Non-emergency employees (including employees on pre-approved paid leave) will be granted excused absence (administrative leave) for the number of hours they were scheduled to work unless they are:
required to telework,
on official travel outside of the Washington, DC, area,
on leave without pay, or
on an alternative work schedule (AWS) day off.
Telework-Ready Employees who are scheduled to perform telework on the day of the announcement or who are required to perform unscheduled telework on a day when Federal offices are closed to the public must telework the entire workday or request leave, or a combination of both, in accordance with their agencies' policies and procedures, subject to any applicable collective bargaining requirements.
Emergency Employees are expected to report to their worksites unless otherwise directed by their agencies.
Source? Why would they cut power?
He got trolled.
Honestly, that looks like a coverup to me. Obviously the GOP interests behind the decision don't want people knowing until it's too late to reschedule the vote. I wouldn't feel secure until the 3 am deadline passes. And they don't say which time zone, so you should probably wait until 3 am Hawaiian time. St up if you can.
Does Romney's plan cut taxes for the middle class at all? I clearly remember seeing that chart that showed it raised taxes for everyone except for the very rich.
Exactly. Don't be fooled, guys.Honestly, that looks like a coverup to me. Obviously the GOP interests behind the decision don't want people knowing until it's too late to reschedule the vote. I wouldn't feel secure until the 3 am deadline passes. And they don't say which time zone, so you should probably wait until 3 am Hawaiian time. Stay up if you can.
From the Washington Post:Does Romney's plan cut taxes for the middle class at all? I clearly remember seeing that chart that showed it raised taxes for everyone except for the very rich.
Honestly, that looks like a coverup to me. Obviously the GOP interests behind the decision don't want people knowing until it's too late to reschedule the vote. I wouldn't feel secure until the 3 am deadline passes. And they don't say which time zone, so you should probably wait until 3 am Hawaiian time. Stay up if you can.
Exactly. Don't be fooled, guys.
Honestly, that looks like a coverup to me. Obviously the GOP interests behind the decision don't want people knowing until it's too late to reschedule the vote. I wouldn't feel secure until the 3 am deadline passes. And they don't say which time zone, so you should probably wait until 3 am Hawaiian time. Stay up if you can.
So playing the other side of it, if Republican voting (not Dem) is down on election day and Obama "wins", how long till the Right blames the weather for their loss and how the election process should have a contingency for such things?
I could totally see that card getting played.
Every card will be played by the GOP. Race card. Weather Card. ACORN card. If there's a card of it, it will be used.
Another point we keep forgetting. Most third party candidates fizzle out, but I believe Goode could be steal a decent amount of votes from Romney in Virginia - just as Johnson should steal some from Obama in NM. The difference is that NM will go to Obama by a large margin whereas Virginia will be close enough for Goode to throw the state to someone.
Come on dude, like we don't have enough trolling as is.
So happy most people are smart enough to not take political marching orders from celebrities.
My election prediction. This election will ultimately come down to independent voters, who will swing towards Romney.
Romney will win the popular vote by 5 (+-2), and voting in swing states will be in line with this, giving Romney the EC votes he needs to win the election.
So playing the other side of it, if Republican voting (not Dem) is down on election day and Obama "wins", how long till the Right blames the weather for their loss and how the election process should have a contingency for such things?
I could totally see that card getting played.
Here's a brief list of the BS talking points I've heard today.
- Obama should have released his transcripts to Trump. (my personal favorite of the day)
- Obama has attended few security briefings while Bush attended nearly every one
- Obama has been on too many talk shows
- Obama has screwed up our relationship with Israel and lied about it in the debate
- Obama took credit for killing Bin Laden. "Did Obama go over there and kill him?"
- Obama is going to take care of Sandy and then compare that to Bush's handling of Katrina
- Obama doesn't place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Alliegence
- Obama tried to cover up Benghazi by blaming a video
- Obamacare is bad
- Obama blames Bush too much
- Obama is a Muslim
- Obama is anti-colonialist (not 100% this is what I heard)
- Clinton is to blame for the recession and Bush tried to stop it by reigning in the banks (with specific mention of TARP)
- The stimulus was failed
- Romney's plan for Detroit was the correct one
- Half of the Army is full of gays
- Obama has asked the UN for people to monitor the elections (in a negative sense of course)
- Newt Gingrich should have gotten the nomination
- Obama is against everything America stands for
And that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are plenty of juicy ones I'm forgetting.
Here's a brief list of the BS talking points I've heard today.
- Obama should have released his transcripts to Trump. (my personal favorite of the day)
- Obama has attended few security briefings while Bush attended nearly every one
- Obama has been on too many talk shows
- Obama has screwed up our relationship with Israel and lied about it in the debate
- Obama took credit for killing Bin Laden. "Did Obama go over there and kill him?"
