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Apple to hold iPhone 4 press conference this Friday

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Kano On The Phone said:
Half of those were jokes and anyone with any sense, no matter how much they love their iPad or Apple, told the OP to stay the fuck away from the iPad as an eReader. You're really reaching.
There was a debate on why iPad was better in the thread where the OP didn't want to compare. A mod had to intervene. There's no reaching.
njean777 said:
seriously doubt that, apple has never screwed up like this. Other companies have many of times. This is apples first huge screw up. If they are smart they will save face and ppl will almost instantly look past this and remember that apple handled the problem the right way. Which will lead to more customer loyalty. Now they could totally screw themselves over today but we shall see.

this is apple's first huge screwup?.. i remember some shit about the 1st iPhone iirc.


SnowWolf said:
Will there be streams of this or just live blogs? My dad wants to watch the conference :lol
There rarely are live streams out there, but often the people at twit.tv gets a hold of a clandestine stream
and then they proceed to talk over it
projekt84 said:
People would obviously hop threads to the other side to show their love/hate to the opposing end.

Maybe we should have to pledge allegience to a particular side. Like stating you're a democrat or a republican. Then we can put an Apple Logo or an Apple Logo with an X through it beside the Username. That way, anti-applers can be identified in the pro-apple thread.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
When I'm asked if I have any problems with my phone, I snap back that I do, it's people asking me about it.

I don't even get why anyone is interested in what my phone can or can't do. It's like the new console wars, except normal people are giving a shit about what others own now.
And this, I imagine, is exactly what was meant with the "Apple's Vista" quote.
DeathNote said:
There was a debate on why iPad was better in the thread where the OP didn't want to compare. A mod had to intervene. There's no reaching.
I don't see where my point is inaccurate. I didn't say everyone had sense.

Piper Az

I think people who are asking for a recall are nuts. If you're not satisfied with it, you can still return it for full refund.


Fisticuffs said:
this is apple's first huge screwup?.. i remember some shit about the 1st iPhone iirc.

if there was its all but forgotten, how many people in this thread have brought that up? Apple is not Microsoft and probably will never be either. If they handle this problem with care they can def. pull more loyalty their way. I just hope the people at apple are savvy to this aspect.


njean777 said:
seriously doubt that, apple has never screwed up like this. Other companies have many of times. This is apples first huge screw up. If they are smart they will save face and ppl will almost instantly look past this and remember that apple handled the problem the right way. Which will lead to more customer loyalty. Now they could totally screw themselves over today but we shall see.

How can you doubt that there will be a good number of people that will refrain from being early adopters because of this?

Yes, if Apple handles this well, they can build on their long-term relationship with consumers, ala Tylenol in the 1980s. But it will take some time to shake this off.


DoctorWho said:
Maybe we should have to pledge allegience to a particular side. Like stating your a democrat or a republican. Then we can put an Apple Logo or an Apple Logo with an X through it beside the Username. That way, anti-applers can be identified in the pro-apple thread.
Why not, it worked for the World cup :lol
Dreams-Visions said:
the iPhone won't leave AT&T.

it may not be exclusive next year. but it won't leave AT&T to go somewhere else.
That is what I meant, and I am sure others knew what I meant. It will go play in other networks as well as AT&T. We know it wont LEAVE, but it will play in a lot of pools eventually.


Kindle thread crap, while stupid, doesn't make a bit of difference. If anything, it was only significant because it was apple fanboys tearing through a non related thread.

Other than that, don't pretend the children hadn't been flinging mud around long before that thread ever existed.
projekt84 said:
People would obviously hop threads to the other side to show their love/hate to the opposing end.
Nah it should be like elections where you have to declare your party allegiance and then you're only allowed to post in that thread!

EDIT: Someone beat me to it! :lol


AstroLad said:
Anyone else who doesn't even own or consider buying an iPhone 4 really excited about today? I've been following this story since the beginning and this is pretty much the crescendo -- but it could go any way; no one really has any idea. More fun than the recent E3s even. :D

wait lol why?


Junior Member
Fersis said:
You guys should make two threads:
- We love Apple |OT| -
- We hate Apple |OT| -

Then no one would get banned or anything like that. :3
What happens to those that love some Apple products/news but hate others? Do we get to hang in both threads?
RevoDS said:
What happens to those that love some Apple products/news but hate others? Do we get to hang in both threads?
That's a far too measured and reasonable attitude to be posting with in these threads. Don't you know how this works? If you like something about Apple that must mean you're a distortion-field Jobs disciple. If you dislike something about Apple you're a blinkered hater!


DoctorWho said:
Maybe we should have to pledge allegience to a particular side. Like stating you're a democrat or a republican. Then we can put an Apple Logo or an Apple Logo with an X through it beside the Username. That way, anti-applers can be identified in the pro-apple thread.
Not sure which I'd choose. I love my Apple computers but dislike how the company operates in the mobile space.

