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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread

Just got Sennheiser HD 449's on sale for 60 Canadian, the Smashing Pumpkins have never sounded better at this price lol

Quite the change from the Meelectronics IEMs I've been using the past few years

Now I'm curious to how the HD 598's sound, maybe next year if they go on sale again


I own the UERM and ES5 and have owned quite a few TOTL sets of universal IEMs and I don't think customs necessarily have the edge on universal sets. With that said, it really does depend on what qualities you're looking for. In the TOTL space, every single set of phones will likely do one or more things exceptionally well so that it'll largely boil down to personal taste.

With that said, $100-200 now buys you a hell of a lot more IEM than it did back when the W4 debuted, and you can honestly feel diminishing returns kick in far, far faster because of that.

I think that's my biggest issue with finding a universal upgrade to the W4, while it's by no means a perfect IEM it is really balanced with limited drawbacks. Every upgrade I've looked into seems to do a few things better with bigger drawbacks which is making it hard to upgrade. Is this the same with custom ones? Some people on Head-fi seem to think that custom is the only way to go.


What sets have you listened to?

Not that many.

Sure SE535
MDR EX1000
W50 (was fairly disappointed in these, that said I think this was mainly to having them tried with rubber tips)
W60 (out of my price range, they sounded amazing though)

I think a big part is that I'm not all to keen to spend 1k on IEM even though that seems to be the price range where I'd notice the biggest difference.

Edit: I've been wanting to try the Final Audio Design Heaven/Aging but for some reason they look really uncomfortable and don't seem to provide a proper seal.
What did you find lacking in the sets that you've listened to?

You don't necessarily have to spend $1000 to net sound that's comparable to the TOTL sets. Phones such as the

Ocharaku Flat-4 SUI/Kuro/Donguri
ASG 2.5
Dita Answer
Heaven V/VI/S/C (and I hear VII is up there)

although all quite different, possess qualities that I'd say are comparable to phones in the TOTL bracket. Phones in the $1K bracket will still be better/more refined in a myriad of ways, but any of the aforementioned will get you very close. As good as some of the TOTL phones are, most still have some quirk to them that you may find off putting. It's sometimes a 2 steps forward, 1 step back situation. Not always, but sometimes, depends on how picky you are I suppose. In that list, the Tenore (a properly QCed one at least) and the Rockets have the distinction of having very few weaknesses, but some people might not find them "exciting" for whatever reason, and may desire some more "color"

Personal preferences, and what you value most - be it tonal accuracy, dynamics, imaging, airiness, midrange lushness or what have you, will sway your opinion towards one thing or another

As for the FAD phones, they're not exactly popular with so called audiophiles cause they don't measure all that well, but interestingly enough, I find them to exhibit sound that's closer to that in real life than of the more accurate stuff. That's not to say that the FAD stuff tends to be veiled, as phones such as the FIBASS and LAB I are insanely revealing.

When I think of phones that are transparent, not just merely possessing clarity (cause the UERM is comparable to STAX), but transparent in the sense that I don't really think about the fact that I'm listening to earphones, but listening to something that's eerily real, the top shelf FAD stuff springs to mind. Through some combination of raw resolution, imaging, timbral accuracy, and subtle dynamics, they manage to tap into the emotional core of music better than anything else I've heard.

With that said, a couple of my friends have told me that the Aurisonics 1 Plus is exceedingly good for the money ($396), with one of them thinking its flat out the best headphone he's listened to (and he's heard about as many as I have and more). I'm quite skeptical since he compares it to the LAB I, but I've got a pair on order. It's unfortunately back ordered at the moment though. I'm planning to meet up with a friend who was lucky enough to snag a pair to score a sneak peek though. I'm hoping it really is that good, as I'd really welcome a return to some sane pricing, especially after JH just went and unveiled the $2,500 Layla :l
LH Labs responded to my ticket with a few questions and it's been more than a day since I answered them :/

Definitely busted though, plugged it into a friend's macbook and the same volume/lack of heat issues were present so it wasn't a driver issue.


