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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


It shouldn't be too loud unless you're listening to something with a crappy soundcard...Remember the E5 is not a DAC, a slight noise is normal, but given that it's not noticeable when the music is playing makes it a nonfactor.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
With my E5, I would hear a loud whir, if I had it on, while plugged into the USB port.

This annoyance kept me from charging it and listening to music at the same time.


HiResDes said:
It shouldn't be too loud unless you're listening to something with a crappy soundcard...Remember the E5 is not a DAC, a slight noise is normal, but given that it's not noticeable when the music is playing makes it a nonfactor.

I dont have it plugged into anything. Just my headphones into the E5, and my E5 into nothing. It's a very slight noise. Nothing terrible, just wondering why its there with no source.
Ashhong said:
I dont have it plugged into anything. Just my headphones into the E5, and my E5 into nothing. It's a very slight noise. Nothing terrible, just wondering why its there with no source.

There's ambient radiation of all kinds flying around. From what I know headphone cables can act as receivers for this stuff. Maybe I'm talking out my ass though.


Ashhong said:
I dont have it plugged into anything. Just my headphones into the E5, and my E5 into nothing. It's a very slight noise. Nothing terrible, just wondering why its there with no source.
Is your power source grounded?


Ashhong said:
What power source? It's just the E5 running off a battery.
Sorry, I'm not intimately familiar with the E5, I wasn't aware that it was battery powered. It's possible that it is putting out too much power for your buds. Do you not have a set of true cans to toss on there to compare?
Ashhong said:
What power source? It's just the E5 running off a battery.
Have you tried a different pair of phones on the E5? Some phones can be very sensitive and thus pick up audible distortion if your components don't have a completely black and silent background at the noise floor. I had a pair of Etymotics that picked up hiss from every DAP I owned at 0 volume, so try out another pair of phones and get back to us.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
This is the perfect time for me to recycle my rant, on how much I hate the CX300.

But I digress...


poweld said:
Sorry, I'm not intimately familiar with the E5, I wasn't aware that it was battery powered. It's possible that it is putting out too much power for your buds. Do you not have a set of true cans to toss on there to compare?

Haha, I will for sure test them once I go home and put on my M50s. Just picked up the E5 and only had my CX300 on me, which admittedly are not very good. I do need to get some new cheap IEMs soon.

Didn't mean to take up half a page with my question. Its no big deal really :)
I'm looking to pick up a pair of headphones in the ~$100 range for my cousin's graduation. He listens to a lot of Indie Pop, Folk, Beatles, Dylan (see a good chunk of the what are you listening too/pitchfork thread). Originally I was leaning towards a pair of Grado's seeing as I really enjoy mine and listen to a similar range of music.

However, he is also pretty into his guitar, as in plays at coffee shops in the area, has his own sound board and PA speakers. Would some closed studio monitors be better with this type of set up? Something like the Sony MDR-V6 or the ATH-m50s? Is sound isolation important when playing (and most likely small amounts of recording?)


Wow...my LCD-2 order is already ready after only a 3-4 week wait.

Sadly, my tinnitus returned late last week. It's weird, because it was completely gone for a few days. I'm still not sure what the cause is.

I'm giving it a few weeks. I asked Audeze to see if they can put it on hold for me. If my tinnitus goes away, I'll be placing the order.


Sucks at poetry
TheExodu5 said:
Sadly, my tinnitus returned late last week. It's weird, because it was completely gone for a few days. I'm still not sure what the cause is.

That really sucks. Good luck it getting rid of it.
TheExodu5 said:
Wow...my LCD-2 order is already ready after only a 3-4 week wait.

Sadly, my tinnitus returned late last week. It's weird, because it was completely gone for a few days. I'm still not sure what the cause is.

I'm giving it a few weeks. I asked Audeze to see if they can put it on hold for me. If my tinnitus goes away, I'll be placing the order.

:( What bad timing for it to come back. And you barely had to wait!

And they really are amazing. I know someone mentioned back when I was talking about the 595s how they separate the music into layers. The LCD-2 has all the layers put together to make the real music while still keeping and improving on the amazing definition. I've actually been going through my entire iTunes playlist to get rid of all the stuff that I don't really like that much and I'm finding it difficult. Even songs that I don't like sound really good musically, even though not to my taste.


TheExodu5 said:
Wow...my LCD-2 order is already ready after only a 3-4 week wait.

Sadly, my tinnitus returned late last week. It's weird, because it was completely gone for a few days. I'm still not sure what the cause is.

I'm giving it a few weeks. I asked Audeze to see if they can put it on hold for me. If my tinnitus goes away, I'll be placing the order.

did you ever go to the doctor? cause i have tinnitus and it's nothing like what you are describing


Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
There's a pretty big difference actually, and DAC's are very important in the chain. Depending upon how resolving your headphones are, DAC's can mean the difference between enjoying music and merely tolerating it. For example, I have the SA5ks which are extremely resolving, and out of all of the things I've heard them through that I own, I've only enjoyed them out of a Kenwood CD transport fed to my little dot II amp. And even then, I only enjoy some recordings. The phones are just too brutally revealing of the flaws of most of my sources, so they sound really strident and congested with poorer quality sources or cheaper components, and I know the internal DAC on the Kenwood isn't retrieving all of the info out of the recording.It casts a bigger soundstage, and it sounds more dynamic than most of the other things I've heard the SA5ks through at least.

