EvilMario said:Westbrook extends arm into the defender, defensive foul how?
Making up for the Durant foul.
EvilMario said:Westbrook extends arm into the defender, defensive foul how?
ssolitare said:Making up for the Durant foul.
LovingSteam said:ZBo becoming one of my fav players in the league.
EvilMario said:Westbrook extends arm into the defender, defensive foul how?
Raging Spaniard said:I love those highlights, you wouldnt think OKC is losing by 10 lol
Me too.LovingSteam said:ZBo becoming one of my fav players in the league.
Raging Spaniard said:I love those highlights, you wouldnt think OKC is losing by 10 lol
exarkun said:Its in the Thunder's television contract. When they're on tv, they are allowed to do some...questionable things and get calls from them.
But seriously, what a terrible way to win games. Also, why isn't Durant touching the ball? Even if they are defending him and trying to front him they should just get the ball to him. If westbrook keeps going to the basket like that, they should just take a page from KG and give him a hard foul to make him rethink that strategy.
esquire said:The Thunder's head coach looks like John Calapari. I can't unsee Calapari on their sideline.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:Outside of the game that done by the Grizzlies broadcast staff, you would have thought they lost to the Spurs in four games by 20 points each from the highlights and replays and how the commentators were talking about the game.
They got a time machine and replaced him with prime Gary Payton.Derwind said:Chalmers is the best perimeter defender now in the NBA? When did this happen.
Derwind said:Chalmers is the best perimeter defender now in the WNBA? When did this happen.
SamuraiX- said:Wtf did JVG just say?
Chalmers and Wade the best defending back court in basketball?
GTFO that Miami cock.
This guy makes me fucking sick.
dream said:Did you guys see that picture of Bosh they just put up? He was all limp wrist, hands on hips with his hip sticking out in a sassy manner.
dream said:Did you guys see that picture of Bosh they just put up? He was all limp wrist, hands on hips with his hip sticking out in a sassy manner.
thekad said:[/IMG
"Dick check."[/QUOTE]
congratulations thekad, you finally had a great one.
Shhh...jjasper said:I am actually starting to think OKC's entire offense is actually based around getting fouls called.
deoncole DEON COLE
Sooooo, no ones going to comment on chris bosh stat picture they just showed? We're just going to over look it? Ok y'all.
5 minutes ago
Sk8boardJ7 Jeremy Bizzo
RT @KGTrashTalk Hold up, Why was Chris Bosh standing like that...
6 minutes ago
PrettiBrownBee Pretty Britty
Okayy now im alllll the way convinced that chris bosh is gay gay gay!!
7 minutes ago
ranedollaz they call me raney
gay as hell RT @Naims_View: Was that me or did yall see that Gay Chris Bosh pic when they was showing his stats against Philly?
7 minutes ago
Kaligoodz Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiz
RT @_JTucker: But look at how Chris Bosh stands tho lmao!! i can't take his stats seriously with that picture there«!
8 minutes ago
Adam Blade said:Oh man. I really hope the Grizz sweep the Blunder. Such an unlikeable team with unlikeable fans (except for TylerD, you're cool in my book).