Something about the Sure ones just didn't click for me, the mids were nice but that was about it.

EX1000 were by no means bad sounding, they just didn't sound like they improved anything, and they weren't all that comfortable.

W50 lacked bass when I tried them (impressions from headfi seems that they're supposed to have great bass, so this would probably be due to poor isolation on my half), and something felt lacking that I couldn't really put my finger on.

I haven't heard of the Tenore ones, you mean the Zero Audio ones right?

You got me really intrigued about the 1Plus from what I can tell they look amazing, where did you find them for that price though? I can only find them for 499$


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Watching "Let's Be Cops".

Not a great movie, but in the stakeout scene the little kid is wearing a set of AKG 551's.
The Shure 535 you're not gonna like unless you happen to like its mids I guess. That's what they're reputed for. The 846 is a big improvement on the 535. The Ex1000 still has one of the largest sound stages I've heard in a phone, and they're incredibly linear up til the treble where there are some peaks that might bother people. I haven't heard the W50 so I can't comment.

And yeah, I'm referring to the Tenore. A very balanced and refined phone. I bought the Tenore around the time I had the Shure 846 and both DITA Truth and Answer. I was really surprised by how well it was able to keep up with the latter phones. It's one of my fave "bang for the buck" phones and a pair I'll take and use when I'm out and about or just sometimes for the hell of it. Though I'll probably retire it once my Rockets come back to me

As for the 1 Plus, check at Springtree.net. Click the quote price button and they'll return to you with a price of $396 shipped. I've bought from Springtree years ago and they're stellar, and tend to undercut the competition. I've been told that Aurisonics is back ordered at the moment due to a swell in unexpected orders though. 2 weeks was what I was last told. I ordered a pair on the 23rd, so I'm hoping to hear something by the week of the 5th.

You can read a bit about em here:


HiFlight is a long time friend of mine on the forum (we've stayed in touch ever since I sold him my Piano Forte IX) and Cn11 is a local friend whom I've met up with numerous times. I trust of both of them to give me unbiased opinions

Something about the Sure ones just didn't click for me, the mids were nice but that was about it.

EX1000 were by no means bad sounding, they just didn't sound like they improved anything, and they weren't all that comfortable.

W50 lacked bass when I tried them (impressions from headfi seems that they're supposed to have great bass, so this would probably be due to poor isolation on my half), and something felt lacking that I couldn't really put my finger on.

I haven't heard of the Tenore ones, you mean the Zero Audio ones right?

You got me really intrigued about the 1Plus from what I can tell they look amazing, where did you find them for that price though? I can only find them for 499$


I was tempted to get the 846 from massdrop but decided that I don't really want to spend that money without trying them. Do you still have yours?


Just got Sennheiser HD 449's on sale for 60 Canadian, the Smashing Pumpkins have never sounded better at this price lol

Quite the change from the Meelectronics IEMs I've been using the past few years

Now I'm curious to how the HD 598's sound, maybe next year if they go on sale again

Just because you like one closed Senn doesn't mean you'll automatically another that's higher priced. The 598s are completely different beasts in just about every way.


Haven't heard of Springtree. I just asked them about the SRH1440.

I wish I had more reference points for whether I prefer bright vs dark but I only own HD555s atm.

Highly considering Fidelio X2.
I was tempted to get the 846 from massdrop but decided that I don't really want to spend that money without trying them. Do you still have yours?

Nah I sold mine within a week of owning them. I had fit issues and upon A/Bing against the K3003, I found that I greatly preferred the latter. They're pretty beguiling phones with a great midrange and addictive bass though. The low end extension was very impressive, but sort of one note compared to other sets I've heard. Still, if you enjoy your deep bass, it's a blast to listen to


Neo Member
I can whole heartedly recommend the X2, I've spent about 50h with them now and they've really come into their own. The innerfidelity review was spot on for me.

