Well, I guess that would be a legit 2.5 if it's two girls and the MC's imouto who's just obsessive over him and not in love..5 girls don't count? You guys are so mean.
Edit: Yeah, I'm able to accept the quoted as a viable answer.
Well, I guess that would be a legit 2.5 if it's two girls and the MC's imouto who's just obsessive over him and not in love..5 girls don't count? You guys are so mean.
Harem series in general usually have someone being picked at the end. Doesn't make the journey any less of a harem.
Bagi, the Monster of Mighty Nature
I never would have learnt about the horrors of genetic engineering and biotechnology if it wasn't thanks to Osamu Tezuka's raw creative and political passion. I would've remained blind to such sinful things like mutant cacti, creepy hypnotic dancing catgirls or THE DEVIL'S RICE BALL. I have seen the light. From henceforth, I shall dedicate the rest of my life to fighting this horrible scientific practice to ensure that no one else shall become a... victim of science.
Now, would anyone happen to know where I can get me one of those nifty laserlighters?
Of course.kanna rulez ichika sux
Oh god.
Everyone knows multi-sided love polygons are superior.
Ano Hana was just as bad as any harem anime.
Milky Holmes s2 11
I can't believe the final boss (?) had control over lard. Definitely the most epic battle I've ever seen with that particular substance used. That's one thing I love about anime in general; they can spend the entire animation budget on a fight with the world at stake revolving around lard of all things.
I'll have to flip a coin on that.Did you learn more from this or Arjuna? Which evil did you find greater from their respective series: humanity or mankind?
"Call it heads or tails. I'll let ya go if ya win but if ya lose then I'll shoot ya, friend-o." - Cemen "Chigurh" Bond (Bagi)
Of course.kanna rulez ichika sux
She deserves better than that no good boob-obsessed alien-loving bastard![]()
Someone like Tetsurou! Who she turned down... yeah she might want a mulligan on that one.
It's more memorable than all of Summer Wars.
Medaka Box 12
I don't like Medaka at all but this show is painfully boring without her.
You'll know when you go on the list. At the moment I don't have a file of crazy things that you've said, so you don't need to go on the list.
I thought you were going to bring up that time whenIt's not even about picking one girl over the other. There's literally a point where [Bakemonogatari SPOILERS]everyone discusses how it isn't a harem and how they're all just friends with Araragi. No, that really happens. Of course, Nisemonogatari ends up invalidating this later on....
You are clearly still alive, unless Jexhius' butler is using your account now. In which case a *wink wink* is in order.People who don't know the context of this are really going to get the wrong idea.
Also, I bought glass Fleet and I really hope its as bad as you guys say it is. Garzeys Wing lived up to my expectations.
Dat foe-yay
Milky Holmes s2 end
And we finish the season off with an optimistic return to the status quo, only with more damage done. Definitely not the worst type of finale.
This was a good season. It never ceased to be fun even when trying to be serious. Of course the seriousness was still accompanied by ridiculous concepts such as lard abilities, so yeah, fun was always the main purpose.
One thing I neglected to mention in my season 1 post was just how much this ended up being completely different from what I expected. I figured it would be some occasionally crude detective moeblob show with competent characters, but instead it starred a group of incredibly stupid misfits that were a danger to themselves and everyone around them. Failure was a given for these people. And of course the crude jokes came much more frequently than expected.
Anyway, I liked it a good amount. Not amazing or anything, but fun.
Yeah, that's true, all of those things happen. At least she does play a reasonably important role in the movie, though; she's not just there to be rescued, she does do stuff. It could be a lot worse. But yes, everything you say is accurate.
- "I'm only interested in racing."
*falls in love with man*- Daddy issues.
- Super girly.
- Flashback full of crying.
- Fanservice.
- Gets saved by JP.
There's probably more I'm forgetting. She was defined by her gender, pretty much.
Sonoshee has one topless scene, and it's pretty random, and obviously just there to toss in some nudity. But beyond that, yeah, and I respond to many of these things above.I can't really remember the film at all at this point, but there are times where she is a fetish object. Whether or not male gaze is problematic is up to you to decide though. I suppose I've become so inured to camera shots where the camera starts at a character's legs and then slowly and creepily pans up to the rest of the character's body, that all I have is an academic reaction. Certainly it doesn't titillate (herp, I said tit!) me any more than a spread in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue would (they still make that, right?).
Yeah, that was the other female team. Certainly entirely there for fanservice no question.There was also the other female racing team, who were pretty much there to be fake lesbians and eye candy for the "camera", iirc.
