Well I'm never watching this anime.
Just look away from the screen when his name is mentioned. :lol
Well I'm never watching this anime.
Ginga e Kickoff! 02
Ginga e Kickoff! 02
Erika's favourite player is Cristiano Ronaldo. :X Waifu disappointmenton total.
Very much liking the focus on women's football this is getting. All the girls are really cute. My only complaint is that the music isn't very good and does not fit a football animu at all.
Messi, Iniesta, Busquets, and Xavi?
Is that, animation I see? In a football anime? Times have changed.
I don't know. Nothing will beat Captain Tsubasa for me until I see some stupidly ridiculous goals.Is that, animation I see? In a football anime? Times have changed.
You waited twelve episodes for that?
Makes you realise how pathetic the life of a generic RPG villager really is when the highlight of their day is buying bread.Did you enjoy the aroma of Rick's Bread?
Well the way Ultimadrago warned me I expected some truly bad, but this was almost like the backdrop story to a generic fantasy hentai. Except instead of sex we just want the story to hurry up to the next shot of bread.People are joking about the bread because that's the only interesting thing to talk about. I mean, it's a show about a dude who bakes.
Now, if there was some kind of hot-blooded baking competition..
So the first 11 episodes are entirely skippable? Ok.
So the first 11 episodes are entirely skippable? Ok.
You waited twelve episodes for that?
I don't remember Strawberry Panic being that much of a cocktease. I do know there's lots of maidservice if you're into that kind of thing.
It seems that the whole thing might be something to pass by.
I remarked on that earlier. TYO Animations is really doing a good job on this one.
Well the way Ultimadrago warned me I expected some truly bad, but this was almost like the backdrop story to a generic fantasy hentai. Except instead of sex we just want the story to hurry up to the next shot of bread.
Kimi ni Todoke 1
Kazehaya is Jesus isn't he?
I never knew this anime was from Sawako's perspective. I know it's probably given since it's a shoujo but it never occurred to me before I watched it. I love Sawako's faces, they are cute and funny. Don't know why all her classmates are such dicks to her. She doesn't really look like a ghost.
Ano Natsu 12
I was so happy seeing Kaito all emo and depressed cause his alien girl ditched him and then I got to the last scene. Worst anime of the decade
Outside of few pacing issues where I thought it was boring and some dumb alien stuff, it was decent. It's definitely watchable and didn't jump the shark as fast as Ano Hana, but it didn't have as much of an interesting plot and characters as Ano Hana
Oh yeah, they should do some spinoff series with Lemon fighting aliens
Kimi ni Todoke 1
Kazehaya is Jesus isn't he?
I never knew this anime was from Sawako's perspective. I know it's probably given since it's a shoujo but it never occurred to me before I watched it. I love Sawako's faces, they are cute and funny. Don't know why all her classmates are such dicks to her. She doesn't really look like a ghost.
The best thing about watching Ano Natsu is getting to enjoy the suffering of Kanna fans.
The best thing about watching Ano Natsu is getting to enjoy the suffering of Kanna fans.
You're so evil.
Is that show really about bread? Like seriously?
It's Cajunantor. If he sees no problem with it, he basically wants you to stop talking about it because there is no problem. Anyone criticizing something is simply getting in the way of him spamming the thread with his posts asking for people to post cute things or whatnot. He's not interested in intelligent discussion because that's not what penguins do.![]()
And you still missed it. My point was that what you're saying can be taken one way or another if you're not careful. I read the previous Angel Beats conversation, and all I got out of it was purple Haruhi and some out of context in-between frames that doesn't show what the show looks like in motion. It really is nitpicking if that's what you have against Angel Beats. While they're certainly issues, they're superficial issues, issues that can be looked past, and if you don't like Keyshit, well, that's a good reason to not like the show. However, it's also a highly subjective reason to since Keyshit seems hit or miss.
There are plenty of things in Angel Beats to discuss and debate. There are plenty of themes, choices, ideas, plot progressions, narrative structures, and framing devices that we can go into depth about. Why focus on the QUALITY in between that most don't notice?
That's right, isn't it. How am I supposed to know?
People like Satoshi Kon have had the fame of doing exhaustive work for their impressive story-boards, and Mr. Okiura is one of those. An example can be seen here:
Production I.G / 作品紹介 / ももへの手紙 / 三人娘巴制作一大記 / 作画之巻
The best thing about watching Ano Natsu is getting to enjoy the suffering of Kanna fans.
so cruel
Yeah, if you're not desperate for yuri I would say don't bother.
You're so evil.
Daaaaamn, I don't even have to watch Ano Natsu to know that this gif is [I][B]cold-blooded[/B][/I]!
[quote="cajunator, post: 37135197"]I always get friendzones, so that's probably why I associate with those character types.
Just how it is. My lot in life.
a little penguin, foreveralone.[/QUOTE]
Keep your head up, lil' penguin!
Somehow, I think that a desperation for yuri would make Strawberry Panic even harder to watch considering the incredibly lopsided ratio of yuri to boring content. The two episodes I've watched have felt like they were an hour each, probably because I absolutely hate elite private academy settings.
Somehow, I think that a desperation for yuri would make Strawberry Panic even harder to watch considering the incredibly lopsided ratio of yuri to boring content. The two episodes I've watched have felt like they were an hour each, probably because I absolutely hate elite private academy settings.
If you had said Space Bebop or something like that I would have murdered you.
The best thing about watching Ano Natsu is getting to enjoy the suffering of Kanna fans.
Guys, is the Bebop the Cowboy movie worth watching?
considering the ending to the TV series, I assume its pretty much an extended episode that takes place sometime during their adventures?
Kanna is totally the best
(let me know if this picture isnt google approved but it shows nothing naughty thaT I can see)
My heart approves of thisKanna is totally the best
(let me know if this picture isnt google approved but it shows nothing naughty thaT I can see)
What show is this? Need to investigate.
I'm not that heartless.
You didn't even notice how that was the first time I called it by it's proper name, all that effort I spent thinking up titles wasted.
What show is this? Need to investigate.
You're so evil.
Why would you do this?!?!![]()
What show is this? Need to investigate.
So Envelope, what's your evaluation of Cowboy Bebop after having seen it all?
it's a pretty show I guess, Bebop is a pretty cool dude, he hunts bounties and stuffs.
Daaaaamn, I don't even have to watch Ano Natsu to know that this gif is cold-blooded!
Guys, is the Bebop the Cowboy movie worth watching?
considering the ending to the TV series, I assume its pretty much an extended episode that takes place sometime during their adventures?