Are those Noctis' tiny hands?
I'm annoyed I haven't gotten my ballot in the mail yet. My mom got hers weeks ago.
So here's something that struck me, kind of an uncertainty principle thing:
Has there been any research into whether the act of polling a person has any inherent GOTV effect on that person? That is, whether actively engaging them to think about their choice pushes them more into the LV column?
I'm not quite sure how you'd go about researching that, mind!
Good god that Wikileaks tweet makes me want to roll my eyeballs out of my skull.Triple-K strongly approves of Assange.
Again, that's not what anyone said. No one said the sole factor for a white working class person to vote is racism or sexism. But, to pretend that there wasn't a subset of Hillary '08 supporters and Bernie '16 supporters who were slightly biased is just not factually accurate. No one said that was the ultimate drive.
Bernie's coalition is incredibly interesting, especially in what we would consider more conservative states. The most conservative voters in Oklahoma voted for Bernie. Of the 22% of people that said Hillary was too liberal, 69% of them voted for Bernie...who, you know, is a lot more liberal.
So to sum up:
No one is saying the main reason white working class Democrats vote is for racist reasons. However, we have evidence, based on previous voting patterns, that illustrate that some (SOME) people may have voted on racial or gender bias. And, the idea that Hillary had an advantage over Obama with white working class voters isn't something that new data confirms.
Triple-K strongly approves of Assange.
: sigh :Yet there were polls during the primary that suggested hillary had a higher percentage of supporters which held views that would be considered racist. Seems difficult if Bernie gathered a lot of support from these Racist, Sexist WWC.
Now that could be that the poll was not taken in these particular states, but IIRC it was a national poll. That leads me to believe your take is more of the 'hot' variety than academic.
: sigh :
Again, this is not the point. I do not doubt there are racist and sexist Hillary supporters. The entire point of the initial post, and I'd encourage you to take a look at it because it's really interesting, was that the assertion made in the posted article that Hillary had some type of strength with white, working class voters that Obama didn't have was factually wrong.
Yes. The fact that people don't understand that or understand that Bernie was helped by such phenomena in places like WV, KY, or NC (actually, Appalachia with a closed primary) is missing the point. It's not a controversial opinion. It was observable in the primary. No one is saying that Bernie supporters were racist, and I'm pretty baffled that's your take away. The point was, like in 08, Bernie -- IN SOME AREAS -- benefited from a protest vote that wouldnt have manifested in the general. This is not controversial -- West Virginia voters told us this in exit polls! It was a stupid argument by Clinton in 14 as well.
You know Trump's joke about Melania plagiarizing Michelle?
The joke was taken nearly word for word from a politic cartoon. He plagiarized a joke about plagiarism.
this is actually an old gif that was made around the time of the sony hack in 2011. Someone just redid some of the text.
It is ludicrous to believe that anyone who had been forcefully violated would not know it and bear physical marks.
But since a multicultural rape charge may indicate nothing more than belated regret, a woman might realize that she had been raped the next day or even many days later. Under these circumstances, it is unclear who should be held responsible. If the alcohol made both of them do it, then why should the womans consent be obviated any more than the mans? Why is all blame placed on the man?
The purpose of the rape crisis movement seems as much about vilifying men as about raising awareness.
The passionate hatred of men, the utopian demands for an elimination of all gender differences, the (totally inconsistent) demands for a uniquely female perspective, and the belief in widespread gender discrimination are the core of the new gender studies curriculum.
As paradoxical as it may seem, the extreme focus on racism has become the source of acrimony, as multiculturalists charge whites with more evanescent and intangible forms of racism, such as institutional racism or unconscious racism. As a result, the awareness of racism, once the main hope for ending racial division, today has become a major cause of debate and friction.
None of the text has been changed. I made it in 2011, and all the games I chose for that .gif just still haven't been released yet (other than MGSV).
If theres evidence of election fraud on November 8th and Hillary Clinton wins, then Donald Trump has every right to peacefully contest the results. If cheated out of the presidency in the same manner Bernie Sanders was cheated by the DNC, Trump shouldnt assemble an army of mercenaries nor should he push for civil war; medias obsession with this narrative is laughable. Considering Ralph Nader is still reviled among loyal Democrats (308,000 Florida Democrats voted for Bush in 2000), its hypocritical to condemn anyone for questioning the validity of election results. Furthermore, there are legal avenues for Trump to peacefully protest a Clinton victory, regardless of what outraged pundits say about American history and transition of power.
Boris Epshteyn, a senior Trump adviser, let out a laugh when asked about Arizona.
I would urge the Clinton campaign to spend as much money as possible in Arizona, he said. That would be great for them to do. We will win Arizona with a healthy margin.
Sean Spicer, the chief strategist for the Republican National Committee, discounted the Democrats push.
This is nothing more than campaign psychological warfare, where theyre trying to sell people on this, he said. Theyre losing in Iowa and Ohio and other states so theyre trying to shift the attention away from that.
1) Who is making Republican Tears OT on election night?
Lol, alright guys. We'll find out who's right in 18 days.
1) Who is making Republican Tears OT on election night?
2) Which channel will Boris be on that night?
>Minnesota as a tossup
I wish we would get some more recent polling for Minnesota so this shitty meme would end.
Who is even saying this?
Biden vs. Trump in the GE would have been something eh
I think that speaks to demographic changes in the country that are really upending the normal map.
Some Republicans dismissed the notion that Democratic-leaning Hispanics will become a significant enough force to tip the balance to Clinton.
Nah, former Arizona governor Jan Brewer said in an interview. They dont get out and vote. They dont vote.
What's this pledge coming tomorrow that Trump and Hannity are talking about?
Maybe something with the O'Keefe tapes? He was promising a 3rd that involved Hillary.
Edit: Oh nevermind that's for Monday I guess.