What did she do to him?
Ajax Enema
What did she do to him?
Ajax Enema
Did she say "I'm your supreme"?
Did she say "I'm your supreme"?
Honestly I expected a bomb to be in that box.
What part?
Would have been awesome had it not been spoiled three weeks ago on a magazine cover.
What part?
And an immortal head isn't magic?I think that's what Fiona was waving her hand over. Checking for traps/voodoo before taking it inside.
I guess I found it to be completely obvious what it was since right at the end of last episode they advertised a magazine with Madame LaLaurie's head on a plate on the cover. That and even if it wasn't spoiled it was dropped off in the exact same way the minotaur's head was.And an immortal head isn't magic?
Since I was expecting (hoping) for a bomb, I was thinking that the little wave would detect magic, but not something man-made/mechanical
How much better of a cliffhanger would that have been? Fiona brings the box inside, open it, huge explosion and cut to black. Then next week would be the witch hunter guy's assault on the coven
So who the heck is the supreme? I am so confused after this episode. Nan? Misty? Zoe?
Nan? *everyone in the room looks at you*
Nan: YOU ALL SUCK BALLS *runs out of the room crying*
I think Luke just sees it as a platonic relationship meanwhile Nan hopes for more.But why would she say I am your supreme. And more importantly, when did luke and nan become an item.
Ajax Enema
I can't say I've hated this show or anything, but the story has basically hardly moved an inch since the first episode.
If you think nothing has happened just remember how the Voodoo vs. Witches conflict has seriously escalated.
Voodoo witch reviving the zombies and attacking the girls?Yeah, okay. Mhm.what the fuck
Yeah, this season feels so uneventful, especially compared to Asylum. The "war" between the voodoos and the witches needs to get started already.
How has the conflict seriously escalated? We got each group sending the other a head in a box and a witch hunter who hasn't even done anything yet.
She isn't dead though.More Arrested Development joke crossover please.
You had mentioned that you wanted Stevie Nicks to come back. Is that gonna happen?
We have Stevie for another. Stevie will be in episode 10 and then we have Stevie for another one, doing an idea that she came up with that I thought was too perfect to say no to. Hilariously, Stevie read some of the scripts and called up and said “Are you aware that one of the things you’re doing I actually wrote a song about?” I’m like, “You’ve got to be kidding.” Then I remembered the song. We have something cool that was her idea.
Can you say what song it is?
No it gives it away!
Have plans for season four changed at all?
No that’s in stone. I’m already coming up with titles.
And you’ve started figuring out which cast members would be right?
Yeah I invite people when we have a character for them. People should never read into that just because some of your favorites haven’t been announced doesn’t mean anything. It’s a slow build and I keep adding on. Angela is coming back hopefully. Kathy is coming back hopefully. Jessica, Sarah, Evan. Franny Conroy we want to come back. We have a great part for her. And new people too! I love an actor I did The Normal Heart with, Finn Wittrock.
Did anyone wonder why Joan said "I made you and can unmake you" to her son?
Yeah, okay. Mhm.what the fuck
The opening way a damn mess and I thought Queenie was really flat
Her turning over to voodoo so quick comes across as quite shocking. She's gone from being timid to cutting peoples hearts out in a couple of days
Its nice that the story is starting to ramp up after a couple of quiet episodes. This war needs to happen sharpish, and I hope they tie people like the axeman and frankenkyle into it and not just leave them as weird love objects
What was the mum doing to christian boy in the bath? Like a bleach enema or something? Then locking him up in a cupboard? All very strange, definitely more to them.
Myrtle stealing the jewelry had me rolling
2nd bold: I'm thinking it might be a 'Carrie' situation, and Luke might be a male witch w/ his own powers... hmm!
Voodoo witch reviving the zombies and attacking the girls?
And just why would Hank not only shoot Joan but linger on her before shooting her. It's almost like we were being told that Hank wanted to kill Joan - which makes me wonder if she is indeed a witch (but like Murphy said - a splinter coven of sorts who worship Jesus rather than some other kind of deity / god)
EDIT: Interview with Ryan Murphy is up.
Angela is coming back hopefully. Kathy is coming back hopefully. Jessica, Sarah, Evan. Franny Conroy we want to come back. We have a great part for her. And new people too! I love an actor I did The Normal Heart with, Finn Wittrock.
i wonder if this is further proof that Luke Ramsey is gay, or at least his mom caught him (likely on the receiving end of a pounding) with a guy, and thus began the 'cleansing him from inside out' routine whenever she feels he's up to 'unclean' business. smh
Taissa's name being notably absent from that list made me smile.Enough Evan please. No more Taissa either.
If he was gay though, why would his mom forbid him from going shirtless around girls?