Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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I have a ton of lv50 g busters and Phoenix weapons and only 1 level 50 skell. Buying the most expensive one left me with only 1.5 mil left.


I remember hearing complaints about the games audio mixing, and not really understanding it...UNTIL the affinity mission involving following Vandham around. The fact that they decided to play loud battle music other a cut scene of old men in a board room talking is the most bizarre music decision i've ever seen...
Can you redo the Global Nemesis mission or is it one shot?

^asking again. I've seen that all the characters have heart-to-heart missions so that's probably the best way to go?

I haven't tested this out fully but I saw this happen. Talk to a quest giver like Mia in Administrative or May in Oblivia (you probably already did these) while doing dialogue you can choose choices that raise affinity.

When the menu pops up to accept the mission say no. You should still be able to talk to them again and get those same dialogue choices that can raise affinity. At the end reject the quest and keep doing this.

I only saw this happen because with May I exited out accident. When I talk to her again the same dialogue came up and new affinity (hearts) seem to be gained.

I don't want to abuse it because I'm doing all side content anyway so I've been doing quests from the board with extra party members to gain affinity. Personally don't want to cheese it.
I remember hearing complaints about the games audio mixing, and not really understanding it...UNTIL the affinity mission involving following Vandham around. The fact that they decided to play loud battle music other a cut scene of old men in a board room talking is the most bizarre music decision i've ever seen...
If you turn off subtitles, it's easier to understand the complaints.

(you'll turn them back on)


Wow, my brand new lv50 skell is so strong it isn't even funny. At first I saw G2-Buster dealt 15000 damage to the G-Buster's 24400, but once I used it I realized it hits twice and is an AoE attack. It's so ridiculous I've been randomly killing lv40 enemies simply by trying to hit something else near them.

I'm level 51-52 and I think I still haven't even started chapter 10 (finished the Manhunt mission that was prequisite for whichever chapter I have to do now)... have I gone overboard on side-content and levelling up while exploring stuff for that point in the story?

Can you redo the Global Nemesis mission or is it one shot?

You can redo them as many times as you want as long as you've got any medals left (scout medals, I think?).


No Scrubs
Wow, my brand new lv50 skell is so strong it isn't even funny. At first I saw G2-Buster dealt 15000 damage to the G-Buster's 24400, but once I used it I realized it hits twice and is an AoE attack. It's so ridiculous I've been randomly killing lv40 enemies simply by trying to hit something else near them.

I'm level 51-52 and I think I still haven't even started chapter 10 (finished the Manhunt mission that was prequisite for whichever chapter I have to do now)... have I gone overboard on side-content and levelling up while exploring stuff for that point in the story?

You might have. I'm level 43 and I'm at chapter 11. I am running around doing a lot of normal quests now though so I'll probably be at like 50 by the time I start it.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Wow, my brand new lv50 skell is so strong it isn't even funny. At first I saw G2-Buster dealt 15000 damage to the G-Buster's 24400, but once I used it I realized it hits twice and is an AoE attack. It's so ridiculous I've been randomly killing lv40 enemies simply by trying to hit something else near them.

I'm level 51-52 and I think I still haven't even started chapter 10 (finished the Manhunt mission that was prequisite for whichever chapter I have to do now)... have I gone overboard on side-content and levelling up while exploring stuff for that point in the story?
Yes, don't complain if it's too easy now.
So for the Oblivia Caravan quest. "The Trading Floor"

I choose to
gather the Kiweggs instead of fight.

Right decision?

now the Noon are forced to still sell to them. Though maybe if I attacked the Prone would attack the Caravan?

You can redo them as many times as you want as long as you've got any medals left (scout medals, I think?).



You might have. I'm level 43 and I'm at chapter 11. I am running around doing a lot of normal quests now though so I'll probably be at like 50 by the time I start it.

Yes, don't complain if it's too easy now.

Oh wow, talk about overdoing it... I did grind about twenty lv40-something giant enemy crabs, but that was only so that I could get a couple class levels quickly. The rest of my experience points came from basically going out and doing lots of missions and exploration.


No Scrubs
Oh wow, talk about overdoing it... I did grind about twenty lv40-something giant enemy crabs, but that was only so that I could get a couple class levels quickly. The rest of my experience points came from basically going out and doing lots of missions and exploration.

Just a head's up, I did chapter 11, and reset it, and I basically rolled through. It shouldn't even be a challenge for you.
Wow, my brand new lv50 skell is so strong it isn't even funny. At first I saw G2-Buster dealt 15000 damage to the G-Buster's 24400, but once I used it I realized it hits twice and is an AoE attack. It's so ridiculous I've been randomly killing lv40 enemies simply by trying to hit something else near them.

