Microsoft got many Japanese gamers to buy the console, because they thought that it would be exclusive to that platform? Well, they got pissed when they discovered that Tales of Vesperia was being ported to PS3 & felt like they wasted their money on buying the 360.

I don't think that they'll fall for the same thing twice.

It's been 8 years. I imagine there will be a lot of people that weren't buying a console last time around.

Plus, people are totally purchasing PS4's in anticipation for KH3, FFXV and TLG. :p

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Oh shit, CAVE?!

Xbox One purchase redeemed if so!

Btw, how does region locking work on Xbox One?

edit: awesome, no rl at all, bring the shmups then!


It's been 8 years. I imagine there will be a lot of people that weren't buying a console last time around.

Plus, people are totally purchasing PS4's in anticipation for KH3, FFXV and TLG. :p

More like 6 years since the game came out (5 after it got ported to PS3).

I do agree with you, though.


More like 6 years since the game came out (5 after it got ported to PS3).

I do agree with you, though.

Yea, for some reason I was assuming that the majority of those would have picked up a 360 for Blue Dragon beforehand... I kinda forgot that everyone sold/returned the console like a week later, lol.
And remember that the Xbox One will be launching at a much higher price than either the Xbox or Xbox 360.

It probably won't get near OG Xbox sales.


Why do people always assume that Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon would not have existed without Microsoft? I doubt no other publishers were interested in working with "the creator of Final Fantasy". I always figured Microsoft made a strategic decision to try and lock down those games, and the optimism surrounding the 360 in Japan given its early launch made it an attractive offer for Sakaguchi.


Microsoft had the biggest growth last gen in Japan:

XBX -> 360: +241%
GC  -> Wii: +218%
PS2 -> PS3:  -55%


XBX -> 360: +412%
GC  -> Wii: +190%
PS2 -> PS3:  -67%

They're in the best position to bring some life to the dead home console market.


Microsoft had the biggest growth last gen in Japan:

XBX -> 360: +241%
GC  -> Wii: +218%
PS2 -> PS3:  -55%


XBX -> 360: +412%
GC  -> Wii: +190%
PS2 -> PS3:  -67%

They're in the best position to bring some life to the dead home console market.

This is kinda like saying Bing's going to take over the world, isn't it?


They're in the best position to bring some life to the dead home console market.



I'm actually surprised they are even doing an official launch in Japan at all to be honest. At this point it would probably be cheaper to hire out a 3rd party distributor that's local to order based on pre-orders only. So you go into a japanese gaming store or log on to amazon.jp and order a system and games /accessories , then every couple weeks they build and ship out only what was already bought.

Sounds a bit cumbersome but seriously, console gaming has pretty well flat lined in Japan as is and the Xbox brand was never that large over there. First one didn't quite make it to 500K sold after 4 years of shipments. Even the 360 , in spite of how much money was spent getting 3rd party support (even some initially exclusive support to boot) AND the price difference between a 360 and a PS3- the total sales of the 360 only barely surpassed a million units after 7 + years of availability.

Japan is a land where even Sony hasn't surpassed 10 million PS3's sold to date. They are finally getting close but still. Even the Wii , which sold gangbusters the world over saw only a fifth of it's sales come from japan instead of the usual third it accounted for in generations past.

I'm not so sure kinect and HDMI in will do anything to sell systems over there either , not to mention the pricetag.
Microsoft had the biggest growth last gen in Japan:

XBX -> 360: +241%
GC  -> Wii: +218%
PS2 -> PS3:  -55%


XBX -> 360: +412%
GC  -> Wii: +190%
PS2 -> PS3:  -67%

They're in the best position to bring some life to the dead home console market.

Let's quantify this +241% increase, shall we?

Original Xbox lifetime sales (Japan):

471,992 as of December 25th, 2005

Xbox 360 lifetime sales (Japan):

1,612,391 as of April 13th, 2014

Those are both abysmally low. The Xbox brand has very little pull in Japan.


Gold Member
My thoughts are that they are getting too many western style games. Both consoles saw titles that were huge in the west during the 360 and PS3 life cycle. I could even throw in Europe into this as well. What's more appealing to a country who created the 2D platformer and fighting game? Shooters... BF4, CoD, KZ, and Titanfall.


