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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Sora no Woto 1-3

The environments are really nice. They're nice to the point where I'd like to live in this town. The soundtrack is good and I'm liking the character designs. This show is succeeding in every place except where it matters most to me: the script.
These girls have to muster up all the courage to confront a ghost. There is no medic available to take care of them if they collapse.
And these girls are supposed to guard a town's borders? I guess I shouldn't expect anymore from Sora no Woto aside from cute soldiers doing cute things and talking about courage and friendship?

Mashiroiro Symphony 1-3


I guess the word "Symphony" in the title led me to believe this was going to be a harem about students in a music class learning how to play as an orchestra. At least, that's what I thought a few months ago when I put it on the watch list. I come back to find out it's just a plain old harem. A plain old harem about boys going to an all-girl school and the class president of said school is a sexist, maybe, not really. I heard there's closure in this show so I guess I'll stick around?
Random question for you guys. I was just thinking about this earlier and I was wondering how you all feel about this topic.

What would be, in your estimate, the show(s) with the best opening episode?

I'm not talking about the opening animation, and the entire series could collapse later and suck, but that first episode just drew you in and didn't let you go. I'll throw out my personal nominees, though I only plan to talk about a couple shows.

I can think of the most memorable ones, considering the way Senki Zesshou Symphogear first episode started.

Probably have to go with my default choice of Bleach.

Any show that starts with a death sequence really just draws me in.


sealed with a kiss
Sora no Woto 1-3

The environments are really nice. They're nice to the point where I'd like to live in this town. The soundtrack is good and I'm liking the character designs. This show is succeeding in every place except where it matters most to me: the script.
These girls have to muster up all the courage to confront a ghost. There is no medic available to take care of them if they collapse.
And these girls are supposed to guard a town's borders? I guess I shouldn't expect anymore from Sora no Woto aside from cute soldiers doing cute things and talking about courage and friendship?

Mashiroiro Symphony 1-3

I guess the word "Symphony" in the title led me to believe this was going to be a harem about students in a music class learning how to play as an orchestra. At least, that's what I thought a few months ago when I put it on the watch list. I come back to find out it's just a plain old harem. A plain old harem about boys going to an all-girl school and the class president of said school is a sexist, maybe, not really. I heard there's closure in this show so I guess I'll stick around?

The closure sucks since he picks the wrong girl.


Tragic victim of fan death
Random question for you guys. I was just thinking about this earlier and I was wondering how you all feel about this topic.

What would be, in your estimate, the show(s) with the best opening episode?

I'm not talking about the opening animation, and the entire series could collapse later and suck, but that first episode just drew you in and didn't let you go. I'll throw out my personal nominees, though I only plan to talk about a couple shows.

Fate/Zero for the year. I'm not talking about Episode 14. I'm talking about the very first one. Now I wait for the incoming mob.


Mashiroiro Symphony 1-3

I guess the word "Symphony" in the title led me to believe this was going to be a harem about students in a music class learning how to play as an orchestra. At least, that's what I thought a few months ago when I put it on the watch list. I come back to find out it's just a plain old harem. A plain old harem about boys going to an all-girl school and the class president of said school is a sexist, maybe, not really. I heard there's closure in this show so I guess I'll stick around?

There is closure and it is amazing.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
So far behind on shows (just got home from my University's graduation ceremony), planning to get through most of Best Student Council today.



Living in the shadow of Amaz
Code Geass / Code Geass R2 Final Impressions

To think that in less than two weeks, we went from this:

To this:

That was an amazing, incredibly rewarding ride. I can think of many things wrong with this show, such as the enormous amount of disposable characters, the bizarre pacing, the two extremely random and unnecessary
memory resets
, or the fact that the
Geass thing
is never actually explained, but none of them had much impact on the experience as a whole. And even if they did, the ending would be enough to make me overlook them, anyway.