I'm level 51-52 and I think I still haven't even started chapter 10 (finished the Manhunt mission that was prequisite for whichever chapter I have to do now)... have I gone overboard on side-content and levelling up while exploring stuff for that point in the story?.
I think Skells are just OP in general. Level 30 Skells are able to take out stuff that you shouldn't be able to handle at all.


I'm kinda overleveled too (at least so far) but I don't really even mind. There's so much challenging content you can tackle whenever you want that breezing through the story missions is rewarding in a way.


Just a head's up, I did chapter 11, and reset it, and I basically rolled through. It shouldn't even be a challenge for you.

The chapter 9 boss was one of the few I didn't end up dying repeatedly to and that was before I even started my sidequest spree, so I guess my level and gear was on par for the story, but now I've overshot so much it isn't even funny. Still, my ground gear and arts are all over the place since I've been reclassing all the time, so I guess ground fights won't be ridiculously easy like skell ones.

...And all this made me think that RPGs could some system that could limit your character/party's level to a user-defined number, which would help in case of overlevelling due to all the side missions and also would enable self-impossed challenges such as forced low-level runs.

I think Skells are just OP in general. Level 30 Skells are able to take out stuff that you shouldn't be able to handle at all.

I'm inclined to agree, since the problem wasn't that I was rocking things on foot, but that G-Busters basically owned anything up to level fifty without too many issues, which is downright ridiculous.


No Scrubs
The chapter 9 boss was one of the few I didn't end up dying repeatedly to and that was before I even started my sidequest spree, so I guess my level and gear was on par for the story, but now I've overshot so much it isn't even funny. Still, my ground gear and arts are all over the place since I've been reclassing all the time, so I guess ground fights won't be ridiculously easy like skell ones.

...And all this made me think that RPGs could some system that could limit your character/party's level to a user-defined number, which would help in case of overlevelling due to all the side missions and also would enable self-impossed challenges such as forced low-level runs.

Ahh, most of it is ground based combat so if you're not set with a spec you might have a little trouble.

I think a scalable main quest would be the way to go for something like Xenoblade.


...And all this made me think that RPGs could some system that could limit your character/party's level to a user-defined number, which would help in case of overlevelling due to all the side missions and also would enable self-impossed challenges such as forced low-level runs.

TWEWY's level scaling system should definitely have become more ubiquitous than it did. But considering XCX can't even manage shared EXP, QoL improvements on that level may have been too much to hope for.

I sort of talk like
and it scares me, you know?

I'm like that as well - maybe narcissism is the whole reason I like
the Ma-non
at all.


No Scrubs
TWEWY's level scaling system should definitely have become more ubiquitous than it did. But considering XCX can't even manage shared EXP, QoL improvements on that level may have been too much to hope for.

Yea, no shared exp was a huge oversight given the size of the supporting cast.


I keep hitting the cap with tickets, and using them for random materials to finish random quests seems a waste. are the some materials I'll need later in the game (e.g. for Ares90, for the best weapons, the best augments etc.) that I should buy know with tickets?

I think Skells are just OP in general. Level 30 Skells are able to take out stuff that you shouldn't be able to handle at all.
Skell weapons, and yes, some of them are just really broken.

I got a level 30 Skell with G-buster, drones and other 179k weapons, chapter 7 boss died in 2 hits. I could keep killing level 50~ monsters with those, level up to 50 in one hour or so and get a level 50 Skell to make everything even more ridiculous.

I haven't tested this out fully but I saw this happen. Talk to a quest giver like Mia in Administrative or May in Oblivia (you probably already did these) while doing dialogue you can choose choices that raise affinity.

When the menu pops up to accept the mission say no. You should still be able to talk to them again and get those same dialogue choices that can raise affinity. At the end reject the quest and keep doing this.

I only saw this happen because with May I exited out accident. When I talk to her again the same dialogue came up and new affinity (hearts) seem to be gained.

I don't want to abuse it because I'm doing all side content anyway so I've been doing quests from the board with extra party members to gain affinity. Personally don't want to cheese it.
I think that happened to me a couple of times but I didn't know if spamming the same dialogue coud have worked and I didn't bother to test it. good to know though, if I need some fast hearts I'll probably use that method.
around 5% left.... I think I'll get a few days break before trying to complete Mira survey.... not to mention have to start grinding skells augment/gears for few air tyrants that needed for the survey :|
i wonder how many ultrafauna xx is barely enough for telethia hmm


Whohoo, I got my Skell! Took me about 25 hours of playtime to get there, but I did it.


