I discovered the secret to making Aggro Warrior work decently in this meta. Give it elements of a Control Warrior's early game combined with a bunch of weenies. I call it Fury Tank.
you've been legendary multiple times then, right?
I discovered the secret to making Aggro Warrior work decently in this meta. Give it elements of a Control Warrior's early game combined with a bunch of weenies. I call it Fury Tank.
Getting the second wing of naxx is gonna be easy if I can keep rerolling to get 100 gold quests. Sucks I won't be able to get new cards while saving up for it though.
I discovered the secret to making Aggro Warrior work decently in this meta. Give it elements of a Control Warrior's early game combined with a bunch of weenies. I call it Fury Tank.
I didn't think you could reroll repeatedly anymore unless you know something I don't?
Most players, given enough time, can grind to legend.
While I don't necessarily disagree with this, I do think it lends itself to a slippery slope on the whole discussion. It's really hard to take claims of how hard piloting decks (or, for that matter, how hard deck building is) without some form of experience at that level of play. Just because the Legendary climb is primarily a time sink doesn't really mean that the entire process can be dismissed. Especially if the discussion is going to be about the relevancy of pilot skill. Simply going "skill is irrelevant for reaching Legend" isn't the entire picture.
Like I said in my initial post, there is definately skill involved.
Besides that I do not agree with the former argument that piloting a deck requires zero skill or even less skill then building a deck.
Just because the game is easy to understand and very simple to play, does not mean there arent deeper strategies involved.
That would be like saying there is no skill in Chess, simply because its easy to grasp the fundamental movement of the pieces.
My only complaint was the argument that reaching Legend gives someone the right to completely dismiss others oppinions, simply based on the fact that they have not put in the time to grind to legend.
Lets be honest this game is very very simple, and alot of CCG players will have a very good understanding on how different cards interact with and versus each other, and will quiet easily understand how to tackle different meta shifts, if they have experience from much deeper games like Magic or Netrunner, even if they never grind to legendary.
So to sum up, the point I am trying to make is: Someone who has spent years with card games might have more understanding on strategy or the meta then someone who grinded to legendary where Hearthstone maybe is the first CCG.
I hope this makes sense, since english is not my native tongue.
I think the other thing I am trying to get at is that putting the time in to hit legend is important and not the hitting legendary itself.
who am i?
i am the value in the bomber
i am the bm in the lethal
i am the salt in the defeat
Druid needs a nerf bat between the eyes.
So do rogues and mages and warlocks and Warriors and and....
Please stop crying for nerfs. Or at least bring something to the table as to why...
Are the IEM finals today?
Well shitThey were yeah, they're already done. Pretty entertaining games.
So do rogues and mages and warlocks and Warriors and and....
Please stop crying for nerfs. Or at least bring something to the table as to why...
Fucking golden Ysera...
Did your Core Hound get even one face hit in all those games?It's a good day.![]()
Did your Core Hound get even one face hit in all those games?
Druid is too safe against too many decks. What other deck can run two two card finisherd that also act as flexible removals and buffs? Mana ramp just doesn't work in HS, it's too good especially if you go second and get extra card and the coin.
Holy shit. Amaz with the plays vs. RDU.
Sylvanas Shadowflame as Priest to clear board and steal a Rag for lethal.
There is definately some skill to this game. There is a reason why some people rush to legend and others need to grind.
Every little decision matters in this game. Of course there is luck to the game, like in any card game.
But a world class player will trash a very bad player every time, regardless of draw.
That beeing said, getting to legend itself does not say much about your skill. Simply dismissing peoples oppinion because they are not legend, is downright idiotic.
Most players, given enough time, can grind to legend.
Alot of players, just cannot effort to put the amount needed into the game to get there.
I would say, if you want to dismiss people based on any rank, then it should be how high they are in legend rank, or how fast they reached legend rank. (based on amount of games played, not period of time)
Highly doubtful.
I used to run Reynad's aggro warrior or variations of it and I agree card draw was the biggest weakness. Glad you found a solution. How does it fare against Miracle Rogue? I've been using the original version of Colma's Tempo Warrior this season. Got up to around rank 12 or 13 and started stalling out to ramp druids and handlocks so I made a few substitutions and I seem to be climbing again. However, Miracle Rogue still seems impossible. I really don't know how to deal with it using Warrior.
My argument is that the target seeking algorithm looks like:
Code:nerd stuff
The alternative that Minsc suggests would be:
Code:more nerd stuff
I discovered the secret to making Aggro Warrior work decently in this meta. Give it elements of a Control Warrior's early game combined with a bunch of weenies. I call it Fury Tank.
And to top it all off, I managed to get this in one of the packs.
It's a good day.![]()
My only complaint was the argument that reaching Legend gives someone the right to completely dismiss others oppinions, simply based on the fact that they have not put in the time to grind to legend.
Highly doubtful. You can have the best player in the world not draw any answers to whats being played against him - what can he do?
Looking at this deck, are you really getting any value out of Thalnos? You only have 4 damage spells in the whole deck, two of which will kill Thalnos and Thalnos would boost the damage that you're doing to your own minions as well. Seems like a Loot Hoarder would be better because of the +1 attack he might be able to trade up for a 3/2 or 4/2.
Edit: Does +spell damage boost the damage on Inner Rage?