Conflict NZ
Get rid of blake kthx.
crossarmedMrbob said:Jack is pissssssssssssssssssed.
FrenchMovieTheme said:lol how was that not 5 second violations on kidd? might have been a 6 or 7 second violation. i'm going to dvr and count it and edit post
Cipherr said:Lakers arent playing well. Even if they lose this, Im sort of feeling like they could take the series still. I guess thats only because I dont feel that Dallas is playing extremely well at all either. Lakers shooting is terrible. Dallas should be up a dozen by now if not more.
Ahahahaha.dream said:Phil with one of those "I 'm only laughing so I don't start crying" chuckles.
smhDoomsayer said:Well, I think that about wraps it up.
We are done.
NomarTyme said:So done.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:People forget that while these Mavs' teams have been terribly constructed in general, they've been built fairly well to beat the Lakers.
Ninja Scooter said:Go to Pau every time, even if he keeps fucking up. We gotta force the bitch outta him.
Dirks fallaway out of the post, is insanely good and probably unguardable. Only player with a chance of getting a hand on it is griffin.dream said:Is he really unguardable in the same vein as Melo and K-Dur?
Yup.Cloudy said:This series is over if LA loses tonight. They aren't winning 4 of 5 with 3 in Dallas
Ninja Scooter said:12 points on 12 shots? Does Pau suck or is he MVP?
Ninja Scooter said:12 points on 12 shots? Does Pau suck or is he MVP?
claviertekky said:smh
There's still a quarter left.