Think about what you just said. Think about how it would make way too much sense. Especially going by how well he did last match.Rodeo Clown said:So throw Brewer out there for those 10 minutes then. He can at least contribute a little bit.
The Chosen One said:Put me in the camp of people who said Derrick Rose got the MVP award a season or two too early. No matter how you slice it, this post-season has been underwhelming for Rose and he's facing meager competition.
Just for the record peopleBlackface said:Vince Carter has had more impressive seasons, and when he was young, was a more impressive player.
I am sure Rose will chuck himself into obscurity eventually.
Chris Paul was basically forgotten about this season and he is the best PG in the league.
Duki said:why is there a fat guy in a skin tight leopard print body suit
I'm scared Duki. He's stealing my pics. He probably has my personal information...Duki said:why is there a fat guy in a skin tight leopard print body suit
Red Blaster said:Those would be fine stats for a normal all-star, but Rose has been crowned and will be in the HOF. Looking back on the years you see guys like Vince and Gilbert who have averaged numbers around that, if those guys were so fortunate to be on non-garbage teams would they have won the MVP then? I don't think so.
Well, why shouldn't he, atleast deron could get him the ball.reilo said:Chris Broussard is now flinging, "hey, why shouldn't Dwight Howard consider Deron Williams and the Brooklyn Nets for when the Barclay Center is complete for the 2012-13 season?" stories.
dream said:[IMG]
all dancing in unison to Britney Spears
how is this acceptable[/QUOTE]
I don't get it. It's just like a big webcam chat or something?
Rodeo Clown said:I don't get it. It's just like a big webcam chat or something?
rofl yesThe Frankman said:forget this shit I'm out. This is weirder than anything dream has posted in the last week. The only thing I learned is Devolution is a chick and not a gay man.
How the heck did constant accusations of misogyny not clue you in?The Frankman said:forget this shit I'm out. This is weirder than anything dream has posted in the last week. The only thing I learned is Devolution is a chick and not a gay man.
Dream, are you a masochist?dream said:this night keeps getting worse
This is hot.dream said:this night keeps getting worse
they will be playing the lakers and the refs tonight! I'm with you I need a mavs win
thisisneogafdudeBranduil said:How the heck did constant accusations of misogyny not clue you in?
The Frankman @ 10:58 PM said:forget this shit I'm out. This is weirder than anything dream has posted in the last week. The only thing I learned is Devolution is a chick and not a gay man.
... I've been wrong about alot tonight. Let's see if I'm wrong about the Mavs winning also.dream said:this night keeps getting worse
giri said:Dream, are you a masochist?
No, really?
you keep saying you hate shit, then delve in for some more?
AShep said:Ray Allen went 0-13 and shot 37% overall in the finals one year.
Nah, Derons just wondering how he can get traded to the clippers so he can finally play with a decent SG & PF.ItWasMeantToBe19 said:Deron Williams' personal assistant talking about the Mavs:
I wonder if Deron feels the same...
giri said:Nah, Derons just wondering how he can get traded to the clippers so he can finally play with a decent SG & PF.
Ugh. He should NOT keep chucking 3's. They'd be better off letting Deng chuck them at this point.TheGreatMightyPoo said:Zach Randolph was horrible the other night yet he got a free pass because he's not public enemy #1.
You're just wasting your time with most of these people who would LOVE a talent like Rose on their team.
When you're on top, the dissecting and trying to knock you down is always there, it's the way it works.
I could give a shit with how many jumpers Rose misses or turnovers he has because it's a fact that he's a big reason they are uglying out(winning) these games.
A guy that works this hard isn't going to fade into obscurity like some fool here said.
He's got a lot to work on but he's still the number one option on the team and they need him to keep shooting as the Bulls aren't one of the best offensive teams in the league.
He should take the ball more to the rack though, Josh Smith is the only resistance he will meet and that's not too imposing.
The Frankman said:This begs the question... better car wreck, current GAF Tinychat or NBA-GAF IRC on a day with no playoffs games (aka FULL TROLL MODE)?
...dream said:nobody here would ever wear a leopard suit.