- Obama is going to take care of Sandy and then compare that to Bush's handling of Katrina
- Obama doesn't place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Alliegence
- Obama tried to cover up Benghazi by blaming a video
- Obamacare is bad
- Obama blames Bush too much
- Obama is a Muslim
- Obama is anti-colonialist (not 100% this is what I heard)
- Clinton is to blame for the recession and Bush tried to stop it by reigning in the banks (with specific mention of TARP)
- The stimulus was failed
- Romney's plan for Detroit was the correct one
- Half of the Army is full of gays
- Obama has asked the UN for people to monitor the elections (in a negative sense of course)
- Newt Gingrich should have gotten the nomination
- Obama is against everything America stands for
And that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are plenty of juicy ones I'm forgetting.
So happy most people are smart enough to not take political marching orders from celebrities.
A talking point that probably emanates from Dinesh D'Souza, who somehow conflates anti-colonialism with anti-Americanism. My understanding of it is limited, since I've tried not to pay attention to him, but it's the sort of argument that lacks substance and is intended to veil a deeper dislike for Obama among lame buzzwords.- Obama is anti-colonialist (not 100% this is what I heard)
Wait is this storm really likely to prevent the east coast from voting Obama or are yall trollin?
For all the Romney support, Obama seems to be on their mind the most.
My question to all the Obama haters that are voting for Romney would be the following:
Name 5 things specific about Romney that are making you vote for him. Answer this question without pointing to something about Obama you don't like and/or mentioning Obama at all.
For all the Romney support, Obama seems to be on their mind the most.
My question to all the Obama haters that are voting for Romney would be the following:
Name 5 things specific about Romney that are making you vote for him. Answer this question without pointing to something about Obama you don't like and/or mentioning Obama at all.
Reduce the debt, simplify tax code, lower the corporate tax rate, give the DoD what they want (more ships, etc), get tough on China, backup up Isreal, kill Obama care,... I could go on but you asked for 5.
And btw, I'm NOT an Obama hater. I just think he has the wrong priorities and doesn't know how to lead.
Reduce the debt, simplify tax code, lower the corporate tax rate, give the DoD what they want (more ships, etc), get tough on China, backup up Isreal, kill Obama care,... I could go on but you asked for 5.
And btw, I'm NOT an Obama hater. I just think he has the wrong priorities and doesn't know how to lead.
No, was he a Democrat once?Anyone remember when McCain wasn't a giant piece of shit?
I assume Romney will do this with magic since nobody else on the planet has figured it out
Reduce the debt, get tough on China
And btw, I'm NOT an Obama hater. I just think he has the wrong priorities and doesn't know how to lead.
There's no way I could have dealt with so much bs.
I would've left the room.
There is talk of kicking the states affected by sandy out of the union so we don't have to run up more debt by sending aid to the disatser areas.Wait is this storm really likely to prevent the east coast from voting Obama or are yall trollin?
So playing the other side of it, if Republican voting (not Dem) is down on election day and Obama "wins", how long till the Right blames the weather for their loss and how the election process should have a contingency for such things?
I could totally see that card getting played.
So happy most people are smart enough to not take political marching orders from celebrities.
My election prediction. This election will ultimately come down to independent voters, who will swing towards Romney.
Romney will win the popular vote by 5 (+-2), and voting in swing states will be in line with this, giving Romney the EC votes he needs to win the election.
Reduce the debt, simplify tax code, lower the corporate tax rate, give the DoD what they want (more ships, etc), get tough on China, backup up Isreal, kill Obama care,... I could go on but you asked for 5.
And btw, I'm NOT an Obama hater. I just think he has the wrong priorities and doesn't know how to lead.
Why would anyone be worried about us screwing up our relationship with Israel? They're the dependent party.Here's a brief list of the BS talking points I've heard today.
- Obama should have released his transcripts to Trump. (my personal favorite of the day)
- Obama has attended few security briefings while Bush attended nearly every one
- Obama has been on too many talk shows
- Obama has screwed up our relationship with Israel and lied about it in the debate
Reduce the debt, simplify tax code, lower the corporate tax rate, give the DoD what they want (more ships, etc), get tough on China, backup up Isreal, kill Obama care,... I could go on but you asked for 5.
And btw, I'm NOT an Obama hater. I just think he has the wrong priorities and doesn't know how to lead.
And you think ROMNEY does? Seriously?
Yes. Seriously.
Reduce the debt, simplify tax code, lower the corporate tax rate, give the DoD what they want (more ships, etc), get tough on China, backup up Isreal, kill Obama care,... I could go on but you asked for 5.
And btw, I'm NOT an Obama hater. I just think he has the wrong priorities and doesn't know how to lead.
Based on WHAT?
PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
Our new Ohio poll finds Barack Obama leading Mitt Romney 51-47, up from 49-48 last week