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AndyPants Gaming: The Pussification of Videogames

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Not sure if you’ve worked on a big collaborative production, but in the development teams I’ve been a part of, there was never a set goal to make something purely DEI-focused. There were definitely discussions about inclusion, but the primary objective was always to create a fun product that people would like and buy.
I bet most of these AAA studios aren’t sitting around the office talking to each other about what kind of DEI and other trash they can put into these games.

It just naturally happens though because of the type of people these teams are made up of nowadays. Look at any pictures of current-day AAA studio teams and it all begins to make sense.

It’s an unspoken evolution that has infested modern gaming through the advent of the woke mind virus and the new-age developers that make up the industry.
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Not sure if you’ve worked on a big collaborative production, but in the development teams I’ve been a part of, there was never a set goal to make something purely DEI-focused. There were definitely discussions about inclusion, but the primary objective was always to create a fun product that people would like and buy.

So you are indeed a woke dev… it all makes sense now.


I bet most of these AAA studios aren’t sitting around the office talking to each other about what kind of DEI and other trash they can put into these games.

It just naturally happens though because of the type of people these teams are made up of nowadays. Look at any pictures of current-day AAA studio teams and it all begins to make sense.

It’s an unspoken evolution that has infested modern gaming through the advent of the woke mind virus and the new-age developers that make up the industry.
Don't forget that music and the film industry had similar mainstream trends that other industry peers hated, and after a few years you get pushback in the form of productions try to be the opposite of what's popular, and becoming popular in the process. Just wait for that time to come for AAA gaming. Not in the upcoming years, but maybe the next generation.
True, says it right here on my id-card: 'woke-dev', haha

Christ, I hope you read back what you write down and cringe at least a little. Absolutely insufferable.

There isn’t a single point I’ve made that you are capable of rebutting. You however have been wrong about almost everything you have said. You have an unhealthy habit of dismissing things that cause you to question your perspectives. To be succinct, you argue in bad faith, are belligerent, have repeatedly refused to acknowledge where you have got it wrong and throw labels at anyone with a conflicting opinion. Who is really the insufferable one here?
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There isn’t a single point I’ve made that you are capable of rebutting. You however have been wrong about almost everything you have said. You have an unhealthy habit of dismissing things that cause you to question your perspectives. To be succinct, you argue in bad faith, are belligerent, have repeatedly refused to acknowledge where you have got it wrong and throw labels anyone with a conflicting opinion. Who is really the insufferable one here
Preach king, absolutely objective true and not at all diluted with scapegoating brainrot.

I'm not going to entertain rehashing arguments you interpret as 'false'. Can't help you with that. Hopefully you read up on epistemological thinking, and reassess how you process information and trying to decouple it from your own underlying biases and 'feelings'.
Preach king, absolutely objective true and not at all diluted with scapegoating brainrot.

I'm not going to entertain rehashing arguments you interpret as 'false'. Can't help you with that. Hopefully you read up on epistemological thinking, and reassess how you process information and trying to decouple it from your own underlying biases and 'feelings'.

Textbook projection. You are literally describing yourself.
This isn't the forum to be discussing this, but there's a lot of possible causes of both declining testosterone in male humans and also more alarmingly declining sperm counts over the past 50 years. The decline in sperm counts, if it continues at the rate it has been, will quite literally create a Children of Men scenario for humanity where most male humans are no longer capable of reproducing within the next 50 years.
Nature always balancing it self out. To many humans fucking up the world.


Gold Member
You don’t HAVE to play these games.
I have no skin in this race but this took my attention.

I don't buy their products and they label me with negative words that have lost all their meaning due to amount of misuse.

I buy product I like that they don't like and I still end up with the same result. I get labeled with negative stuff.

Despite all that I can still ignore it. Problem is they won't. They specifically go for things that I like and when fans who support those things come in droves, they count that as their win. See. People do like our stuff.

Leave me alone.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
IbizaPocholo IbizaPocholo with the thread of the year

jack black salute GIF
Preach king, absolutely objective true and not at all diluted with scapegoating brainrot.

I'm not going to entertain rehashing arguments you interpret as 'false'. Can't help you with that. Hopefully you read up on epistemological thinking, and reassess how you process information and trying to decouple it from your own underlying biases and 'feelings'.