If I were to plug them into my laptop, they would pick up all of the noise on the signal, since the internal soundcard outputs a really dirty signal. So I picked up a Kramer DAC and will connect it via Toslink to the SPDIF on my laptop. The Kramer will bypass the laptop's internal DAC in favor its own, and correct the jitter in the signal, so I'll finally have a reference quality sound. The saying is: "garbage in, garbage out". Your phones will only sound as good as your source, and the DAC is very important in terms of converting the digital signal and imparting whatever audio characteristics when converting it to analog so you can hear it on your phones. Whether that sound is euphonic and high resolution or merely average and unengaging or even harsh, and grating can be traced back to the DAC if the phones aren't the weakest link.

Thanks! This helped me a lot. I'll keep searching!
quin said:
Thanks! This helped me a lot. I'll keep searching!
DACs that are most sought after are going to be completely neutral as to add nor take away nothing from the original recording, however, you can buy DACs that impart different characteristics to the sound if you wish. It's no different than headphones or amps really, and a great DAC can be had for about 150 in the HRT Music Streamer.


So I got my E7 today. I read the manual and did a bunch of google-fu but I can't figure out how to simultaneously have output through my desktop speakers as well as USB. Can anyone help me out?

Using Windows 7 if that makes any difference.


Neckbeard said:
So I got my E7 today. I read the manual and did a bunch of google-fu but I can't figure out how to simultaneously have output through my desktop speakers as well as USB. Can anyone help me out?

Using Windows 7 if that makes any difference.
Uh oh, if you wanted to hook up your speakers through the DAC I would have opted for the Nuforce UDAC-2 HP with all of the outs, including an optical out.


Neckbeard said:
So I got my E7 today. I read the manual and did a bunch of google-fu but I can't figure out how to simultaneously have output through my desktop speakers as well as USB. Can anyone help me out?

Using Windows 7 if that makes any difference.
You cannot split the audio output between a USB DAC and your sound card. To achieve what you're looking for, you could physically split the output from your E7 with a cable and have one end go to your headphones, and the other to your speakers.

Otherwise, once you switch your E7 off (or disconnect it) Windows should switch back to using your sound card, and therefore, your speakers.


You sons of bitches, lol. I guess I'll just have to train my wife to manually change the default audio device.

Is there an easier way than going into the control panel?

poweld said:
You cannot split the audio output between a USB DAC and your sound card. To achieve what you're looking for, you could physically split the output from your E7 with a cable and have one end go to your headphones, and the other to your speakers.

Otherwise, once you switch your E7 off (or disconnect it) Windows should switch back to using your sound card, and therefore, your speakers.

Couldn't I just use the integrated splitter for that?

edit: I figured the change would be automatic, once the E7 isn't detected, but for some reason it's not. I also had to manually set the E7 as the default audio device.


swoon said:
did you ever go to the doctor? cause i have tinnitus and it's nothing like what you are describing

Yeah. She thinks it might just be viral and should go away in a few weeks (else, I should go back to see her). Hopefully she's right. It seems to have died down a lot today.


HiResDes said:
Uh oh, if you wanted to hook up your speakers through the DAC I would have opted for the Nuforce UDAC-2 HP with all of the outs, including an optical out.

Oh sorry maybe I mispoke, but I meant that I want to be able to have the audio going out of the regular jack on the mobo as well as the USB so that my wife doesn't get on my computer and crank the volume thinking the speakers are just low volume and ruin my cans.

edit: OK so I just used the integrated splitter; all is well. I'll post my thoughts once I can get a decent session in after my son goes to bed.


Neckbeard said:
Oh sorry maybe I mispoke, but I meant that I want to be able to have the audio going out of the regular jack on the mobo as well as the USB so that my wife doesn't get on my computer and crank the volume thinking the speakers are just low volume and ruin my cans.
Then read what I wrote.

The only downside to that solution is that if your E7 isn't turned on and plugged in, your speakers won't have a signal. You could add a *second* cable to join, one from your sound card (on mobo) and one from the E7, going into your speakres. That way even if your E7 is absent you'll have signal to your speakers.


poweld said:
Then read what I wrote.

The only downside to that solution is that if your E7 isn't turned on and plugged in, your speakers won't have a signal. You could add a *second* cable to join, one from your sound card (on mobo) and one from the E7, going into your speakres. That way even if your E7 is absent you'll have signal to your speakers.

Ah okay, I see what you're saying. I won't be moving the amp anyway, so plugging the speakers and the headphones in directly to the unit is no big deal.