I also don't have an irrational hatred of windows despite using only macs at home, so Im just not hardcore-Apple enough.


Kano On The Phone said:
I don't see where my point is inaccurate. I didn't say everyone had sense.
You post suggests it was mostly full of one line jokes. There was a big debate between iPad fans on a post purchase high and and e-ink supporters. Many people still feel the iPad is better. People are entitled to an opinion, so you can't say their preference makes no sense and is wrong. It just didn't belong in that thread.


Gold Member
Dreams-Visions said:
then surely he learned his lesson and bought an iPad.

though at this point, the eReaders have come down just about low enough for people to start really buying them finally. I have an iPad but would like to have a Kindle DX. easier for long reading.

Kinda a tangent, but can Kindle books be stripped of DRM yet? Even if I bought a Kindle, which I have no desire to in its current state, I'd never buy a single book off Amazon until I knew the format could be opened up to allow me to take my purchases to another eReader if I bought something after the Kindle.

The great thing about the iPad / iPhone is you have access to dozens of different eStores including Amazon's, B&Ns, Borders, Apple's, etc... even still, I see no point in purchasing any kind of book media from a store using a format that hasn't been cracked, and is able to be read in good apps.

I'd prefer keeping all my digital books in a single app, such as Stanza (iBooks is lacking some nice features that Stanza has), rather than splitting my library between 5 or 6 apps, and having to remember which store I bought which book from. Plus they'd all be in an open format, so if for some reason I couldn't use Stanza anymore, I wouldn't have to jump through hurdles to get my collection working on another app, like I would if my books had some kind of DRM in them.

I cannot fathom how it is legal to sell books that can only be read in a single eReader device. It'd be like if the music you bought online only worked in a single music player.


badcrumble said:
it's hilarious that people are comparing this iPhone problem to the Toyota stuff and now to this, as though iPhones are killing people

literally the same responses over and over is that all these people do lol

Just hang out and half assedly try to backhand a company

No one really has all the info it hasn't even been out for a month yet

howbout we wait till we get all the info lol
teiresias said:
Not sure which I'd choose. I love my Apple computers but dislike how the company operates in the mobile space.

I also don't have an irrational hatred of windows despite using only macs at home, so Im just not hardcore-Apple enough.
That sounds like me. I love their products and use Macs, but some of the corporate decisions and PR stuff they do drives me up the damn wall. I also don't even own a smartphone yet. I guess I am a double agent then.
I like my RDF filter better, any one that disagree with the Steveness will be filtered out and be replaced with a picture of Steve during a keynote.
Tobor said:
This is the reason they're introducing tiered data. Customers en-masse are lowering their voice plans, many to the lowest amount allowed.

Well there are other reasons for doing that. Like Sprint offers free mobile to mobile to any service. So that pretty much means unlimited calling for the cheapest rate. AT&T offers free mobile to mobile on anyone using AT&T so that means all my calls to my wife don't count against our minutes and when she talks to her sister or I talk to my nieces, that doesn't count either. Add on top of that the roll over minutes that AT&T does, and I've got a ton of unused minutes sitting around. So for me, and I'm sure others, it's not that they're not usng it as a phone, but the way the plans are set up, they don't need the higher minutes because of the perks their provider gives them on calling.
Minsc said:
I cannot fathom how it is legal to sell books that can only be read in a single eReader device. It'd be like if the music you bought online only worked in a single music player.

er...you know that's how online music purchases worked for quite a few years? Of course, the move to non-DRM music is definitely much better, and that's obviously the ideal, but I'm surprised you thought a DRM book could somehow be considered illegal :p


kindle app let's you transfer or share your books

Also most online stuff errr its common for them to allow you to share stuff across multiple devices





Etc no?


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
When I'm asked if I have any problems with my phone, I snap back that I do, it's people asking me about it.

I don't even get why anyone is interested in what my phone can or can't do. It's like the new console wars, except normal people are giving a shit about what others own now.

You don't understand why an uninformed person would seek out a personal opinion of a relatively expensive, popular product they may consider purchasing for themselves, family, or friends?

Tobor said:
I have a nagging fear that this won't end it. Luckily, idiot normals have the attention span of goldfish, they'll move on to something else regardless of what happens this afternoon.

"Idiot normals"? :lol


If they do announce free bumpers, they better make sure everyone receives one. None of this out stock crap.
Minsc said:
Kinda a tangent, but can Kindle books be stripped of DRM yet? Even if I bought a Kindle, which I have no desire to in its current state, I'd never buy a single book off Amazon until I knew the format could be opened up to allow me to take my purchases to another eReader if I bought something after the Kindle.

