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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


For me it's awesome. Drives Sennheiser HD-595 to a good volume without problem, and even better with HD-25. I also use it with my PS4 as the output is much better than the headphone port on the DS4.

I previously tried the HRT headstreamer but that didn't have the power I wanted. My friend who has Grado's and the HRT liked the extra power of the Deagonfly when he tested it.

Edit: just caught up on the last few posts. Electrostatic Sennheisers? Now I'm in trouble. While Stax headphones are no 1 on my wish list, this could be very close.

How did you connect it to the ps4? USB?


So I just picked up the V Moda LP2 off Amazon and from what I can tell they are nice looking headphones, with good build quality and slightly above average sound. Anyone have any experience with these headphones? Did I make a good purchase?


This is what certain audio communities will do to some people. Amazing.

Some choice quotes:

Harris thought the Hitachi sounded very ethereal, almost out of phase, and rated it lowest; the Seagate was sharper with a more thumpy bass, slightly brighter with a slight tendency to sibilance. Both lacked much drive in presenting the Madonna track, and were certainly 'mushy' compared with the best sound quality we'd heard from the QNAP stable.

Drive three (a solid state type) gave a far from subtle shift in tone and soundstaging. I thought that here this Kingston SSD spread the stage wider, could really pull apart the multi-track layers, and certainly led in blackness too, sounding agreeably quieter than it had any right to. Yet there was also a dull flatness to its presentation, even a graying of timbre.

If the Kingston SSD stood apart from the disk drives for its mostly good yet quite alien character, drive four made itself known for entirely the wrong reasons. This Corsair drive (another SSD) conspicuously highlighted vocal sibilants, and had a hard, relentless quality that was impossible to miss. Strangely, it also robbed the music of pace; it was the least engaging on any emotional level thanks to an enveloping tunelessness that appeared to carve up a song like an MP3 rip.

The RAIDing of volumes could be the subject of a further investigation, to see if compounding disks may even exaggerate their audible signatures...

While this additional test was in no way scientific, we thought it would be worth finding out if this alternative NAS box/disk/RAID configuration offered anything different in our initial delve into the sonic differences of storage systems.

As it turned out, it was possibly the best sounding source yet. It could sustain pace and drive, and gave body and richness to music where the Kingston SSD, for example, had been heard as limpid and lightweight. Maybe higher frequencies still weren't as insightful as direct CD playback at its best, but the sound had a relaxed quality that this listener has found quite enticing enough to plan a migration of all music onto it — pending a test of other NAS combinations!


I do play on PC as well, but I thought most gaming PCs including mine are already setup with 5.1 or 7.1 sound without a device like that, so this item is really only for people that maybe want high quality audio that their current setup doesn't allow for I guess ?

Edit : If it turns out I can spend a little more, how much better are the Sennheiser HD 558 than Samson SR850 and the Takstar 2050 ? They're about $100 more expensive, but are they $100 better as well I wonder.
No they aren't are you just trying to waste breath at this point. I already went over that


You don't need $500 headphones to enjoy hi-fi headphone listening. Hell, I'd say these days you can get damn close to the best you'll ever get out of 16/44.1 for under $500 total, cans/dac/amp.
Blue Jeans cables are great. At one point, Monster Cables tried to sue them. Funny stuff, the guy who runs Blue Jeans had been a lawyer in his previous life. Needless to say, the suit didn't go well for Monster, as I remember it.

Yea I'm extremely impressed by them. I tried a few cables to connect my dac and amp before these and they were varying degrees of quality. The first pair I could actually hear crackling and popping when i turned up the volume. The second pair was much better but I could still hear a bit of hiss and feedback.

These Bluejeans Audio cables...no such problems. Very pleased.

Also, I've concluded that *all* of my headphones sound good. Geez. Also, the Lyr 2 was definitely the right call. I have to put the dial at damn near 4 o'clock (max is roughly 5:30) to get the sound coming out of my planars and orthos to be juuuust a little too loud. I think the next amp down might have been too weak for the orthos.

