Batman AK PC Perf Thread of DARKNESS, NO SETTINGS [30fps cap / intro removal in OP]


This is game is broken bad. It made my Windows 10 install unstable. I had to reinstall the OS. Game crashes at random a lot. Bad thing is that I can't get a refund so all I can hope for is that they fix it.

At this point I don't care about the missing graphics. I just want the game to run better than it does and to stop crashing.

I also cant run the benchmark. Black screen crash every time I run it.


moving the game to my SSD purely to see if it improves at all

only 1.5gb left on it since I still have The Witcher 3 so I won't even be able to patch it lol


I feel sorry for those who bought new video cards especially to play this. I guess the gmae was bundled in though for some people so it isn't too bad, plus you see the advantages in other games

What a clusterfuck though


Junior Member
It's running much better for me now. I think a fair amount of it is the speed of the CPU.I turned off some unneeded processes that were going on in the background and it stopped the stuttering. However, the textures are horrible and take forever to load. I'm fine when I'm in the Batmobile or flying around, but whenever I get next to a wall it just looks like greasy shit.


My game runs/looks more or less perfectly.

Except when I get to a new lengthy Batmobile segment, where the either the game crashes or the game crashes my fucking computer.

When I replay it after that, it's fine.

Always on the first fucking time.
So... about these lens flares...

So tired of having to edit ini files to fix games. Just extra steps before I actually get to play that I never dealt with on consoles. Stop trying to kill living-room PC gaming you daft pubs!
Tweaked some settings now getting anywhere from 111fps down to 60. It varies but rarely drops below 60.

I7 4790K
980 TI

Maintaining 80fps as we speak. Check link, this is what I did. hope it works for you guys! by the way EVERYTHING IS MAXED including Nvidia stuff!

Just changed the texture resolution to 2 in the ini file and that made a pretty big difference in the textures ingame, this looks much better.

Running on a Titan X at 4k at around 40-45 fps.

This is a start, hope to see some better AA added.

Here are some pics.

So... about these lens flares...


JJ Abrams would be proud.

"2. Change AllowD3D10=False to AllowD3D10=True (This allows you to enable D3D10 for better performance)"

That can't be right... can it?

It kinda just sounds like changing a bunch of random client variables and hoping something sticks (and doesn't break the game). Turning motion blur off causes the game to crash immediately for me on launch, so who knows what kind of bedlam you could cause by changing more important settings.


Just changed the texture resolution to 2 in the ini file and that made a pretty big difference in the textures ingame, this looks much better.

Running on a Titan X at 4k at around 40-45 fps.

This is a start, hope to see some better AA added.

Here are some pics.

I said bro. I'll have to try this.

What are the chances of snuffing the chromatic aberration through the ini files?

I tried it. With all Gameworks on (which is implied when saying "Everything Maxed") it still stutters like mad and drops to what I think are 30-40 fps. I can't tell exactly because MSI Afterburner's OSD doesn't display when Gameworks is on for some reason. But the fluctuations are very noticable when driving around and this is on a G-sync monitor.

Plus the low quality texture issue is still there.

My specs:

i5 2500k @ 4.5
980 ti
16 gb ram
Windows 7 64-bit
353.30 (the new "game ready" Batman: AK drivers)

Everything maxed (the driving still stutters with Gameworks turned off anyways).


It kinda just sounds like changing a bunch of random client variables and hoping something sticks (and doesn't break the game). Turning motion blur off causes the game to crash immediately for me on launch, so who knows what kind of bedlam you could cause by changing more important settings.
Yeah, I'm a bit hesitant to touch it until I get some confirmation from other Gaffers that it works. Don't want to fuck things up further
if that's even possible
780 overclocked, i5-4670k overclocked and a SSD.

Capped it at 30fps, turned all the special stuff (nvidia) on and haven't had issues in the first hour. I don't think everything is maxed. Meh, it's not perfect but it's running at 1080p and I can play the game. I only paid $36, so I'm not furious, still wish it was better.


I tried it. With all Gameworks on (which is implied when saying "Everything Maxed") it still stutters like mad and drops to what I think are 30-40 fps. I can't tell exactly because MSI Afterburner's OSD doesn't display when Gameworks is on for some reason. But the fluctuations are very noticable when driving around and this is on a G-sync monitor.