True, but most of the characterization Sonoshee does get is basically the stuff in Femmeworth's list up there.I suppose to be fair though, it's not as if any of the characters had any depth beyond their designs. It's a film about the pretty pictures and I guess it's not fair to blame the film if the film itself doesn't give a shit. It's why I don't even remember any of the representational problems any more.
Hah... probably not. There are some interesting events late in the series that mix things up a bit, though...Femmeworth wouldn't like Desert Punk at all.
Regardless of whether it changes or not, I think being unhappy with how sexist anime is is a good thing.Of course it is, but like any thread about women, it's not really worth having an argument about it in any way.
Either you get into a circle jerk between people who agree with each other, or you get into circular bullshit arguments where all you do is end up with a bunch of people who think the other side are idiots.
I mean, I keep bringing up Wargames, but it really does have the best philosophy for having a low stress life: The only winning move is not to play the game.
Touma, one of the top masters of the art of ruining scenes, and shows, simply by being in them! Other examples of this character-type phenomenon include Shirou in F/SN, and in a slightly less awful form (probably), Japanese Teacher in Upotte.A Certain Scientific Railgun 24 (Final)
I came for Misaka, I stayed for Kuroko.
When Railgun was anything but slice of life it got really disappointing. I thoroughly enjoyed episodes like 3It was just the four girls doing their thing and not having to save the city.where the four were hunting down the esper who drew eyebrows on her victims. It was fun, it gave us insight on the other espers of Academy City, the villain wasn’t some mad scientist who was bent on destroying everything we knew and it was done in one episode.
Then with arcs like Level Upper, the show tried to have a linear plot and I think it suffered from a few of the same problems Index experienced. That is, convolution of terminology, failed attempts to make villains sympathetic and too much talking during battles. Granted there aren't many heavy-handed morality speeches but rather a lot of, "And this is what my power does. By all means, don't attack me while I spend 2 minutes going over how my power works." All of this and the writers are simply not good at constructing suspenseful, engrossing stories that take place over the course of multiple episodes. Slice of life is where Railgun shines and sadly, I think the ratio for slice of life and anything else is about half.
At the end of it all, I still don’t know that much about Academy City. 24 episodes and all these arcs about the Level 0’s and I still don’t know what it truly takes to increase your level. I don’t even know how Misaka became as powerful as she is. The show says that she worked really, really hard to become a Level 5 but it contradicts this by showing the audience a super laidback Misaka who just hangs out with her friends. Nothing about her personality screams work ethic. What sort of training was involved to get to her level? It was especially frustrating during climax of the Level Upper arc where MisakaBy the end of the arc, I found myself being more sympatheticdefeats the monster thing by saying to the people inside to basically suck it up and work harder. If anything, the moral message to “work harder to realize your potential,” fails to get across because we, as the audience, have no idea what it means to “work harder,” in Academy City. At that point you can’t help but demand an answer to the question: How exactly do you level up in this city?and having less respect for Misaka for making such a broad and idealistic statement.of the Level Upper users
And then there’s Touma. His dumbass should not have been in this show even if he was in a handful of episodes for no more than 5 minutes at a time. Well, at least the characters in Railgun are actually humans with more than two emotions and gasp, flaws. There’s that and the fact that at least half of Railgun was slice of life. If Index is a plate of dog food, mixed with human fecal matter then Railgun is a slice of bread. Meaning you’ll either be thankful that it isn’t Index or you’ll be pissed off that it’s not something better. Or maybe both. Let me also state that it didn't please me when the OP/ED were changed at the midpoint. only my railgun/Dear My Friend was an amazing combination. 2/5
That being said, I would gladly watch a show featuring Kuroko reading an assortment of monologues with the words, "Onee-sama," at the end of every sentence, for 24 episodes.
They're definitely stupider in the second season, for the most part, yeah. I like them more overall in S1 because I think the degree of their stupidity in S2 went a bit far. Still very funny though of course.Milky Holmes s2 5
Wish I could gif that. Well animated nipple sword fight ftw!
Is it just me or has Milky Holmes gotten even stupider this season, especially Sherlock? Some of the things they say are facepalm worthy, but that's why we love them.
Well, what better way is there to show a mass mental breakdown?Milky Holmes s2 8
What better way to portray a mass mental breakdown than with camel humping!?
And was that an Inception reference? Lol
Yeah, the villain definitely completely came out of left field. It was definitely quite the great final arc, that's for sure!Milky Holmes s2 10
This is the best transformation ever. This development was really unpredictable. Never in a million years would I have expectedto end up as a major villain. Awesome.lard boy
Also, R.I.P. Twenty's nipples![]()
Now do you understand why I posted some 70-odd screenshots of this episode in my review? I think it was entirely deserved! Just ridiculous stuff, with such an insane plot and so much animation... definitely a fantastic climax. (Oh, and ep. 12's a solid conclusion, too.)Milky Holmes s2 11
I can't believe the final boss (?) had control over lard. Definitely the most epic battle I've ever seen with that particular substance used. That's one thing I love about anime in general; they can spend the entire animation budget on a fight with the world at stake revolving around lard of all things.