The great thing about the iPad / iPhone is you have access to dozens of different eStores including Amazon's, B&Ns, Borders, Apple's, etc... even still, I see no point in purchasing any kind of book media from a store using a format that hasn't been cracked, and is able to be read in good apps.

I'd prefer keeping all my digital books in a single app, such as Stanza (iBooks is lacking some nice features that Stanza has), rather than splitting my library between 5 or 6 apps, and having to remember which store I bought which book from. Plus they'd all be in an open format, so if for some reason I couldn't use Stanza anymore, I wouldn't have to jump through hurdles to get my collection working on another app, like I would if my books had some kind of DRM in them.

I cannot fathom how it is legal to sell books that can only be read in a single eReader device. It'd be like if the music you bought online only worked in a single music player.

You can strip the DRM off a Kindle book and port it to other formats. People have been doing that to get Kindle books on a Nook.
Gary Whitta said:
That's a far too measured and reasonable attitude to be posting with in these threads. Don't you know how this works? If you like something about Apple that must mean you're a distortion-field Jobs disciple. If you dislike something about Apple you're a blinkered hater!

I have an Ipod Touch, an XBOX 360, a PS3, and a Wii, but Identify as a hardcore PC Gamer.

im...so lost.


Gold Member
soul creator said:
er...you know that's how online music purchases worked for quite a few years? Of course, the move to non-DRM music is definitely much better, and that's obviously the ideal, but I'm surprised you thought a DRM book could somehow be considered illegal :p

I just think you should be able to buy a book, and not have to be restricted to using a single book reader. There's nothing in the book other than the DRM preventing it from working on other devices (just like a mp3/m4a), where as a 360 game is coded specifically for the 360, so it's more understandable it won't work on a PS3.

The DRM is not there to keep you from using another device to read the book afaik, it is there to keep you from stealing the books or e-mailing them to your friends, or whatever.

Marty Chinn said:
You can strip the DRM off a Kindle book and port it to other formats. People have been doing that to get Kindle books on a Nook.

That's good to know. Hopefully in a few years, no one will need to do it, but it does make finding the lowest price a bit easier, having more stores to choose between.


Let's not pretend that Apple users don't get carried away in the company's defense. We've had them defending: no copy-paste, no multitasking, no wallpapers, no folders/categorization, no front-facing camera -- just to name a few of the decisions Apple themselves reconsidered. This particular incidence has one group saying it doesn't affect me, so what's the big deal (hey, it's only voice reception, pfft), another group claiming that the bumper is designed in the manner it is because glass on both sides doesn't need protection; but the stainless steel bezel does!?

The way Apple handled this situation has also been terrible so far, which is very un-Apple like: the bizarre emails, the ridiculous PR... I agree that the issue is blown way out of proportion but it's nobody's fault but Apple's. They could have resolved it weeks ago if they didn't think they could get away with it.

I love my iDevices but the way this situation was handled thus far has been atrocious.


Marty Chinn said:
You can strip the DRM off a Kindle book and port it to other formats. People have been doing that to get Kindle books on a Nook.

Oh, I need to look for this so I can read my books on Linux.
antispin said:
because glass on both sides doesn't need protection; but the stainless steel bezel does!?
Of course not, but where the hell else are you going to put the case then? You're not making any sense, and this isn't difficult. It has an extended lip that goes beyond the depth of the device to protect from falls and table scratches.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Courtesy of macrumors. Hyped up about a small announcement. :)

ZombieSupaStar said:
I have an Ipod Touch, an XBOX 360, a PS3, and a Wii, but Identify as a hardcore PC Gamer.

im...so lost.
I'm an Xbot in the Gaming Threads when I support Microsoft and an Apple bot in the OT when I bash Microsoft for their failures (Kin, Vista, etc). This is NeoGAF dude!
Chittagong said:
Seems the Apple hatorade is reaching fever pitch! Today's silly stuff:

The Register renames the jesusphone - now it's the judasphone:

Original iPhone commercial recreated with iOS4 on iPhone 3G:

Apple deserves it this time though and it's all Steve Job's fault IMO. I was giving Apple the benefit of the doubt in this case and refused to believe that they could have blundered something so obvious. I was in the wait patiently and see what happens until Steve replied to that e-mail to not hold it that way. After that response, I was pissed at their stance and smugness over the whole thing.


Marty Chinn said:
Apple deserves it this time though and it's all Steve Job's fault IMO. I was giving Apple the benefit of the doubt in this case and refused to believe that they could have blundered something so obvious. I was in the wait patiently and see what happens until Steve replied to that e-mail to not hold it that way. After that response, I was pissed at their stance and smugness over the whole thing.

Weren't those emails revealed to be fake?
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