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Apple to hold iPhone 4 press conference this Friday

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Look whatever they decide I don't even care but

I have never seen an apple conference before, do they all have these goofy powerpoint presentations that kinda mimic their ad style?

Say what you will about Apple, iphone, ipods (I like Ipods!) or this debacle but

goddamn they are one sleek machine company


Gary Whitta said:
I've never seen one before, I guess I'm not as awesome as you.
You can go to a chamber at any local university if you are nice and ask someone. No need to be awesome, that's for sure. The chamber itself though, so very awesome. Who doesn't like listening to their own heart beat without any device to aid in the hearing.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Ramma2 said:
Agreed. I'm on my 3rd generation of ipod, my wife is on her 2nd of the iphone. I am a fan of both yet still I can see everything that is crazy about this.
yea seriously.
I'm just reading this stuff it seems so ridiculous. Throwing other phones under the bus? You know whenever I got in trouble as a kid the "they were doing it too!" line never worked.


gcubed said:
i would think a 0.5% complaint rate isn't a big deal... though i have no idea

Compared to other companies, not at all. But Apple decided to damage control, so they are going to get tomatoes thrown at them.



So how do call drops compare?

The iPhone 4 drops more calls per 100 than the 3GS

So, how many more calls per 100 does iPhone 4 drop than 3GS?

... drumroll....

drops less than one call per hundred than the 3GS.


we want to drive this lower than the 3GS

there's the key quote now.



I don't get this. The problem was never about dropping calls but dropping the signal so you were unable to even start the call wasn't it?


“I can tell you that since we’re being totally transparent, even though we believe the iPhone’s antenna is superior, the data says the iPhone 4 drops more calls than the 3GS. But how many more calls per hundred does it drop?”



Gold Member

Wait, he actually confirms it drops more calls than 3GS? Let's say 3GS drops 1 call per 100. It can't be very many. So this is a 100% increase.


Oh wow, they really better make this right for those of you having the issue, as of now it looks like a bunch of excuses and justification for the existing issue.
I buy that this is super arrogant, but will the hard data on returns and AT&T's logs of dropped calls finally shut up everyone that thinks people without problems are just defensive fanboys?


10:25AM "This is hard data... the iPhone 4 drops less than one additional call per 100 than the 3GS. Less than one."

10:24AM "Even though we think the iPhone 4 is superior to the 3GS antenna... it drops more calls per 100 than the 3GS. We're being transparent. So how many more does it drop than the 3GS?"

smh, so much smug douche in these statements


ZZMitch said:
So how many calls are dropped out of 100 calls? Did they say? :lol
1 more then the 3GS.

Seriously. It was a lead-in to the point that the 4 is fine compared to the 3GS....


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
I buy that this is super arrogant, but will the hard data on returns and AT&T's logs of dropped calls finally shut up everyone that thinks people without problems are just defensive fanboys?
No, people's real world history with the issue will always outweigh any data to the contrary.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
I buy that this is super arrogant, but will the hard data on returns and AT&T's logs of dropped calls finally shut up everyone that thinks people without problems are just defensive fanboys?
Take a guess, what do you think?


never heard about the cat, apparently
only drops less than one call per 100 than 3GS. But how many calls does 3GS drop per 100?


I remember being called a conspiracy theorist when I said they already knew about it before and that the bumper was released for this very issue.


Steve Jobs is brilliant.

Not even being sarcastic, I don't think anybody else would have the balls to pull a conference like this. It's great.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
So then me never dropping a call trumps all this drama.
For you. But when a 20-something has the problem, tells all his/her friends there is a problem and not to buy one, well you get the idea.


Everyone gets a free case

the bumper solves the signal strengthy problem... so they're giving everyone a bumper case

welp, there ya go.
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