More info on Corbyn's unpopularity. Still better than Clegg who hit -65% approval lol.
more tweets without the actual data to back it up...
More info on Corbyn's unpopularity. Still better than Clegg who hit -65% approval lol.
No it wasn't. We had for years and years before Blair was even born.
Also, I really hope the Libdems bounce back in a lot of areas, it might be one of the few ways to control Tory ambitions.
The ideal for LDs is for the votes we lost to the Greens, Labour and the Tories head back our way, we provide a clear voice for first and second time voters, and maybe UKIP has one more election in them to further depress Tory and Labour numbers. And of course to have the next election before the boundary review.
We've come quite a long way in the year since the GE - hopefully us being able to retake a lot of seats we should never have lost would help the fight against the Tories.
Labour are toast in general, though, which is the chief issue. The SNP effectively block Labour having any chance at all north of the border. Without those seats Labour can only enter coalitions, within reason.
Why is the SNP so popular in Scotland, other than the fact that they are are comparatively sane compared to the other parties and have only got a couple of stupid/controversial policies I can think of, which are airgun licensing and Named Persons? I would hope the LDs recover as well, liberals need a voice.
Why is the SNP so popular in Scotland, other than the fact that they are are comparatively sane compared to the other parties and have only got a couple of stupid/controversial policies I can think of, which are airgun licensing and Named Persons? I would hope the LDs recover as well, liberals need a voice.
Yet people are still complaining that Corbyn didn't cosy up to Cameron during the EU referendumBecause during the referendum the SLabour party held hands with the SConservative party.
Labour could no longer be "Not the Tories" so a different party is now "Not the Tories"
I'll need to dive into the named persons policy but I'm not sure what the issue with air guns is. I don't see an issue with licenced guns unless it's a situation where the costs outweigh the benefits. I do know a friend who is a High School teacher who won't vote SNP because they have an education policy which she doesn't see as useful. She does think Scottish Labour have a better education policy but has serious reservations about the rest of the party.
Yet people are still complaining that Corbyn didn't cosy up to Cameron during the EU referendum
Because during the referendum the SLabour party held hands with the SConservative party.
Labour could no longer be "Not the Tories" so a different party is now "Not the Tories"
I don't think that's it. Or, rather, that's not the whole story. The SNP held a majority in the Scottish Parliament (under PR!) long before the referendum.
We've come quite a long way in the year since the GE - hopefully us being able to retake a lot of seats we should never have lost would help the fight against the Tories.
I don't think that's it. Or, rather, that's not the whole story. The SNP held a majority in the Scottish Parliament (under PR!) long before the referendum.
Are they? All I've heard is disappointment that he didn't do more to show support for the remain argument from within the Labour ranks which he could easily have done without ever coming close to Cameron.Yet people are still complaining that Corbyn didn't cosy up to Cameron during the EU referendum
Are they? All I've heard is disappointment that he didn't do more to show support for the remain argument from within the Labour ranks which he could easily have done without ever coming close to Cameron.
The little I saw of the Labour campaign actually focused on the positives of being in the EU, so it's a shame that it didn't get more traction in the publicly perceived remain agenda.
Anyone seen this facebook post by Thangam Debbonaire MP for Bristol West?
It makes Corbyn look like a clueless leader
Dear everyone who has asked me what my problems are with Corbyn's leadership,
Here is my experience.
Mr Corbyn appointed me and press released this without my knowledge or consent whilst I was in the middle of cancer treatment. He then sacked me the next day when he realized he had given away part of someone else's role. But didn't bother to tell me that either. By then my office had been besieged by press and the story was out that I was Shadow Minister. I decided to make the best of it and to serve. I worked on his Arts policy whilst I was still having treatment but in Bristol..
When I went back to Westminster, I discovered that he had sacked me but hadn't told me and did not have any ideas for how I was supposed to explain it to Bristol West members or constituents. I was then faced with the choice of telling the truth - that he had made a series of errors, and inevitably thereby face a pile of criticism from his supporters - or say I had changed my mind about accepting the role - and thereby face a pile of criticism from.his supporters. And I knew the pile would arrive because I had seen how it went for others who had resigned. And because Corbyn supporters had already piled into me for disloyalty when I had had to miss votes for cancer treatment.
I then, contrary to the story he keeps giving on TV, found it near on impossible to get to talk to him about this problem
Eventually I did get to meet him and he had nothing to say. No idea what to do. It took my boss Maria Eagle to explain to him that as he was leader he could re appoint me if that was what he wanted.
Anyone seen this facebook post by Thangam Debbonaire MP for Bristol West?
It makes Corbyn look like a clueless leader
Anyone seen this facebook post by Thangam Debbonaire MP for Bristol West?
It makes Corbyn look like a clueless leader
I'll say.
Since then he has stated publicly that he isn't prioritizing winning elections. How can I support a Labour leader who doesn't want to form a Labour government above everything? When working people, the old, the young, the poor, the country, need a Labour government above everything?
i was reading what she wrote and nodding along, but then...
which he hasn't done, of course. Or, if he has, google can't seem to find it.
Which puts the veracity of the rest in question, sadly.