Probably going to sell something, but I'm not sure what. I don't need 5 really nice headphones. 3 should do.


What a scientific test. It is stuff like that that makes it hard for me to trust anything I read on places like head fi.

People on HF will swear there are differences between SD cards and batteries. It's kinda nuts

We have a PR person for Naim Audio and another guy who is the technical editor for Macworld, PC Advisor and others writing this. The world of audio has so much bs, yet unlike some fringe opinion on a messageboard pieces like this are the type of thing that might actually confirm some people's beliefs, and later having forgot the source mention to others in a kind of audiophile version of Chinese whispers.
This is what certain audio communities will do to some people. Amazing.

Some choice quotes:

The first time i read this I wasn't sure what he was talking about. Now reading it again, is he saying that choice of hard drive affects audio quality? Maybe he should try upgrading his BIOS too and testing out different types of thermal paste on his CPU while he's at it.


This is what certain audio communities will do to some people. Amazing.

Some choice quotes:
Wait, that's not a joke? I swear it was a parody. Whatever lmao
Anyway, I'm soon to join the ATH M50 club. I hesitated between these and the Beyer 770, but the latter had a bit too much bass and the mids lacked a bit when I compared them. I can understand why others would prefer them though. I hope I don't regret the choice (I'll have them the 6th) as the Beyer are more comfy.


The first time i read this I wasn't sure what he was talking about. Now reading it again, is he saying that choice of hard drive affects audio quality? Maybe he should try upgrading his BIOS too and testing out different types of thermal paste on his CPU while he's at it.

How is the USB cable madness in this thread any different? Or interconnects or DACs or...
How is the USB cable madness in this thread any different? Or interconnects or DACs or...
DACs have a lot to them other than bundles of wires. Not saying that hyperbole doesn't run rampant there too but at least there are designs, circuits, and features being implemented.
I need a nice upgrade over my sol republics hd's, closed back, similar sound to ath m40x/ 50x but smaller footprint, smaller cups etc, over or on ears, street headphones, will be using on train everyday, durable, want to spend less then $150

Any suggestions would be awesome, been spending days trying to find something, just cant put my finger on one.


No they aren't are you just trying to waste breath at this point. I already went over that

Sorry, my attention has been all over the place trying to focus on too many things in the past few days (30 tabs open, fixing a pc, ordering parts, returning and buying other items, including trying to learn about this with reviews, unboxings). With the flood of info and things going on I forgot mentioning those in the beginning. I appreciate all the help though. I would've made nothing but mistakes had I not come in here.


I need a nice upgrade over my sol republics hd's, closed back, similar sound to ath m40x/ 50x but smaller footprint, smaller cups etc, over or on ears, street headphones, will be using on train everyday, durable, want to spend less then $150

Any suggestions would be awesome, been spending days trying to find something, just cant put my finger on one.

Vmoda Xs?
How is the USB cable madness in this thread any different? Or interconnects or DACs or...

You dont think a DAC makes a difference in sound? maybe if you have incredibly shit headphones.

Whatever you believe in regards to cables, you are only as strong as the weakest link in your chain.

If you have a bad source/source material, cables, DAC, Amp, headphones - any one of those, then you are not getting the best sound you can.
You don't need $500 headphones to enjoy hi-fi headphone listening. Hell, I'd say these days you can get damn close to the best you'll ever get out of 16/44.1 for under $500 total, cans/dac/amp.

Not a chance in hell.

What you said in the first part is true, but the bolded, no way.


A lot of people would be blown away by a 500$ setup though, whether it be a pair of 500$ IEMs or HD600/X1/X2/K702 with a Schiit Magni/Modi combo or heck even a Fiio E17.

That said the comment was irrelevant as it's just the thread title and by no means an indication for money having to be spent for a above average listening experience.


Audeze el8 to be launched this tuesday.


A lot of people would be blown away by a 500$ setup though, whether it be a pair of 500$ IEMs or HD600/X1/X2/K702 with a Schiit Magni/Modi combo or heck even a Fiio E17.

