I could not agree more, well except about Dalamadur. lol
The old monsters should just be tossed out. It's like Capcom knows they're garbage because the few good first gen monsters actually did come back in 3U, like Diablos. I wonder if they intentionally left out so many superior third-gen monsters because they know bringing them back for 5 would be a big selling point.
Overall I like 3U's monster lineup better than 4U's so far, honestly. Third gen has a few monsters that are boring to fight like Duramboros (although he's still way better than Gravios), but 4U is a real mixed bag between the great new monsters and the shit old ones.
I don't think their health changes, but their defense.
Yeah, this is making me want to go back to 3U
I could not agree more, well except about Dalamadur. lol
The old monsters should just be tossed out. It's like Capcom knows they're garbage because the few good first gen monsters actually did come back in 3U, like Diablos. I wonder if they intentionally left out so many superior third-gen monsters because they know bringing them back for 5 would be a big selling point.
Overall I like 3U's monster lineup better than 4U's so far, honestly. Third gen has a few monsters that are boring to fight like Duramboros (although he's still way better than Gravios), but 4U is a real mixed bag between the great new monsters and the shit old ones.
cracked the 200 hour mark yesterday and finished my new IG set with
Honed Blade
Razor Sharp
Evasion +1
I really want challenger +2 on it too and think it's possible with the right charm. At least I know what I'm looking out for the next 100 hours.
Np, health is also scaling but since their defense is much bigger, soloing Guild Hall monster will always take more time than their Caravan quest counterpart.I don't think their health changes, but their defense.
Well, both of them aren't in the game, so there's no need to pit them against each other.Barioth was just a crappier Nargacuga. I could keep going on.
Just fought Apex Seregios with a team where only 1 person had a wystone
Holy fuck
One guy had 380 defense too
I could not agree more, well except about Dalamadur. lol
The old monsters should just be tossed out. It's like Capcom knows they're garbage because the few good first gen monsters actually did come back in 3U, like Diablos. I wonder if they intentionally left out so many superior third-gen monsters because they know bringing them back for 5 would be a big selling point.
Overall I like 3U's monster lineup better than 4U's so far, honestly. Third gen has a few monsters that are boring to fight like Duramboros (although he's still way better than Gravios), but 4U is a real mixed bag between the great new monsters and the shit old ones.
Just fought Apex Seregios with a team where only 1 person had a wystone
Holy fuck
One guy had 380 defense too
Alright yeah that Kings Frill is a bit of a pain.
I'm having the hardest time mounting the g jaggi.
Tried breaking it with a gun lance and a HBG and no luck. I wonder if my cats are doing too much damage and screwing it up...?
i have no clue what i am doing. i am only on rank 2 after 20hr. though i did do few caravan quests. but its easy to get to a higher rank if you go online and let others do the work. ive seen people even in at my low ass rank do jack shit the whole quest.How the hell they can even make it to G Rank ffs
Hammer to the face will do the trick. Worked for me anyway. Same with the Tetsucabra. You've got to watch your timing, but when it hits it hits HARD.
Best way to get head carves since MHFU![]()
Urgents should be toned down a bit but solo only so you don't see people like this in special G. I would have just kicked them or left, even if Apex Steve is one of the easiest Apex monster in the game.
Great! I'll give it a go, thanks!
By the way, when will I run into a tetsucabra? Haven't seen one yet.
It's the first big monster in the 3* quests.
Diablos.... good? Diablos has always and most likely will always be shit.
Honestly I like some of the older monsters more than the their third gen counterparts. Kut-Ku is a nice tutorial without a stupid monster summoning gimmick. Gravios is better than Uragann because you don't have to sit and wait for a stupid spindash to end. Gigginox spent way too much time on the ceiling to be any fun to fight melee. Dire Miralis was somehow even more boring to fight that gen 1 & 2 Fatalis. Barioth was just a crappier Nargacuga. I could keep going on.
Great! I'll give it a go, thanks!
By the way, when will I run into a tetsucabra? Haven't seen one yet.
Gravios is straight up garbage. Who thought it was a good idea to make a monster that has attacks bounce off every single part of his except one, and then put the one part you can actually attack up really high? Wait for his laser, then wait for the gas, then run in and attack, but oh wait your draw attack doesn't hit high, so you can't do any damage until your second swing and then right after that he's doing a new attack, so better back off. Enjoy running in, poking him once, then running away for the next half hour. But hey you can mount him and break his back! Unless he sits in a corner away from any ramps and spams his laser for five fucking minutes. Fuck Gravios.