But, when asked whether a victory for the Labour left was more important to him than Labour taking control in parliament he said: "What's most important is to change the way politics is done in this country, to excite young people and older people into the idea that we can have a society that doesn't divide people, that doesn't have grotesque levels of inequality and we don't make the younger generation worse off than this generation and their children worse off than us."
Probably referring to this appearance on Andrew Marr:
Anyone seen this facebook post by Thangam Debbonaire MP for Bristol West?
It makes Corbyn look like a clueless leader
What is this statement based on? A genuine question and I'm not trying to antagonise you, just generally interested in what activities have been undertaken to support this conclusion.
Although Owen Smith was unknown to me bar a couple of times he was mentioned, he does seem to have something about him from that launch. Certainly more than Eagle anyway, so hoping she drops out and makes it a straight 1v1.
Are people even taking Eagle seriously? Personally I can't after that hilarious Failure to Launch.
She was asked if she would consider withdrawing if Owen Smith has better support than her.
"Let's just see what happens today," she replied. "Nominations don't open until Monday night - tonight - and so I don't think it's worth speculating about that at the moment."
Are people even taking Eagle seriously? Personally I can't after that hilarious Failure to Launch.
While I still think after brexit it became more than being about people disliking and wanting to oust Corbyn.This is a great article about how distorted the media has been regarding Corbyn.
Read the whole thing, its worth it.
even if you hate him there's no doubt from the day he was elected much of the media were 100% focused on destroying his mainstream appeal ( even if he actually had any or not).
This is a great article about how distorted the media has been regarding Corbyn.
Read the whole thing, its worth it.
That site has an article saying as Marxists we should resist Pokemon Go.
That doesn't really help the image of hard-Left living in a reality bubble.
This is a great article about how distorted the media has been regarding Corbyn.
Read the whole thing, its worth it.
That site has an article saying as Marxists we should resist Pokemon Go.
That doesn't really help the image of hard-Left living in a reality bubble.
The Guardian misquote regarding Corbyn (not) comparing Israel to ISIS is particularly disappointing. I'm still not happy with him as a leader though, and there's no one on the Left that I could identify as being at all suitable for the role of PM.
I've seen this criticism come up through an acquaintance on Facebook. I think that article is a bit overzealous and pompous (although I think there is an interesting, albeit smaller, point to be made at the heart of it). But what of it that Jacobin chooses to publish that piece alongside its other content? Either you argue that we should think about nothing else except ending world famine and poverty until those issues are resolved, or you acknowledge that social movements can (and should) have the capacity to deal with a range of matters at once. (Plus, by that same logic, conservative moments can silence feminist writings on representation for being unjustifiably frivolous.) I'd be concerned if Jacobin devoted 10 articles to critiques of Pokemon Go while ignoring anything else, but, as it stands, it doesn't.
Who are these people that dislike Corbyn? I am yet to find a personthat I've personally talked to that dislikes him.
Who are these people that dislike Corbyn? I am yet to find a personthat I've personally talked to that dislikes him.
So why didn’t things work out? There are four fundamental reasons.
The first was a lack of conviction. John McDonnell became shadow chancellor and the first thing he said was he would sign up to George Osborne’s bizarre, and now abandoned, fiscal charter, guaranteeing a balanced budget. It was lunacy. I told him so. He still put it in his conference speech only to have to U turn on it. But the damage was done, and has remained done. The message was clear: a Corbyn / McDonnell opposition was going to do economic policy on Tory ground. Radicalism disappeared and never returned. Labour’s own fiscal charter is evidence of that: it was re-heated neoliberals Balls at best. If this was meant to be what left wing economics was meant to deliver then it looked very much more like a lot more of the same failed policies to me based on a total misunderstanding of what the role of the government in the economy actually is..
Second, Corbynomics disappeared. PQE, which had been the defining economic and industrial symbol of Jeremy’s election campaign – the policy that was going to deliver growth, jobs, new industry and hope – might well have never happened. It’s taken Stephen Crabb and Theresa May to revive it. In its place nothing was offered at all; just vague words at best for months and then reference to a National Investment Bank on occasion but nothing else.
Third, I had the opportunity to see what was happening inside the PLP. The leadership wasn’t confusing as much as just silent. There was no policy direction, no messaging, no direction, no co-ordination, no nothing. Shadow ministers appeared to have been left with no direction as to what to do. It was shambolic. The leadership usually couldn’t even get a press release out on time to meet print media deadlines and then complained they got no coverage.
Fourth, and critically, there was no vision. A team of economic advisers were set up, but never properly consulted, let alone listened to. Three enquiries, into the Treasury, Bank of England and HM Revenue & Customs were established and given far too long to report: none has as yet. I gather the tax report is in draft: I have not seen it. Whether it will be presented is anyone’s guess. The Bank of England study has collapsed with the departure of Danny Blanchflower. Of the Treasury report I haven’t a clue. The point is though that for coming on for a year now policy has been on hold for these reports and the world has moved on. That’s just not competent.
The same problem has been seen around Brexit and so many other issues. If Jeremy and John had known what they were doing these impasses would not have happened. The impression left is that they have created a movement that hates what’s happening in the world and can get really angry about it, but then has not a clue what to do about it.
Who are these people that dislike Corbyn? I am yet to find a personthat I've personally talked to that dislikes him.
P and that's great, we *need* them to keep people like Blair and Cameron honest..