Am I missing something here?
It's a guy
Plus the MC says the same thing in the anime
Am I missing something here?
It's a guy
Plus the MC says the same thing in the anime
but then, what doesn't count?
children are 'cute' regardless of gender
but then, what doesn't count?
children are 'cute' regardless of gender
He performs mouth-to-mouth on the MC so the MC is tries to deny it and say it doesn't count
Besides Death note and Geass, any other noteworthy keikaku shows that are worth a watch?
Besides Death note and Geass, any other noteworthy keikaku shows that are worth a watch?
Kaiji, Mirai Nikki, One Outs, Usogui (coming soon), Akagi if you like mahjong.
Random question for you guys. I was just thinking about this earlier and I was wondering how you all feel about this topic.
What would be, in your estimate, the show(s) with the best opening episode?
I'm not talking about the opening animation, and the entire series could collapse later and suck, but that first episode just drew you in and didn't let you go. I'll throw out my personal nominees, though I only plan to talk about a couple shows.
Kaiji, Mirai Nikki, One Outs, Usogui (coming soon), Akagi if you like mahjong.
Sora no Woto 1-3
The environments are really nice. They're nice to the point where I'd like to live in this town. The soundtrack is good and I'm liking the character designs. This show is succeeding in every place except where it matters most to me: the script.And these girls are supposed to guard a town's borders? I guess I shouldn't expect anymore from Sora no Woto aside from cute soldiers doing cute things and talking about courage and friendship?These girls have to muster up all the courage to confront a ghost. There is no medic available to take care of them if they collapse.
Mashiroiro Symphony 1-3
I guess the word "Symphony" in the title led me to believe this was going to be a harem about students in a music class learning how to play as an orchestra. At least, that's what I thought a few months ago when I put it on the watch list. I come back to find out it's just a plain old harem. A plain old harem about boys going to an all-girl school and the class president of said school is a sexist, maybe, not really. I heard there's closure in this show so I guess I'll stick around?
Elena and the POG leader
Random question for you guys. I was just thinking about this earlier and I was wondering how you all feel about this topic.
What would be, in your estimate, the show(s) with the best opening episode?
I'm not talking about the opening animation, and the entire series could collapse later and suck, but that first episode just drew you in and didn't let you go. I'll throw out my personal nominees, though I only plan to talk about a couple shows.
Mashiroiro Symphony 1-3
I guess the word "Symphony" in the title led me to believe this was going to be a harem about students in a music class learning how to play as an orchestra. At least, that's what I thought a few months ago when I put it on the watch list. I come back to find out it's just a plain old harem. A plain old harem about boys going to an all-girl school and the class president of said school is a sexist, maybe, not really. I heard there's closure in this show so I guess I'll stick around?
Fate/Zero for the year. I'm not talking about Episode 14. I'm talking about the very first one. Now I wait for the incoming mob.
Code Geass / Code Geass R2 Final Impressions
I don't have a lot to say about the ending, except that it was one of the best in any series I've ever watched.So bittersweet. But much more "sweet" than "bitter". Lelouch died... But he accomplished exactly what he set out to do when he got his hands on the Geass power. He "destroyed the world, and created it anew," so that Nunnally could live happily and without fear. That entire sequence, with the prisoners reacting to the impending blow, Suzaku crying, his final words, Nunnally crying, and that fucking song... Oh my God. Lelouch is the ultimate hero, and his journey's is the ultimate ending.
But, yeah. That was quite the ride. One of the best, actually. There are so many different kinds of people who would certainly love this series - thriller fans, mecha fans, CLAMP fans, yaoi fans, keikaku fans, etc. - that I think it's wiser to just recommend it to everyone. Only those who don't like fun won't enjoy watching Code Geass.
Cheers, Ultimadrago! A true bro.
What is this warm feeling inside...
How is the manga for it? Top tier like Gambling Emperor Legend Zero or meh?
Code Geass / Code Geass R2 Final Impressions
I don't have a lot to say about the ending, except that it was one of the best in any series I've ever watched.So bittersweet. But much more "sweet" than "bitter". Lelouch died... But he accomplished exactly what he set out to do when he got his hands on the Geass power. He "destroyed the world, and created it anew," so that Nunnally could live happily and without fear. That entire sequence, with the prisoners reacting to the impending blow, Suzaku crying, his final words, Nunnally crying, and that fucking song... Oh my God. Lelouch is the ultimate hero, and his journey's is the ultimate ending.
But, yeah. That was quite the ride. One of the best, actually. There are so many different kinds of people who would certainly love this series - thriller fans, mecha fans, CLAMP fans, yaoi fans, keikaku fans, etc. - that I think it's wiser to just recommend it to everyone. Only those who don't like fun won't enjoy watching Code Geass.
Cheers, Ultimadrago! A true bro.
It was just too ambiguous to be the best and left things too open for a 50 episode series. Consider its recent counterpart that was condensed though at least brisker and more enriching, they managed to give that a solid conclusion which worked well. Anyway on Code Geass...I do not think that he died. CC looked too happy to have him as dead, and I think Suzaku, though emotionally torn at the scene and the fact that he had to stab his best friend, knew that Lelouch would live in the end, I dont think he could have brought himself to stab a truly vital part.
