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April Wrasslin' |OT| A Max Landis Production


What they're doing to the crowd doesn't matter to me. Good crowd and bad crowds can affect a match, but the actual reaction? It doesn't matter to me. If you boo who I like, okay. Not a big deal. And if a company tries to cover it up, alright. I still like what I like.
And I like what I like. But give it to me pure. I'm not a NeoGAF Vince McMahon-certified babby.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Total Divas vs BAD Blonde
Solid performance. Far above expectations. The heel team looked incredible. Emma got spotlight, Naomi got spotlight, Lana was protected and looked great(in kayfabe and creeper sense) I enjoy watching her and Rusev use similar kicks. 2sweet4me. Eva Marie embracing the heelness. The only thing I would have really changed is I'd put Dana in for Tamina. Fun, simple match.

Usos vs Dudley Boyz
JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER. Forgettable but quick. The Usos are the worst tag team in the world. I hate the Young Bucks but The Usos just illicit no reaction from me when I see them which is probably even worse.

MITB not MITB match
Fucking dangerous spotfest. Stupid but it had some decent spots. Sin Cara's bounce on the ropes into a dive was incredible, Miz soaking in his victory was amazing. The entrance for Zayn and Ownes was pretty great though I think it's funny that Miz was the only heel that actually got a heel reaction and it was because of his character, not because of the person. One of the few that night. The outcome was not preferable though. It's sad that the IC title has become the WWE's 'here's your gold watch for being here fo so many years' because I would have much rather had a Miz/Zayn feud. Stardust and Ryder came out to no pops. Cara's Santo-esque attire was very cool.

Kalisto vs Ryback
Passable. Not amazing, but I do like them giving wins to Kalisto. I hope they build him up a real, proper feud soon. Doesn't have to be anything too serious because I think that woudn't work with his character. Just give him a villain to vanquish and get over with the kids.

Womens Match
It was alright, I don't know. Feel like I've seen their matches so many times before with each other at this point. I just wasn't really invested in it. I also hate how all three have submission finishers and they almost never work the limb related to their submission finisher. That's very 'indie wrestling.' Bit of a clusterfuck at times and too much 'ok i'm gonna throw you outside so we can do some 1 on 1 spots'. New title being the same hideous liscense plate design is a real downer. And just like Asuka winning at NXT, I have no idea where they take this next. I hope it's not feuding with each other more, but I don't know what else it could be.

LON vs New Day
Completely pointless. I don't know why this match was even here. Just do a New Day promo and have Austin stun them or something. Just, pointless. I liked hearing Austin's music and it's cool that Shawn is still in great shape. That fuck Foley put his dumbass supermark son in law shitstain on camera though. Fuck that.

Styles vs Jericho
I guess people went into this expecting TNA AJ Styles and 2004 Jericho or even 2008 Jericho. AJ doesn't work that style anymore(and his match quality improved because of it) and Jericho can't work that style anymore. Jericho definitely held the match back, but I watched it and thought it came off that Jericho was really trying to make it work. And I think that went a long way. It reminded me of a match between two old luchadores which I enjoyed a lot. A lot of outsmarting each other and outscouting each other. A little slower paced, but it just made it feel like a methodical match between two formerly fast paced guys. It wasn't as good as I had hoped, but I still really enjoyed it. AJ was held back and ABSOLUTELY needs to move on and him taking the pin makes no sense to me, mostly because I assume this means they'll still be feuding which is the worst idea. Kicking out of the Styles Clash is a really dumb idea when you have it built up by the crowd so much as this death dealing device. AJ also recovered that reverse DDT really well. I loved watching AJ bump for Jericho and that weird spinning armdrag he did was awesome.

It was a gimmick battle royal. It was alright. I did enjoy Corbin getting the win, and I'm a huge Shaq fan so that was cool to see. I think Corbin losing to Aries on Friday makes the impact feel a lot lessened. That he jobbed to some 4 foot tall dude who just debuted. I wouldn't mind if he lost to a more established NXT guy on the way out. Or someone that didn't look like the size of his son. It was alright. One of the better winners of the night, at least.

HHH vs Roman
This is the most I've ever liked Triple H, honestly. The shitty in-ring Authority promos are terrible, but as I almost never see Raw anymore, I don't see that. What I do enjoy seeing is wiley veteran Triple H. Where as before his cerebral assassin shit always came off as phony because he kept hitting the same dumb spots and didn't focus targets or wear opponents down, now he actually does. He's got the old aged super veteran aura going on, and I really dig that. I loved the midrope knee as well.