Agreed on both counts: I definitely recommend the X2 and Tyll's review was on the money.

I've had them for a week now and they offer a wonderful combination of tonal balance, open presentation, and bass extension.
from website:

"single-ended Class-A operation for high-impedance headphones, moving seamlessly to push-pull Class A and finally into Class AB as current needs increase."

"Dynamically Adaptive Class A/AB, noninverting, hybrid tube/MOSFET, single voltage gain stage, DC-coupled input and output"

Yea I gathered that the design was using the case as heatsink but goddamn! Glad I don't need to save any space.

Yep mine runs so hot my cat sits on it. Just make sure there is some space around the vents and you will be fine.


See how you like them without an amp first and then if you want to see how they'll scale with a budget setup just come and ask for a recommendation.

I don't really have a point of reference to tell if they could be better though, is there anything I can look out for that would suggest I need an amp?


I don't really have a point of reference to tell if they could be better though, is there anything I can look out for that would suggest I need an amp?
If there's a bunch of distortion even when music isn't playing you need a DAC, if the music sounds a bit drowned out an amp may help bring out certain frequencies.


If there's a bunch of distortion even when music isn't playing you need a DAC, if the music sounds a bit drowned out an amp may help bring out certain frequencies.

Right, should be easy enough to tell then. Thanks for all the help btw! Really appreciate it.


Hi, I'm looking for £200 headphones, something portable and mainly going to be used to listen to hiphop. I know the prices are different in the states you can check them out on amazon.co.uk thanks


Hi, I'm looking for £200 headphones, something portable and mainly going to be used to listen to hiphop. I know the prices are different in the states you can check them out on amazon.co.uk thanks
The white version of the V-MODA M100, Sony MDR1A, Soundmagic HP150, and AKG K545 all would be excellent choices. I'd definitely recommend the M100 for hip hop.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So, final decision. Should I go with the AKG 545's or the V Moda M-100's? I listen to a lot of hip hop as I told you Des, but also a bunch of random music.

Thanks for all the help gang.

Also should I get an amp?


So, final decision. Should I go with the AKG 545's or the V Moda M-100's? I listen to a lot of hip hop as I told you Des, but also a bunch of random music.

Thanks for all the help gang.

Also should I get an amp?
AKGs sport a fuller midrange, m100 much harder hitting bass. Comfort is pretty good on both pair, but all reports suggest that the XL pads elevate the comfort on the m100 even further. I have small ears so I didn't need them. The AKGs scale better when amped while the M100 really don't benefit much from amping. I wouldn't buy an amp with either to start out with though.


I take back what I said a few days ago about my new setup (HE400i + Modi2/Magni2). Amazed with the sound. Lyrics have never been so easy to understand, vocals aren't recessed, music background is multi-layered, etc. Bass is good and I realize that I got used to bass boost on the CMOY amp, which created some distortion that is absolutely atrocious on the new cans.

Much happier now with the sound. Even the wife is digging these cans. The comfort is out of this world too, as I can listen for 3-4 hours without a single issue. Great stuff!

Now wondering if it's worth it upgrading my 320 kbps mp3s to FLACs. I am honestly having a hard time comparing 192 kbps to 320 kbps, so wondering if FLACs are all that for newbies like me.
Hi guys, i came across this deal for the AKG 545 at 146 euros. That's quite ok right?


Would you guys recommend them for somebody like me that listens to a very wide range of music, from the very minimal ambient to very extreme genres like death meral. I like heavy sound with a lot of bass and distortion like doom or very bassy hip hop.

I am terrible with cables so detachable ones is a must too, does this model have that option?

I was also looking at the AKG 551 but they seem quite bigger and open and portability and little sound leaking so i don't think i should go for those right?

With these things in mind, do you still recommend the AKG for me or would you have a better suggestion?

Max budget is 200 euros.



Any suggestions for some headphones for gaming around $100? I'm looking at the braizwavz hm5 right now as they seem to have rather positive reviews. I'd rather not get an open headphones due to their sound leakage.


