Dusk Golem reiterates that the Xbox will be more powerful than the PS5 (Admitted to starting console wars, demodded)


Quantum Error dev hasn't even started development on the PS5 version yet, he mistakenly thought they were talking about the XsX version which is currently hitting 65-70fps unoptimized.

Quantum Error dev hasn't even started development on the PS5 version yet, he mistakenly thought they were talking about the XsX version which is currently hitting 65-70fps unoptimized.


Actually FUDs a meme now.

That list though.....
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My frustration isn't with the information and whether it's true or not.. he has been deemed a legitimate leaker in the past with valid sources yet my mind didn't immediately jump to either true or false. There are other things to consider.

After all said and done now though i feel he could be telling the truth but that it actually comes down to the early next gen game development variables and not the actual power of the consoles themselves. It's going to be a long time until devs get rock solid again making games with all the new bells and whistles and only then will we really be able to see any major differences.

My frustration rather comes from the way he was treated just because he said something positive about Xbox and then also the way the thread was handled here.

That's all.

What if he is telling the truth so what then? the games not coming out until I think 2021
Games are rarely In a fully optimal state that far out and it's a big fat nothing not even news worthy but he's a console warrior so he thought he'd try put out a gotcha moment because of all the negativity surrounding the xbox (most of which have been brought by ms themselves) and it turned to shit people will do anything for 5 mins in the limelight .


My frustration rather comes from the way he was treated just because he said something he admitted he has no real technical knowledge of and presented the PS5 as broken mess in order to give MS a 'win' and then also the way the thread was handled here.

FTFY. And the criticism the Series X gets is not unwarranted at all.

The damn thing comes out in three months and we haven't seen a SINGLE next-gen game running on the actual console.

The first gameplay we saw visually sucked donkey dick while Greenberg told us we would cream our pants from the beautiful visuals.

Lots of talking, and the little they showed sucked.

How is the criticism unwarranted? Because MS will always have Gamepass?
then, its the CU difference, where xbox has 150% the compute units ps5 has
and to put this in "cerny context", each one of these rdna2 cus is 62% more powerful than previous generation's cu:


Maths beat superstition 100% of the time.

Now imagine having 52 RDNA2 CUs
This is only if the maths is correct. Comparing only the CU count between two GPUs of the same architecture is pointless, as other factors (such as clock speed) are a determining factor as well. A good comparision is the GeForce GTX 980 Ti vs the GeForce GTX 1070. The 1070 is 12% faster despite having way fewer CUs (44 vs 30). This is because the clock speed of the 1070 is way higher, which in turn gives the 1070 a higher TFLOP number.

The exact same logic applies to the PS5 vs Xbox Series X, it doesn't matter the Xbox has 52 CUs vs 36 of the PS5, because the PS5 is clocked much higher. All you need to do is compare the TFLOP numbers between the two. Which is a difference of 18-20% (10-10.28 TFLOP of the PS5 vs 12 of the Xbox), and is about the resolution difference I estimated.

This is simple basic maths. You may not like it, but it is what it is.
you talk as if ps5's gpu is not boosted but constant clock. we all know this is not the case though.
I hope Dusk realizes, regardless of his intentions, what he's done only helps Sony and PS5, and hurts MS and Series X. Which is not something the latter needs right now. Yes there are PS people who spread FUD too, but since they're the majority they have more of a means of getting away with it or not catching as much heat when they're caught. Xbox people don't have that luxury, so stuff like this just shine a bad spotlight on the whole Xbox community.

Probably wouldn't mind if someone from MS like Aaron would come out and disavow these types of things; no, they aren't conspiring with fans to spread FUD like some PlayStation people like to fantasize, but their silence on episodes like this could be interpreted by some as consent through silence. Whether that's a fair assumption or not is another discussion, but it is what it is.

All in all, I don't like FUD. Not when PS people do it, but also not when Xbox people do it. It makes those respective communities look bad but, again, the Xbox community has less luxury in "getting away" with it since it's smaller and doesn't generally control the narrative. We gotta demand better out of these supposed insiders and authority figures.

