Some people should be able to get 2 twines and 1 coat after logging in. Which is insane. Wish I spent the time to cap allied seals. I just assumed if they did go with hunts they would add a different way.

Some people should be able to get 2 twines and 1 coat after logging in. Which is insane. Wish I spent the time to cap allied seals. I just assumed if they did go with hunts they would add a different way.
Demon Breeches of Aiming
SkillSpeed : 44
Determination : 22
Demon Sandals of Casting
Determination : 19
CriticalHitRate : 19
lol, poor Skoje.
FML I literally just burned all my Allied Seals on Alexandrite. God damn what a waste.
Tell him to get some crafted pantsu like a real Ranger.
Seems like it. The hunt vendor now carries Unstained Mark Log's and Aelina now carries carbon twine and coat so you probably trade in the new logs for's the same Allied Seals for Carboncoat and Carbontwine?
I think I have....3,800 Allied Seals at the moment?
Some of that WoD gear stat wise is nice
Also... minion...or am I crazy?Yokai Watch????????
Where did that come from...
The PlayStation®4 version now supports use of the PlayStation®Move navigation and motion controllers.
I think he was hoping for the WoD gear to be good or still keeps hoping Dread will drop for him.
You gonna be on early to do the story?
Instances aren't fun, so I'm not sure why people are so happy to be forced to do them instead of hunt.
DarknessTear, please PM me when you see this post
I don't regret it personally, got my alex phase before the dramallama of hunts.
Some people should be able to get 2 twines and 1 coat after logging in. Which is insane. Wish I spent the time to cap allied seals. I just assumed if they did go with hunts they would add a different way.
Ready for the flood of i130 only FCOB PFs!
It doesn't look like you can craft any of the new adept stuff so maybe it's catchup gear purchased with the new crafting tomes.<looks at crafting/gathering stuff>
Wow, another tier of stuff. It is probably impossible to catch up at this point without spending an insane amount of gil.
No wonder a lot of players' existence have finally found reasoning.
lol, poor Skoje..
So to confirm, it looks like Odin EX is just for glamour gear?
What does Gilga EX drop?
Changing classes or jobs in a sanctuary will no longer incur a penalty to action cooldowns.
Enkidu minion.
Well that's annoying. So both EX battles are just for fun / clear. No reason to re-run unless you're a poke-minion collectionist / want to look like Odin?
Oh Christ how am I going to make up the lost acc going from Kirimu chest to WoD chest?
Time to hunt obsessively since I spent all my seals already.
ah the good old 2.3 hunt argument
Oh Christ how am I going to make up the lost acc going from Kirimu chest to WoD chest?
Oh Christ how am I going to make up the lost acc going from Kirimu chest to WoD chest?
Time to hunt obsessively since I spent all my seals already.
They aren't called Extreme though. Just fun trials to do for vanity items.
Oh. Wow, then this is a huge fail of a patch because that limits re-runnable new content to CT3, new PVP mode, and dungeons (which you probably won't do much of if you gotta do CT, CT2, and CT3 a couple times + some S ranks).
I thought Odin and Gilga were EX and would give some kind of i120 or i130 accessory.
Oh. Wow, then this is a huge fail of a patch because that limits re-runnable new content to CT3, new PVP mode, and dungeons (which you probably won't do much of if you gotta do CT, CT2, and CT3 a couple times + some S ranks).
I thought Odin and Gilga were EX and would give some kind of i120 or i130 accessory. Plus maybe joke/glamour weapons from Gilga.
Mystery trial might drop some stuff. <shrug>
curious about emperor's new and manderville set lol
Mystery trial might drop some stuff. <shrug>
Mystery trial might drop some stuff. <shrug>