Ledouche was a great protagonist, and we really braved through all of this together with him. As the screens above demonstrate, he went from being an angsty teenager with vengeance in his mind to
the finest gentleman the world has, well, never known.
Despite sharing some similarities with Death Note's Light in terms of conduct (Machiavelli's "the end justifies the means") and all that, and despite seeming batshit insane on occasion under the Zero persona, he was actually no more than a really smart human being, who showed doubt, guilt, and pain. He had many keikaku moments - but not nearly enough of them to avoid every single dangerous situation. In fact, luck (and his companions) saved him many times from seemingly hopeless predicaments. By demonstrating weaknesses and eventually overcoming them through his own wits or his companions' support, he became a believable character. Of course: Sunrise really went overboard with his reaction to Nunnally's
becoming the viceroy of Area 11. The mere idea that he would turn to drugs in any situation given what he had already faced during his childhood without faltering was ludicrous. Thankfully this dark chapter of his journey only lasted a single episode.
Some may mock, but, yeah, he was a believable character: after
having his mother murdered and being forced to hide with his incapacitated sister for years during his childhood,
it sounds pretty reasonable to me that he would do basically anything within his power to protect Nunnally from such a shitty world. And since the very first time he used his Geass, he had no other way but forward if he wished to keep protecting her. He didn't take pleasure in
killing Euphemia after his Geass went berserk, nor in pretending to love Rolo as his brother after he stabbed Shirley,
but he had no choice. He was a douche, but he also dealt with his guilt inside his head, never laying it on the others around him. An incredibly strong character
to the bittersweet end.

Spinzaku was the show's other great character. If I had to choose between him and Ledouche, though, I'd easily pick Ledouche, because Spinzaku's performance in most of R2 was severely lacking. He wasn't the one to blame... But still.
He rose in ranks to be able to face Euphie's murderer... But in the end, with the Charles-imposed memory seal, he wasn't able to. So he just stood there, being passive aggressive towards Ledouche, but not actually antagonizing him. He became boring.
Thankfully, by the end of the season, he went back to being awesome - although still in Ledouche's shadow. That may have been his greatest weak point - while Zero was a great character on his own right, Suzaku needed Lelouch, Kallen, or Euphemia to shine. He was a pleasure to watch when interacting with them, but after
Euphemia died and Lelouch started hiding behind the memory seal
, he seemed kind of lost. So lost that he actually almost became Lelouch
by having the idea of torturing Kallen while she was imprisoned.
Whilst commanding Lancelot or running on walls he was always a boss, though.

Ledouche + Spinzaku was definitely the OTP. Such a beautiful bromance. So many great moments together.
One of the best sequences in the first season was the final one in Mao's arc, in which the villain unmasked Suzaku, and Lelouch, like a true white knight, came to his defense by using his Geass to order Mao to "never speak again". Glorious.
And that's just one example.

In the second tier of characters I'd place Kallen and CC, AKA the haremettes. Yeah, I liked Kallen. There are a couple of reasons for that. One, she's freaking hot. Two, she's not just another pawn in the chess game - she's the knight or something like that. The only one in the Black Knight's side, actually, because as
Jeremiah and some others
proved, simply switching sides to Zero's apparently turned people into useless Nightmare pilots. And three:
she actually loved Lelouch, and would die for him if he asked her for it. When you think of it that way, she's one of the few characters who survive and don't get their hands on a happy ending. She has Gino and all... But he'll never be as awesome and boss as Lelouch, and she knows it. Those last two scenes in which Lelouch and her are together in R2, and then her reaction to his murder, when she understood what happened... Fuck.
As for CC...
There was no closure at all for her, was there? I mean... She fell for Lelouch, had to part ways with him, and didn't even get to die the way she wanted to. Did she overcome that wish after finding true love? Did Pizza Hut make her change her mind? I wonder.
I loved the way she would interact with Lelouch. She was probably the only person he actually respected since the beginning, because she would always confront him and, well, save his ass. Watching their relationship develop until the moment
Lelouch realized what he felt for her when his own father NTR'ed him
was great.

Nunnally never knew what was going on until, hell,
the very last scene of R2
, so I think it's kind of hard to judge her actions. In terms of personality, though, she was ok. She was a fragile person, and the way she was protrayed proved that Lelouch had a reason to fight to protect her.
She seemed to become an entirely different character after opening her eyes in Turn 24, and the last scene in which she understood what Lelouch had done with his Zero Requiem and started crying was, well, the greatest scene in the entire series.

