What the hellVic Berger made an extended version of the Giuliani thing
it's even creepier https://twitter.com/superdeluxe/status/789475806720385025
What the hellVic Berger made an extended version of the Giuliani thing
it's even creepier https://twitter.com/superdeluxe/status/789475806720385025
Yup. Most powerful ad this election imo
Assange gets owned so frequently and so extremely.
Why didn't nobody tell me Patrick Murphy is kinda fine?
Where's my pocketbook...let me donate.
Why didn't nobody tell me Patrick Murphy is kinda fine?
Where's my pocketbook...let me donate.
Hannity is trying to argue with Ben Sasse that WikiLeaks is good, on twitter.
Sasse is having none of it.
Lin-Manuel Miranda trying to ask Obama about political compromises when there were almost no major successful compromises during the Obama administration is kind of funny, lol.
Surprised Lin didn't troll Obama about the Grand Bargain.
Why didn't nobody tell me Patrick Murphy is kinda fine?
Where's my pocketbook...let me donate.
WIKILEAKS: Diversity To Obama Admin Means No Whites
Did I miss Wikileaks turning into a #WhiteGenocide Twitter account yesterday?
Well, the Affordable Care Act was essentially written by the Republicans in many ways.
Two old white men who are all hands.Biden vs. Trump in the GE would have been something eh
Some years ago, Mr Trump invited me to lunch for a one-to-one meeting at his apartment in Manhattan. We had not met before and I accepted. Even before the starters arrived he began telling me about how he had asked a number of people for help after his latest bankruptcy and how five of them were unwilling to help. He told me he was going to spend the rest of his life destroying these five people.
He didnt speak about anything else and I found it very bizarre. I told him I didnt think it was the best way of spending his life. I said it was going to eat him up, and do more damage to him than them. There must be more constructive ways to spend the rest of your life. (Hopefully my advice didnt lead to him running for President!)
Did I miss Wikileaks turning into a #WhiteGenocide Twitter account yesterday?
Breaking news: Trump to announce plan for first 100 days tomorrow
I think it's already been leaked.Breaking news: Trump to announce plan for first 100 days tomorrow
Trump Maps Out Plan For First 100 Days Of Not Conceding ElectionBreaking news: Trump to announce plan for first 100 days tomorrow
http://www.theonion.com/article/trump-maps-out-plan-first-100-days-not-conceding-e-54230NEW YORKAssuring the nation he would work quickly and tirelessly to carry out his agenda, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump reportedly issued a press statement Monday mapping out his first 100 days of not conceding the 2016 election. I will get to work on day one questioning the final vote tally, and I promise that I will not rest during my first week until Ive discredited Hillary Clintons victory with repeated accusations that she orchestrated a widespread conspiracy to steal the election, read the message from Trump in part, which went on to note that the candidate had already assembled a team of top legal experts to help him transition to a full-time schedule of filing lawsuits against state and local election boards and major media outlets. Within my first 10 days, I will introduce a comprehensive plan for my disgruntled supporters to march on the White House, and by day 30, I will submit a formal petition demanding Clintons immediate removal from office. In addition, throughout the entire 100-day period, I vow to keep the American people fully updated on my progress by continuing to appear on radio and television programs, commenting on current affairs and criticizing Clintons history of misconduct as if Im still in the running to be president. Trump added that while the first 100 days will be an important measure of his success, his vision goes far beyond those initial three months, and he looks forward to fiercely disputing the legitimacy of a Clinton presidency for the next four years.
What's this pledge coming tomorrow that Trump and Hannity are talking about?
I know Hannity often goes off on Gingrich's "contract with America", and since he's basically Trump's policy writer now, I bet it's something similar.
Did I miss Wikileaks turning into a #WhiteGenocide Twitter account yesterday?
What's this pledge coming tomorrow that Trump and Hannity are talking about?
The GOP House already tried that in 2010. I swear, Republicans have more reboots than the Spider-Man film series.
Breaking news: Trump to announce plan for first 100 days tomorrow
Wikileaks have finally shown their true colors.
Wikileaks have finally shown their true colors.
I want to see the Journalists hammer that one on Hannity.
