In to farm all HR2 quests.
Anyone looking to go online? I'm HR3 but willing to do HR1-2 stuff as well. NA.
Guide sez...
Recommended Skills + Armor: Dual Blade
Marathon Runner (Ludroth, Plesioth)
Stam Recov Up (Nargacuga Z, Lagombi X)
Item Effect Up (Lagombi S, Rath Heart Z)
Earplugs/HG Earplugs (Gigginox, Rath Soul)
Trap Master (Plesioth, Hunter S)
So it seems like Ludroth, Plesioth, or Rathian would be OK. You might also want to look into Wroggi armor, which has Razor Sharp (blades will dull half as fast) and is immune to poison.
Is there a range to any of this stuff, Lifepowder, Hunting Horn buffs? Or it just applies to everyone in the same zone?
I'm looking to kill a bunch of Rathians, Volvidons, Nibelsnarfs to get their sets, but other assorted whatevers. I need gear for anything. You down? I'll make a game, World 3, Lobby 9, Gaf Name, Regular Pass.
What weapon do you use the most?
Cheers dude, that's awesome. Gives me some goals to work for!
Long Sword randoms are making me rage today. Always coming over my back when I'm attacking the head, trying for the KO. Seems like all Long Sword users like this are using Brachy armour too. Argrhr.
Ok so I need some help or something, bow feel so crazy weak. Like, it takes 1/3rd of the time to kill something with a switch axe while also using much less stamina.
I upgraded my bow and it still feels pretty weak. Anything I can do to improve the damage? I also got my Jaggi set recently.
Its stupid how much health duramboros has. It took me 40 minutes and I ran out of tries. But I can't upgrade anything until I beat him. Screw this game I'm no wasting my time fighting him again.
Gonna admit, a lot of those sets seem very supportive. I look at the DS like the Sns, in that it should be paired with elemental damage. Rathian gives you fire attack up +1 which'll be a godsend for fighting A LOT of monsters.
Yeah, I've been playing solo alot so offensive skills are pretty important to me. It's nice to start looking at a pool of applicable skills and potential armours to shoot for though.
In terms of elemental damage, how does that work with weapons? I was checking out the insecticutters which do 50 dragon damage apparently.
Made a new EU HR2 room in Free Play 3, Lobby 9. Password is the one in the OP, quote for password
still space?
Since no-one knows what the fuck im talking about in this lobby please help me out.
Ive got a few basic vouchers, I was wondering what vouchers can be used for. Reason I ask is, back in the original ps2 monster hunter online, if you spoke to the cat in the hotel after every quest, you'd eventually get silver and gold vouchers. Gold vouchers being used to make the best weapons in the game, you only got allocated so many gold vouchers so you couldn't have them all.
Since no-one knows what the fuck im talking about in this lobby please help me out.
Ive got a few basic vouchers, I was wondering what vouchers can be used for. Reason I ask is, back in the original ps2 monster hunter online, if you spoke to the cat in the hotel after every quest, you'd eventually get silver and gold vouchers. Gold vouchers being used to make the best weapons in the game, you only got allocated so many gold vouchers so you couldn't have them all.
And why isn't Cha Cha back? I've done the five star quests I have to do, but he's not there. Wtffff
You use them when you sit down to eat. They can feed everyone.
Vouchers make all food in the cafe fresh.
You should try doing the lambo arena quest with the bow with the goal that you will try to beat your best time. The quest costs nothing if you fail and doesn't allow any more than one player.
The basic idea here is to experiment with your attacks (the different charge levels and your distance to the enemy) and see what helps cut down on your time to completion.
Its stupid how much health duramboros has. It took me 40 minutes and I ran out of tries. But I can't upgrade anything until I beat him. Screw this game I'm not wasting my time fighting him again.
Noooooooooooo. Just an FYI, his legs are his weakest point.
Its stupid how much health duramboros has. It took me 40 minutes and I ran out of tries. But I can't upgrade anything until I beat him. Screw this game I'm not wasting my time fighting him again.
it really is frustrating
i've had to hug the head with a few other horns/hammers and that's difficult enough, but when you start adding in long swords everything gets really dicey
His back is weakest, you just have to knock him over to hit it. Don't bother with his head unless you want the horn - it does almost nothing.
It'll only work on the upswing unsheath attack. Critical Draw is best for GS.
So this is my first MH and I happened to chose the LS. I haven't played much online but I usually get behind the monster and stab from the back... what would you say is acceptable behavior for LS players just so I know what I should be doing moving forward?
Gee whiz, Euro-GAF, look what time it is! It's G-Rank time!!!
So this my very first time every playing a MH game, I decided to check out the demo to see what the hype is all about...I went on easy, against the bunny-bear thing. And I don't get it...The game seems really clunky, with terrible controls. I chose the great sword, and it takes for-fucking-ever for it to hit anything. and my character is really, really slow, is there a run button of any kind? Because I can't find it...
I'm really not understanding where all the love of this game comes from.
So this my very first time every playing a MH game, I decided to check out the demo to see what the hype is all about...I went on easy, against the bunny-bear thing. And I don't get it...The game seems really clunky, with terrible controls. I chose the great sword, and it takes for-fucking-ever for it to hit anything. and my character is really, really slow, is there a run button of any kind? Because I can't find it...
I'm really not understanding where all the love of this game comes from.
The run button is R with your weapon sheathed. Try the Sword and Shield, Dual Blades or Longsword for faster movement and agility, the Great Sword is pretty much the slowest weapon in the game.So this my very first time every playing a MH game, I decided to check out the demo to see what the hype is all about...I went on easy, against the bunny-bear thing. And I don't get it...The game seems really clunky, with terrible controls. I chose the great sword, and it takes for-fucking-ever for it to hit anything. and my character is really, really slow, is there a run button of any kind? Because I can't find it...
I'm really not understanding where all the love of this game comes from.
I'm looking to kill a bunch of Rathians, Volvidons, Nibelsnarfs to get their sets, but other assorted whatevers. I need gear for anything. You down? I'll make a game, World 3, Lobby 9, Gaf Name, Regular Pass.
EDIT: Wont let me join
So this is my first MH and I happened to chose the LS. I haven't played much online but I usually get behind the monster and stab from the back... what would you say is acceptable behavior for LS players just so I know what I should be doing moving forward?
So this my very first time every playing a MH game, I decided to check out the demo to see what the hype is all about...I went on easy, against the bunny-bear thing. And I don't get it...The game seems really clunky, with terrible controls. I chose the great sword, and it takes for-fucking-ever for it to hit anything. and my character is really, really slow, is there a run button of any kind? Because I can't find it...
I'm really not understanding where all the love of this game comes from.
So...where's exactly that "ancient weapon" I'm supposed to use against Ceadeus ?
Error message?
We were in a quest, try now.