ButLelouche isn't dead. That was him at the end.
R2 is a train wreck that goes off rails, does a flip, and hits another train.
Fuck you Ougi.
So terrible you didn't even watch past the first twenty minutes to find out it was a movie?Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
So this may not come as much of a surprise, but this show is terrible.
So terrible you didn't even watch past the first twenty minutes to find out it was a movie?
Heaven's Lost Property
Couldn't even get through episode one. Exactly what everybody jokes about when they think of anime as being a bastion of perversion and stupidity.
Also: Funimation, please include sound effects in your trailers. If you just overlay them with narration and music it removes 80% of the impact.
Heaven's Lost Property
Couldn't even get through episode one. Exactly what everybody jokes about when they think of anime as being a bastion of perversion and stupidity.
Also: Funimation, please include sound effects in your trailers. If you just overlay them with narration and music it removes 80% of the impact.
I can vouch for that not being true!Code Geass / Code Geass R2 Final Impressions
First, Shirley. OH MY GOD, SHUT UP. There isn't, there never was, and there never will be a person in the universe who spares, spared, or will spare one second of their lives to bother giving a single fuck about her love for Lelouch.
Shirley's role wasAnd she won't stop bringing it up. Ruining the mood: that was her role.
Whoa, couldn't disagree more. Okami-san is straight up bad and it's not self-aware of that. The dub voices made the show tolerable in a legitimately good way because they were substantial. I'm not even sure how you could get through Okami-san if you found the dub to be so horrific.Ookami-san and her Seven Companions
This show is goddamn hilarious. Thankfully it's so self-aware; if it was played straight it would be terrible. Dub is horrific for everyone but Ookami though. Do dub studios not let the actors actually watch the damn show or something? American voices are just so unsuited to high school things most of the time...
What's with Japanese audio being in stereo and English in 5.1?
Edit: On the contrary, I heard he chooses the best girl.The closure sucks since he picks the wrong girl.
Do dub studios not let the actors actually watch the damn show or something? American voices are just so unsuited to high school things most of the time...
Whoa, couldn't disagree more. Okami-san is straight up bad and it's not self-aware of that. The dub voices made the show tolerable in a legitimately good way because they were substantial. I'm not even sure how you could get through Okami-san if you found the dub to be so horrific.
Fate/Zero for the year. I'm not talking about Episode 14. I'm talking about the very first one. Now I wait for the incoming mob.
Upotte 4
Poor L-chan.Why was Britain so mean to her.
I personally feel Funimation's dub range from acceptable to good. Edit: It really depends on the director. The Baka and Test dub has been receiving tons of praise lately which I totally agree with. If there's a been a distributor that has been lacking, I'd probably pin it on Sentai.Well the trick was I watched about 10 minutes of the dub and switched over to Japanese. But you've got me wavering on my opinion now, lol.
Anything I've enjoyed the dub enough to look at a behind-the-scenes for has had the VAs at least watch the subbed show beforehand. But in this lower-tier dub stuff you can pretty much here a voice director telling the VA what their role is, hwo this character is, etc without letting them get an actual understanding of the nuances of the characters...
It's a pity anime's just probably not profitable enough to bother with proper dubbing for the most part :/
Well Infinite Stratos is in my next righstuff shipment.
Has anyone heard the dub?
Im particularly thinking of Charles' voice.
Yes. There was some ridicule in the thread over Char's voice but having completed IS in the dub, I can honestly say I liked her voice a lot. Edit: Char did end up becoming my favorite character of the show and looking around these parts, sub watchers felt the same (with exceptions of course), so in that regard I think the dub did its job.Well Infinite Stratos is in my next righstuff shipment.
Has anyone heard the dub?
Im particularly thinking of Charles' voice.
I personally feel Funimation's dub range from acceptable to good. Edit: It really depends on the director. The Baka and Test dub has been receiving tons of praise lately which I totally agree with. If there's a been a distributor that has been lacking, I'd probably pin it on Sentai.
As for Okami-san. I'd put its dub as one of the few redeeming traits of that show because the show itself rarely succeeds in other categories.
Phi Brain 8
What I find weird is for an organization that is supposed to be evil, POG sure is showing a lot of restraint in getting rid of Kaito.Real talk, if I got in a hot spring with Ana I would never say no to any of his advances. Nonoha was so jelly
Loved that save Nonoha made near the end.
But the first few episodes showed that POG is supposed to be good.
Tsuritama 5
Excellent episode, just as good as the previous ones, Yuki has a perfect VA that sounded just as happy as he looked. Couldnt helpt but feel so connected to him and happy by the end there that there were tearsThe writer of the show has developed him well. Natsuki too. Akira Agarkar must be getting time next I thinkwhen he was so inspired from Natsuki that he ended up standing and then catching the Mahi Mahi, shouting to the people cast away even, and earning the paycheck. Natsuki is really having a profound effect on him, much more so than Haru fortunately..seems to have a deficiency in friends based on that friendly banter from Natsuki and him, so hopefully that does transpire
Didnt think crocs
were made for fishing.