That said the comment was irrelevant as it's just the thread title and by no means an indication for money having to be spent for a above average listening experience.

I agree - im sure they would be blown away and i said that. What i dont agree with is this:

Hell, I'd say these days you can get damn close to the best you'll ever get out of 16/44.1 for under $500 total, cans/dac/amp.

You wont get anywhere near close to the best at that price.
Jesus christ, where do you work? I need a job there.

i have a full time job and no kids - its not that im rich, i just dont have any expenses beyond myself. Hence these kind of impulse purchases are ok.

Im just keen to know if i can use the upgraded cables i have for my LCD3 with the new EL8, as that will save around $300 in additional costs.


Might be worth mentioning that Jude posted this thread on the headphone sub forum instead of the summit fi(high end) sub forum.

So this might not be a top of the line flagship?


I agree - im sure they would be blown away and i said that. What i dont agree with is this:

You wont get anywhere near close to the best at that price.

Yea fair enough. I really wonder if a person who hasn't experienced proper headphones would be able to tell if they're listening to TOTL equipment.
I always thought of headphones/IEM as wine, if you've never had shit wine you'll never be able to appreciate a really nice bottle.
Or maybe that's how I justify buying a million headphones/IEMs


Can HD600s really be had with Magni/Modis for $500?

The cans are $500 alone on Amazon (CA).

I just looked up the price again and they can be had for 320 AUD for numerous sites. Had a look on US amazon an they're listed for 320 USD. You should be able to find them for that price unless CA is extremely expensive for headgear. Depending on shipping you should be able to have everything for 550$
Yea fair enough. I really wonder if a person who hasn't experienced proper headphones would be able to tell if they're listening to TOTL equipment.
I always thought of headphones/IEM as wine, if you've never had shit wine you'll never be able to appreciate a really nice bottle.
Or maybe that's how I justify buying a million headphones/IEMs
I agree with you completely. I got to hear a $1 million system and I know that I will never be able to afford that. It completely ruined any other setup I've heard since.

The sheer amount of air these speakers displaced and how responsive they were was just insane.

Like the first time I experienced the krell subwoofer... The bass actually made me feel sick after a while with two of them running and I had to leave the room..
Might be worth mentioning that Jude posted this thread on the headphone sub forum instead of the summit fi(high end) sub forum.

So this might not be a top of the line flagship?

ah interesting. Do you think it is then more in line with the Oppo PM3 like a portable set? that would make sense really....but it looks open backed so how can a portable be open backed?


Neo Member
Hello everyone. I bought a pair of headphones and a mic and a soundcard. Shortly after I immediately realized I didn't really do a ton of research. So I have come here to ask you guys what you think of my purchases.

AKG Q701

Blue Yeti

Sound Card:
Creative Sound Blaster ZXR

I had a budget of around 1000 but accidentally bought the wrong headset and mic -.- Gonna return them as soon as they come, but what do you all think? Good? Or should I switch it up and maybe get an external amp/dac?

Edit: This is my first time buying any audio equipment besides a "gaming" headset so go easy on my. This is to replace my Razer Blackshark headset since the screws all came loose and the whole thing fell apart.


Neo Member
For me it's awesome. Drives Sennheiser HD-595 to a good volume without problem, and even better with HD-25. I also use it with my PS4 as the output is much better than the headphone port on the DS4.

I previously tried the HRT headstreamer but that didn't have the power I wanted. My friend who has Grado's and the HRT liked the extra power of the Deagonfly when he tested it.

Edit: just caught up on the last few posts. Electrostatic Sennheisers? Now I'm in trouble. While Stax headphones are no 1 on my wish list, this could be very close.

Wait the dragonfly works straight out the ps4? Do all usb dacs work in that manner?


Hello everyone. I bought a pair of headphones and a mic and a soundcard. Shortly after I immediately realized I didn't really do a ton of research. So I have come here to ask you guys what you think of my purchases.