I think if the games do indeed come to the XBO the gamers who have hesitated even here in America will turn to the dark side if they haven't already with Titanfall. In Japan it's certainly a different story but I just bought an XBO and although feeling a bit empty about it I still have been enjoying KI, DR3 and Titanfall. But that only scratches the surface, if Microsoft can't spark the imagination of Sega and other Japanese devs/publishers and create some next-level gaming, then they'll definitely be in bad shape and delivering hype to the hardcore gamer. Think about how amazing a next-gen Shenmue 3 would look and feel.


Microsoft had the biggest growth last gen in Japan:

XBX -> 360: +241%
GC  -> Wii: +218%
PS2 -> PS3:  -55%


XBX -> 360: +412%
GC  -> Wii: +190%
PS2 -> PS3:  -67%

They're in the best position to bring some life to the dead home console market.

That has to be sarcasm right? Even if the Xbone One increased by 241%, and then it's successor had another increase by 241%, it still wouldn't hit PS3 sales in Japan.
Microsoft had the biggest growth last gen in Japan:

XBX -> 360: +241%
GC  -> Wii: +218%
PS2 -> PS3:  -55%


XBX -> 360: +412%
GC  -> Wii: +190%
PS2 -> PS3:  -67%

They're in the best position to bring some life to the dead home console market.
Microsoft is going to save Japan and bring into a new golden era of gaming.

An era lead by true innovative games like Halo, saving them from their old games of the past like Final Fantasy.

I wouldn't be surprised if Japan single handily makes the Xbox One past 20 million sales in one year.


I have to say after owning an XBO for a few days it really is a multitask monster. Having a game FAQ snapped to the side is great and while I like the idea of the web browser in the Wii U kinda doing the same thing it just can't compare to the speed in which you can do it on the XBO.

I also really like the Xbox One startup sound and how it just is already running when you turn it on after it's all setup. I haven't even used the Kinect yet though. Microsoft would be wise to make the Kinect an optional thing definitely in Japan and also in the US.


XB1 hitting Japan?

Goodbye PS4 sales lead! You're doomed now!

Good luck over there, MS. You need it.

Sorry, that sounded reeeaaally salty. It's just... if Nintendo and Sony struggle over there, MS will be lucky to sell half a million, lifetime, in Japan.



Seriously can't imagine it being very high. I wonder how hard they try to push it, easy to forget how many big exclusives they locked up early on with the 360 in Japan. Can't see them pushing as hard as again given the fact it got them nowhere and the general decline of consoles over there as well.
Iam wondering that too. Ms was really trying hard to get into that market and yet they still failed.

I feel so bad and ashamed, that japan totally denied the very existence of the xbox.

Such a good system in the first few yers back then...
Those bastards at Microsoft better not release an exclusive Idol Master and/or Dragon Quest in a year where Berserk and Hunter X Hunter come out of hiatus.


Iam wondering that too. Ms was really trying hard to get into that market and yet they still failed.

I feel so bad and ashamed, that japan totally denied the very existence of the xbox.

Such a good system in the first few yers back then...

Yeah it was kinda shitty, but from their side of the coin it's just America trying to sell to the Japanese who seem to have their mind already made. Is cable TV even big in Japan? I don't even care about that feature as an American but I can't see them giving a shit about what else the system can do.


Microsoft is going to save Japan and bring into a new golden era of gaming.

An era lead by true innovative games like Halo, saving them from their old games of the past like Final Fantasy.

I wouldn't be surprised if Japan single handily makes the Xbox One past 20 million sales in one year.

my god wat


That article doesn't exactly make much sense. While the swastika was indeed the flag of Nazi Germany and thus represents specifically Nazi Germany, the rising sun (with those rays) was not the flag of Japan. The flag of Japan during WWII was the same flag as they use today. The rising sun flag is a military flag of Japan, and has been used by the military since 1870 (even during times when they were allies with the west), and is still used by the military today. I don't really see how it can be compared to the Nazi swastika... Sorry to go off topic here.
The Xbox one will be sold out on day one!

allocation will be so tiny

Won't stop the the MS bean counters from gloating lol. We'll probably get a Nelson Facts out of it too. Something along the lines of the Xbox One being best and fastest selling Xbox ever in Japan lol.
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