Monsters in the gathering hall are balanced for 2-3 People, they have more health. I don't think their other stats change though.
How much more difficult are these to solo. If I'm doing 3* solo quests, can I do 1* guild quests? Any kind of rough rule like that.
Finally got to and killed G Jaggi last night.
Is there any way to get humble scraps early on? I have a second felyne I can't use because I don't have any equipment for him. Or should I just not worry about it.
How much more difficult are these to solo. If I'm doing 3* solo quests, can I do 1* guild quests? Any kind of rough rule like that.
How much more difficult are these to solo. If I'm doing 3* solo quests, can I do 1* guild quests? Any kind of rough rule like that.
Gravios is straight up garbage. Who thought it was a good idea to make a monster that has attacks bounce off every single part of his except one, and then put the one part you can actually attack up really high? Wait for his laser, then wait for the gas, then run in and attack, but oh wait your draw attack doesn't hit high, so you can't do any damage until your second swing and then right after that he's doing a new attack, so better back off. Enjoy running in, poking him once, then running away for the next half hour. But hey you can mount him and break his back! Unless he sits in a corner away from any ramps and spams his laser for five fucking minutes. Fuck Gravios.
How much more difficult are these to solo. If I'm doing 3* solo quests, can I do 1* guild quests? Any kind of rough rule like that.
It a three star quest, the first urgent quest you get in the next town you visit. Don't you worry, you'll know when you meet him.
If you want some practice you can take one on at any point by solo-ing a low level multiplayer quest that should be available to you now. I'd work on sorting you Jaggi Armour first though. Tetsucabra can do some serious damage.
Yeah, maybe I'll give it a try after I ger my armor.
Speaking, got a frill using the hammer! Awesome!
It showed up after the mission on the results screen, not from carving... Is that normal?
One more to go but I gotta get some sleep. Thanks for all the help kids!
Yes. The only breakable part you carve is the tail, everything else shows up in the rewards.
I'd be down: he's the easiest source of Lrg Elder Drgngems imo.I wonder if there is anyone here interested in farming Chameleos. Anybody? Not today though, just asking.
I wonder if there is anyone here interested in farming Chameleos. Anybody? Not today though, just asking.
Gravios is straight up garbage. Who thought it was a good idea to make a monster that has attacks bounce off every single part of his except one, and then put the one part you can actually attack up really high? Wait for his laser, then wait for the gas, then run in and attack, but oh wait your draw attack doesn't hit high, so you can't do any damage until your second swing and then right after that he's doing a new attack, so better back off. Enjoy running in, poking him once, then running away for the next half hour. But hey you can mount him and break his back! Unless he sits in a corner away from any ramps and spams his laser for five fucking minutes. Fuck Gravios.
Any breakable part that doesn't stay on the field (like a carvable tail) always shows up in the quest rewards.Speaking, got a frill using the hammer! Awesome!
It showed up after the mission on the results screen, not from carving... Is that normal?
Yeah you'll need a really good charm for that (Evade Dist. +7 and Evasion +9 OOO actually, but good luck getting that). There's a lot you can do with Edgemaster +4 OOO and Sharpness +7 OOO but all my charm luck went into getting great GS charms so far, and I don't even play GS. My set is pretty cookie cutter and has Honed Blade, Razor Sharp, Challenger+2 and Bombardier/Tremor Res/Speed Sharpening depending on what I'm fighting.
I'd be down: he's the easiest source of Lrg Elder Drgngems imo.
Cool, I'll be making the room later this weekend though.I don't need anything from it, but I'd join. It would have to be after 4:30PM PDT, though!
If you attack a monster with the weapon element it is most weak to, does that bypass deflection?
No, but if you post a room when I'm around, I'd be willing to help. I'm sure others would too.Anyone else here still working on HR 3 quests? I've only been able to do some village quests since the weekend (busy at work) and wouldn't mind finding some people that play in the evenings (EST) or or the weekend. I really don't mind what we hunt either.
The only one that I've done that I'd say would need to be toned down if they made it solo only is Dalamadur. That fight relies on you knowing what to do if you want to solo it in a decent amount of time.
No, but if you post a room when I'm around, I'd be willing to help. I'm sure others would too.