Hi guys, i came across this deal for the AKG 545 at 146 euros. That's quite ok right?


Would you guys recommend them for somebody like me that listens to a very wide range of music, from the very minimal ambient to very extreme genres like death meral. I like heavy sound with a lot of bass and distortion like doom or very bassy hip hop.

I am terrible with cables so detachable ones is a must too, does this model have that option?

I was also looking at the AKG 551 but they seem quite bigger and open and portability and little sound leaking so i don't think i should go for those right?

With these things in mind, do you still recommend the AKG for me or would you have a better suggestion?

Max budget is 200 euros.

Not a bad choice at all, but for those specific genres I think the aggressive nature of the V-Moda M100 might be the better choice. Also if you're cool with going with something on-ear the Sennheiser Amperior/HD 25 are pretty much tailor made for those genres.

Any suggestions for some headphones for gaming around $100? I'm looking at the braizwavz hm5 right now as they seem to have rather positive reviews. I'd rather not get an open headphones due to their sound leakage.

Yeah great choice, unless you need something super bassy, they have good bass...But it's very balanced.


Is there an alternate headphone in that price range with added bass and similar comfort?

Creative Aurvana Live, though the build quality is nowhere near the same level. Also gonna lose out on some isolation.

Another option is to check out the JVC S680s, though you're gonna wanna also buy some Brainwavz HM5 pads to replace the mediocre stock ones. Isolation still not gonna quite on the level of the HM5.


Creative Aurvana Live, though the build quality is nowhere near the same level. Also gonna lose out on some isolation.

Another option is to check out the JVC S680s, though you're gonna wanna also buy some Brainwavz HM5 pads to replace the mediocre stock ones. Isolation still not gonna quite on the level of the HM5.

Thanks a lot for the suggestions, I'll look into those two cans. One last question, would the HM5 be an improvement over my current takstar HD5500? I'm mainly looking at getting better soundstage and sound quality for gaming. Although I believe the 5500s are more bassy?
Another option is to check out the JVC S680s, though you're gonna wanna also buy some Brainwavz HM5 pads to replace the mediocre stock ones. Isolation still not gonna quite on the level of the HM5.
I can vouch for this combo-- they're a great set of 'phones for the price. The JVCs bring the bass but it's loose, a bit sloppy, just FYI.


Thanks a lot for the suggestions, I'll look into those two cans. One last question, would the HM5 be an improvement over my current takstar HD5500? I'm mainly looking at getting better soundstage and sound quality for gaming. Although I believe the 5500s are more bassy?

Yeah an upgrade on most facets.
Not a bad choice at all, but for those specific genres I think the aggressive nature of the V-Moda M100 might be the better choice. Also if you're cool with going with something on-ear the Sennheiser Amperior/HD 25 are pretty much tailor made for those genres.

Yeah great choice, unless you need something super bassy, they have good bass...But it's very balanced.

Thanks a lot Hi res Des! I have looked into the vmoda and i really like them but they are quite pricey 280€ at their site in the Netherlands where i live http://v-moda.nl

I guess they are much higher quality than the AKG?

I have however found this site that sells them for 190€! Don't think I'll find them cheaper than this! https://www.eglobalcentral.eu/index...db3AVC_Zhk4nNpO_mMwaAi0U8P8HAQ#/product/12535

The Sennheiser are only 100€ however, i guess they can't really compare to the other two in sounds quality right? I'm also not sure about on-ear phones... my ears tend to hurt easily and i don't want to risk having headphones i can't use for long periods.

Edit: ah, shoot, they are 99€ because they are at a quite discounted price!


Hmmmm.... decisions decisions. ..