90% of all the other characters in the show were, as I've stated previously, completely disposable, though. And the worst of it is that many of these characters are hyped by the show before actually appearing, like that Tohdoh guy and his Four Holy Swods, and then they show up and do nothing at all. It's impossible to care about them. There's Milly and Rivalz, that only show up to reminisce about their boring high school past no one else cares about; then there are characters like Sayoko, Rakshata, and Anya, who don't even get a chance to show their values because we know nothing about them (that wouldn't be a problem if they didn't get a lot of screen time in R2); and finally there are those who are simply stupid, like Tamaki or that D-Tard guy who gets off on craziness and doesn't even begin to make any sense. But I guess you could say there's a reason for that, if you're an apologist.
In the end, as the pawns themselves repeat on multiple occasions, most of the characters were nothing but pawns in Lelouch's chess game against the Empire. Even the enemies. So... Yeah, why would you want to know more about pawns, huh? Hahaha.

Only a few of the "other guys" left a good impression. Well, mainly the royalty. Euphemia was
dumb as a rock
but still a cool character - specially when interacting with Suzaku; Cornelia, on the other hand, was strong but just as interesting; and Schneizel was a classy motherfucker, and a
fitting final opponent for Lelouch
. Charles... Ehh.
He was too much of a pretentious asshole, with his different plane of reality and ridiculous hair/beard.

So... Let's say 90% of the cast was disposable, and 7% was good. The remaining 3%... Eeeeeuuuughhhh.

First, Shirley. OH MY GOD, SHUT UP. There isn't, there never was, and there never will be a person in the universe who spares, spared, or will spare one second of their lives to bother giving a single fuck about her love for Lelouch. And she won't stop bringing it up. Ruining the mood: that was her role. Mechs, missiles, explosions everywhere! Next frame, Shirley whining about the fact that Lelouch won't go to the movies with her. And the worst is that she would bring up her irrelevant problems to her loved one while he had real problems, like freaking wars and political games in his mind. Hell, in the very first scene she appears, in the debut episode, she's calling Lelouch's phone, giving out his position to the enemy soldiers and then whining about why he didn't pick up the phone. Of course, she couldn't possibly know what was going on with him, but we did. And we had to watch her whining, the bitch. Looking back, that was one hell of a warning about things to come.
Dying a shit death at the hands of that psycho clown Rolo was such a fitting end for her.

Which brings me to, well, Rolo. What an annoying guy. He didn't actually do anything wrong... What bothered me about him was how stupid and gullible he was. His
time perception-related Geass power
was actually pretty neat, but I find it impossible to appreciate characters with no willpower.
After Lelouch started the "you're my brother and I love you" play, he basically bended over and bit his lips. Hell, he would've literally done it if Lelouch ordered him to.
He was the poor kid, the helpless weakling in search of affection the entire time. The show really tried to make us like him, though with the
glorious Shirley murder
and his
sacrifice to save Lelouch after the Black Knights turned his backs on him
, which was one of the best scenes in R2. His reward for that last one, though, was just a small quantity of redemption and
Lelouch's lie
- not my respect.

And then there's Nina. Oh, Nina. I don't even know what to say about this
table-lover, nuke-creating
racist piece of crap. I still can't believe
she didn't die a horrible, gory death.
I guess I have to take comfort in all the suffering she went through and in the faces she'd make when in despair.

I wouldn't be able to pick my favorite between season one or season two if asked. I think R1 was more consistent in many aspects, but anything wrong about R2 (like the more hyper beam-focused action scenes) can be forgiven because of Turn 25.

I don't think there was a single bad episode in R1. Stage 1 was ok as an introductory episode, and Stage 2 showed us that Lelouch wasn't a common human being at all. Then, in Stage 3,
Lelouch killed his brother without hesitating.
That set the tone of the events to come, and from that point, things never slowed down. Stage 4 was amazing, with the whole
Zero saving Suzaku
thing. Stage 6 had me laughing my ass off more than I'd like to admit. Then, during the Cornelia-focused arc, the action was top-notch. That was quickly followed by the Mao-focused arc, which was also solid,
but surprisingly short.
Stage 18 brought back the awesome mech action, and Stage 19 had
Kallen's bewbs
and some interesting interactions between those who were the "main guys" at that point. Stage 22 was
, and the final three were simply fabulous.

Then came in R2, which had the highest highs and the lowest lows. The first two episodes were, well, terrible and unnecessary, and the entire subsequent
Rolo scenario
was really grating. Turn 7 was pain-inducing... But after
was dealt with, everything became great once again. Shots were fired, keikakus were revealed, flashbacks were had... And, in the end, came the final episode - which, well, started in Turn 21. The events in those last two hours of the series were so intense and well tied up that they felt like a single, longer episode. Well, to me and Ultimadrago, who watched them in quickly succession. It must have been terrible, having to wait for the Turns weekly. Ugh.

