I might have to watch some japanese wrestling now.
If you haven't watched Ibushi, color me shocked. Him and Kenny Omega look like they would be on a gay porn box art.I might have to watch some japanese wrestling now.
If you haven't watched Ibushi, color me shocked. Him and Kenny Omega look like they would be on a gay porn box art.
What are you trying to say exactly?
Psssh japanese wrestling
that's like watching japanese power rangers
Not everybody dresses like Jushin Liger.
They should make a power rangers where they are all wrestlers.
No, I'm serious.
They should make a power rangers where they are all wrestlers.
No, I'm serious.
That is like 1 degree away from chikara
Chikara should get aired in Disney XD. I said it
That is like 1 degree away from chikara
I think adult swim would be perfect
I just like watching guys touch each other with their shirts off. The actual wrestling stuff I couldn't care less about.
I just like watching guys touch each other with their shirts off. The actual wrestling stuff I couldn't care less about.
Back to reading the best book ever, American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura!
I'll be back fellas...
Carry on..
WWE has already sold closer to 50,000 tickets for Wrestlemania 29 with nearly a $10 million gate already reported for the event.
I love me some Dragon Gate, Bryan Danielson, Generico/Steen anything, and I've heard nothing but great things about BOLA 2007 Night Three. Excited to finally check these guys out!
Next promotion to get DVDs from: CHIKARA. Any suggestions for top 3 ALL-TIME CHIKARA shows?
HOnestly, no joke, 07 is probably the worst multi-night BOLA.
We're all in agreement that "My Time" is the best Triple H theme correct?
Tonight, it will be me, going one on four or possibly five, with-- tha Donutmaker!