I named it GROUDON. I couldn't think of a good naming convention that other people haven't done, so I went with legendary Pokemon. A lot of them have good color schemes, and that's really the most important thing. It's kind of weird seeing "GROUDON" on the screen during battles, however. I might change the naming scheme later if I find it too weird. But in the meantime, I wanna build a ZAPDOS one next!

I didn't think the Skell License Exam was too bad, considering some of the ominous comments I've read about it. I was a little lucky that I had 2 complete, right off the bat. Fiddled with a research probe and duplicator in Noctilum and finished the Prospectors one pretty easily. The battle ones went fine, although a smidge tedious. The only sticking one was the Curators' collectathon, where I was just 2 items short of having it done from the start. Could've been worse, but tracking down that last item in Oblivia kinda sucked.

After goofing off with the Skells a little, the game is reminding me of a couple different things now. Katamari Damacy and Blaster Master. Now that I have the Skell, I really do feel like I'm playing Katamari and the world just zoomed out to the next size. All those Grexes down below are just little things that leave me alone and now the giant Ciniculas are what I challenge now. One of the first things I did with the Skell was march up to Arendt Bridge and found the cave there. Getting out of the Skell made me feel like Blaster Master because I felt so vulnerable being outside of it. Don't know how I feel about it in terms of total game design yet... Starting to feel like the Skell makes the normal combat abilities feel somewhat superfluous. I really hope there's a point to the ground gear later on, other than exploring indoor areas.

Been thinking about Story Chapter requirements and have been really pleased with how Xenoblade X handles progression. The absurd chapter requirements has been a sticking point for people and it has come up in reviews. I was a little nervous that it would bug me. But it's gone relatively well through so far. When it tells me to survey a certain percentage of a continent in advance, the developers basically know which parts of the map you're probably going to discover. So then on the next mission, they send you to a similar area that's slightly farther out. I've discovered a new area of the map, and then they give me a specific task there. It feels very thoughtful and methodical on the part of the developers. Granted, I've only done 4 Affinity Missions so far, but everything major they've given me (Affinity/Story), I feel like I'm either 1) already halfway there when I start, or 2) end up being useful for a later requirement.

Maybe the game craps the bed later in terms of throwing huge ridiculous challenges at you, or maybe I've just gotten lucky by avoiding certain Affinity Missions so far. Been really pleased with how they're pacing the specific challenges thus far.
Jesus christ, leveled up like five times in the Chapter 10 battle.

That was something.

Praise Verus and it's Level 30 version of the G-Buster.

Oh and on another note: Heavy Skells are overrated. A properly outfitted light-skell with the pilot wearing Skell pilot gear will outmatch a heavy anyday IMO. Especially since Light Skells can dodge like a Gemmed up Dunban.

lol, wtf? I'm supposed to beat this thing? How much grinding do they want me to do?

Guess it's back to the well. Level 50 ought to cover it, I guess

lol, wtf? I'm supposed to beat this thing? How much grinding do they want me to do?

Go for the dishes on the side. After those are destroyed the battle moves on. Also, kill Adds first or they will fuck you up.

I assume you have at least three Skells in your party and have acquired the flight module?
Go for the dishes on the side. After those are destroyed the battle moves on. Also, kill Adds first or they will fuck you up.

I assume you have at least three Skells in your party and have acquired the flight module?
Correct. 4 person party, level 43. I took a whole 10% out of its HP before being completely wiped out!

Thankfully I saved before starting the mission...


When do you have to pay to repair skells? My squad has lost their skells countless time and I've yet to pay a cent to get them back. I'm confused, not that I'm complaining but I would like to know what's going on.
My lv 30 skells got wrecked by a lv 60 bug tyrant doing the off record mission. I don't think I can beat it even with a lv 50 skell... Any tips?
My lv 30 skells got wrecked by a lv 60 bug tyrant doing the off record mission. I don't think I can beat it even with a lv 50 skell... Any tips?
I don't have a level 50 skell yet, but my understanding of level 50 skells is... you can probably beat it (and golden-age Superman) with a level 50 skell.
Is flight on a skell a game changer? I think after recruiting the two new characters available post chapter 8 I'm gonna rush chapter 9 and rush the skell flight mission.

Yes. I wish I had hurried to get it because it opens up so much more and makes it much easier to get money and miranium through your probe layout. Having a full party of skells with flight capabilities really changes the game.


I'm 50 hours into the game and my current level is 40, just finished chapter 9 and the flying module mission. I've been waiting so long for this to happen T.T..that ost
I guess I'll try again when I get a lv 50 Skell. I'm only at lv 42...

I really want to quickly get my field skills to level 5.
It just annoys me a lot when I discovered an unexplored area, found a treasure, but it was locked for a level 5 field skill smh. iirc unexplored/hidden areas won't be charted on the map, so finding them again would be a hassle.
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