But boy if a match has ever been ruined in production, this is it. The constant noise tampering. The boosting commentary, the lowering crowd volume, the weird cutaways. The match itself would have been enjoyable but all the fuckery completely ruined it. WWE tries to push this narrative with Cena that 'as long as the crowd's reacting, that's all that matters.' then fucking embrace it. Let Roman get booed, let Triple H get cheered. At least it gives the match some kind of heated atmosphere. That combined with the seemingly poor build-up, the lack of a developed character for Roman and the very obvious outcome dragged the match down big time

Taker vs Shane
I like Shane. I kind of like some of pissed off old man Undertaker's more recent matches. But this just relied on spectacle and failed poorly at it. Just kind of boring and unnecessary. Also the storyline of 'Shane is going to fix Raw!' and then loses is pretty hilarious. I do hope Shane sticks around.

Brock vs Ambrose
Trash. One of the worst WWE PPV matches I've seen in years.
I fear the worst for this man.

Oh yeah, he's fucking doomed. I said it since it looked like they were getting him, I'm saying it now, hell, I was saying it since Vince said he LIKED him.

You wanna know who else Vince has publicly said he likes? Both the guy who got an offense of only punches, slaps, and weapon shots in on a 7 minute Brock squash, and the group that got squashed by the Rock (in record time!) and Cena back-to-back

He's fucking doomed


To be honest, I never really thought about the crowd. Started watching wrestling, and really never paid much attention. It was basically cheer for faces, boo for heels.

The first time I really considered the crowd as a factor was at Royal Rumble 2014 when the crowd kept on rooting for Bryan to come out, and then boo when Batista won.

But eh, never been too concerned about it. I would admit that the "Hey Bayley" chant is probably one of the worst things ever.


i'll have you all know that i had audacity up and running alongside wrestlemania and i will be sure to deliver the second-by-second decibel ratings as soon as the information is done compiling

I'm guessing you're one of the cool guys who tries to undermine complaints about wrestling, but no need to be cute. They were clearly messing with audio levels to the point that it was distracting. I think that's a legitimate complaint.
I'm guessing you're one of the cool guys who tries to undermine complaints about wrestling, but no need to be cute. They were clearly messing with audio levels to the point that it was distracting. I think that's a legitimate complaint.

Yea JBL almost blew my speakers out. It felt like a 5 year old playing with a sound board


I'm guessing you're one of the cool guys who tries to undermine complaints about wrestling, but no need to be cute. They were clearly messing with audio levels to the point that it was distracting. I think that's a legitimate complaint.

i had to turn the damn volume down when all of a sudden out of nowhere the announcers jumped up like 5 levels in volume
I can't abide by saying this is the best Triple H has been in years. For one that match was an objective failure and he reverted to his usual formula for what is supposed to be a blood feud. His match with Batista suffered from the same thing at first but ended up clearing the finish line well enough.


Giving it some thought, I'd rank this as the 4th worst WrestleMania ever. Worse than 27 but not quite as bad as 29 was. I didn't like a single goddamn thing about 29. Official rankings from me are:

2. XI
1. IX
The match results were super weird to me, night of upsets. Whatever

I had fun watching but besides the women's match, the ladder match, and Shane's spot (which was wasted on a miss) it was pretty dull. Coast to coast was cool too! Didn't expect that

Lesnar/Ambrose was a waste of time. AJ/Jericho had bits of good but never really went anywhere exciting (though the finish spot was cool). Main event was hilarious with the crowd. The Rock section was the dumbest shit I've seen in a while in wrasslin, complete waste of time before the anticlimactic main event.

Corbin winning the battle royal was pretty cool!

EDIT: Dat Saiyan New Day entrance. Hot fire
So my friend who doesn't really watch wrestling much (comes over for three or four PPVs a year) pointed out after the HIAC match that Vince never said that Shane had to win the match to get control of RAW, just that he had to have one match on one night. I mean it was kind of implied, but was it ever specified that Shane had to win? Does anyone think that they'll use that as a way to move the story forward, or is it just "F you people, we just brought Shane back for a one off because everyone is hurt"?
I can assure you all that this Mania main event is not some travesty, though, it's actually pretty standard for the show. Every year fans get worked up into thinking this event is sacred but it's not. Never has been. The first Mania main event was a celebrity feud, that's the priority. Get hyped for SummerSlam or something instead.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I can't abide by saying this is the best Triple H has been in years. For one that match was an objective failure and he reverted to his usual formula for what is supposed to be a blood feud. His match with Batista suffered from the same thing at first but ended up clearing the finish line well enough.