Ironically, the only solace in this situation is that this reflects somewhat poorly on Reeee, since, 'ya know....Dusk is (was) a moderator over there xD. Is ResetEra spreading next-gen console FUD? I think that deserves a few Kotaku articles ;)


No, he gave information he still says is accurate.

Yes he said he revealed it because he felt like Xbox was receiving unfair negative press and wanted to "level the playing field"

But he did so with information given to him by a developer, not something he completely made up.

Big difference.

LOL. Rumor can't be accurate unless later it is proven right. That's a logic sense.

He still claims that Silent Hill rumor is true

But what happened :

Not surprising. I just ignored that thread instead of commenting since anyone doubting those ridiculous claims or Dusk, were painted as console warriors, but he's a shown shady behavior in the past.

The Silent Hill thread turned on him after he shared "inside info" about The Medium originally starting as Blooper Team's SH pitch to Konami. Once they decided to go with Sony's/Toyama's pitch instead, the game was repurposed into what was eventually revealed a few months back at Microsoft's event. This was all swiftly debunked by a Blooper Team dev on Twitter. Dusk came back claiming he knew it was BS all along, and only posted it to expose the erroneous source & rumor for what they were.

People love attention

Now, Silent Hill on REEE is labeled as -maybe
I hope Dusk realizes, regardless of his intentions, what he's done only helps Sony and PS5, and hurts MS and Series X. Which is not something the latter needs right now. Yes there are PS people who spread FUD too, but since they're the majority they have more of a means of getting away with it or not catching as much heat when they're caught. Xbox people don't have that luxury, so stuff like this just shine a bad spotlight on the whole Xbox community.
this sounds a bit ...ummmm racist though? :messenger_beaming:
dust golem is not even "spreading FUD", just capcom inside information.

Mr Moose

so, it seems that we are going to a situation where people will be told that they are sitting too close to their panels, only reversed, right?
the only thing I won't tolerate is people also saying that we have to wear headphones not to hear the noise, and also to appreciate better the ps5 audio.

it is my opinion that the power gap will be significant.
two teraflops of this architecture do count as much more than two teraflops of gcn architecture (ps4/xbone)
also, compute units count for much more this time around.
various educated estimations put the difference anywhere between 45% to 70%

don't believe me? that's fine.
maybe you believe playstation architect though:


keep in mind that difference is 2 teraflops only while ps5 gpu works at its highest clockspeed
and we really have no clue on earth how this will pan out yet.

then, its the CU difference, where xbox has 150% the compute units ps5 has
and to put this in "cerny context", each one of these rdna2 cus is 62% more powerful than previous generation's cu:


Maths beat superstition 100% of the time.
Please explain your math.
Where is this 70% number coming from and the 150%?
Didn't Cerny say 62% more transistors than PS4s CUs?
The difference between 10.28 TF and 12.14 TF is 1.86 TF.


you talk as if ps5's gpu is not boosted but constant clock. we all know this is not the case though.
I already made note of the variable frequency in my post, hence the 10-10.28 TFLOP comment. Even if the PS5 GPU frequency drops by 3% (which as per Mark Cerny a few % of frequency gives a large performance budget back), it's still a 10 TFLOP console. We even have devs confirming it's a ~10 TFLOP console. Not sure what else needs to be said on that front.

If you need more evidence that the PS5/Xbox difference isn't that great, just compare the 2070 Super vs the 2080 Super, the 2080 Super has on paper, 20% higher TFLOPs then the 2070 Super, but is only 10-15% faster in games. Those cards also have a 2 TFLOP difference between them.


"all" the times? /ok

This is what I heard. If it comes out not to be true, great! I won't be disappointed. I'm not trying to shit on any console. But I am a realist unlike many of you. Don't shoot the messenger.
That is a terrible copout argument. Just don't spread FUD. You either believe the info, or you don't. When you say things you don't believe, it's FUD. Don't try baking in excuses for spreading misinformation. If your source is actually, legit, they should have more concrete information than that. Although I personally don't know how or why any developer would actually be measuring FLOPS. Shouldn't they be more focused on process execution time?