Plus the low quality texture issue is still there.

My specs:

i5 2500k @ 4.5
980 ti
16 gb ram
Windows 7 64-bit
353.30 (the new "game ready" Batman: AK drivers)

Everything maxed (the driving still stutters with Gameworks turned off anyways).
Try settings PhysX to GPU in Nvidia control panel. Haven't tried it, but read that somewhere.
Yeah, I'm a bit hesitant to touch it until I get some confirmation from other Gaffers that it works. Don't want to fuck things up further
if that's even possible

Its always possible to fuck shit up more than they already are... I know I did! Redownloading for a 3rd time here.


Low Poly Gynecologist

lol the fuck is this bullshit?

1. Change bAllowD3D9MSAA=False to bAllowD3D9MSAA=True (This allows you to use MSAA with D3D9)

2. Change AllowD3D10=False to AllowD3D10=True (This allows you to enable D3D10 for better performance)

3. Change TextureResolution=1 to TextureResolution=2 (This allows you to change the texture resolution from Normal to High but somehow it keep changing back to normal I don't know why because in my case while looking at the options in-game the texture resolution is set on Normal and there is no other options (no high, no ultra, just nothing). But you can try.

4. Ingame decrease shadows to low or normal. No need to put it high, just in case to get more frames/s (who cares about shadows anyway ;/)

5. Turn off Motion blur: MotionBlur=False and MotionBlurSkinning=0 . Players report that this might crash your game so turn it off at your own responsability. Mine didn't crash so maybe it's not for everyone.

6. Turn off Bloom: Bloom=False

7. Turn off Reflections: Reflections=False

8. Change AllowOpenGL=False to AllowOpenGL=True (This allows you to use OpenGL for better performance)

Using DX9, DX10, and OGL all at the same time for dat Better Performance™
I'm not even going to attempt to play this game until they release some patches for it. The sad thing is that I will probably end up watching the story on youtube by the time it is fixed.


moved the game to my SSD and the results are uh interesting

when I first launched it; it ran way better. wasnt getting that annoying micro freeze the video has, even tho on my HDD it happened as soon as I entered the game

played for 5 minutes. started happening again

so basically installing the game on the solid drive just delays the shittiness


Tweaked some settings now getting anywhere from 111fps down to 60. It varies but rarely drops below 60.

I7 4790K
980 TI

Maintaining 80fps as we speak. Check link, this is what I did. hope it works for you guys! by the way EVERYTHING IS MAXED including Nvidia stuff!

So I tried these settings, unlocked the framerate again and no it doesn't help performance at all. Still stuttering and dropping like crazy. Looks like I 'have' to stick to 30fps.


780 overclocked, i5-4670k overclocked and a SSD.

Capped it at 30fps, turned all the special stuff (nvidia) on and haven't had issues in the first hour. I don't think everything is maxed. Meh, it's not perfect but it's running at 1080p and I can play the game. I only paid $36, so I'm not furious, still wish it was better.

This is my rig exactly. I'm completely content with locking third person games at 30 and maxing them out. GTA V looks fantastic for me. I'll worry about 60fps when I upgrade my card in a year or two. 780 is already long in the tooth but for 1080p I feel it's perfectly acceptable for now.

Fingers crossed I can have the same experience as you when my download finally finishes.


Posted this in the other thread:

I'm goign to post this on the performance thread too, but... I'm actually doing pretty good on my end.

GTX 780ti 3770k and running at 1440p. Playing on borderless window mode no Vscyn no in game AA (using FXAA from Nvidia panel).

Everything as high as it goes (textures at normal) but only Nvidia rain and light effects.

Getting avg 55 FPS. WAS getting some awful stutter, but now only when using the batmobile. Also getting some textture pop-in, and occasionally it takes textures forever to load.

Other than that It's been pretty good, smooth, veyr little stutter (mostly when in the batmobile, so I'm avoiding batmobile missions). But I just finished playing na hour fo the game, and it's pretty good. Still nto what it should be, but I think I'm going to keep playing, at least until the game starts to force me into the batmobile more.

