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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Potentially kicking out Rubio is infinitely more important than winning Utah in a one off fashion.

Paying 5 staffers to work for three weeks is going to cost like .05% of what Murphy and the Dems are spending on ads in Florida. This is like freaking out that someone messed up their budget by giving spare change to a homeless guy.


NBC Nightly News dragging Trump again. Hit him for the rigged thing. Hit him for going after Michelle Obama. Hit him for fucking up at the dinner last night. They showed people booing Trump.

And now they're being very nice to Hillary. Saying she's winning bigly. That she made moves last night to heal the divides. That Dems are leading the early vote in Ohio 51/38/11. So......good coverage for Queen tonight.

I have no idea why he brought up Michelle


1 - Eyes on the prize.

2 - Utah isn't going to be a battleground state in subsequent elections.

3 - Spend the money consolidating battleground states and future battleground states (Texas, Arizona, Georgia, NC)

4 - IMO, it would be worth it to give McMullin the win to legitimize that faction of the party - the whole "let's work together" thing.

I understand it's cheaper to invest in Utah than Texas, but there's no ROI in the longer run

1 - Looking behind you to keep your eyes on the prize would be pointless. Keep looking ahead.

2 - It's more of a battleground in this election than Texas is.

3 - Arizona is getting plenty of spending. Texas and maybe even Georgia are overshooting their battleground status for this election.

4 - McMullin is only in the running because Trump is disgusting to LDS, and the conservatives there aren't going to vote for Hillary.

Spending money in Utah also doesn't necessarily mean it's taking away from funding elsewhere. There's a lot of dipping the feet into unknown waters this election... maybe one of these states will surprise us with the party putting even just a little investment into them.
Paying 5 staffers to work for three weeks is going to cost like .05% of what Murphy and the Dems are spending on ads in Florida. This is like freaking out that someone messed up their budget by giving spare change to a homeless guy.

Oh, I hopped into the discussion late, then. I don't think sending some staffers to Utah or even spending money on TV is a big deal at all. I was just pointing out the overall importance I guess.
I am almost offended, Richmond went hard for Obama

Sorry lol. I was walking around in the mall and I got half way through typing it when my wife got a bit angry since I wasn't giving feedback on a shirt she wanted.

I should know this by now, but "eh whatever" is not the best answer to tell your wife. :/
Sorry lol. I was walking around in the mall and I got half way through typing it when my wife got a bit angry since I wasn't giving feedback on a shirt she wanted.

I should know this by now, but "eh whatever" is not the best answer to tell your wife. :/
You're a mad man living on the edge. If my fiance pulled that with me, I'd....well, I wouldn't be surprised. :p
Oh yassssssss queeeeeen!!!

Unrelated note, pls everyone listen to the new Against Me album. This is very important.
And if I don't would you : puts on sunglasses :hold it against me. AWWW YAAAA


So do presidents usually serve 2 terms? I'm just wondering if current presidents get some kind of boost from being the current president in the second election. I'd imagine so unless the vast majority of America is really unsatisfied with them, but I'm checking to make sure.


Also, a bonus from reddit.


I don't get the joke*, someone went and photo shopped Putin facing the wrong way?
I don't think there could be a bigger wakeup call to the GOP then losing one of their hard safe states.

They would really have to think about their 2020 map

Losing Utah, even on a fluke, would have the psychological/electoral effect of Dems losing VT. Not a huge EV concern, but a blaring klaxon that your shit ain't selling real well
So do presidents usually serve 2 terms? I'm just wondering if current presidents get some kind of boost from being the current president in the second election. I'd imagine so unless the vast majority of America is really unsatisfied with them, but I'm checking to make sure.
In recent political history Presidents do typically serve two terms. In the past 25 years the only incumbents to lose were Carter and HW Bush. Economic troubles are usually what takes down an incumbent President.
Why do you guys hate Rubio so much? He seems to be a sane republican compared to Trump and Cruz.

Rubio is a slimy chameleon who will be the toady of any paymaster. Look how quick he dropped his "principled" stand on immigration reform, as soon as he started getting push back from the Tea Party.

Aside from that, he's not very good at constituent services and while a big portion of the base in Cuban Miami supports him, he has shat all over Miami-Dade by humping Climate Change denial at the behest of developers and Chamber of Commerce. He's a fraud.


Vice President Joe Biden on Friday said he wished he and the Republican nominee were in high school, because the Scranton, Pennsylvania, native would take the Republican nominee out "behind the gym."

"The press always asks me, don't I wish I were debating him?" Biden told a crowd at a rally for Hillary Clinton. "No, I wish I were in high school, I could take him behind the gym. That's what I wish."


So do presidents usually serve 2 terms? I'm just wondering if current presidents get some kind of boost from being the current president in the second election. I'd imagine so unless the vast majority of America is really unsatisfied with them, but I'm checking to make sure.

I am sure poligaf will correct me, but unless you are a massive fuckup it is very hard to unseat an incumbent politician.


Why do you guys hate Rubio so much? He seems to be a sane republican compared to Trump and Cruz.

He's not, and that's why he's dangerous. Kasich is kind of in the same boat, if you look at both of their records they've done some seriously nasty shit. You wouldn't know it because they're not swinging from the rafters flinging their feces at everyone, but they're part of the same destructive machine as the rest. The fact that they can look and sound reasonable is what makes them a problem; at least with Cruz and Trump the insanity is right there at the surface, where you can see it.
Why do you guys hate Rubio so much? He seems to be a sane republican compared to Trump and Cruz.

Let's start with the fact that on the 2 month anniversary on the Pulse shooting, he went and spoke at a homophobic hate conference. Keep in mind that he said that the reason he decided to run again for senate was because of the Pulse shooting.

Rubio is one of the most craven and feckless politicians in Washington. He is a great symbol of the rotting morality vacuum that created Trump.
Rubio claims to be a neocon and to care about the constitution and claims to be for "family values" and yet is endorsing the pro-Russia, pro-Assad, pro-Saddam candidate who hates Cuban Americans, thinks the second amendment does not apply to black people, wants to eliminate the 1st and 4th and 6th amendments, wants to deport millions of people, hates Muslims, wants to deport 12 million people, wants to execute all black people accused of raping white women, is a sexual predator, wants to start a trade war with China that will send the U.S. into a recession, and might start a nuclear war with China.

Rubio is supporting Trump only because Trump wants lower taxes on the rich. There are no other points of congruence between Rubio's stated positions and Trump's actual positions.


Let's dispel with this fiction that Marco Rubio is a reasonable Republican.
Marco Rubio is NOT a reasonable Republican.
He's a crazy shitbag whose only redeeming feature is an ability to convince
others that he isn't a crazy shitbag.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Also, let's do Marco Rubio a favor. He's repeatedly said he hates being in the Senate, so kicking him out will be for his own good.



Joe Biden is one of the nicest politicians I know of, even if he's a bit overly grabby himself at points. But atleast with him, it's because he's an extremely friendly guy, or atleast that's the sense I get.

What Biden is talking about is assault basically and it's not a good thing, but this level of disgust is just the natural human reaction to encountering someone like Trump, so I atleast understand it.
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