Stellar Blade | Review Thread

How many copies do you think Stellar Blade will sell?

  • 1 million copies (tits and ass don't sell)

    Votes: 8 4.6%
  • 2 Million copies

    Votes: 38 21.7%
  • 4 Million copies

    Votes: 47 26.9%
  • 6 Million Copies

    Votes: 32 18.3%
  • 8 million Copies

    Votes: 14 8.0%
  • 10 Million Copies (Stellar Blade is on the level of Resident Evil)

    Votes: 11 6.3%
  • 15 Million Copies (Stellar Blade is on the level of Elden Ring)

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • 20 million Copies (Stellar Blade is a system seller)

    Votes: 14 8.0%
  • 3 Million Copies

    Votes: 10 5.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .



here they come


Gold Member
"I gave it 5/10. There is an OK game here but the objectification and dehumanisation of women is undeniable and inescapable.
Stellar Blade - Review | Progress Bar
South Korean developer Shift Up asks the question: What if NieR: Automata was less interesting and more horny?

Stellar Blade goes so far beyond titillation or dogmatically and cynically targeting a certain type of gamer. The sexualisation is so over the top, so brazen, so shameless, that I can only deduce that to dehumanise and objectify women was the point."

This is the only bad review I've seen so far and I found it on resetera. Surprisingly the folks over there really like it too. No one in the comments is talking like the example above.

Seems like sanity won out on people evaluating this game.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
As you seek guidance from a cyborg oracle, encounter increasingly intelligent Naytiba and read posters about an underground human resistance, the script pulls equally from Ghost In The Shell, Battle Angel Alita, and even The Matrix, mixing and matching its sci-fi classics like an android allegory Kellog’s variety pack.

jerk off tv land GIF by #Impastor

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I appreciate that they specifically mention that the story and dialogue is not even in the same league as Yoko Taro, only because so many people were over hyping this like it eclipses Platinum Games and NieR.

Seems like what I expected; more of the combat from the demo if you liked that, and pretty visuals / finisher animations. I didn't enjoy the combat in the demo much, so I'll wait for a price cut. 8 seems fair just from the little bit I've seen. A solid effort for their first game. I'll definitely pick it up at some point. I wish I enjoyed the combat more, because if just fighting was fun that would be enough for me.


Seems generally favourable. Most criticism I see is that the story is lackluster but that only seems to be a handful of reviews.


IGN review made it seem a lot better than a 7. Who cares if the story is ass in a gameplay focused game, I think all FROM stories are dogshit anyhow.
Me. Would be the difference in me buying or not as I'm generally not into this type of game

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
IGN review made it seem a lot better than a 7. Who cares if the story is ass in a gameplay focused game, I think all FROM stories are dogshit anyhow.
This is a 30 hour game, not a 10 hour Bayonetta / DMC. If you love the combat then of course you can still enjoy it. But I think the story will play more of a role in a game that long, than something like a pure action game.


Gold Member
Thread Updated.

I will finish formating it once i get home.

Looks like some people are already giving it low scores lol, as predicted

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
IGN said:
"You could say that Stellar Blade’s combat is derivative, but at the very least it's derived from one of the best in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Like Sekiro, it is very defense-driven – enemies are prone to launch into long, uninterruptible combos and the only way to properly deal with them is to precisely press the block button just before their attacks land to parry each attack, one after the other"

Pretty much exactly what I felt after playing the demo. Movement is very slow, so it's mostly just down to parries. For Sekiro fans that's a positive though, for me, not so much.

Sounds like the side quests are a little below average as well. But I'm sure they're mostly optional.

IGN said:
"True to everything else in Stellar Blade, none of these tasks were particularly interesting from a storytelling perspective, save for one involving a man and his love for a broken down singing android. [...] First off, many of these sidequests have you returning to old levels in order to reach a specific spot to either pick up some sort of note or item to deliver back to the quest giver. While this is mostly fine in the more open ended zones where there’s a map and numerous fast travel points to make travel much less of a chore, it is an absolute pain when it comes to the linear levels where you have nothing to guide you but a blip on your compass. Most of the time virtually nothing has changed in these levels either, so it’s literally just retracing your steps through the same level, minus any of the surprises you might have encountered on your first time through, all to collect a single item that you weren’t able to pick up before. What makes this worse is that very rarely did I ever feel like the effort was worth the trip. Most of the time the rewards are just Gold and EXP. EXP is great, as level ups give you skill points to explore more of Stellar Blade’s well developed skill trees. But later on, which was when the sidequest fatigue started to settle in, skill points were less exciting because the remaining upgrades were either skills that I had passed on because I didn’t really feel like I needed them, felt like very incremental stat increases on moves that I didn’t use very often, or were extremely situational upgrades. Then there’s Gold, which for the most part is a useless currency in the latter half of the campaign. It’s used pretty much exclusively for refilling consumables or getting more crafting components, which I practically never had to do because you find so many of all of those things just by opening treasure chests and breaking boxes."
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Watching now.

Finished watching. Obviously he's very positive about it. Biggest takeaways for me was that this and FF7R are the two best soundtracks this year and praising the multi parry gameplay and comparing it to Sekiro (which he loved).

He shows several outfits including a nice bikini!
Too Much Gaming - Carlos Hernandez - 3 / 5

Stellar Blade’s potential was clear, but as its ambitions expanded into something greater, it lost focus. As soon as Stellar Blade tries to bring everything together, it merges into a single figure that looks deformed and uneven. The quality is unquestionable but it wasn’t the final product I was slowly building in my head as I went through the game’s first half.

"The quality is unquestionable"... but it "[wasn't what I expected in my head]" so... 3/5.

Awesome! Glad to see this dev's first foray into console game development being so warmly received

From what I've seen, it seems like even the people upset about the character designs (lol) have good things to say about the gameplay

Looking forward to Friday. And probably looking forward to whatever else ShiftUp cooks up in the next couple of years

Celebrate In Love GIF by Max
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