I don't have a lot to say about the ending, except that it was one of the best in any series I've ever watched.
So bittersweet. But much more "sweet" than "bitter". Lelouch died... But he accomplished exactly what he set out to do when he got his hands on the Geass power. He "destroyed the world, and created it anew," so that Nunnally could live happily and without fear. That entire sequence, with the prisoners reacting to the impending blow, Suzaku crying, his final words, Nunnally crying, and that fucking song... Oh my God. Lelouch is the ultimate hero, and his journey's is the ultimate ending.

But, yeah. That was quite the ride. One of the best, actually. There are so many different kinds of people who would certainly love this series - thriller fans, mecha fans, CLAMP fans, yaoi fans, keikaku fans, etc. - that I think it's wiser to just recommend it to everyone. Only those who don't like fun won't enjoy watching Code Geass.

Cheers, Ultimadrago! A true bro.


Code Geass / Code Geass R2 Final Impressions

This series brought a wave of pure entertainment.

So, when I was going into this. I was expecting, ridiculous, foolish antics with some mechas in-between...I got what I was expecting! The difference is, I didn't expect to become to engaged by it. The kooky main and side characters, the pretty sweet mechas and mecha fights, a pace that shoots one way, then another, then the other way again! At first, I just called it bad editing. I guess it is a bit of that, but it just fuses itself with the soul of the show. I can accept it as that because the anime was a joy to watch unfold. There was also silly school episodes, a terrible beginning reunion in R2 and some terrible editing. Yet, the collective experience was something I had wholehearted fun with.

In my episode 4 review of R1 I said that I would be fine with bros on polar sides business as long as it turned out interesting or entertaining. It picked up on both fronts. The main focus for the first season was this and it was intensified from
Episode 6 where Suzaku is commanded to live.
These repercussions make their way into R2 and even
define the ending and future of where R2 finishes.
. As I've said before, being torn apart by rivaling morals is common play, but that extra kick, that played in later no less, made it more special.

Lelouche was a character with many faces, simply covered under two. He used his intellect to gain what he desired in order to get closer towards the selfish, but selfless goal he envisioned. He used people, mechas, anything to get his way while utilizing a power that even he would
inevitably lose control of
for what people remarked as a childish vision. He starts the path alone, but ends up with
at least Suzaku at his side.
It takes a while, but the paths that split so violently in the beginning between
Suzaku and him merged into a near unstoppable force.
. Seeing his journey from the former to the latter was a showing of switches, turns, hurdles and head-scratching antics. The character was enjoyable to watch and see interact with others, at times as himself and at times as the man on a mission. Lelouche was a douche, but
kept his promise of a better world for Nunally to live her years in with the help of his best friend. However, he knew that his sins could not be ignored and that he must be purged along with them in the world he had made anew. This end, his end, was truly bittersweet.

The mechas were really fun to watch, the Guren, Lancelot (Albion), Tristan, Zangetsu all fun to watch in action. Plenty of fights to go around and the introduction to the Guren was just divine. The introduction to the Lacelot, less so, but it wrecks throughout the series, so it's okay. Also I missed
later on, unfortunate it couldn't stay for R2. My memory may be fuzzy on it, but I believe that there was more hands-on mecha action in R1 when sided with R2. I preferred more hands-on mecha action because it looks great and it makes the times when a blast come all the more thrilling. Even if R2 happened to have more, it was shouted over by many more "blasts"/vector cannons. The impact was taken from them, no longer making them feel special. That said, I had much more fun with the mech fights of Code Geass than I ever had with, say, Guilty Crown.

The side,supporting characters were a laugh, in both good ways and bad ways. Nunally was a sweet, blind child (with a terrible English dub), that was the light for Ledouche's actions. The model of the unfortunate that would benefit in his new world. However,
her blindness (hehe) to the situation, by the misguiding hands of others, at hand transformed her into an enemy of Ledouche. Well, it wasn't only those misguiding hands, but through her own knowledge as well of his extreme tactics, which she countered with extreme tactics.
Overall, she was an alright character than I always symbolized as a "lighthouse" for the sea-faring ways of Ledouche. She was their to give him happiness, agony, confusion, a great deal of his emotional impact stems from this character and that is something I could appreciate from them.
A similar fate fell upon
Princess Yuffie
, but that was all a misguided hand. Speaking of them, they was an alright character as well, perfect as a love interest for
. I didn't love them, but eh.