It's late but I'm surprised he's doing it. Not the worst option. It could help?
Dave Weigel @daveweigel
Lets see whats up with HA Goodman oh for chrissake
Trump Maps Out Plan For First 100 Days Of Not Conceding Election
When did Don lemon wake up?That new blonde girl Gina on CNN just got completely humiliated on Lemon. After naming Katrina Pearson as a Black person in a Senior Position that worked for Trump. Bakari dared her to name two more. She could only name Omarosa as the other one. Everyone broke out in laughter including Lemon and the crew.
Man he is so hurt...sooo soo hurtHA
The Far Right and Far Left blur togetherFurther proof that the Far Left would be just as bad as the Far Right if they were as numerous.
What was the general consensus here on the wiki leaks/email/ Clinton senior campaign advisors drama?
Have those emails been authenticated?
I saw images of my daughters face in gas chambers, with a smiling Trump in a Nazi uniform preparing to press a button and kill her. I saw her face photo-shopped into images of slaves. She was called a niglet and a dindu. The alt-right unleashed on my wife, Nancy, claiming that she had slept with black men while I was deployed to Iraq, and that I loved to watch while she had sex with black bucks. People sent her pornographic images of black men having sex with white women, with someone photoshopped to look like me, watching.
In March, writer Bethany Mandel related her own experience. After tweeting about Trumps anti-Semitic followers, she was called slimy Jewess and told that she deserves the oven. It got worse: Not only was the anti-Semitic deluge scary and graphic, it got personal. Trump fans began to dox me a term for adversaries attempt to ferret out private or identifying information online with malicious intent. My conversion to Judaism was used as a weapon against me, and I received death threats in my private Facebook mailbox, prompting me to file a police report. The phenomenon got some attention in the spring, when the Daily Beast reported not just on Mandels experience but also on Ericksons, Rick Wilsons, and others. Its showing no signs of slowing down, either: Big names, small names, any names if you attack Trump, no matter who you are, your life might just change.
We contacted law enforcement, she got her handgun-carry permit, and life returned to the new normal of daily Twitter harassment, until the day this month when an angry voice actually broke into a phone conversation between my wife and her elderly father, screaming about Trump and spewing profanities. My wife was on her iPhone. Her father was on a landline. That launched a brief, anxious search inside my father-in-laws home for a potential intruder and yet another call to law enforcement.
That's right. The pepes hacked into their phoneline somehow and started abusing them. Deplorable racist lunatics. Where the fuck did these assholes come from.But Ill be honest: Its miserable. There is nothing at all rewarding, enjoyable, or satisfying about seeing your beautiful young daughter called a niglet. There is nothing at all rewarding, enjoyable, or satisfying about seeing man after man after man brag in graphic terms that he has slept with your wife. Its unsettling to have a phone call interrupted, watch images of murder flicker across your screen, and read threatening e-mails. Its sobering to take your teenage kids out to the farm to make sure theyre both proficient with handguns in case an intruder comes when theyre home alone.
I'm not a fan of republican commentators who in many ways fueled the hysteria surrounding Trump's rise, but reading this infuriated me to no end. Trump's racist, anti-semetic Alt-Right basket of pepes have been harassing rightwing commentators who spoke against Trump, including their spouses and children for months now. No one deserves this.
The Price I’ve Paid for Opposing Donald Trump
That's right. The pepes hacked into their phoneline somehow and started abusing them. Deplorable racist lunatics. Where the fuck did these assholes come from.
That's right. The pepes hacked into their phoneline somehow and started abusing them. Deplorable racist lunatics. Where the fuck did these assholes come from.
They're probably real, they seem like nothing.
well then.
I feel bad for him... But he was defending these Nazis when they were just #GamerGate instead of the Trump campaign. Maybe he'll learn to empathize better moving forward...
What's this? Reference please?Did I miss Wikileaks turning into a #WhiteGenocide Twitter account yesterday?
Someone else came forward yesterday as well I think
Maggie Haberman ‏@maggieNYT 2m2 minutes ago
Hillary's campaign HQ evacuated after suspicious substance found in letter via @NYPost