LOL KOGA accept your NTR with grace
I only need coffee to keep me going
Coffee is terrible
Coffee is terrible, I try to use caffeine from soda but it doesn't last long enough. My comfy chair may be too comfy :X
You're terrible
You're also weak. What's wrong with you, guys? You're like 20 something. It should not be this hard to stay up.
Sometimes I'm tired from working during the day..I need the caffeine to stay awake through GitSYou're also weak. What's wrong with you, guys? You're like 20 something. It should not be this hard to stay up.
You're also weak. What's wrong with you, guys? You're like 20 something. It should not be this hard to stay up.
There is an art to both comedy criticism and parody criticism, you can't seem to do either. What made MTS3K work was that the movies they watched as a whole were awful and pretty funny on their own right, they then added commentary that further made the problems of the films even more hysterical.
All you do is post really unfunny comments or horribly generic criticism that out of context could be about half the shows on the Toonami block. What makes Toonami fun/enjoyable is watching the reactions of first time viewers and/or experiencing something new you haven't seen before. Yes sometimes we poke fun of the things we see in these shows, but most of us aren't trying to find things to hate or make fun of, we just give our honest reactions and thoughts. When you admit yourself that you're enjoying the show but try to make fun of it with really unfunny comments or jabs it just makes you annoying.
in before Scahdenfreude says something about bonds breaking
If you find them annoying, you either need to grow up a little, or put me on ignore.
Well I always end up getting up early on Saturday cause my family is loud, so I'm waking up at 7am to 8am, then running around all day with them, not taking a nap cause nap time got replaced with the prewatch and trying to get through the gauntlet that is GitS WORDS WORDS WORDS IGPX ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ knocks me out.
Sometimes I'm tired from working during the day..I need the caffeine to stay awake through GitS
I dunno, I was up late last night. Typically gets kinda tough to pull through the night after.
There were never any bonds before Scahdenfreude says something about bonds breaking
Comments like that are so immature.
My comments are like bad movies. ToonamiGAF is the MST3K.
Well except you, Bass. You're that guy in the back of the theater telling everyone to shut up.
I think the fact that you're annoyed with my comments says more about you than anything. Have you ever wondered why I make fun of just One Piece? If I made the same comments about SAO they'd be lost under a tidal wave of other similar posts.
In my day, I was unfortunate to know some bad One Piece fans. They made me a little iffy about my enjoyment of the show because they took every critique of the show personally. Thankfully everyone else in this thread gets the wink-nudge aspects of my critiques. If you find them annoying, you either need to grow up a little, or put me on ignore.
Oh I have so much growing left to do too.![]()
I've moved past the point of letting annoying people annoy me, though. I'm at least... two and a quarter stages above that!
I have no problem if you want to post legitimate criticisms of One Piece, it's not a perfect show by any means and I enjoy discussing it's good and bad qualities with people. I'm sorry if people in the past made you feel like you couldn't express your thoughts good or bad but you shouldn't need to feel that way around here. Instead of making tongue and cheek comments I'd rather hear your honest thoughts good or bad both during the weekly discussions and during the 30 minutes that OP airs each week
Did I mention I have cinnamon rolls?
Did I mention I have cinnamon rolls?
Did I mention I have cinnamon rolls?
How do you roll cinnamon?
Not a serious comment.
It just shows that you're unwilling to take criticism of yourself to heart and you think the person you're addressing is more immature than you are. Quite the irony really.
If only we could do this for SAO. Then again, we did do it for SAO and it turned into an all-out war so.... lol.
Tightly pack in a tube and glaze, baby.
I don't even mind if it turns into an all out war, as long as people are posting their honest thoughts good or bad about a series I can respect that even if it's "FUCK SAO IS SO DUMB I HATE THIS SHIT EVERYTHING SUCKS AND HERE IS WHY REASON REASON REASON" at least that's how they truly feel. Just using you as an example Kayos you won't even give OP a chance due to thinking it's art style is bad, while I don't agree with this at all you're at least honest and consistent with how you feel.
I thought cinnamon was powder.... How do you even... what?
Did anyone actually counting the amount of licks it took to get to the center of the tootsie pop when they were young? I tried cuz I was dumb.
I know you're not serious, but why would you not be able to pack powder into a tube?
Nobody answered what are we watching on the preblock D:
Nobody answered what are we watching on the preblock D:
I had a Cinnabon at college, but now it's just a Dunkin Donuts.Burger King has the cinnabon rolls but they aren't as good as the real deal made fresh at a real cinnabon. Sadly the one in the mall near me went out of business while I was in Florida QQ
Nobody answered what are we watching on the preblock D:
Branduil hasn't told us yet.
I had a Cinnabon at college, but now it's just a Dunkin Donuts.
I really hope it is 2 hours of Ghost Stories dubbed.
I have no problem if you want to post legitimate criticisms of One Piece, it's not a perfect show by any means and I enjoy discussing it's good and bad qualities with people. I'm sorry if people in the past made you feel like you couldn't express your thoughts good or bad but you shouldn't need to feel that way around here. Instead of making tongue and cheek comments I'd rather hear your honest thoughts good or bad both during the weekly discussions and during the 30 minutes that OP airs each week
It just shows that you're unwilling to take criticism of yourself to heart and you think the person you're addressing is more immature than you are. Quite the irony really.
I really hope it is 2 hours of Ghost Stories dubbed.
Branduil hasn't told us yet.
We all told you porn
Will it bible black psalm 1, 2 and 3?
Fair enough. I'll try to be more earnest, but there's very little I could actually say that would be interesting or stand out when live posting. Pretty much all the posts during One Piece are "Wow, that just happened!", "This is going to be awesome," "So badass," etc. etc.
Fair enough. I'll try to be more earnest, but there's very little I could actually say that would be interesting or stand out when live posting. Pretty much all the posts during One Piece are "Wow, that just happened!", "This is going to be awesome," "So badass," etc. etc.
I love ironing.![]()
How am I not open to criticism? Very little I read on the internet gets to me anymore. I'm open to anyone saying anything about me they want. I've never used the GAF ignore function before and don't plan on ever doing so.