It’s objectively true that wokeness is trash and everything it touches becomes trash.


But according to that graph most of the increase comes from mobile games, which I'd bet comes mostly from gachas that are full of cute chicks.

Like seriously, I doubt any of that growth is because of games like Concord, Dustborn, Flintlocks and the like.
I think the graph also tells that it hasn't gone down in any of the platform categories.

Maybe not from those games but then it would mean that the premise of the video is faulty as only "some games" have been affected by that trend and the overall impact is neglible at best or the market as a whole has actually received those changes well enough to keep purchasing.

I haven't watched the video but I think I have an idea of it's contents. Personally I only play what I like and don't care about what I don't. I don't even know what Concord, Dustborn and Flintlock are about but I don't mind their existence.
True, like projecting 'modern gaming sucks because everything woke!😡'.


I wouldn’t say that. I am a staunch proponent of the free market. If there is indeed an audience for woke games then by all means. Fortunately there isn’t. Almost every new IP designed to appeal to the mythical ‘modern audience’ fails… hell, look at Concord and Dustborn as the two latest examples. Both unquestionably woke and both unquestionable failures. Whilst games that ignore calls to inject DEI like Black Myth: Wukong break records.

The troubling part of this is that multiple others in this thread have attempted to correct your myriad of incorrect assertions. Even when you give sources they do not support the claims you are making. You refuse to discuss demographics, or to acknowledge clear instances where a DEI or a ‘woke‘ pivot has caused irrevocable damage to a franchise. You make up nonsense such as ‘MCU fatigue’ as justification for why a game like Concord failed. Your ego just won’t allow you to acknowledge the truth. That your ideas have been rejected and that there aren’t enough people that think like you to support them.
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I wouldn’t say that. I am a staunch proponent of the free market. If there is indeed an audience for woke games then by all means. Fortunately there isn’t. Almost every new IP designed to appeal to the mythical ‘modern audience’ fails… hell, look at Concord and Dustborn as the two latest examples. Both unquestionably woke and both unquestionable failures. Whilst games that ignore calls to inject DEI like Black Myth: Wukong break records.

The troubling part of this is that multiple others in this thread have attempted to correct your myriad of incorrect assertions. Even when you give sources they do not support the claims you are making. You refuse to discuss demographics, or to acknowledge clear instances where a DEI or a ‘woke‘ pivot has caused irrevocable damage to a franchise. You make up nonsense such as ‘MCU fatigue’ as justification for why a game like Concord failed. Your ego just won’t allow you to acknowledge the truth. That your ideas have been rejected and that there aren’t enough people that think like you to support them.
I'm still spitting through the myriad of sources I received... That one Capcom link.

If you can repeat my position back to me, it'll be a good litmus test if we understand each other at least. Sounds good?
Was Half-Life 2 trash because it had a black female co-protagonist that wasn't boobed out? True
No. Because that character wasn’t forced into the game through a political/ideological agenda.

That’s the difference between then and now.

Same reason nobody was calling Cat Woman woke back in 2004 because it starred a black woman instead of a white woman. You know why? Because Halle Berry didn’t get that role because she was “marginalized”. She got that role because she was hot as fuck and was a good fit for the movie they wanted to make.


A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.
That's.. wait you're talking about most on this thread right now. Weird.

Also, not at all what it means haha.

"Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination."


So Duke Nukem?

Why are you minimizing the argument? The point isnt sales you cursive fungi. Its about the shift in culture in gaming, pandering to a marginal community. We already knew gaming was going to become the biggest entertainment industry back in 2004.

Anyways, I would like to bring on an actual problem occurring, the lowering of testosterone in all males. Wtf happened? I'm starting to feel gynocomastica come on because of feels and nasty hormone injected foods.
Lol! Some people think video games are still for kids so miss. With a "shift in culture."
That's.. wait you're talking about most on this thread right now. Weird.

Also, not at all what it means haha.
Yes it is.

"Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination."
That's absolutely not what the definition is.

I'm actually not even sure what your stance is on the topic, but I do know you're simply objectively wrong about all of it. Confidently wrong ... to the point that I'm concerned for your well being.

seth meyers get help GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
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Yes it is.