Quantum Error dev hasn't even started development on the PS5 version yet, he mistakenly thought they were talking about the XsX version which is currently hitting 65-70fps unoptimized.

The actual fuck? Talk about spreading FUD and pulling out tales from your ass. Here's the Tweet.

They were talking about the PS5 version, as asked by the original tweet. Are you guys even trying anymore?
I already made note of the variable frequency in my post, hence the 10-10.28 TFLOP comment. Even if the PS5 GPU frequency drops by 3% (which as per Mark Cerny a few % of frequency gives a large performance budget back), it's still a 10 TFLOP console. We even have devs confirming it's a ~10 TFLOP console. Not sure what else needs to be said on that front.

If you need more evidence that the PS5/Xbox difference isn't that great, just compare the 2070 Super vs the 2080 Super, the 2080 Super has on paper, 20% higher TFLOPs then the 2070 Super, but is only 10-15% faster in games. Those cards also have a 2 TFLOP difference between them.
hold on right there!

3% of 2.23 is a mere 0.066.
don't you think that if that was sustainable, sony would have pretty much locked the clock at 2.16ghz and call it a day?
come on now!

cerny only gave a very vague description saying that you only need x% reduction in clockspeed to attain a y% reduction in power need.
many people know and understand that the more you push ghz, after one point both thermals and consumption rise not in parallel.


Your not telling us that multiplats will be broken on the PS5 right?

And that it's going to be a 1080P vs 4K situation correct?

Nah man. No one can tell you that! Consider the XSX and PS5 as even powered platforms until the first games (multiplats) start to come out. You guys are so invested in trying to make the other feel inferior. I don't understand. How about we all just judge the games instead of the hardware because they are all doing the same features.
He doesn't get a free pass he's on purposely said some rumours whether true or not about a game not running well yet even tho it ain't out yet until 2021 and probably unoptimized it's a big fat nothing and all in the name of throwing shade on ps because Xbox is currently viewed in a negative light so how can anyone feel sorry for him when it was done in malicious way from the start these people know exactly what they are doing and the cry like a baby when found out .
More than that, he first tried to imply that it was MULTIPLE dev teams saying MULTIPLE games were struggling with 1080/60.

Dude knew exactly what he was doing, dude stirred the pot intentionally because he was upset that the bad news was "too one-sided" and spiced it up to be more effective.

Short of unhinged death threats, dude deserves to be lambasted. His cred's been shot.


The actual fuck? Talk about spreading FUD and pulling out tales from your ass. Here's the Tweet.

They were talking about the PS5 version, as asked by the original tweet. Are you guys even trying anymore?

I hope you are joking... The guy you are replying to was clearly using sarcasm.
He sounds mental (or trolling hard), he claimed The Medium by Blooper Team 'was originally supposed to be a Silent Hill' game. Then several posts later he says a Blooper Team dev contacted him to tell him that is wrong, then writes an elaborate BS post explaining why he originally made that claim:

From post 8155:

His 'Street Fighter 6 was ready to launch later this year' was also BS and debunked because Capcom since announced SF5 Season 5 Champions Edition for the same timeframe.

So where does this guy's credibility come from? Pulling made-up stories out of his butthole?


3% of 2.23 is a mere 0.066.
don't you think that if that was sustainable, sony would have pretty much locked the clock at 2.16ghz and call it a day?
come on now!

Why made your console weaker with locked clocks if you can push power with variable clocks more further??
XSX with variable clocks would be much stronger console, not a weaker one
Nah man. No one can tell you that! Consider the XSX and PS5 as even powered platforms until the first games (multiplats) start to come out. You guys are so invested in trying to make the other feel inferior. I don't understand. How about we all just judge the games instead of the hardware because they are all doing the same features.

Well of course they are each inferior to the other in their own ways. Just saying the rumors of the PS5 being so inferior that the games will be literally broken on it can't be true.

Games will be great on both.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I see vfx veteran is out here claiming he has heard performance differences are larger than the tflops suggest. Curious how he never mentioned this before the dusk golen tweets.