Moving on, Kallen (mo Mallen)! Fanservice queen on the scene! This character went from "Eh.", "Boo hoo, who cares.", "Daaaaayum, guuuuh!",
"Yeah, hands off, sista!"
to finally
"Fuck you, Kallen"
. The character, while a roller coaster in feelings towards her (yet always better than Nina or Shirley), was always wanted by me in the narrative. Yeah, she's 90% breasts and a nice butt, but those were needed dammit and her spunky attitude as well!
She had love for Zero, but it took her ages to understand a part of Lelouche, the man behind the mask. This led to a rocky relationship break that I still think went over-the-top between them. She loved Zero and learned to love some of Ledouche, but she split herself apart from him and even felt responsible to finish him off. Even in the more understandable moments of this charade, it took off points from the character for me. Gino will probably get into those pants now, but will never soak them with a glance like Ledouche's Zero could!
Overall, I like her in the end, but she must settle for second-best girl of the haremette (hey, still not shabby).

Table-kun is a great man and I hope he found a fitting wife
far away from that witch, Nina.
His introduction came out of nowhere, a surprise, he was courting some ugly fiend that he ran into after school hours. The man was at his lowest of times at the moment and afterwards made sure to never touch that witch's
again (as far as I know!)

Next up, Rolo, man
character went from "wow, lame-o" for most of his existence to respect in like, one episode. The elements and parallels towards that made for one of the best scenes in the series. That character was a gamble with me that ended up working in the end.
I didn't like his presence at first, as a
tool for the enemy and a tool for Ledouche
, he was a high-pitched annoyance. His
jealousy leading to wanting to take Nunally's life
also wasn't very charming. Yet, R2 somehow made what they could out of the character space, leaving him with a bit
of redemption from it all.

C.C. is love, girl is helpful, loyal, sexy, talks back with sense, but has a soft heart and eats PIZZA HUT! Though, I guess she's more of a main character than a side character, ah well. Her relations hip with Ledouche was a...trying one? She pops into his life, makes a contract,
teases her name (which we then never learn!), kisses him and then accepts the name "Immortal Witch" from him until nearer to the ending where there old flame of romance from R1 finally returns.
"moe slave"
C.C. also subtracted points from the character (not much as it is a temporary hurdle. I liked this character, came in to save days and when intrusive from a conflicting side
("cockblocking" Ledouche or disagreeing with his course of action)
, rarely makes a messy scene of it. No contest, this was my favorite female in the entire series.

I wish I could hit all of the characters in some depth, but this is going to have to do. Plus anyone who hasn't experienced the silliness, madness, quirkiness of the cast, should do so themselves! Even though pretty far from deep as a collective , they make for entertaining times (even the characters you end up hating!). Most are of little cost, they at least make for at least good screams of agony or terrified faces when worst comes to worst.

Characters that aren't worth mentioning due to being wastes of animation/resouces: Shinichirō Tamaki, Shirley Fenette, Nina Einstein

So, as for the debate between R1 vs. R2, I might have to sit this one out. The first introduces me to the character that I ended up loving out of his raw embodiment of emotion and yet pure logic. The man was a screaming wreck at times due to personal matters getting in the way and a stone-faced force, prepared to do anything necessary to further his will as the Black King. He truly took the show as a lead. The introduction to his idealism, madness, conflicting nature all begins in R1. Yet R2 gives us more of it and shows up for more direct links with Nunally and Suzaku. Mech fights, I have explained, I probably enjoyed more in R1. Hands-on mech combat, controlled vector cannon blasts and just the design of the prototype, Gawain (I call him Anubis <3) sealed the deal for me. Though R2's story (sans the first couple of episodes) glued itself faithfully to the pacing of R1 and gains my praise for
the ending which was most enjoyable.
They together make for such an entertaining package of JRPG villain philosophy, mecha action and keikaku, that I won't force an answer out of myself.

Therefore, I leave with Pizza Hut on the mind and the mark of Geass on my heart.

