The basic idea is that if Sony is planning on releasing a handheld in the future, why not make a version of it that is not portable?
And to tie the branding together, the handheld and its non-handheld should be called the PS6 and PS6 portable. PS6 Pro will be the traditional x86 and the only one with backwards compatibility.
This strategy also solves the problem that $699 - $999 console will shrink the market.
$399 console should remain available next generation. But the branding and marketing is the end-all and be-all. By calling it PS6 and PS6 portable, people will understand that ALL PS6 games will release on it too.
PS6, PS6 Portable, and PS6 Pro will all release at the same time or at least the same quarter. Optional PS6 Pro Max available 3-4 years down the road if there is market for it.
With proper and advanced tools, Sony can perhaps make the development process between the two machines as seamless as PS5 to PS5 pro.
And to tie the branding together, the handheld and its non-handheld should be called the PS6 and PS6 portable. PS6 Pro will be the traditional x86 and the only one with backwards compatibility.
This strategy also solves the problem that $699 - $999 console will shrink the market.
$399 console should remain available next generation. But the branding and marketing is the end-all and be-all. By calling it PS6 and PS6 portable, people will understand that ALL PS6 games will release on it too.
PS6, PS6 Portable, and PS6 Pro will all release at the same time or at least the same quarter. Optional PS6 Pro Max available 3-4 years down the road if there is market for it.
With proper and advanced tools, Sony can perhaps make the development process between the two machines as seamless as PS5 to PS5 pro.