This is... yeah. lol
I laughed so hard at this part. 3 dudes hop in a truck with a bomb, drive 20 feet and explode.
And it gets better.
Stop laughing at their heroic actions.
This is... yeah. lol
I laughed so hard at this part. 3 dudes hop in a truck with a bomb, drive 20 feet and explode.
And it gets better.
That's a real shame, I'll have to organize a watch-swap with you and Dragoultima next.![]()
The battle against Van is probably the first time this anime made a fight actually feel like it was from the game. It was quite well done too. Van for the most part kicks their ass until Tear decides to start singing Yulia's cheating hyms. In the end the heroes succeed, but Luke has some unfinished business to do, so the gang all say their goodbyes, and Tear finally shows her love for Luke. Now skip ahead 2 years, and they all watch the crumbling ruins of Eldrant on Luke's birthday. As they're about to leave, a mysterious figure shows up. I eagerly await the second season!![]()
Thank you subs, what would I do without you?
The End.
AO stands for Atrocious Omigawa
Tales of the Abyss 26
The End.
Whatever this episode was trying to do it failed, partly because Leda is such a terrible character. The ending was just stupid and rushed. "The episode is ending, time to go." "Before I leave, take this plot device."![]()
Tear's tears?
I dont know who Tear is but she's cute and stuff.
You should play Tales of the Abyss, or if you're to lazy, watch the anime. /shamelessplug
You sure like Tear.
I dont know who Tear is but she's cute and stuff.
So consensus of tales of abyss anime is good? I loved the game
So consensus of tales of abyss anime is good? I loved the game
Sorry I havent been watching anime and the last good one i saw was Kaiji season 2 which was awesome. Theres so much anime out but not many good quality ones, so i have no idea which is amazing.
I would imagine on your enjoyment of the story since that's pretty much all the anime can really focus on.
So consensus of tales of abyss anime is good? I loved the game. Sorry I havent been watching anime and the last good one i saw was Kaiji season 2 which was awesome. Theres so much anime out but not many good quality ones, so i have no idea which is amazing.
You should play Tales of the Abyss, or if you're to lazy, watch the anime. /shamelessplug
The bit I have played of Xenoblade has been so enjoyable Im afraid that I may have gotten myself hooked on Rpgs.
I really dont need ANOTHER addiction.
Unlike Xenoblade, Tales of the Abyss is good.
Unlike Xenoblade, Tales of the Abyss is good.
I think a bit of engrish is a fair trade off for one of the most badass powering up after being driven to the brink of death scenes ever.
Just stick with the KyoAni Key productions, in my opinion. Edit: It's same content with better execution.
Angel Beats as well.
Hrm, that's a new one. I never thought of that.I thought both orders were designated as each characters recollection of events. Kyon's being the non-linear order, whereas Haruhi's order is chronological.
And I blame Secret Base for it's popularity, goddamn song.
If they plan on reaching the finals before the end of the show, then they're going to run out of time if they slow down too much...That is to say, I don't know that this round will actually end in the next episode. We'll see, but if it does, the anime will be in new territory, because it'll have caught up to the manga. I kind of expect them to cover maybe chs. 9 and 10 in the next episode, so the match will last into episode 11... we'll have to see, though.
The wait for ch. 11 has been agonizing, everything's gotten so tense!
Yeah, I really, really want to see Teru vs. Saki, but it'll probably be far too far off...![]()
If you have to play a Tales game, play about any other one.
I cannot sit by while you to spread these false notions, Chet, even if cajunator ends up falling for it.
[DeeDee,] Noooooo! (Too much cajun bait to fight off!)
Honestly, if he just watches the anime, things will have gone better than expected.
That wasn't very badass, also those outfits are atrocious.I think a bit of engrish is a fair trade off for one of the most badass powering up after being driven to the brink of death scenes ever.
The only video game anime I wanted to watch was Persona 4 cause of hot waifus but people kept saying you will only like it if you played the game which I have never done.
That wasn't very badass, also those outfits are atrocious.
Chet presents some convincehnnnnnnng evidence, but I really love xenoblade so hes definitely wrong about that.
You crazy. That scene is the culmination of the characters constantly skirting the border of despair and optimism until they finally got the spark to be pushed far into hot-blooded territory. Though I imagine it isn't as effective if you haven't actually watched the show.
And the designs are great!
Now I want to watch/play Tales of the Abyss. Chet Rippo is a corrupting influence.
I thought we were cool, Narag...
Unfortunately I drop tales of abyss halfway. Sorry Tear, not even you can save the douche factor which is Luke. That and it's longass OP.
There is no hope for you.
We'll always have Happy Science.
He gets a lot better in the second half.
Does the Tales of the Abyss anime have Bump of Chicken? Because if not this could be a deal breaker.
If you have to play a Tales game, play about any other one.
I cannot sit by while you to spread these false notions, Chet, even if cajunator ends up falling for it.
It's the OP and it's way over the standard OP time IIRC.