I want to thank Brazil, who offered me on this ride into this crazy place. We shared laughs, facepalms, dropped jaws and friendship. Thanks for the invite, man. I would also like to thank AnimeGAF and AnimeGAF IRC for their undying support of our run through this. It is an experience that will be engraved in my books.

All hail Ledocuhe vi Britannia!
Code Geass / Code Geass R2 Final Impressions

I don't have a lot to say about the ending, except that it was one of the best in any series I've ever watched.
So bittersweet. But much more "sweet" than "bitter". Lelouch died... But he accomplished exactly what he set out to do when he got his hands on the Geass power. He "destroyed the world, and created it anew," so that Nunnally could live happily and without fear. That entire sequence, with the prisoners reacting to the impending blow, Suzaku crying, his final words, Nunnally crying, and that fucking song... Oh my God. Lelouch is the ultimate hero, and his journey's is the ultimate ending.

But, yeah. That was quite the ride. One of the best, actually. There are so many different kinds of people who would certainly love this series - thriller fans, mecha fans, CLAMP fans, yaoi fans, keikaku fans, etc. - that I think it's wiser to just recommend it to everyone. Only those who don't like fun won't enjoy watching Code Geass.

Cheers, Ultimadrago! A true bro.

It was just too ambiguous to be the best and left things too open for a 50 episode series. Consider its recent counterpart that was condensed though at least brisker and more enriching, they managed to give that a solid conclusion which worked well. Anyway on Code Geass...I do not think that he died. CC looked too happy to have him as dead, and I think Suzaku, though emotionally torn at the scene and the fact that he had to stab his best friend, knew that Lelouch would live in the end, I dont think he could have brought himself to stab a truly vital part.


Young Animator Training Project 2011 - Wasurenagumo


What is this warm feeling inside...

Okay cajunator, you win this round.

I still hate spiders though...

A nice, inoffensive 24 or so minutes of my time. You can see display of different elements used specifically to add on for the project.

The ending made me laugh.
And that's why you don't accidentally open sealed monster books!


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Code Geass / Code Geass R2 Final Impressions

I don't have a lot to say about the ending, except that it was one of the best in any series I've ever watched.
So bittersweet. But much more "sweet" than "bitter". Lelouch died... But he accomplished exactly what he set out to do when he got his hands on the Geass power. He "destroyed the world, and created it anew," so that Nunnally could live happily and without fear. That entire sequence, with the prisoners reacting to the impending blow, Suzaku crying, his final words, Nunnally crying, and that fucking song... Oh my God. Lelouch is the ultimate hero, and his journey's is the ultimate ending.

But, yeah. That was quite the ride. One of the best, actually. There are so many different kinds of people who would certainly love this series - thriller fans, mecha fans, CLAMP fans, yaoi fans, keikaku fans, etc. - that I think it's wiser to just recommend it to everyone. Only those who don't like fun won't enjoy watching Code Geass.

Cheers, Ultimadrago! A true bro.

Lelouche isn't dead. That was him at the end.

R2 is a train wreck that goes off rails, does a flip, and hits another train.

Fuck you Ougi.


Heaven's Lost Property

Couldn't even get through episode one. Exactly what everybody jokes about when they think of anime as being a bastion of perversion and stupidity.

Also: Funimation, please include sound effects in your trailers. If you just overlay them with narration and music it removes 80% of the impact.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
It was just too ambiguous to be the best and left things too open for a 50 episode series. Consider its recent counterpart that was condensed though at least brisker and more enriching, they managed to give that a solid conclusion which worked well. Anyway on Code Geass...I do not think that he died. CC looked too happy to have him as dead, and I think Suzaku, though emotionally torn at the scene and the fact that he had to stab his best friend, knew that Lelouch would live in the end, I dont think he could have brought himself to stab a truly vital part.

Lelouche isn't dead. That was him at the end.

R2 is a train wreck that goes off rails, does a flip, and hits another train.

Fuck you Ougi.

Heaven's Lost Property

Couldn't even get through episode one. Exactly what everybody jokes about when they think of anime as being a bastion of perversion and stupidity.

Also: Funimation, please include sound effects in your trailers. If you just overlay them with narration and music it removes 80% of the impact.

Don't worry, it gets worst... and better... and divine. Still believe it's S&#333;ichir&#333; Hoshi's best job yet.

Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me of the akagi and kaiji.

