Miles Quaritch
The Last of Us is a massive IP. It was released last year and has already sold 6 million+.
Combine that with how the PS4 has attracted people who don't have a PS3 and I could see a 200k opening.
I don't think it will light the charts as well, just do well for a HD remaster.
Yeah, I can see it doing 200k, which will probably be good for a HD remake. I can't imagine Sony will be too upset with it doing 200k the first month and then it going on to sell a similar amount of the course of a year+.
If Re-makes/Re-releases of critically and well selling games are now bad, MS is a world of hurt this year.
TLOU sold 6 million on a 80 million installation base. Then there's the thirst for next gen, gfx heavy titles to justify peoples next gen purchase.
It'll be a slow burn, but I see Sony selling a lot of TLOUE's being the critically acclaimed game it is.
It being a slow burner is a good point. Either way, I'm sure Sony will be happy with whatever it sells.