Storyline-wise, Triple H wouldn't want to have a blood feud type match with Roman because he's one of his workers and he acknowledge that he makes him money AND Roman has always been billed as an explosive 'brawler' so Triple H's method of attack would be the same with Roman regardless of if there was a feud or not.
This a shoot?



I think I enjoyed this Wrestlemania more than people online did.

I really enjoyed it as well. I think the two weakest matches were AJ v Y2J and the "main event" (lol). Shane match was passable, IC and Womens title matches were awesome, other matches were good. Overall it is a solid B PPV that could have been a B+ if they turned Roman Heel and SCSA wasn't in such obviously bad shape


So my friend who doesn't really watch wrestling much (comes over for three or four PPVs a year) pointed out after the HIAC match that Vince never said that Shane had to win the match to get control of RAW, just that he had to have one match on one night. I mean it was kind of implied, but was it ever specified that Shane had to win? Does anyone think that they'll use that as a way to move the story forward, or is it just "F you people, we just brought Shane back for a one off because everyone is hurt"?
Heh. I dunno, but that'd be funny. Love your username/avatar.

Okay, I'm done!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I legit started to tear up when Ryder won and its my match of the night and favorite multiman ladder match in about a decade.
I really enjoyed the AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho match. Here's a guy that I have been watching since 2002 when I was a sophomore in high school and now he's wrestling at the biggest stage of all in WWE. I'm glad it took this long for AJ to get there because if this was 10 years ago, he would have been losing to Kane or Batista in my opinion.

My tastes have changed over the years and while I used to love hardcore matches, I have sort of become desensitized to them. I thought the Ladder match was decent but couldn't fully feel it. Lesnar/Ambrose was meh for me as well. The HIAC match had it's moments and obviously it was good to see Shane back but again I couldn't get fully into it. HHH/Reigns was about what I expected but I was watching Last Week Tonight for most of it.

I want to watch fast-paced wrestling with some spots at the right moments without gimmicks. I don't want to call myself a wrestling purist but I feel like less is more these days.
Storyline-wise, Triple H wouldn't want to have a blood feud type match with Roman because he's one of his workers and he acknowledge that he makes him money AND Roman has always been billed as an explosive 'brawler' so Triple H's method of attack would be the same with Roman regardless of if there was a feud or not.

From H's perspective, sure, but Roman (like Batista) should have been looking to crush him Warrior style but ends up getting caught in his veteran tricks.


Tonight had a lot of great moments but I feel like a lot of that is undercut by the fact that almost nothing was resolved story wise. The show was booked like a mid Autumn PPV.
I legit didn't even notice until I saw it on GAF. But I was watching on my iPhone, so who knows.

So my friend who doesn't really watch wrestling much (comes over for three or four PPVs a year) pointed out after the HIAC match that Vince never said that Shane had to win the match to get control of RAW, just that he had to have one match on one night. I mean it was kind of implied, but was it ever specified that Shane had to win? Does anyone think that they'll use that as a way to move the story forward, or is it just "F you people, we just brought Shane back for a one off because everyone is hurt"?
There might be some interaction on Raw but nothing would've changed anyway.


After tonight can we please be fucking done with The Wyatt Family? They're lower than the Social Outcasts in job squad ranking at this point. There is no salvaging them. Bray can possibly be saved with the right feud or a re-packaging, but can the Family be done?


I really enjoyed the AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho match. Here's a guy that I have been watching since 2002 when I was a sophomore in high school and now he's wrestling at the biggest stage of all in WWE. I'm glad it took this long for AJ to get there because if this was 10 years ago, he would have been losing to Kane or Batista in my opinion.

Playing catchup with the opening matches, and got that match on right now. So glad AJ is wearing new colors. I like the white and red!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I will make one mildly creepy post. Charlotte's heaters were out of control tonight. It was wonderful.
After tonight can we please be fucking done with The Wyatt Family? They're lower than the Social Outcasts in job squad ranking at this point. There is no salvaging them. Bray can possibly be saved with the right feud or a re-packaging, but can the Family be done?

At least the dungeon if doom shaved hogans mustache!


After tonight can we please be fucking done with The Wyatt Family? They're lower than the Social Outcasts in job squad ranking at this point. There is no salvaging them. Bray can possibly be saved with the right feud or a re-packaging, but can the Family be done?

I second this. But, I did enjoy Rock elevating them just to drop the Family all in one segment.
After tonight can we please be fucking done with The Wyatt Family? They're lower than the Social Outcasts in job squad ranking at this point. There is no salvaging them. Bray can possibly be saved with the right feud or a re-packaging, but can the Family be done?

I desperately want to see someone defend that whole segment


One of the "optimists" here, please. I implore you. Tell me the magical way this was good.
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