Tried locking to 30 FPS. Tried playing on my friend's Xbone.

EDIT: Definitely getting the long loading textures on occasion. This goes away if you set detail level to normal in my tests though. And no AO/lower quality shaders still seem to be an issue.

But right now, atleast it's not stopping me from enjoyign the game, and having tried consoels at 30 fPS (and getting the same results by locking with MSI), forget it. I'm not giving up my 55 FPS for 30 FPS any day for any reason.


I was going to give the story mode a try, but the built in benchmark looked bad enough that I decided to just wait for the patch. Hopefully this can get fixed within the next 2 weeks.


moved the game to my SSD and the results are uh interesting

when I first launched it; it ran way better. wasnt getting that annoying micro freeze the video has, even tho on my HDD it happened as soon as I entered the game

played for 5 minutes. started happening again

so basically installing the game on the solid drive just delays the shittiness

Or maybe your VRAM content was purged in-between and you just had the impression that it was the move to your SSD.


uhhhhhhhhhh is it me or whenever a "character bio" shows up the prompt is actually for the fucking PS4 controller guide button

Or maybe your VRAM content was purged in-between and you just had the impression that it was the move to your SSD.

happens regardless of texture quality. It does act like a vram issue but it aint that

im now pausing the game to post this and when I go back and unpause after a while the game runs at 3fps for like 10 seconds


"2. Change AllowD3D10=False to AllowD3D10=True (This allows you to enable D3D10 for better performance)"

That can't be right... can it?
Didnt touch that one.
I tried it. With all Gameworks on (which is implied when saying "Everything Maxed") it still stutters like mad and drops to what I think are 30-40 fps. I can't tell exactly because MSI Afterburner's OSD doesn't display when Gameworks is on for some reason. But the fluctuations are very noticable when driving around and this is on a G-sync monitor.

Plus the low quality texture issue is still there.

My specs:

i5 2500k @ 4.5
980 ti
16 gb ram
Windows 7 64-bit
353.30 (the new "game ready" Batman: AK drivers)

Everything maxed (the driving still stutters with Gameworks turned off anyways).

Dont know will try to upload a vid to show how its working for me. Can I stream through shadowplay?


Neo Member
I have a 4-core 3.5ghz oc on R9 280X and it was playable between 25 to 55 frame rate until you get to the batmobile. By then, the frame rate dips as low as 10 since there are so many destructible thing. It is unplayable.

leng jai

Hmmm, turns out I forgot to download the new drivers. Looks like they really did help - pretty much eliminated all my stuttering and gives me locked 30fps now. Even the Batmobile sections are fine.

This is with everything maxed at 1440p minus AA on a OC'ed 970/2500k at 4ghz. Now I'm kind of confused...

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
the texture streaming issues reminds me of unreal 3 engine release lol


Hmmm, turns out I forgot to download the new drivers. Looks like they really did help - pretty much eliminated all my stuttering and gives me locked 30fps now. Even the Batmobile sections are fine.

This is with everything maxed at 1440p minus AA on a OC'ed 970/2500k at 4ghz. Now I'm kind of confused...
That's really weird. I definitely downloaded them, and I was having stuttering like crazy on my 970. Did you do a clean install? And had you messed with the .ini at all prior to this?

leng jai

That's really weird. I definitely downloaded them, and I was having stuttering like crazy on my 970. Did you do a clean install? And had you messed with the .ini at all prior to this?

I haven't touched the ini file so it's still using the in-game 30fps lock. This is probably one of the best feeling 30fps implementations on PC though - feels like playing on a console. Much smoother than Witcher 3's 30fps.


yeah nope. literally cannot play this even if I wanted to

I get sub par 25-30fps with the mini freezes every 5 seconds on settings that make it look WAY worse than Origins or even City, which both ran at 60fps maxed

it's like a bad joke


Low Poly Gynecologist
yeah nope. literally cannot play this even if I wanted to

I get sub par 25-30fps with the mini freezes every 5 seconds on settings that make it look WAY worse than Origins or even City, which both ran at 60fps maxed

it's like a bad joke

Seriously dude, get a refund. They sold you a bill of goods.
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