Just got my umpteenth Beowulf shader. Not helping.Wow wtf I just got another sick legendary shader that's basically the opposite of the other one. White with red trim. "Nefertiti AK"
Just got my umpteenth Beowulf shader. Not helping.Wow wtf I just got another sick legendary shader that's basically the opposite of the other one. White with red trim. "Nefertiti AK"
Anyone for normal raid? Level 27 Warlock on PS4.
Mains are Level 30 Titan and Level 29 Hunter, dozens of raid clears normal and hard.
Just got my umpteenth Beowulf shader. Not helping.
Awesome newbie raid tonight! So awesome to see that continuous improvement. Everyone played extremely well tonight and I'm pretty sure every single person got their hands on the relic at least once. Really satisfying and fun doing these, and thanks to all who tuned in to watch on Twitch!
One thing that is really motivating for me is that each time I've done one of these, the total completion time has gone down, even though it was a tooootally different group each time, different experience levels, weapon loadouts, etc.- which just reaffirms for me that what matters most is a communicative team, willing to be patient and learn from wipes. I'm finally getting more confident speeding through stuff like the Gorgons, jumping sections, and the Right Way To Use Gjallarhorn when it's Atheon time.
Encountered one of the worst "immortal minotaurs" I've yet seen tonight. I have to gif that guy. I should've jump smashed, admittedly, but I really fell in love with that Shoulder Charge I was totally ignoring until now like an idiot. Do NOT enjoy the sunisnger contorls with the Relic though, not, one, bit. Need to unlock Voidwalker Blink for holding the Relic, Fireborn be damned ().not that it didn't save us from wiping a number of times :X
No need to swap Atheon's Epilogue or Gjallarhorn between my two gelcapped characters anymore
That's a bad roll no doubtaboutit. But I'm glad you had a good time- hopefully next time the RNs will be G-ed in your favor.
For sure Mr double Ballerhorn.
If anyone from tonight's raid (or others!) wants to run weeklys/night falls/raids on Wednesdays going forward (my girlfriend probly had as much as she could handle of me hogging the tv tonight) I am down. Other than that I've had my fill of RNG for a while and my Halo MCC should be arriving tomorrow.
Anyone for normal raid? Level 27 Warlock on PS4.
Mains are Level 30 Titan and Level 29 Hunter, dozens of raid clears normal and hard.
Looking to see if anyone is up for late night raid run. Will do hard or normal pending on who shows interest since I have two chars I need to run it on.
If anyone is interested hit me up on here or PSN. Would like to start around 11pm MST; which is in just over 30mins.
PSN - m1cah
Just got my umpteenth Beowulf shader. Not helping.
If be up for a normal raid with my 28 Titan.I'd be up for a raid if we could finish in like an hour and a half or less. 29 Titan mcstevens88
I did get Cicero the other day. Only looks good on my Hunter, though. Of the few things they actually have in abundance in the game, it sure is hard getting different shaders to drop.Your time will come Guardian I got all crap then 2 great legendary shaders 2 days in a row.
If everyone is down that'd be five, we could def run thru normal fast.
Johan Liebert
Edit: I can probably find a 6th easy once I'm on.
Important question: Does the Vault front door close behind you eventually? Or does it stay open. Because I kinda sorta think you could get a GKeeper relic back outside... maybe.
We going?If everyone is down that'd be five, we could def run thru normal fast.
Johan Liebert
Edit: I can probably find a 6th easy once I'm on.
You can. It closes after the GK section is over and Atheon appears. I've left it just as it closed and got trapped outside XD
According to that Official Iron Banner post, we can only gain gauntlets and boots that can boost us to lvl 30!? I only need either the helmet or chest to get my Warlock to LVL 30 and now I can't even do that in Iron Banner ffs!
Do you mean the door to the GK/Atheon room? I was asking about the very first front door, where you have to activate the spire to enter the Vault initially. That sounds pretty funny though, haha.
Edit: Congrats to the recent normal raiders, especially ones that got some nice new weapons and gear!
Anyone up for GK/Atheon HM? 2 level 30's ready to go. PSN is grimlock33
1. grimlock33
2. ghostofwar23
If everyone going with our team mind sending me a FR or posting their PSN here
Good raid dudes. Got a nice haul. Not as nice as Ouro though wtf.
Got the boots (!), a 2nd VoC, Hezen Vengeance, and Mida Multi Tool.
Any opinions on Mida? VoC is soooo good so I don't see it living up.
Mida is...OK not worth an exotic slot, definitely not worth replacing the VOC with it.
Good raid dudes. Got a nice haul. Not as nice as Ouro though wtf.
Got the boots (!), a 2nd VoC, Hezen Vengeance, and Mida Multi Tool.
Any opinions on Mida? VoC is soooo good so I don't see it living up.
Ok we got 4 now; we are looking for 2 more for a normal run.
Hit me up here or on PSN.
Omg, Thunderlord from a Rumble match! A hawkmoon and Thunderlord in the same day.
Don't really see a load out where I'll use it though but I know it's beastly.
Oh. yeah I was. But still even if the first Vault door did stay open I don't see how you could ascend up the maze to get back into the templar area with the relic.
If its the horn, this thread will go bonkers.I'm guessing everyone wants Gjallarhorn or The Last Word on sale. I have a feeling it'll be the Remote.
Did you say you still needed Ice breaker? That's how I feel about that gun. It's popular already and I have it, but if Xur sells it it's better for everyone doing PVE!don't even care that I need one even less now, gjallar to the power
I've never done a Raid where more than one or two people have it. If it gets sold I figure it'll be relatively easy to form teams where everyone is rocking it.If its the horn, this thread will go bonkers.
I've never done a Raid where more than one or two people have it. If it gets sold I figure it'll be relatively easy to form teams where everyone is rocking it.