That's absolutely not what the definition is.

I'm actually not even sure what your stance is on the topic, but I do know you're simply objectively wrong about all of it. Confidently wrong ... to the point that I'm concerned for your well being.

seth meyers get help GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
Nice, you're in some private language territory over here. I can't argue with your schizophrenia, if you can't even agree on the Wikipedia definition.

Or is Wikipedia compromised too because of wokeness?

Kings Field

Start doing what my hospital does, hire people based on how qualified they are or not. We went away from hiring people based solely on college degrees and started demanding undergrad GPA, MCAT, GRE scores, USMLE step scores, and also research that was conducted before hiring any physicians or mid-level practitioners.

We noticed that quality of patient outcomes was starting to decline and narrowed it down to we are taking anyone with a MD, DO, PA, or NP degree. We had to start turning away certain applicants because the diversity push by colleges and post grad was ruining medicine and healthcare in general. Taking people based solely on skin color or sexual orientation was negatively effecting patient outcomes because a lot of these institutions would take someone of a certain demographic who was a 2.8 GPA student over another person of a different demographic who was a 3.8 student and scored highly on the MCATs.

TLDR: you have to hire people QUALIFIED for the job and not because you want to appease certain people. Same holds true for any industry.


I was responding to his comment about the drop in testosterone in males and how society as a whole has contributed to it. Gaming is not a big contributing factor to this phenomenon. The woke mind virus that has infested every institution, especially education, social media, big tech, the military, DEI hiring processes, the new dating culture, dating apps, and about a million other things that have told men to stop being men is to blame. It’s everything as a whole together that is causing a new generation of weak, low testosterone, effeminate, mentally castrated men that hate themselves because they’re told they can’t BE themselves.

Adult Obesity is probably a much bigger issue than any of these ‘DEI’ or ‘woke’ stuff people continually rail against. But I guess the low hanging fruit is always the easier target.
I have no skin in this race but this took my attention.

I don't buy their products and they label me with negative words that have lost all their meaning due to amount of misuse.

I buy product I like that they don't like and I still end up with the same result. I get labeled with negative stuff.

Despite all that I can still ignore it. Problem is they won't. They specifically go for things that I like and when fans who support those things come in droves, they count that as their win. See. People do like our stuff.

Leave me alone.

How exactly are they labeling you with negative words when you’re supposedly not buying their games or interacting with them in any way?


Nice, you're in some private language territory over here. I can't argue with your schizophrenia, if you can't even agree on the Wikipedia definition.

Or is Wikipedia compromised too because of wokeness?

To think your own definition even included the word ‘originally’…
Nice, you're in some private language territory over here. I can't argue with your schizophrenia, if you can't even agree on the Wikipedia definition.

Or is Wikipedia compromised too because of wokeness?
Anyone can edit Wikipedia, and it's been widely recognized for a very long time as a completely unreliable source of information. We weren't allowed to use it as a source even ages ago when I was still in school for this very reason. Just look at the ridiculous Yasuke controversy during the Assassin's Creed debacle. Wikipedia was edited like a battlefield (mostly by the guy that made up the entire backstory of Yasuke and wrote a book about it, and the character in the game is based on that book). And this isn't about private language, it's about understanding the concept. A concept you clearly don't understand. Your idea of 'woke' seems to be a black person appearing in a game. That's not woke. Woke is a destructive ideology that replaces logic with identity politics, elevating one group at the expense of another. It's when meritocracy is tossed aside for affirmative action and DEI hiring practices, where skin color outweighs hard work and merit, leaving more qualified people sidelined. It's when good stories and characters are sacrificed on the altar of an ideological agenda, stunting the creative process. It's like communism, wrapped in ideas of equity, where everyone ends up in the same place regardless of effort. Woke is a pervasive, destructive force that ruins everything it touches, fueling division and hate, while those in power manipulate the chaos to maintain control.
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While I agree with the general sentiment that gaming has lost its edge and wokeness is cancer, I had to turn the video off after 30 seconds. Man is stuck in 2016 "owning the libs" mode. There also comes a point when you sound so obsessed with masculinity that it just sounds gay, like a 'straight' person watching a porn scene and complaining that the dick isn't big enough.


