PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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Part of the reason why President Harris would be cool, make all these flag-lovers stand and salute a black woman.
republican white men (and women too) have a special type of hatred for black women. considering michelle was never president, the shit they said about her and her daughters was far worse than barack.


It’s the Internet itself to blame; not social media in particular.

I thought the article implied that Fox is to blame because the largest effect of political radicalization has been in the elderly (the most radicalized cohort starts at age 75, while Fox News' median habitual viewer age is 72).


I thought the article implied that Fox is to blame because the largest effect of political radicalization has been in the elderly (the most radicalized cohort starts at age 75, while Fox News' median habitual viewer age is 72).

Fox News, and talk radio like Limbaugh, is probably the main cause, but the Internet definitely plays a part. It has for decades now with shady websites existing for any conservative conspiracy theory and the infamous conservative chain emails.


The issue with the elderly being radicalized is why there was no threat of a Fascist revolution, by the by. The 20 and 30-somethings going around with tiki torches are a bunch of losers, an exceptional group within their age group. It's not at all like the conditions in the 1930s where Fascism was hip with the young people (particularly young veterans, which was everybody given WWI).
Like most modern problems I blame polarization on Reagan
I think it goes back further than that. Southern Strategy and all.

The Civil Rights movement has basically defined US politics for the last 60 years.

I mean if you really want to be thorough, slavery was at the root of the Constitution, but white people being uneasy with liberals’ open, broad support for equal rights as a regular theme is kind of a recent shift.


Like most modern problems I blame polarization on Reagan
As much as Reagan sucked, that wasn't really his doing. The Dems and the liberal/left wing had a lot of issues over the course of the '70s (even setting aside the racist civil rights backlash) that ended up biting them in the ass and helping to flip a generation to the GOP. Bombings all over, treatment of vets coming home, Carter's utterly ineffective presidency, etc.
As much as Reagan sucked, that wasn't really his doing. The Dems and the liberal/left wing had a lot of issues over the course of the '70s (even setting aside the racist civil rights backlash) that ended up biting them in the ass and helping to flip a generation to the GOP. Bombings all over, treatment of vets coming home, Carter's utterly ineffective presidency, etc.

Are we going to bring up right wing myths about spitting on vets again?
As much as Reagan sucked, that wasn't really his doing. The Dems and the liberal/left wing had a lot of issues over the course of the '70s (even setting aside the racist civil rights backlash) that ended up biting them in the ass and helping to flip a generation to the GOP. Bombings all over, treatment of vets coming home, Carter's utterly ineffective presidency, etc.

Reagan did is part to push things further. He launched his Presidential campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi where he extolled the virtues of "state's rights". He rose that racial division a narrow win in Mississippi (under 12,000 votes).

He knew exactly what he was doing.


Fox wouldn't be able to operate as it currently does if the Fairness Doctrine was still in place, and that was repealed by, guess who...

Cable wouldn't have been regulated by the fairness doctrine. Rush Limbaugh and his ilk benefited from that, but Fox was going to happen either way unless somebody extended the FCC's mandate to cable (and who really would have wanted that? Save the Republic at the expense of good TV, i guess).

White people as a whole were always uneasy with the liberal push for justice for all. The issue is that often liberals didn't mean it (like with the New Deal being watered down to not help people of color as much as it helped white people). Once liberalism started meaning it and taking equity for people of color seriously was when the claws came out.

Most everyone's fine with the idea of racial justice as long as it means nobody does any soul-searching or actually has to change anything that they're doing. But as soon as you start expecting people to own a problem you get nasty pushback.


I think it goes back further than that. Southern Strategy and all.

The Civil Rights movement has basically defined US politics for the last 60 years.

I mean if you really want to be thorough, slavery was at the root of the Constitution, but white people being uneasy with liberals' open, broad support for equal rights as a regular theme is kind of a recent shift.

As much as Reagan sucked, that wasn't really his doing. The Dems and the liberal/left wing had a lot of issues over the course of the '70s (even setting aside the racist civil rights backlash) that ended up biting them in the ass and helping to flip a generation to the GOP. Bombings all over, treatment of vets coming home, Carter's utterly ineffective presidency, etc.

I know you can go back further, but Crab summarized the reason I blame Reagan:

Fox wouldn't be able to operate as it currently does if the Fairness Doctrine was still in place, and that was repealed by, guess who...

Fairness Doctrine repeal allowed the whole conservative bubble to happen, which fed the shit Gingrich did in the 90s


Reagan did is part to push things further. He launched his Presidential campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi where he extolled the virtues of "state's rights". He rose that racial division a narrow win in Mississippi (under 12,000 votes).

He knew exactly what he was doing.
Oh, absolutely. I was pointing out that there were self-inflicted wounds that pushed people off of the Dems at the time as well for other reasons. It's very much the impetus of the swap to a GOP-dominated country for the past 60 years.


I think other countries do it better, where there's no political ad spam but the parties get a unbroken block of TV time each before election night and that's it.


Fox wouldn't be able to operate as it currently does if the Fairness Doctrine was still in place, and that was repealed by, guess who...
Fairness Doctrine was an FCC reg, so it applied to broadcast networks. Wouldn’t have affected Fox News.
Nixon was the one who kicked off the Republican Southern Strategy right as the Dems were divesting themselves of the white supremacist faction. I'd blame him, personally.
The internet would have effectively killed it anyway regardless of what Reagan did. It just accellerated the timeline.

Right. And part of the basis in why it was allowed to exist was because of the limited amount of airwaves which hasn't been an issue for a long time now. I think today the fairness doctrine would be unconstitutional.
We can't put the genie back in the bottle. News and information is spread the way it is now, and there's nothing anyone can really do about it. Strictly regulating would be illegal or if not eventually lead to really immoral practices.

The landscape is now the way it is. We need to adapt to it. Cannot be so unprepared to handle the oppositions tactics as we were last time.
We can't put the genie back in the bottle. News and information is spread the way it is now, and there's nothing anyone can really do about it. Strictly regulating would be illegal or if not eventually lead to really immoral practices.

The landscape is now the way it is. We need to adapt to it. Cannot be so unprepared to handle the oppositions tactics as we were last time.

Its like an out of control house fire you want to save it but you know its too late so you let it burn down and rebuild after the ashes. What we are seeing is growing pains and eventually the situation will self correct when older generations become less involved on the internet and the coming generations come in aware of the bullshit due in large part by what Russia has done this round. In the meantime though we are all in for some hurt, I never thought I would hate the internet as much as I do right now.


Unconfirmed Member
Why do men in cowboy hats keep making fun of women in cowboy hats?

Like that dumbass literally is wearing one on his profipe pic
A black woman. None of these people would give shit to the lady in a cowboy hat with a Purple Heart bandaid on her chin from the 04 republican convention.

Dear god why does my brain retain this worthless information. *files next to Simpson’s quotes and the Konami code*


We can't put the genie back in the bottle. News and information is spread the way it is now, and there's nothing anyone can really do about it. Strictly regulating would be illegal or if not eventually lead to really immoral practices.

The landscape is now the way it is. We need to adapt to it. Cannot be so unprepared to handle the oppositions tactics as we were last time.

This sounds an awful lot like a justification for DC to roll over for Facebook and Twitter's lobbyists.
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