No need to worry though. His sources are almost always wrong. Most recently he said his source at epic told him hellblade 2 was real time, but his ninja theory source back at the reveal had told him it was prerendered. He had also said there would be a ps5 pro at launch. He's the Michael pachter of this forum, assume the opposite.


I see vfx veteran is out here claiming he has heard performance differences are larger than the tflops suggest. Curious how he never mentioned this before the dusk golen tweets.

No need to worry though. His sources are almost always wrong. Most recently he said his source at epic told him hellblade 2 was real time, but his ninja theory source back at the reveal had told him it was prerendered. He had also said there would be a ps5 pro at launch. He's the Michael pachter of this forum, assume the opposite.

Why does he even want this kind of attention? It's terrible.
this sounds a bit ...ummmm racist though? :messenger_beaming:
dust golem is not even "spreading FUD", just capcom inside information.

I swear that wasn't my intent xD. Damn you, current year!!

Aside that, regarding Dusk...well maybe he wasn't intentionally spreading FUD. And FWIW, I guess the bigger problem were the websites and such that reported it as fact. But I think he maybe should've askes his Capcom insiders if the info was genuinely true, maybe should've anticipated the potential backlash by posting that info with a name as noticeable as his, getting questioned by other moderators on Reeee and then Matt Hagrett on Twitter (who I know is active there but I'm curious how exactly he came across the rumor), etc.

Sometimes if you think you've got legit info, if it's as controversial as what he had, it's probably best to sit on it until at least a few games come around that back up that info. It would serve as hardline evidence and then that would've been a better time to put the info out there. Assuming any such evidence would even manifest, of course.

Me with a deposit on a PS5 day 1 after reading Dusk Golem is an utter crock of shit. Fuck ERA.

Yeah this is gonna reflect badly on Reee and deal a big hit to their credibility....

...which actually makes all of this a blessing in disguise :goog_lol:
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Why made your console weaker with locked clocks if you can push power with variable clocks more further??
XSX with variable clocks would be much stronger console, not a weaker one
I think you are not being serious.

Why microsoft would go 1825 when the poster above believes that 2160 is sustainable?
they wouldn't even have to go variable clocks, just push up to 2000, still much less than ps5 theoretical top speed.

and keep in mind they are using split motherboards with a heat sink in the middle, so they can take more heat.


That is a terrible copout argument. Just don't spread FUD. You either believe the info, or you don't. When you say things you don't believe, it's FUD. Don't try baking in excuses for spreading misinformation. If your source is actually, legit, they should have more concrete information than that. Although I personally don't know how or why any developer would actually be measuring FLOPS. Shouldn't they be more focused on process execution time?

It's not a cop-out but I damn sure don't like people holding me responsible for shit that I hear when it doesn't come out as accurate. If I worked at these companies, that would be a different matter. I'd take all the blame right there.

My contacts are smart enough not to judge by theoretical numbers. You are talking programmers that run tests on realworld hardware. I did the same thing. And no, none of them will give details like what you guys are looking for so forget it.
I think you are not being serious.

Why microsoft would go 1825 when the poster above believes that 2160 is sustainable?
they wouldn't even have to go variable clocks, just push up to 2000, still much less than ps5 theoretical top speed.

and keep in mind they are using split motherboards with a heat sink in the middle, so they can take more heat.

Don't you realise a 52 CU GPU @ 2200Mhz would be very power hungry. The reason MS went with lower clocks is because of the 52 CUs.


Well of course they are each inferior to the other in their own ways. Just saying the rumors of the PS5 being so inferior that the games will be literally broken on it can't be true.

Games will be great on both.

Yea, there's a lot of hyperbole to it. But some of it may have some merit. I wouldn't rule it out on specific games (especially multiplats) - but ALL of them? Nah... that's reaching.


No he didn't.
In fact he did for the opposite reason. He did it to try quill the console war fanboyism when he thought it was getting too one-sided with the Sony fanboyism(which was foolish to begin with since much of Resetera's userbase is heavily bias towards PlayStation/Sony)
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Mister Wolf

Looking forward to reading raytracing being downplayed when the difference in CUs shows up in RT performance. Hopefully Remedy is doing the next gen upgrade of Control.