Gold Member
Adult Obesity is probably a much bigger issue than any of these ‘DEI’ or ‘woke’ stuff people continually rail against. But I guess the low hanging fruit is always the easier target.

How exactly are they labeling you with negative words when you’re supposedly not buying their games or interacting with them in any way?
I don't buy and like concord and I get called a talentless freak.

I buy Wukong and Stellar Blade and I get blamed for supporting misogyny. Specifically blames white people. I got offended and I'm not even white.


While I agree with the general sentiment that gaming has lost its edge and wokeness is cancer, I had to turn the video off after 30 seconds. Man is stuck in 2016 "owning the libs" mode. There also comes a point when you sound so obsessed with masculinity that it just sounds gay, like a 'straight' person watching a porn scene and complaining that the dick isn't big enough.
I just keep looking at my own. It always amazes me


Anyone can edit Wikipedia, and it's been widely recognized for a very long time as a completely unreliable source of information. We weren't allowed to use it as a source even ages ago when I was still in school for this very reason. Just look at the ridiculous Yasuke controversy during the Assassin's Creed debacle. Wikipedia was edited like a battlefield (mostly by the guy that made up the entire backstory of Yasuke and wrote a book about it, and the character in the game is based on that book). And this isn't about private language It's about understanding the concept. A concept you clearly don't understand. Your idea of 'woke' seems to be a black person appearing in a game. That's not woke. Woke is a destructive ideology that replaces logic with identity politics, elevating one group at the expense of another. It's when meritocracy is tossed aside for affirmative action and DEI hiring practices, where skin color outweighs hard work and merit, leaving more qualified people sidelined. It's when good stories and characters are sacrificed on the altar of an ideological agenda, stunting the creative process. It's like communism, wrapped in ideas of equity, where everyone ends up in the same place regardless of effort. Woke is a pervasive, destructive force that ruins everything it touches, fueling division and hate, while those in power manipulate the chaos to maintain control.
Cool, so no one can be trusted, gotya.

"I didn't say that" then referring to some partizan hacks online.

Do you even trust the car you drive, or the food you buy?

I hope you know that the Wikipedia edit team is pretty strict with definitions. The whole 'genocide gaza definition' debacle was a big deal a while ago.
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I don't buy and like concord and I get called a talentless freak.

I buy Wukong and Stellar Blade and I get blamed for supporting misogyny. Specifically blames white people. I got offended and I'm not even white.
Screaming hyperbole is the currency of the internet at this point. If you're a non white male getting a job at this point, half the forum will say you're a checklist DEI hire. Black person or woman in a video game or movie lead role, it's WOKE. Learn to ignore the shit that doesnt apply to you because 99% of the people screaming the shit you posted and also my example are fucking retarded.
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Start doing what my hospital does, hire people based on how qualified they are or not. We went away from hiring people based solely on college degrees and started demanding undergrad GPA, MCAT, GRE scores, USMLE step scores, and also research that was conducted before hiring any physicians or mid-level practitioners.

We noticed that quality of patient outcomes was starting to decline and narrowed it down to we are taking anyone with a MD, DO, PA, or NP degree. We had to start turning away certain applicants because the diversity push by colleges and post grad was ruining medicine and healthcare in general. Taking people based solely on skin color or sexual orientation was negatively effecting patient outcomes because a lot of these institutions would take someone of a certain demographic who was a 2.8 GPA student over another person of a different demographic who was a 3.8 student and scored highly on the MCATs.

TLDR: you have to hire people QUALIFIED for the job and not because you want to appease certain people. Same holds true for any industry.

I completely agree. Mediocre employees will produce a mediocre product. Merit should be the only metric that matters. 343 is a good example of this mediocrity and DEI hiring focus in practice. Diversity certainly wasn’t the strength of that studio.
Cool, so no one can be trusted, gotya.

"I didn't say that" then referring to some partizan hacks online.

Do you even trust the car you drive, or the food you buy?