...Unless there's a serious downside to leaving the FiiO on 24x7...


Neckbeard said:
...Unless there's a serious downside to leaving the FiiO on 24x7...
There should be no negative side effects. The only POSSIBLE side effect is that the battery may wear down still, even if it is plugged in, but I think that really depends on the design of the unit. Hard to say.


poweld said:
There should be no negative side effects. The only POSSIBLE side effect is that the battery may wear down still, even if it is plugged in, but I think that really depends on the design of the unit. Hard to say.

OK thanks for your help. I figured the battery issue iw a given, but I'm not worried about it since I likely won't be taking it out unless I travel. In which case, I will probably just pick up an E5.
Got my Kramer DAC in. Hooked it up via TOSlink to my Little Dot II -> SA5k playing files through Foobar2k. And... Mother of God... The sound is so fucking pristine. I'm picking up every teeny tiny sound on the recording now. The instrument separation is much improved to where I can make out even distant guitar chords buried under the mix, bass impact is better, vocals are much improved... in general, it's like an obfuscating fog has been lifted from my music, everything is so incredibly coherent now. I wish I could just skip work tomorrow and listen to music all day haha


Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
DACs that are most sought after are going to be completely neutral as to add nor take away nothing from the original recording, however, you can buy DACs that impart different characteristics to the sound if you wish. It's no different than headphones or amps really, and a great DAC can be had for about 150 in the HRT Music Streamer.

I've been busily reading through all the DAC reviews on 6moons and have a pretty short list as of now. I looked at the Kramer DAC you received but it is a little out of my price range. I'm looking at $500 tops. Right now the Carat Sapphire has my interest as well as the MusicHall Dac25.3.

On a side note I received my order conformation for my LCD-2s! excited!
quin said:
I've been busily reading through all the DAC reviews on 6moons and have a pretty short list as of now. I looked at the Kramer DAC you received but it is a little out of my price range. I'm looking at $500 tops. Right now the Carat Sapphire has my interest as well as the MusicHall Dac25.3.

On a side note I received my order conformation for my LCD-2s! excited!

That Music Hall DAC is pretty interesting. It seems to have a tube output stage, so I guess it's a DAC/amp combo. Sounds like it might make for a pleasing combo. The Kramer is definitely neutral since it was designed for studio monitoring purposes among other things. It shares practically the same components as Benchmark's DAC1 I believe. It's definitely allowing the SA5K to impart a very exciting, live feeling to the music. And awesome LCD-2s. I hope to make the jump to planar magnetics someday. I've got my eye on the HiFiMan HE6. Someday...
HiResDes said:
DRM your setup sounds godlike...
I'm sure those guys with the LCD2s are loving the shit out of their setups, as their setups are probably more musical. What I've got right now sounds just like a musical microscope, but I'll be damned if it doesn't sound fucking awesome. Now I just need to drop 40 bucks for some Mullard 8161 tubes...


Knowledge is power, guard it well
What da F is your budget mang?

And don't bother analyzing the HD201. All you need to know, it that they're shit.


quin said:
I've been busily reading through all the DAC reviews on 6moons and have a pretty short list as of now. I looked at the Kramer DAC you received but it is a little out of my price range. I'm looking at $500 tops. Right now the Carat Sapphire has my interest as well as the MusicHall Dac25.3.

On a side note I received my order conformation for my LCD-2s! excited!

6moons is a bunch of nonsense.

head-fi f/s has a stagedac for $400 and some audio g-d stuffs for around ~$500 i'd check into those.


Aliens ate my babysitter
What are good in-ears for $50-$90?

How are Klipsch image S2?

I listen to all kinds of different music, but mostly chill/lounge, some house and rock/pop.


The Everyman
all these headphone are impossible to find in canadian department stores. do i need to hit up ma and pa audio-specialty places?
swoon said:
6moons is a bunch of nonsense.

head-fi f/s has a stagedac for $400 and some audio g-d stuffs for around ~$500 i'd check into those.
Yep. I'd definitely check the FS sections in Headfi. People are always selling gear to fund their addiction there, and you can get some good deals on stuff that's typically in excellent condition.


Keen said:
What are good in-ears for $50-$90?

How are Klipsch image S2?

I listen to all kinds of different music, but mostly chill/lounge, some house and rock/pop.
CHeck out the OP, probably the RE-0's or Sunrise Xscape's are going to be your best bet.


My HD555's are becoming more uncomfortable the more I use them. The fug!?

Chao said:
Got my Fiio E7 Today. Not noticing any differences between this and my MBP integrated sound card atm.

Interesting, thanks for the update.


Chao said:
Got my Fiio E7 Today. Not noticing any differences between this and my MBP integrated sound card atm.
What cans are you using? Your integrated sound card might not have been as bad as you originally thought
Chao said:
Got my Fiio E7 Today. Not noticing any differences between this and my MBP integrated sound card atm.
depends on your cans. I quite clearly noticed the lack of "background hiss" at high volume levels.

then there are the benefits of bass-boost.
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