Gold Member
Nah man. No one can tell you that! Consider the XSX and PS5 as even powered platforms until the first games (multiplats) start to come out. You guys are so invested in trying to make the other feel inferior. I don't understand. How about we all just judge the games instead of the hardware because they are all doing the same features.

Im seeing the “making feel inferior“ coming from one side far more than the other. Just in the types of threads and FUD constantly propping up alone.

From the same camp that carries water for an even more inferior Lockhart.


I think you are not being serious.

Why microsoft would go 1825 when the poster above believes that 2160 is sustainable?
they wouldn't even have to go variable clocks, just push up to 2000, still much less than ps5 theoretical top speed.

and keep in mind they are using split motherboards with a heat sink in the middle, so they can take more heat.

If i'm not serious, guess who is serious :



What if he is telling the truth so what then? the games not coming out until I think 2021
Games are rarely In a fully optimal state that far out and it's a big fat nothing not even news worthy but he's a console warrior so he thought he'd try put out a gotcha moment because of all the negativity surrounding the xbox (most of which have been brought by ms themselves) and it turned to shit people will do anything for 5 mins in the limelight .

Yes and the first part of your statement reinforces what i said about my belief that his info is based on earlier game development on consoles that devs aren't super familiar with yet. There is nothing wrong with him giving that information even if it's 100% true because yes, it's early and things can and will change along the way of development. Does that mean everyone should shit on him though? Not in my opinion.

If our lovely Heisenberg started a thread here or era saying his little birdie told him a game is performing better on either console and people erupted and started shitting on him and even mods started making things worse then i would stand up for him just the same, even if it was in favor of Playstation.

FTFY. And the criticism the Series X gets is not unwarranted at all.

The damn thing comes out in three months and we haven't seen a SINGLE next-gen game running on the actual console.

The first gameplay we saw visually sucked donkey dick while Greenberg told us we would cream our pants from the beautiful visuals.

Lots of talking, and the little they showed sucked.

How is the criticism unwarranted? Because MS will always have Gamepass?

Criticism of what MS has shown so far is definitely warranted.

That being said though, it really feels to me like people are looking at next gen with rose-tinted glasses for some reason... they fail to observe that Sony and Microsoft are essentially in the EXACT SAME BOAT leading into next gen. Neither of them have 1st party titles that are very impressive at all and the ones that are going to be awesome are another year or two away. Both have been buying up 3rd party exclusives to try and fill that void. Both are going to be priced higher than what people are hoping for. Both of them basically shit the bed preparing for next gen and we're all going to have to ride out launch happily playing visually enhanced versions of our current gen and BC games until the real next gen games start dropping. (I'm actually ok with this because i can afford the consoles and i'm looking forward to enhancements of games i already play and love)

You can't blame Microsoft for wanting fans to be more excited for what's on offer here, they have a product to sell. Playstation fans should be feeling the exact same way about the PS5 from what's been shown so far yet they get a free pass.

People are somehow excited to be able to hear individual rain drops in a thunderstorm as if their brains will actually be able to pick out a specific rain drop in the midst of a thousand others. Really people? Let's be realistic here. You are not an acutely perceptive cyborg and the Tempest Engine is not going to change the game. The resistive adaptive triggers sound really neat yet we all know deep down that we will get used to it right away and forget that it's even a thing in the very first set of games we play. Nice little additions but hardly revolutionary and most likely not worth the increase in cost we are probably going to see in the controllers.

Next gen is going to be great eventually, but we are going to have to be patient and wait a couple years until the really impressive stuff starts dropping from both companies.

This helps no one.



Gold Member
Looking forward to reading raytracing being downplayed when the difference in CUs shows up in RT performance. Hopefully Remedy is doing the next gen upgrade of Control.

RT is also clock speed and fill rate reliant as well, so it could end up being a wash.

But if we are on the “concern” train. Sony’s showcase had many games running on the PS5 in 4K with RT, we still have yet to see a game running on the XSX, let along RT in any of the showcased games.

Minecraft wasn’t even shown moving around the environment with gameplay when they used the RT cuts of it. The camera cut away.
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