You're not good.nozaki isn't good
Huh, the Nozaki-kun dub doesn't sound too bad...
....But what if it's just a trap? And lurking somewhere in the dub is pimp cat?
White Album Episode 1
I am legit confused. Seriously, what the hell is going on?
What are the thoughts about Kiss x Sis, Kimikiss Pure Rouge, Green Green, Love Hina and Rosario + Vampire?
Need the next useless Romcom to watch.
Love Hina. The rest are trash.
Watch Rosario + Vampire
Are the other three just bad?
What are the thoughts about Kiss x Sis, Kimikiss Pure Rouge, Green Green, Love Hina and Rosario + Vampire?
Need the next useless Romcom to watch.
The fuck you watching this? Just go White Album 2 and forget WA1 existed.
Are the other three just bad?
Are the other three just bad?
I know Kiss x Sis deals with the whole "she's not my blood sis" crap, but is it entertaining? I don't mind lewd as long as it's not loli shit.
So the only one that nobody knows is Green Green then. I'll have to watch them all slowly then and see if they ate entertaining at least. I don't think any of them will be exactly rewarding and wholly expect garbage anime endings.
I know Kiss x Sis deals with the whole "she's not my blood sis" crap, but is it entertaining? I don't mind lewd as long as it's not loli shit.
So the only one that nobody knows is Green Green then. I'll have to watch them all slowly then and see if they ate entertaining at least. I don't think any of them will be exactly rewarding and wholly expect garbage anime endings.
There is wayyyyy too much pee fetishism.
I'm pretty sure I can never feel this emotion people call "love" now.
White Album Episode 1
I am legit confused. Seriously, what the hell is going on?
This is vintage Kiritobread kind of show, especially Capu2.
Awesome duel for Toshiki Kai and Shion
Capu2 OP is the best thing ever.
Wait, what? Which one? Wtf..
He's hit it from his side and still hitthe court ? Magic.almost
A long time ago I was told that Amagami was kind of like KimiKiss, but I never watched KimiKiss and wasn't sure.
The design sort of looks similar though.
Urusei Yatsura 8
I liked the fantastical settings of the two stories in this episode. In the first story, I enjoyed the alien landscape and Oshii's fascination with tanks rolling down city streets showing up (later to be seen in Angel's Egg and Patlabor 2), and the second story of the timeslip into dinosaur age was enjoyable for the pleasant lack of Lum/Shinobu squabbling.
Mind refreshing my memery on the bolded ? It's been a while, is it the the unfinishedor something else ? Great pick and very glad you liked it !policeman plot
I was going to watch Code Geass, but a friend convinced me to watch Gintama instead. I'm glad he did cos every single episode so far has been hilarious. I usually don't bother with long running animes due to not really having enough free time, but if it carries on like this I'll happily watch however many episodes of Gintama there are.
I was going to watch Code Geass, but a friend convinced me to watch Gintama instead. I'm glad he did cos every single episode so far has been hilarious. I usually don't bother with long running animes due to not really having enough free time, but if it carries on like this I'll happily watch however many episodes of Gintama there are.
I was going to watch Code Geass, but a friend convinced me to watch Gintama instead. I'm glad he did cos every single episode so far has been hilarious. I usually don't bother with long running animes due to not really having enough free time, but if it carries on like this I'll happily watch however many episodes of Gintama there are.
I honestly think it's incredible already (9 episodes in) so I'm chuffed to read that. Gin's scenes with Otae, the embassy bombing, the duel with the police chief. I've loved it all so far.Well if you are liking it now, then you will like it even more later. Episode 25 is the turning point, nearly everything after that is solid gold.
I definitely plan on it. A lot of the shows I watch are just shows which people talk about a lot in this thread and Code Geass is one of them.You have good friends.
Though you should still watch Code Geass after you're done.
Everyone, please look forward to my 15 part analysis of why Crimson Moon is a bad show, and how it fails to deliver in almost every regard.
I'm not gonna do that.
White Album Episode 1
I am legit confused. Seriously, what the hell is going on?
Nozaki fans resorting to ad hominem
Nozaki's fine outside of Chiyo.
WowNozaki's fine outside of Chiyo.
I can't remember, has he already slept with someone else who is not his girlfriend yet?
No Chiyo slander plsNozaki's fine outside of Chiyo.
Those tanks were actually in the manga - although I think the anime kind of missed what they were supposed to be.
In the manga, the newspaper boy in that scene is actually the main character of Kattena Yatsura, one of Rumiko's earlier works. The whole scene in the manga is referencing Kattena Yatsura, where at the end of the story,Kei, the main character, due to a series of coincidences, ends ups with bombs inside his body implanted by the army, by aliens and by an underwater race (those red "Dappya" things that keep appearing in Urusei Yatsura) that will destroy the entire universe if they blow up together and they'll detonate if Kei dies.
So, all three forces join together to protect him for the rest of his life, while Kei only cares about delivering newspapers - Kattena Yatsura's final scene was Kei running around delivering Newspapers while the army marches around him and his appearance in Urusei Yatsura was basically that scene all over again... although this time delivering a newspaper about Ataru.
The anime threw the Snowman attacking the city at the end of the story with the implication that the army was going to face it, rather than the original context. They also didn't even try to keep Kei's design the same, so they probably didn't even realize that it wasn't just a generic newspaper's boy.
Jokes aside, a good writeup about how it went wrong would be handy for when people finishing Garo need pushed away from Crimson Moon.
Haikyuu 20
Animation turned into Ping Pong for that crazy dude's last spike. It looked awesome, showed how raw and animilistic that dude must be.
I think Oikawa broke the laws the physics with that serve. How did that even get over net the way he hit it?