AKG Q701

Blue Yeti

Sound Card:
Creative Sound Blaster ZXR

I had a budget of around 1000 but accidentally bought the wrong headset and mic -.- Gonna return them as soon as they come, but what do you all think? Good? Or should I switch it up and maybe get an external amp/dac?

Edit: This is my first time buying any audio equipment besides a "gaming" headset so go easy on my. This is to replace my Razer Blackshark headset since the screws all came loose and the whole thing fell apart.
Looks good, but I'd probably just get a V-Moda boom mic pro for the Q701 since they feature a detachable cable.

Maybe use the money saved to get an even better soundcard like Asus Xonar Essence or Omega Claro
Hello everyone. I bought a pair of headphones and a mic and a soundcard. Shortly after I immediately realized I didn't really do a ton of research. So I have come here to ask you guys what you think of my purchases.

AKG Q701

Blue Yeti

Sound Card:
Creative Sound Blaster ZXR

I had a budget of around 1000 but accidentally bought the wrong headset and mic -.- Gonna return them as soon as they come, but what do you all think? Good? Or should I switch it up and maybe get an external amp/dac?

Edit: This is my first time buying any audio equipment besides a "gaming" headset so go easy on my. This is to replace my Razer Blackshark headset since the screws all came loose and the whole thing fell apart.
Return Blue Yeti. Purchase ModMic.


Tommy DJ

Yea fair enough. I really wonder if a person who hasn't experienced proper headphones would be able to tell if they're listening to TOTL equipment.
I always thought of headphones/IEM as wine, if you've never had shit wine you'll never be able to appreciate a really nice bottle.
Or maybe that's how I justify buying a million headphones/IEMs

The issue with most TOTL headphone equipment is that they're not really all that great. The only high end headphones that I've found particularly interesting are the Sennheiser HD800 and some Stax electrostats I can't remember anymore.

Some, like Beyerdynamic's output, are downright worse than a lot of old flagship headphones that existed in a time where kilobuck headphones weren't a thing. Really, putting drivers into plastic cups with no dampening material then selling them for over $1,000 is downright criminal. You'd get laughed out of the audio industry if you did that shit with high end loudspeakers.

Realtalk: if people want flagship products, they have to force the manufacturers to actually release flagship products. We're getting more and more expensive headphones but none of them are really better than the last. I don't believe for a second that there hasn't been technological advances in audio tech - just look at powered bookshelf loudspeakers over the years.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Hello everyone. I bought a pair of headphones and a mic and a soundcard. Shortly after I immediately realized I didn't really do a ton of research. So I have come here to ask you guys what you think of my purchases.

AKG Q701

Blue Yeti

Sound Card:
Creative Sound Blaster ZXR

I had a budget of around 1000 but accidentally bought the wrong headset and mic -.- Gonna return them as soon as they come, but what do you all think? Good? Or should I switch it up and maybe get an external amp/dac?

Edit: This is my first time buying any audio equipment besides a "gaming" headset so go easy on my. This is to replace my Razer Blackshark headset since the screws all came loose and the whole thing fell apart.

Honestly I wouldn't recommend a blue yeti. You will have to be up to the mic to get the most out of it and its mostly for podcasters/streamers. Also its really big. Try the suggestions above


Had a look on US amazon an they're listed for 320 USD. You should be able to find them for that price unless CA is extremely expensive for headgear. Depending on shipping you should be able to have everything for 550$

Amazon.ca has been good for nothing but laughs on 80% of the products I've looked up there. They have 10 dollar items listed for 40, 40 dollar items listed for 80. Earlier I was checking out the superlux668b as a possible pickup at $40, looked it up on amazon.ca and it's $85. It's a joke most of the time. And not just for this kind of thing. They had Shadow of Mordor listed at $90 for a week before I guess they caught on that they were embarrassing themselves.


$500 goes a long way in headphones these days and I believe can net you near TOTL sound, but then when you factor in the cost of a decent amp and dac you're looking at a total cost closer to $800.
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