Don't talk that way... but with S2's sales, you're probably right, aren't you.Now despair, for there probably won't be another season.
I remember dropping this show partway through the first episode (any reason to reverse that?), but that girl does have some of the most epic drill hair around. That's one of the more memorable things I remember about the show, and indeed, it's quite true!Ladies versus Butlers 2-3
It's almost like Upotte!! didn't end. Thank you based Akio Takami.
The characters so far seem slightly better than the typical archetype. The main character and the tsundere in particular are really benefiting from this high-class/servant academy.
Fairy Tail's not horrendous.And don't worry, everything about Fairly Tale looks horrendous, there is no worry about me trying it.
Now despair, for there probably won't be another season.
It's a comedy show, not a detective show. Most people here didn't even watch far enough into the show to even figure out its genre, before never even starting it and assuming it'd be bad... quite sad. I guess that's what happened to you too. I've only been saying since it started that it's actually a comedy show... and yes, it's not a kids show either. It doesn't overly sexualize the girls -- they may be young, but apart from the requisite beach episode Milky Holmes isn't overt in its fanservice or creepyness (no panty shots, ever, for instance) -- but thanks to the sometimes adult humor, it's definitely not for kids.Milky Holmes s2 end
And we finish the season off with an optimistic return to the status quo, only with more damage done. Definitely not the worst type of finale.
This was a good season. It never ceased to be fun even when trying to be serious. Of course the seriousness was still accompanied by ridiculous concepts such as lard abilities, so yeah, fun was always the main purpose.
One thing I neglected to mention in my season 1 post was just how much this ended up being completely different from what I expected. I figured it would be some occasionally crude detective moeblob show with competent characters, but instead it starred a group of incredibly stupid misfits that were a danger to themselves and everyone around them. Failure was a given for these people. And of course the crude jokes came much more frequently than expected.
Anyway, I liked it a good amount. Not amazing or anything, but fun.
What do you guys think of Panty & Stocking? It's more than likely going to be shown on Toonami sometime in the near-future, now that it's getting dubbed and being popular at the same time.
People who don't know the context of this are really going to get the wrong idea.
Take some awful CG and mix it up with the Nazis from Raiders of the Lost Ark, some surprisingly well-done action sequences, a hilarious dub and a sorta-kinda but not really-predictable twist ending and you've got this somewhat entertaining experience. It's not bad given that it was done by mostly one person!
I too dropped Ladies versus Butlers in the middle of the first episode. A few months later, here I am, giving it another shot and something just clicked and now I can't put it down. There's probably no good reason I could give you to jump back in but to give the first episode another go in its entirety.I remember dropping this show partway through the first episode (any reason to reverse that?), but that girl does have some of the most epic drill hair around. That's one of the more memorable things I remember about the show, and indeed, it's quite true!
I've seen some Milky Holmes action scenes in various Sakuga MAD videos and they looked pretty good.
How often do the action scenes happen in the show?
I've seen some Milky Holmes action scenes in various Sakuga MAD videos and they looked pretty good.
How often do the action scenes happen in the show?
It's like if Nisio wrote Chihayafuru. This was the unique ending for the anime right? Man, it was bad and anti-climactic after the last episode.Medaka Box end
Wow, that was Nisio as fuck.
Any chance for the second Medaka Box season to air this Fall?
It's like if Nisio wrote Chihayafuru. This was the unique ending for the anime right? Man, it was bad and anti-climactic after the last episode.
"Like Christmas with more violence." - Bland Generic Harem Lead #16385
I really didn't mind it being anti-climactic in a way, since they'd finished up the first full arc at their pace last episode. It was pretty much an 11-episode season with a bonus episode at the end to cool things down.It's like if Nisio wrote Chihayafuru. This was the unique ending for the anime right? Man, it was bad and anti-climactic after the last episode.
People who don't know the context of this are really going to get the wrong idea.
Sounds like what the show should have been from the start.The E7AO OVA looks like a serious troll. I'm looking at these screens and all I can see is Ao crossdressing as Eureka. Herp.
Wow. The doujinshi practically write themselves.The E7AO OVA looks like a serious troll. I'm looking at these screens and all I can see is Ao crossdressing as Eureka. Herp.
Good OP though.