No they're all around the same level just differences in sound signature here and there. The AKGs due a few things better than the M100. I just think the treble on them is just a bit too nice to make hard Rock really shine. I still think you'll really love and the M100 definitely aren't worth such a price jump. Also look into the Soundmagic HP150 if those are cheaper than the m100 as well. The Amperior are pretty comfy for being on ear, but yeah you might wanna try them out first. I have tiny ears.
No they're all around the same level just differences in sound signature here and there. The AKGs due a few things better than the M100. I just think the treble on them is just a bit too nice to make hard Rock really shine. I still think you'll really love and the M100 definitely aren't worth such a price jump. Also look into the Soundmagic HP150 if those are cheaper than the m100 as well. The Amperior are pretty comfy for being on ear, but yeah you might wanna try them out first. I have tiny ears.
Thank you very much again!

I see they are 200€ so more or less the same as the M100.

Just one more thing.

I'm looking at some very very good reviews of the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x, they seem pretty much flawless from a sound, comfort and durability point of view while the M100, as one review pointed out, seems like it could have some durability issues regarding the thin metal parts that hold each speaker so I'm a bit afraid of that now.
They are also at 135€ so it's also the cheapest except for the Sennheiser you recommended.
But how does the sound compare to the rest? Would it fit the types of music i listen to?

Thanks again for your help!


M100 are built like tanks, so that's kind of bullshit. I don't think the M50 has the same wow effect as the M100, but they're definitely loved by everyone but me. So the M50X might be a good pick too. I don't have any objective input on them


Thank you very much again!

I see they are 200€ so more or less the same as the M100.

Just one more thing.

I'm looking at some very very good reviews of the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x, they seem pretty much flawless from a sound, comfort and durability point of view while the M100, as one review pointed out, seems like it could have some durability issues regarding the thin metal parts that hold each speaker so I'm a bit afraid of that now.
They are also at 135€ so it's also the cheapest except for the Sennheiser you recommended.
But how does the sound compare to the rest? Would it fit the types of music i listen to?

Thanks again for your help!

Hmm my m80 is built like a tank don't see why the m100 would be worse
Yeah, i just saw a few more video reviews and they all praised the built quality so i guess that's a non issue. I'm really feeling towards the m100, specially after watching this review

A Basshead's Delight: The V-Moda Crossfade M-100 …: http://youtu.be/u4gd49nLqZY

I also LOVE the fact that it can be folded into such a small hard case.

How is the sound leaking though? I saw this video

V-Moda M100 Sound Leak + Girl Friend Test: http://youtu.be/MrOZbKBHaNU

and it seems like i might not be able to use it on a plane at more than 50%volume... which is OK i guess, but i tend to like to listen to music quite loud myself.
Every damn day I keep loading up the page for Sennheiser 598s on amazon, and just haven't brought myself to purchase yet. Come on, do it already! They look like they belong on my head right now. I haven't seen many praise them for metal or harder rock, which I listen to a lot of. But I also listen to a ton of instrumental stuff, movie scores, etc. I feel like in the end, I'll love them.
Every damn day I keep loading up the page for Sennheiser 598s on amazon, and just haven't brought myself to purchase yet. Come on, do it already! They look like they belong on my head right now. I haven't seen many praise them for metal or harder rock, which I listen to a lot of. But I also listen to a ton of instrumental stuff, movie scores, etc. I feel like in the end, I'll love them.

Go for it! I have the HD558 with the foam squares removed which are supposed to be very close to the 598. They are extremely comfortable and sound great. Some people say the 558 and 598 have a slightly weak bass response but it didn't affect my enjoyment of the music and I listen to rock and electronic. The only thing I noticed later after I got other phones was that the mids don't have a lot of separation. I recommend getting a shorter cable with an 1/8 inch plug because the long cable that terminates in the 1/4 inch is kinda ridiculous.
Someone gave me a coffee as a gift. Ive tried back to back tests initially and cant really tell any difference so far. There is no manual so i cant tell if if the green light is supposed to be on at all times and i also dont know how to replace the batteries.



Something about jitter or waves or something. There's a whole speel on their website about what it does but I don't really get it.

Can't tell any difference so far anyway but it was a gift so I might as well use it.
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