Liked akagi quite a bit more than kaiji, which felt more like 'luck' and 'bs'. Both are fun stuff though.
Heaven's Lost Property

Couldn't even get through episode one. Exactly what everybody jokes about when they think of anime as being a bastion of perversion and stupidity.

Also: Funimation, please include sound effects in your trailers. If you just overlay them with narration and music it removes 80% of the impact.



Code Geass / Code Geass R2 Final Impressions

First, Shirley. OH MY GOD, SHUT UP. There isn't, there never was, and there never will be a person in the universe who spares, spared, or will spare one second of their lives to bother giving a single fuck about her love for Lelouch.
I can vouch for that not being true!

And she won't stop bringing it up. Ruining the mood: that was her role.
Shirley's role was
to be the representative of ordinary people caught up in the effects of Geass. Not a soldier, not a politician, just someone thrown around and abused by powers greater than her. She was but one of many, but she was the one we got to know.

Also I love the scene where
she's on the phone telling Lelouche, "Love is power! Haven't you ever been in love?" and the first person that pops into Leclouche's head is Nunnaly.


Ookami-san and her Seven Companions

This show is goddamn hilarious. Thankfully it's so self-aware; if it was played straight it would be terrible. Dub is horrific for everyone but Ookami though. Do dub studios not let the actors actually watch the damn show or something? American voices are just so unsuited to high school things most of the time...

What's with Japanese audio being in stereo and English in 5.1?

/edit ahahahaha wow dat after-credits ending


Ookami-san and her Seven Companions

This show is goddamn hilarious. Thankfully it's so self-aware; if it was played straight it would be terrible. Dub is horrific for everyone but Ookami though. Do dub studios not let the actors actually watch the damn show or something? American voices are just so unsuited to high school things most of the time...

What's with Japanese audio being in stereo and English in 5.1?
Whoa, couldn't disagree more. Okami-san is straight up bad and it's not self-aware of that. The dub voices made the show tolerable in a legitimately good way because they were substantial. I'm not even sure how you could get through Okami-san if you found the dub to be so horrific.

The closure sucks since he picks the wrong girl.
Edit: On the contrary, I heard he chooses the best girl.

I have no idea who that girl is yet.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Do dub studios not let the actors actually watch the damn show or something? American voices are just so unsuited to high school things most of the time...

My understanding is that no, they don't. Back when ADV was first starting up they used to put out rather enjoyable dubs even if all of the voices weren't great. That was because back when they weren't pumping out show after show in rapid succession, they used to give their actors a copy of the subbed version for a week so they could watch it and get an idea of who they were portraying and what the context was.

Most don't though. In Japan if the show is based on a manga/light novel etc. it's probably significantly easier to hit up the original source material to get an idea of what's going on before jumping in proper.


Whoa, couldn't disagree more. Okami-san is straight up bad and it's not self-aware of that. The dub voices made the show tolerable in a legitimately good way because they were substantial. I'm not even sure how you could get through Okami-san if you found the dub to be so horrific.

Well the trick was I watched about 10 minutes of the dub and switched over to Japanese. But you've got me wavering on my opinion now, lol.

Anything I've enjoyed the dub enough to look at a behind-the-scenes for has had the VAs at least watch the subbed show beforehand. But in this lower-tier dub stuff you can pretty much here a voice director telling the VA what their role is, hwo this character is, etc without letting them get an actual understanding of the nuances of the characters...

It's a pity anime's just probably not profitable enough to bother with proper dubbing for the most part :/


Well the trick was I watched about 10 minutes of the dub and switched over to Japanese. But you've got me wavering on my opinion now, lol.

Anything I've enjoyed the dub enough to look at a behind-the-scenes for has had the VAs at least watch the subbed show beforehand. But in this lower-tier dub stuff you can pretty much here a voice director telling the VA what their role is, hwo this character is, etc without letting them get an actual understanding of the nuances of the characters...

It's a pity anime's just probably not profitable enough to bother with proper dubbing for the most part :/
I personally feel Funimation's dub range from acceptable to good. Edit: It really depends on the director. The Baka and Test dub has been receiving tons of praise lately which I totally agree with. If there's a been a distributor that has been lacking, I'd probably pin it on Sentai.

As for Okami-san. I'd put its dub as one of the few redeeming traits of that show because the show itself rarely succeeds in other categories.