I hope you know that Wikipedia edit team is pretty strick with definitions. The whole 'genocide gaza definition' debacle was a big deal a while ago.
You're missing the point entirely. It’s not about trusting nothing. It's about being critical of sources that can be manipulated. Just because Wikipedia has a strict edit team doesn’t make it infallible, as was made glaringly obvious during the recent Yasuke incident. It’s still subject to bias and agenda-driven edits, as history has shown over and over and over again. Comparing that to trusting a car or food is a dumb analogy. A car doesn’t change its safety standards based on who’s driving it, and food doesn’t alter its nutritional value because of who’s eating it. But free flow of information? That can be twisted and skewed by anyone with an agenda. Wikipedia is absolutely not an exception to this. So ... no ... I don't blindly trust a platform that can be edited by anyone with an internet connection and a chip on their shoulder. If you think that’s the same as not trusting your car or food, then you’ve ... again ... completely missed the point.

Screaming hyperbole is the currency of the internet at this point. If you're a non white male getting a job at this point, half the forum will say you're a checklist DEI hire. Black person or woman in a video game or movie lead role, it's WOKE. Learn to ignore the shit that doesnt apply to you because 99% of the people screaming the shit you posted and also my example are fucking retarded.
Asian people are the most affected by DEI hiring. You don't know what you're talking about.
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Lol, 'epistemically*' you mean. Good one chief.

Times up: It wasn't, cause nobody cared back then in 2004. Why should you care now?



I completely agree. Mediocre employees will produce a mediocre product. Merit should be the only metric that matters. 343 is a good example of this mediocrity and DEI hiring focus in practice. Diversity certainly wasn’t the strength of that studio.
The only real problem with this statement, in the US at least, is that meritocracies haven't been a thing for literal decades. Anybody worth a shit is literally just jumping job to job to job because that's the only way you can get pay increases in the modern work paradigm. Most people aren't out here doing good work, they're just working enough to not get fired.

If companies were actually interested in improving their products, whether it be video games or otherwise, they'd stop siphoning money up to the C suite and start attracting and retaining talent by putting that money where the actual work is done.


You're missing the point entirely. It’s not about trusting nothing. It's about being critical of sources that can be manipulated. Just because Wikipedia has a strict edit team doesn’t make it infallible, as was made glaringly obvious during the recent Yasuke incident. It’s still subject to bias and agenda-driven edits, as history has shown over and over and over again. Comparing that to trusting a car or food is a dumb analogy. A car doesn’t change its safety standards based on who’s driving it, and food doesn’t alter its nutritional value because of who’s eating it. But free flow of information? That can be twisted and skewed by anyone with an agenda. Wikipedia is absolutely not an exception to this. So ... no ... I don't blindly trust a platform that can be edited by anyone with an internet connection and a chip on their shoulder. If you think that’s the same as not trusting your car or food, then you’ve ... again ... completely missed the point.
  • I asked for a common definition on the term woke, so we're on the same page, can't even get that. Instead someone referring to some private language horseshit definition.
  • Getting called bad faith for having a moderate stance on the whole thing. Meanwhile, others on see woke/inclusivity as inherently evil and destructive without any measurable proof other then 'feelz'
  • Asked for counter evidence on some statistics, only got one Capcom link about gender playing Capcom games.
  • I asked for one the folks on here kindly if he could describe my position back to me, just so that we can understand each other. Didn't hear back.
I'm getting trolled over here hahaha. It must be. It's been fun guys, i'm out this retard hole.
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Dunno about that video, but there's no denying men are losing their grit in a world gone soft.
clint eastwood GIF

I completely agree. I hail from Scotland and feel like the last of a dying breed.

Ultimately, I have to blame the devs. In-fact, we have one in our midst. Hey H HL3.exe , whats your take on this? You had one right… I wonder, on a scale of 1 - 10 how masculine would you say the ‘men’ you work alongside are?
Anything to do with diversity, equity, and inclusion is woke. It’s also themes surrounding colonialism, intersectionality, institutional racism, identity politics, and feminism on top of many other leftist themes.

If you’re straight, that’s a paddlin’, if you’re White, that’s a paddlin’, if you’re Christian, well you better believe that’s a paddlin’.


Cool, so no one can be trusted, gotya.

"I didn't say that" then referring to some partizan hacks online.

Do you even trust the car you drive, or the food you buy?

I hope you know that the Wikipedia edit team is pretty strict with definitions. The whole 'genocide gaza definition' debacle was a big deal a while ago.
I use Wikipedia too. But I don't believe it can be considered an authority on many topics.
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