Phi Brain 8

Real talk, if I got in a hot spring with Ana I would never say no to any of his advances. Nonoha was so jelly

Loved that save Nonoha made near the end.
What I find weird is for an organization that is supposed to be evil, POG sure is showing a lot of restraint in getting rid of Kaito.


Well Infinite Stratos is in my next righstuff shipment.
Has anyone heard the dub?
Im particularly thinking of Charles' voice.
Yes. There was some ridicule in the thread over Char's voice but having completed IS in the dub, I can honestly say I liked her voice a lot. Edit: Char did end up becoming my favorite character of the show and looking around these parts, sub watchers felt the same (with exceptions of course), so in that regard I think the dub did its job.

I was really bothered by Cecilia's voice because Brittney Karbowski, as good of a VA she is when she's using her normal American accent, cannot do a British accent and I'm really surprised she was chosen after she tried to do a British accent for Blue Drop (both IS and Blue Drop had the same director so that may have played a role). Laura's German accent sort of breaks at times but it's good. Then you've got the characters with American accents that you don't have to worry about. They're good.

You can just really tell that Sentai was on a budget when they did the IS dub. Again, you've got Brittney Karbowski, who has this really distinctive voice, doing the voices for the "crowds." So it wasn't out of the ordinary to hear her speak as an off-screen character only for her as Cecilia to start talking immediately after. Edit: Really, the only thing that may bother you about the dub are the voices. The line delivery is fine and the lip sync is acceptable.
Tsuritama 5

Excellent episode, just as good as the previous ones, Yuki has a perfect VA that sounded just as happy as he looked. Couldnt helpt but feel so connected to him and happy by the end there that there were tears
when he was so inspired from Natsuki that he ended up standing and then catching the Mahi Mahi, shouting to the people cast away even, and earning the paycheck. Natsuki is really having a profound effect on him, much more so than Haru fortunately.
The writer of the show has developed him well. Natsuki too. Akira Agarkar must be getting time next I think
seems to have a deficiency in friends based on that friendly banter from Natsuki and him, so hopefully that does transpire

Didnt think crocs were made for fishing.
Hetalia 01-13

Speaking of dubs, I am impressed with the amount of work Funi spent on actually dubbing this. Giving everyone their own almost offensive accent and with all that characters, it's pretty nice they didn't cheap out and hire one guy to voice three different characters.

I did notice they actually adapted the material instead of literal translation or such. Though, it does make me wish they included a closed captioning option instead of subs.


I personally feel Funimation's dub range from acceptable to good. Edit: It really depends on the director. The Baka and Test dub has been receiving tons of praise lately which I totally agree with. If there's a been a distributor that has been lacking, I'd probably pin it on Sentai.

As for Okami-san. I'd put its dub as one of the few redeeming traits of that show because the show itself rarely succeeds in other categories.

I found the first ep at least moderately amusing.


Living in the shadow of Amaz

Sakuga! The scenes with the girl running inside the house were pretty nice.

That was pretty cool. And the ending...
Wut! Bwahahaha. I have no idea what happened there.
Phi Brain 8

Real talk, if I got in a hot spring with Ana I would never say no to any of his advances. Nonoha was so jelly

Loved that save Nonoha made near the end.
What I find weird is for an organization that is supposed to be evil, POG sure is showing a lot of restraint in getting rid of Kaito.

But the first few episodes showed that POG is supposed to be good.


But the first few episodes showed that POG is supposed to be good.

I mean that
new guy they got wants to kill Kaito so badly but he only seems to be doing it through puzzles. If you are that rich, it isn't so hard to hire someone to do the job for you.
Then again, I guess being a Giver and all makes you have too much pride.


Tsuritama 5

Excellent episode, just as good as the previous ones, Yuki has a perfect VA that sounded just as happy as he looked. Couldnt helpt but feel so connected to him and happy by the end there that there were tears
when he was so inspired from Natsuki that he ended up standing and then catching the Mahi Mahi, shouting to the people cast away even, and earning the paycheck. Natsuki is really having a profound effect on him, much more so than Haru fortunately.
The writer of the show has developed him well. Natsuki too. Akira Agarkar must be getting time next I think
seems to have a deficiency in friends based on that friendly banter from Natsuki and him, so hopefully that does transpire
Didnt think crocs
were made for fishing.

Yes. My brother goes fishing wearing crocs all the time.
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